
到底什么是7分?对两篇7分范文的比较研究(A Comparative Study of Two Band-7 Sample Essays)

Some people believe that children are given too much free time. They feel that this time should be used to do more schoolwork. How do you think children should spend their free time?




A 强势的考生 甲 剑桥官方提供的本题7分范文

To a large extent,I believe that children are given too much free time.

Free time, in my opinion,refers to time that is not spent under the direct supervision of a parent,teacher or a person entrusted with the responsibility of bringing up the child. Such time is often spent on several things such as watching television,playing with friends,going to parties,doing homework and playing games on their own among others.

Among all of the above activities, a child could either be influenced by his or her peer group especially when left without attention or be influenced by what he or she watches on TV, most of which are those not meant to be viewed by the child's age group.

In my opinion, most of the formative years of a child should be spent doing schoolwork or engaging in recreational activities that would develop the child emotionally and mentally . I believe this strongly because at a young age,a child is quick to grasp most of what is seen or heard.



refer to … (固定短语) 是指某类人或者某类事物 【剑桥例句】 The sales figures refer to UK sales only.

★ under the direct supervision of … 本文里指 在某人的直接监护下

★ be entrusted with the responsibility of 被寄予某种责任

★ peer n. 同龄人

age group 本文里指 某个年龄段的人们

★ the formative years of a child 一个孩子在各方面逐渐成形的阶段

engage in 【动词短语】 参与

【近义】participate in

★ recreational activity 【名词短语】 休闲活动 【近义】 leisure activity (请注意在地道英文中通常是写 leisure activity 而较少写 leisurely activity

★ emotionally and mentally 在情感与心智方面

★ is quick to grasp 可以很快地领会、把握某事物


本文的开头段极为直白,旗帜鲜明地提出孩子们确实是被给予了过多的空闲时间。在 主体段 里, 这名考生首先对free time下了定义:即孩子没有受到家长、老师或其他监护人监督的时间 。然后提出孩子的这类时间多被花在了看电视、与朋友们一起玩儿、参加parties等事情上面,并没有得到充分地利用。接下来,该考生提出在空闲的时间里,孩子们要么就是受自己的同龄人影响,要么就是看那些他们/她们本不应该看的电视节目。而在结束部分,这名考生则提出由于孩子们处在情感和智力成型期,对于接触到的新东西吸收得很快,因此他们/她们应该花更多时间在学业或者对自己的心智有益的休闲活动上。



The candidate's point of view is clearly stated throughout. He presents relevant main ideas and draws appropriate conclusions from these. However,the response is unfinished and this means that some of the ideas are rather generalised and would need more support. The opening sentence is copied and the whole answer is underlength,so it loses marks for this.

本文的观点很明确,思路扣题,并且在论证的基础上得出了合理的结论。但是 本文没有达到250 words的最低字数要求,而且有一部分素材并没有得到足够的展开支持,给人泛泛而谈的感觉 ,这些属于在论证扣题度和充实度这一项评分上的硬伤,因此导致了失分。


The writing has clear organisation and some sophisticated use of link words and referencing. However,paragraphing is not always logical as it is organised by sentences rather than topics.


词汇多样性与准确度 & 语法多样性和准确度

The range of vocabulary and structures is very good with a high level of control and precision. Complex ideas are expressed in a sophisticated way and most sentences are accurate. There are only rare errors,e. g. in spelling and subject/verb agreement.


Pat 评析

这篇7分作文的 优点 很明显:行文衔接自然、连贯,展现出了令人满意的词汇量(关键是用词的准确度也很高)与多样、准确的语法句式结构。因此,Cambridge ESOL在评语里毫不吝惜地使用了“very good”这一有感情色彩的评价(在剑桥官方评语里这个评价通常均是留给9分范文的)。

但本文的 缺点 也同样明显:文章长度竟然没有能够达到task 2写够250 words的最低要求,而且对主体段里的一些ideas缺少足够的展开论证,在论证充实度这一项评分上无法真正说服阅卷人。因此,尽管本文 在行文连贯性和整体感以及词汇、语法等方面已经明显超过了官方评分标准里对7分作文的要求 ,但是四项评分累计之后的得分仍然是7分。这与Pat在北京环雅工作期间与一些中国区考官进行交流得到的结论一致: 考官们对于四项评分标准的重视程度是完全平等的,并没有厚此薄彼的倾向。 很多国内同学对于“好文章”的认识误区就在于过度看重词汇和句子,却无视 论证扣题度与充实度 行文连贯性和整体感 这两项在考官们心目当中同样极为关键的评分标准。


◆ Among all of the above ,a child could either be influenced by his or her peer group especially when left without attention or be influenced by what he or she watches on TV, most of which are those not meant to be viewed by the child's age group.


In my opinion,most of the formative years of a child should be spent doing schoolwork,engaging in recreational activities that would develop the child emotionally and mentally .本句里也接连使用了主被动交替、that引导的定语从句、虚拟语气和副词在句尾叠用等句式多样化手法,但是该考生因为过度雕琢语言而最终导致没有足够的时间进行深入论证甚至达不到最低字数要求其实是失策之举



Free time,in my opinion,refers to time that is not spent under the direct supervision of a parent,teacher or a person entrusted with the responsibility of bringing up the child. Such time is often spent on several things such as watching television,playing with friends,going to parties,doing homework and playing games on their own among others.

这两句话之间并没有直接出现连接词,而是在第二句话里用Such time来 指代 前一句话里面所说的儿童不受家长、老师或者其他看护人看护的时间,从而在这两句话之间建立起了很明确的逻辑关系。而且,在第二句话的后部,这名考生又用such as这个表示例证的连接词给出了这些时间被用于的具体活动,实现了行文衔接“ 明暗结合 ”(即一些内容之间直接使用连接词,但其他内容之间则不直接使用连接词、而是通过上下文之间的语义关系自然承接)的多样化衔接效果。

对于高分范文在行文衔接方面“明暗结合”这一显著特点更深入的分析请看今天的 第21篇范文







比较研究 (B)朴实的考生乙


I agree that the time children spend on school work offers them more meaningful activities than their idle free time does. However,I also believe that children should be able to decide for themselves how to spend their free time.

Children are at the best stage in life to gain knowledge ,develop skills and form good learning and social habits . If this precious period is mainly spent on idle activities such as watching TV and playing video games,which are many children's favorite hobbies,they will have to do much more to compete with their peers when they become adults.

What can be more worrying about giving children too much free time is the increase in children's behaviour problems . Nowadays it is common for parents to work long hours . The children who often spend time alone after school are more likely to suffer from loneliness and boredom ,and develop anti-social behavior. By contrast,not only does school work include listening to lectures and writing reports,it also offers a wide range of interactive activities ,such as group discussions and team presentations. These activities can improve children's social and cooperative skills .

On the other hand,I believe that children should be given enough freedom in deciding how to use their free time. The skill of managing time properly is as important as doing academic exercises. Providing children with the right to choose what they do after school will also develop their sense of responsibility . With advice from parents and teachers,children can choose meaningful activities for their free time, including art projects,sports and volunteer work .

In conclusion,I think that students should be encouraged to spend more time on school work. At the same time,they should be given guidance about how to use their free time properly.



precious adj. 珍贵的


★ idle activities 闲散的活动

their peers 他们的同龄人

work long hours 工作很长的时间

suffer from loneliness and boredom 受到孤独与无聊的困扰

★ develop anti-social behaviour 形成反社会行为

interactive activities 互动的活动

★ social and cooperative skills (名词短语) 社会交往与合作技能

【相关短语】teamwork skills团队合作的技能

art projects 本文里指儿童的艺术作品制作项目

foundation n. 基础

volunteer work (名词短语) 义工

manage time properly 合理地管理时间

their sense of responsibility 他们的责任感

guidance n. 指导



主体部分里的第1、2段 分别论证了适当控制孩子自由时间的两个必要性: 让孩子们充分利用宝贵的青少年阶段; 减少未成年人出现反社会行为的可能。 主体部分里的第3段 则提出学生支配自由时间的权利应该被尊重,因为学会合理地安排时间本身就是一种重要的社会技能,而且,如果有家长和老师的建议,孩子们通常也会为自由时间选择很有意义的活动。








总之,我认为孩子们应该被鼓励在学业上花更多的时间。同时,他们应该被给予关于如何恰当使用自由支配时间的引导。 EtAY+54b6Vy0TO66jUluWefOF4cojZ3IktTwgSP20SEbVdOIPryLQ+wUkvhV33KM
