
Making the Most of the Summer

Be a Volunteer.

With summer looming (临近), many high school students are weighing their options of how to spend those long, hot days. While sitting next to a pool, heading to the beach, basking in air conditioned malls, or hanging out at friends' houses commonly top the lists, there is another option. It is one that involves significant time and effort, but at the same time, teaches valuable skills, bolsters your resume, and provides fodder (素材) for your upcoming college applications and entrance essays: volunteering.

Every community needs volunteers and opportunities are often unexpectedly diverse. Check with your local library, school, and community centre to see what might be out there just waiting for your time, skills, and compassion (同情). You may not bring home a paycheck (薪水), but you will be helping yourself and the community in which you live.

Get a Job.

When three long months of freedom stretches in front of you, it can be more than a little challenging to turn your back on sleeping and relaxing in order to seek employment. However, there is little argument that using the summer to get a job is beneficial. In addition to earning money that can be used in a myriad of ways, it also teaches you how to follow rules, work with others, remain punctual, and take daily responsibility. You can refine your ideas about what kind of career you want to pursue after high school, as well as network with people in the field, establish a reputation, and have something to add to future resumes, college essays, and job applications. While getting a job may not sound like what you want to do today, you can bet it will help you achieve what you want in the future.

Reading Comprehension
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is an advantage that working has but volunteering does not?

A. Earning an income.

B. Getting experience.

C. Networking with others.

D. Improving your future resume.

2. Which of the following may be a reason for someone to choose volunteering over working?

A. To list it on a resume.

B. To help the community.

C. To use it in a college application.

D. To get experience in the field.

3. What do both viewpoints have in common?

A. Helping people is essential.

B. Everyone should go to college.

C. It is tempting to spend these months relaxing.

D. Summer time rarely lasts long enough for students.

4. Why is getting a job beneficial for students?

A. Students can earn money from the job.

B. Students can learn how to follow rules.

C. Students can learn how to take daily responsibility.

D. All of the above.

5. Which is NOT mentioned about volunteering?

A. Every community needs volunteers.

B. You can bring home a considerable paycheck.

C. It involves significant time and effort.

D. You can find opportunities from your local library or community centre.


Vocabulary 基础词

volunteer [ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)]

n. 志愿者;志愿兵 v. 自愿做;义务做


We all volunteered to paint the house. 我们都是自愿来粉刷房子的。

involve [ɪnˈvɒlv]

vt. 包括;牵涉;涉及;使参与/卷入…


valuable [ˈvæljuəbl]

adj. 贵重的;有价值的,宝贵的

very useful or important


provide [prəˈvaɪd]

vt. 提供


Mrs Smith provided me with an English reference book. 史密斯夫人给我提供了一本英文参考书。

application [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn]

n. 应用,运用;申请(书);涂抹,敷用

a formal (often written) request for sth, such as a job, permission to do sth or a place at a college or university

来自apply(v. 申请)

an application form 一张申请表

entrance [ˈentrəns]

n. 入口;(大学等的)进入许可

entrance to the museum 博物馆入口 entrance examinations 入学考试

essay [ˈeseɪ]

n. 论说文;小品文,散文;(学生为某门课程写的)文章,短文

a short piece of writing by a student as part of a course of study

community [kəˈmjuːnəti]

n. 社区;团体;社会;(动植物的)群落


community service 社区服务

unexpectedly [ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪdli]

adv. 出乎意料地

in a way that surprises you because you were not expecting it

freedom [ˈfriːdəm]

n. 自由;自主


employment [ɪmˈplɔɪmənt]

n. 雇用

the situation in which people have work

Vocabulary 进阶词

weigh [weɪ]

v. 称重;有…重;认真考虑,权衡

weigh advantages and disadvantages 权衡利弊 weigh out 称出

option [ˈɒpʃn]

n. 选择(权);(供)选择的物/人;选修课


significant [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt]

adj. 有意义的;重大的,重要的;相当数量的;意味深长的

来自signify(v. 表达;预示)

bolster [ˈbəʊlstə(r)]

vt. 增强;改善 n. 垫枕

to improve sth or make it stronger

diverse [daɪˈvɜːs]

adj. 不同的;多样的

very different from each other and of various kinds


stretch [stretʃ]

v. 伸展;拉长;使倾注全力 n. 连续的一段时间;伸展

Jimmy stretched out his feet to the electric heater. 吉米把脚伸到了电暖气上。

challenging [ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ]

adj. 具有挑战性的

argument [ˈɑːɡjumənt]

n. [C]争论;观点,论据;[U]争议

来自argue(v. 争论;争辩)

beneficial [ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl]

adj. 有利的,有益的


beneficial effects 有利影响 be beneficial to 对…有益/有利

myriad [ˈmɪriəd]

n. 无数;大量 adj. 无数的;大量的

extremely large in number


punctual [ˈpʌŋktʃuəl]

adj. 守时的;准时的


refine [rɪˈfaɪn]

vt. 精炼,精制;使完善;净化,提纯


refine the designs 完善设计 oil refining 石油的提炼

reputation [ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn]

n. 名誉,名声

gain a reputation 赢得声誉 have a reputation for 因…而闻名 IAm2BhQxotHVCXC0rcgoRrClBt6rJCC0xsjAHN4OqfRki0R5TdxA+QMEXBO0wtli
