
Six Dangerous Places in the World

Can’t Argue with That Nickname

Known as the “Gates of Hell” or the “Door to Hell”, the Darvaza gas crater is a natural gas field located in an underground cavern. To prevent the spread of methane (甲烷) gas, geologists set it on fire and it has supposedly been burning since 1971. The giant flaming hole has attracted many tourists in the recent decade, who often camp in the surrounding area.

What a Name

The bone-ridden sand dunes of Namibia's Skeleton Coast rarely see rain and almost always have a significant surf blowing in from the sea. In the past it was famous for shipwrecks (沉船) and now a haven (安全的地方) for adventure-seeking surfers (冲浪者) looking to try its legendary waves. Whale bones and rusty ships line its beaches and the Saan people of the Namibian interior call it “The Land God Made in Anger”.

Runs Hot ‘n’ Cold

Known as the coldest town on earth, Oymyakon (奥伊米亚康), a locality in the Sakha Republic in Russia has a recorded record low temperature of -67.7°C. It may seem like “snow day every day” for school kids in this town, but in fact, children only get to stay at home on days when it is colder than -55°C.

Ghost Town

The Fukushima prefecture (福岛县) lies south of Tokyo near the Pacific Ocean and was the location of the worst nuclear disasters in history. In March 2011, as a result of an earthquake and the tsunami (海啸) that followed, there was an explosion and meltdown [(核反应堆的)堆芯熔毁] at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Okuma.

Hell on Earth

Located in northern Ethiopia (埃塞俄比亚), Dallol (达罗尔) is the hottest inhabited location on earth, with average temperatures reaching 35°C. In the past, the region has been mined for various substances but is now considered a ghost town; habitation is near impossible due to the heat, extremely salty and acidic water, as well as areas that emit toxic gases.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction

The area of the Atlantic Ocean that lies between Bermuda (百慕大群岛), Puerto Rico (波多黎各), Miami and San Juan (圣胡安) is often referred to as the Bermuda Triangle, a name given to it after a number of strange boat and plane disappearances (消失) took place there. Several accounts from the period report boats disappearing and reappearing without their crews, and planes disappearing without a trace. Most experts say there are rational explanations for the accidents and claim there is faulty research in the mysterious accounts, but rumours of paranormal (超自然的) activity or alien abduction (绑架) still abound.

Reading Comprehension
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Where is “The Land God Made in Anger” located?

A. Namibia.

B. Fukushima.

C. Darvaza.

D. Ethiopia.

2. What's the record low temperature on earth?

A. -35°C.

B. -55°C.

C. -34.6°C.

D. -67.7°C.

3. What happened in Fukushima in March 2011?

A. An earthquake followed by a tsunami.

B. A sudden drop of temperature.

C. A drought.

D. A sand storm.

4. Which is NOT the reason why residents can’t live in Dallol?

A. The heat.

B. The humid climate.

C. The toxic gas.

D. The salty and acidic water.

5. What can we learn from the passage?

A. The fire in the “Gates of Hell” has been burning since 1917.

B. There is a lot of rain in Namibia's Skeleton Coast.

C. Children in Oymyakon will stay home when the temperature is -60°C.

D. It has been proved that paranormal activities exist in the Bermuda Triangle.


Vocabulary 基础词

attract [əˈtrækt]

vt. 吸引;引起注意

to make sb/sth come somewhere or take part in sth


The picnic food attracted many ants. 野餐食物吸引了很多蚂蚁。

tourist [ˈtʊərɪst]

n. 旅游者;观光客

a person who is travelling or visiting a place for pleasure


surrounding [səˈraʊndɪŋ]

adj. 周围的;附近的


dune [djuːn]

n. 沙丘(=sand dune)

a small hill of sand formed by the wind, near the ocean or in a desert

legendary [ˈledʒəndri]

adj. 传说中的;传奇式的

来自legend(n. 传说;传奇故事)

a legendary figure 一位传奇人物

nuclear [ˈnjuːkliə(r)]

adj. 原子能的;核能的;原子核的


nuclear testing 核试验 nuclear weapon 核武器

substance [ˈsʌbstəns]

n. 物质;实质

a type of solid, liquid or gas that has particular qualities


ghost [ɡəʊst]

n. 鬼;幽灵

ghost story 鬼故事

crew [kruː]

n. 全体机组人员;全体船员

all the people working on a ship, plane, etc


rational [ˈræʃnəl]

adj. 理智的;合理的

rational thought 理性思考

alien [ˈeɪliən]

n. 外星人;外国人 adj. 外星人的;外国的;异族的;陌生的


Vocabulary 进阶词

crater [ˈkreɪtə(r)]

n. 火山口;坑

volcanic crater 火山口

underground [ˈʌndəɡraʊnd][ˌʌndəˈɡraʊnd]

n. 地铁 adj. 地下的 adv. 在地(面)下

under the surface of the ground


cavern [ˈkævən]

n. 大洞穴,大山洞


methane [ˈmiːθeɪn]

n. 甲烷;沼气

a gas without colour or smell, that burns easily and is used as fuel

geologist [dʒiˈɒlədʒɪst]

n. 地质学者

a scientist who studies geology

flaming [ˈfleɪmɪŋ]

adj. 燃烧着的;满腔怒火的

haven [ˈheɪvn]

n. 庇护所;避难所


interior [ɪnˈtɪəriə(r)]

adj. 内部的,里面的 n. 内部;内地

the inside part of sth

interior decoration 室内装潢 in the interior of 在…内部

locality [ləʊˈkæləti]

n. 位置;地区

来自local(adj. 地方的)

explosion [ɪkˈspləʊʒn]

n. 爆炸

acidic [əˈsɪdɪk]

adj. 酸的;酸性的

mysterious [mɪˈstɪəriəs]

adj. 神秘的;诡秘的;难以理解的

difficult to understand or explain; strange


rumour [ˈruːmə(r)]

n. 传闻,谣言


abound [əˈbaʊnd]

vi. 大量存在;充足


The state abounds in colonial architecture. 这个州有大量殖民时期的建筑。 bHZa7wpRvw8YKYVEEVMs5TQaGXQRius13PjR3GY+g7x/+5k6SGUFuTy1bCph6EIJ
