
Unit 10


01 感觉 fele__________

02 节日 fetivasl__________

03 很少;有些 fwe__________

04 田地;场地 filed__________

05 文件夹;档案 fiel__________

06 装满 flli__________

07 电影 fiml__________

08 电影制作 film-mainkg__________

09 最后的 fialn__________

10 找到 fnid__________

11 美好的 fien__________

12 手指 figenr__________

13 结束 fiisnh__________

14 fier__________

15 第一 fsirt__________

16 渔民 fisermahn__________

17 钓鱼 fisinhg__________

18 健康的 fti__________

19 修理 fxi__________

20 公寓 falt__________

21 飞行 flihgt__________

22 楼层 floro__________

23 面粉 fulor__________

24 fwelor__________

25 飞行 fyl__________

26 焦点 fcuos__________

27 fgo__________

28 跟随 floolw__________

29 食物 fodo__________

30 foto__________

31 足球 fobaotll__________

32 给;为了 fro__________

33 预报 forcaest__________

34 外国的 foigren__________

35 森林 fresot__________

36 忘记 foretg__________

37 叉子 frko__________

38 表格;类型 from__________

39 法国 Feranc__________

40 自由的 fere__________

41 新鲜的 fhres__________

42 电冰箱 fdgrie__________

43 朋友 frined__________

44 前面;正面 frton__________


Example: He is a girl/ boy .

1. Very few/little students learn Latin now.

2. It’s dangerous to go fish/fishing here.

3. What can I do down/for you?

4. The vegetables are so fresh/free !

5. The book is grey on the front/middle .

6. I always have/feel tired and sleepy.

7. Mary wasn’t interested in growing floors/flowers in the garden.

8. I’ll never remember/forget our time together.

9. Daniel took some CDs with him when he went to his friend’s flat/door .

10. On a plane for the one/first time, I was really nervous.


Example: a mixture of raw vegetables —————————————— salad



fix floor flight finger finish festival flying forests fridge fill

1. We can see people ________ kites on the square.

2. The machine doesn’t work. Can you ________ it?

3. The teacher asked the students to ________ in the blanks.

4. I cut my ________ when I was cooking.

5. We have to ________ our project by 12th February.

6. Cella lives in a flat on the seventh ________ of a large, modern building.

7. You can find out more about this ________ on the Internet.

8. I’d better go to bed now. I’m going to take an early ________ to Shanghai tomorrow morning.

9. Shall we go to the supermarket? There’s almost nothing left in the ________.

10. Tigers usually live in ________. FfVFkbe7Zrewnk6G0i4Y+37iQdBv0mmtvAT0M1fNkMTaWw4sKpQuOVhuUV1H7aSK
