

快速成长的 Instagram,再次交出一张亮眼成绩单。22 日 Instagram 于官方博客宣布,月活跃用户数突破 4 亿大关,每日上传超过 8,000 万张照片,依然领先 Twitter 的 3.16 亿月活跃用户数。官方更透露,其中有超过 75% 的活跃用户是生活在美国以外的地区,显示了全球喜爱这项服务的“Instagrammers”。


anticipated 预期

vie 竞争

unveiled 亮相

marquee 选取框

ramping 斜坡


Instagram monthly active users hit 400m(354words)

By Leslie Hook in San Francisco

Instagram,the photo-sharing app owned by Facebook,said on Tuesday that its active monthly user base had reached 400m,growing faster than analysts anticipated.

The app has become a tough competitor for Twitter,which has fewer monthly users and vies for many of the same advertising clients.

Instagram's user base added 100m monthly users in the past nine months,thanks to adoption outside the US. International users make up three-quarters of the user base,with Brazil,Japan and Indonesia among countries adding the most users.

The news comes as Instagram prepares to broaden its advertising push at the end of this month by rolling out ad services worldwide. It unveiled a range of new ad products this month,including 30-second video ads and event-targeted “marquee” ads that are similar to Twitter campaigns.

The new figures highlight how much faster Instagram's user base is growing compared to Twitter's,which reported 304m monthly active users in its most recent quarter,up 12 per cent year on year. Twitter is searching for a new chief executive after the departure of Dick Costolo. Its share price has fallen 25 per cent since the beginning of the year.

Instagram,which was acquired by Facebook in 2012,started testing ad products two years ago but has been cautious about ramping up its ad load.

Facebook does not disclose Instagram's revenues. However,before Tuesday's announcement,analysts at eMarketer estimated revenues might be $600m this year.Michael Nathanson of Moffett Nathanson research said he expected Instagram ad sales could reach $1.8bn in the next two to three years. “With Instagram advertising finally going live globally,we can now begin to truly assess[its]revenue potential,” he wrote in a note before the announcement.

Instagram has been a hit with advertisers because of its visual format,its popularity among celebrity users and its high adoption among teenagers. However,it also faces increasing competition for teenagers' attention from chat apps including Snapchat,which has 100m daily users.


1.Who has been threatened by Instagram?





[1] 答案

2.Which one is not mentioned to add the most international users?





[2] 答案

3.What is Instagram going to do to broaden its advertising push this month?

A.form ad companies in US

B.increase ad time

C.roll out ad services worldwide

D.product placement in photos

[3] 答案

4.Why Instagram has been a hit with advertisers?

A.users' attention

B.its hearing format

C.its visual format

D.industry competition

[4] 答案

[1] 答案:C.Twitter解释:Twitter正面临Instagram这一强大的对手,他们很多广告商是一样的,但前者的用户增长更少。

[2] 答案:D.Australia解释:主要的增长是来源于美国以外的用户,又以巴西、日本和印度尼西亚贡献最大。

[3] 答案:C.roll out ad services worldwide解释:文章第四段

[4] 答案:C.its visual format解释:真正的原因是其视觉格式,然而它还要面临青少年越来越多注意的聊天应用的竞争。 jqk6yct2xDa48qCB775EmOSUnn4/NNHkNX0wST8umdt4sSRNqdZSwqkeGaygvi4y
