

雅虎旗下的Yahoo Mail似乎对浏览器装有广告阻挡外挂的用户们不怎么友善,国外网站Digiday揭露,有网友至Adblock Plus官方论坛反应,装有屏蔽广告外挂的设备近日却无法正常开启Yahoo Mail,会先跳出建议停用外挂的提示。


employ 采用

PageFair 帮广告商绕过屏蔽软件的公司

alienate 疏远

blur 使模糊

mitigate 减缓


Yahoo testing system to lock out users who employ adblockers(450words)

By Hannah Kuchler in San Francisco,Henry Mance in London and Shannon Bond in New York.

Yahoo is testing a way to fight back against people who employ adblockers,denying users access to their email if they refuse to disable a tool that damages the technology company's ability to sell advertising.

The Silicon Valley group is running a small trial with Yahoo Mail users in the US,showing them a notice when they try to log in to their inboxes that reads: “Uh oh……We are unable to display Yahoo Mail. Please disable Ad Blocker to continue using Yahoo Mail.”

There is no technical reason why the email cannot be displayed. The company is trying to protect its advertising revenue by ensuring people who use its free products can be marketed to — something that using an adblocker prevents.

Yahoo said it was “continually developing and testing new product experiences” and would not comment on whether the company was considering a similar approach with its other properties,such as its digital magazines or apps such as Yahoo Weather.

More than 200m people use adblocking software worldwide,double the number two years ago,according to data from PageFair and Adobe. Estimates of how much damage adblocking could inflict on the industry vary. PageFair and Adobe said it could cost $22bn in 2015 alone,while analysts at UBS said it would cost $1bn.

Digital media companies have been searching for ways to protect their ad revenue without completely alienating adblocking audiences.

European broadcaster RTL,which has failed in legal challenges against adblockers,has implemented a system in the Netherlands under which adblocking users can stream television programmes only in black and white.

Axel Springer's Bild,the German tabloid and Europe's best-selling newspaper,has prevented adblocking users from viewing its website unless they pay a €2.99 per month subscription,leading many to switch off the software.

CityAM,a UK business newspaper,is also trialling blurring web pages for Firefox desktop users who have adblockers installed. It said it had seen no rise in the proportion of users leaving the site within one click — suggesting that adblocking users were likely to only visit one webpage anyway.

US media companies are also pushing back against blocking. The Washington Post ran a short experiment in September,asking readers to turn off adblocking software in order to read its articles or encouraging them to subscribe.

Hulu,the streaming video service,disables the ability to watch episodes of some shows when an adblocker is enabled.

On the New York Times's recent third-quarter earnings call,Mark Thompson,chief executive,said the newspaper had yet to see a big impact from blocking,but added: “We are exploring a number of options,including,but not limited to,technical solutions to mitigate the impact of adblockers should the threat increase.”


1.What kind of business is damaged by adblockers?





[1] 答案

2.How much is that to use Yahoo Mail?

A.free in the first year

B.5 dollars


D.depends on regions

[2] 答案

3.Who had estimated the value damaged by adblocking will up to $1bn?





[3] 答案

4.Who can stream television programmes only in black and white while employing adblockers?





[4] 答案

[1] 答案:B.advertising解释:插件对于雅虎的广告业务是一种打击。

[2] 答案:C.free解释:文章第三段,因为这是雅虎免费的产品所以广告收入尤为重要。

[3] 答案:A.UBS解释:PageFair和Adobe发布的一份报告称,广告拦截软件在今年将造成全广告行业近220亿美元的损失,尽管UBS给出的数据是10亿。

[4] 答案:B.Netherlander解释:文章后6段描述了荷兰、英国、美国等媒体运营商在打击adblockers使用方面的措施。 GcNRT98qTXUIZtn6GQmsfktB99ek1xZXqaH4jgZ7L2tmHFWa/jS4QgBZE7ow7LS/
