

A 科学与技术对社会的影响

1 In many fields , scientists cannot find effective solutions to the problems that they have created. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



科学发展所带来的一些问题可以通过继续发展科学与技术获得解决。例如: 工业和交通的发展所带来的环境污染(air,water and soil pollution caused by the development of industry and transport)可以由环境科学家们研究更加清洁的燃料(cleaner fuels),污染更小的交通工具与生产过程(more eco-friendly vehicles and manufacturing processes)来解决; 有毒化学物质导致的食品安全问题(food safety issues that are associated with chemical toxins)可以通过由食品科学家研究无毒的原料和安全的生产过程(non-toxic ingredients and safe production processes)来解决; 太空探索(space exploration)带来的太空垃圾(space junk/space debris)也可以由科学家们发展太空垃圾回收或清除(space junk collection or removal)等新技术得到解决。

另一方面,科学与技术的发展带来的另一些问题则是来自于我们对于科技的过度依赖(is due to our over-reliance on science and technology),很难仅仅依靠科学家们去解决。例如: 自动化和远程通讯的发展(the progress of automation and telecommunications technology)所导致的越来越缺乏运动的生活方式以及心脏病和肥胖症发病率的快速上升(the increasingly sedentary lifestyle and the sharp rise in the rate of heart disease and obesity); 很多人对电子娱乐上瘾(many people's addiction to electronic entertainment),导致很多传统娱乐形式比如现场音乐会和歌剧的地位下降(leads to the decline of traditional forms of entertainment such as live concerts and opera); 看电视过多(excessive TV viewing)导致家庭成员之间的沟通减少(is likely to result in less communication between family members)。

因此,在科学家们努力减少科学与技术带来的负面影响的同时,学校、媒体和政府也应该一起合作,提高人们的健康意识、保护文化传统并且促进人们对家庭观念的重视(schools,the media and the government should work together to raise health awareness,protect cultural traditions and promote strong family values)。

2 Today more work is done by machines. Do you think that the positive effects of this trend overweigh its negative effects?



这种趋势的利大于弊: 工业、农业、办公、家庭等领域的自动化(industrial,agricultural,office and home automation)可能消耗更多的能源(may consume more energy);而且 装配线生产会很可能产生更多的污染(Mechanical automation,particularly assembly-line manufacturing,is likely to cause more pollution.)。

尽管如此, 自动化可以降低生产的成本(can reduce production costs); 机器在进行重复性劳动时比人类的工人效率更高、更准确也更可靠(Machines are more efficient,accurate and reliable in repetitive operations than human workers.); 机器可以用来完成一些对于人类工人过于危险的工作(Machines can be used to perform dangerous tasks that are likely to put human works at risk.)。

随着环境科技(environmental technology)的发展,自动化带来的缺点将会继续减少,同时将给人类带来更多的益处。

3 Technological progress in the last century had negative effect despite its contribution to human society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



◆ contribution 是国内考生很熟悉的单词: 贡献 。它的动词形式构成的词组 contribute to 大家也都很熟悉,也可以改用它的近义词组 facilitate the progress of something



议论文必须要有论证 。比如一方论证科技带来的某些好处(例如 更高的工作效率, 更多的娱乐, 更好的医疗设施等),另一方则论证一些让人担心的现象,如 环境污染, 人们互相之间变得越来越疏远(become increasingly alienated from each other)等,只有这样才能满足雅思议论文评分标准对论证过程的要求。

4 Machine translation is highly developed in today's society. Therefore it is not necessary for children to learn foreign languages. What is your opinion?



机器翻译也许确实能起到传达通常的信息的作用(can be used to convey general messages),而且机器翻译的准确率也越来越高(The accuracy rate of machine translation has been improving.),但是它很难产生人与人之间直接沟通所能产生的信任感与亲切感(the trust and friendliness that can be built with direct interactions),更不用说对于外语的熟练度(foreign language proficiency)还可以: 带来更多的就业机会(increase job opportunities), 让我们更深入地了解其他文化(expand our worldview and provide us with insights into other cultures)。

5 Some people think that politicians have the greatest influence on the world. Other people however believe that scientists have the greatest influence. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



这个话题很难有“放之四海而皆准”的结论。例如爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein),罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)和丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)到底谁为人类所做的贡献大就很难说,如果不是罗斯福和丘吉尔带领盟军(led the Allies)与德军战斗,爱因斯坦作为犹太人科学家也很难真正发挥出他的作用。因此对于这类考题的重点不在于是否能找到“真理”,而在于你是否有清晰、有序地写出自己的理由去支持自己看法的能力。

科学家们不仅可以解开很多未解之谜,而且可以满足人类关于世界、宇宙以及对我们自身的好奇心(solve many mysteries and satisfy human curiosity about the world,the universe and ourselves),而且他们的研究也带来了大量彻底改变人类生活的科技创新(many technological innovations that have transformed our lives)。例如 物理学家和化学家们帮助人类更多地了解物质和它们怎样相互影响的真相(discover truths about substances and how they interact with each other); 环境学家帮助人类找到新能源并且更有效地利用能源(find new sources of energy and use energy more efficiently); 医疗科学的进步(the progress of medical science)带来了更加有效的药物和医疗设备(more effective medicine and medical equipment),能够改善人们的健康(improve our health),甚至延长人们的寿命(prolong our lives); 食品科学家们为我们提供了更加多样的食品选择(Food scientists'discoveries have resulted in a wider variety of food choices available to us.)等等。

而政治家们则可以影响公共政策与决策过程(influence public policies and decision-making processes)。具体来说,政治家们的任务是: 为经济和社会发展制定政策(formulate policies for economic and social development); 确保教育、医疗、养老基金、环境保护、国防等领域的合理的、具备可持续性的预算(ensure reasonable and sustainable budgets for education,healthcare,pension funds,environmental protection and national defence); 与各种歧视进行斗争,促进公民的权力与自由(fight against all forms of discrimination and promote citizens' civil rights and freedom); 为国际交流与自由贸易创造条件(facilitate international exchange and free trade),建立相互合作的世界秩序(build a cooperative world order)等。

因此,科学家可以为我们提供改善生活的科学知识和方法(provide us with scientific knowledge and methods to improve our lives),而政治家则确保科技创造出的资源能够在不同国家与个人之间被更加公正地分配(ensure that the wide range of resources created by science and technology can be distributed more fairly between countries and between different individuals)。

B 飞行与宇航技术

6 Nowadays cheap air travel is increasingly popular in the world. To what extent do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?



在国内的时候,Pat听到过有的英语老师说“cheap是说东西低价而且劣质”,但这其实最多只说对了一半甚至1/3。在地道英语里,cheap 仍然是经常(至少在70%的场合里)仅指价格便宜的,并不一定暗示质量就会差。

关于air travel的考题是雅思写作里的常客,具体写法请看今天的第1篇范文。


(a) Air travel only brings advantages to rich people but the majority of people do notbenefit from it. To what extent do you agree? 航空旅行只给富人带来了好处,但多数人并没有从中获益。对此,在何种程度上你同意这种观点?

(b) Long-distance flights consume natural resources and pollute the air. Some people think that they should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 长距离飞行会耗费大量自然资源并对大气造成污染。有人认为应该禁止长距离飞行。对此,你在何种程度上同意或不同意这个观点?


又看到了久违的 ban 这个词。长距离飞行确实消耗能源,并且可能污染空气,但完全禁止却未必可行。至少在目前,长距离飞行仍然应该是国际旅游或商务出行的主要交通方式(the main means of transport for international tourism and business trips)。理由可以有: 长途旅行的效率远远高于汽车(Flights are the most efficient means of long-distance travel. The average speed of a jet airliner is about 15 times that of a car.); 有些地区靠坐火车或者坐汽车仍然无法到达(Some areas are still not accessible by road or by rail.);而且 与乘坐汽车或火车相比,乘坐飞机对于长途旅行者们的健康危害较小(A long-distance flight poses less health risk to travellers than a long-distance car ride or train ride does.)等方面来证明。

(c) A long-distance flight consumes the same amount of fuel and causes the same amount of pollution as a car does in several years' time. Some people think that to reduce environmental problems we should discourage non-essential flights such as tourist air travel instead of limiting the use of cars. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 一次长距离飞行消耗的燃料与一辆汽车在数年里消耗的燃料一样多而且产生同等的污染。一些人认为为了减少污染问题我们应该阻止非关键性的飞行,例如游客航空飞行,而不是限制使用汽车。多大程度上你同意或者不同意?


除了上题中已经谈到的飞行所具有的种种优势之外,本题的理由还可以有: 汽车的总数很大,因此尽管一架飞机比一辆行驶相同距离的汽车消耗更多的能源,但全部汽车所造成的环境破坏总量仍然大于全部飞行所产生的环境破坏总量(Although an aeroplane uses more fuel and creates more pollution than a car that travels the same distance does,the total environmental damage caused by cars far exceeds the total environmental damage caused by flights.); 而且如果阻止旅游飞行等也会给经济发展带来负面影响。因此,减少对汽车的使用对环境保护意义更大(Thus,reducing car use can contribute more significantly to environmental protection than discouraging non-essential flights.),同时应该积极地发展更加清洁的燃料(cleaner,more environmentally-friendly fuels)和轻轨、地铁等公共交通系统(public transport systems such as sky train and underground train systems)。

(d) Air transport is increasingly used to export food such as fruits and vegetables to countries where the food is out of season. Some people think this is a positive development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 航空运输越来越多地被用来把蔬菜水果等食品出口到它们已经过季的国家去。一些人认为这是积极的进展。你多大程度上同意或不同意?


长距离空运食品可以给消费者们带来更多的食品选择(give consumers a wider variety of food choices),而且可以增加国际贸易(increase international trade)。但另一方面长距离空运食品会导致: 运输费用较高(involves high transport costs), 消耗更多燃料(consumes more fuel), 导致碳排放量增加,进一步加剧全球气候变化(causes an increase in carbon emission,which worsens global climate change)。因此,应该把航空运输食品限制到经济和环境方面都合理的规模(keep air transport of food to an economically and environmentally reasonable scale)。

(e) Motorised flight was the greatest invention in the 20th century. No other inventions had such a significant impact on our lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 机械化飞行是20世纪最伟大的发明。没有任何其他发明对我们的生活有如此之大的影响。多大程度上你同意或不同意?

一旦发现题目里出现了 形容词的最高级形式 (例如:the best,the greatest,the most important等),就说明题目里的观点有可能存在着逻辑漏洞,因为“最 …… ”是一个相当绝对的逻辑命题,要想严密地证明这个命题并不容易,而挑出它的逻辑漏洞则会容易很多。

本题要想证明机械化飞行是“最伟大”的发明从严格的逻辑来看并不容易,但是如果想证明它不是“最伟大”的发明则很简单:只要找出比机械化飞行“更伟大”的发明就可以了。例如computers,the Internet和modern cars,对于人们生活的影响都比机械化飞行更深远。

所以,我们就可以在主体部分的第1段里先承认飞机确实是一种伟大的发明(a great invention),接下来给出理由,比如空运(air transport)让国际贸易变得更高效(has made international trade more efficient),而且航空旅行(air travel)也促进了旅游业的发展(has boosted tourism)。然后在主体部分的第2段里举出反例,证明机械化飞行并不是“最伟大”的发明,例如computers,the Internet和modern cars等都对人们的生活产生了更大的影响。结论就是motorised flight确实是20世纪的伟大发明之一,但是在20世纪还有比它对人类影响更大的发明。

7 It has been more than 40 years since man first landed on the moon. Some people think that space research is a waste of money. Do you agree or disagree?



单数而且没有冠词 man 并不是特指一个男人,而是泛指 人类



(a) Some people think that space travel is important. Others however think that people will not remember this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 有些人认为太空旅行很重要。也有人认为人们不会记住这些太空旅行。请讨论双方的观点并给出自己的看法。


每次考到space travel的时候都会有考生“跨界”写成air travel,其实 space travel 是指 太空旅行 ,而 air travel 则是指 乘坐飞机的旅行


关于space travel的利弊除了可以参考上题的范文之外还可以写: 太空旅行可以增加人类关于太空里的物体例如恒星、行星、小行星等,以及关于地球自身的知识(It can increase human knowledge about outer-space objects,such as stars,planets and asteroids,and about our home planet—Earth); 太空旅行迎合了一些公众对于在旅行的同时进行冒险的兴趣(It appeals to the public interest in adventurous travel.); 太空旅行产业(the space travel industry)还可以为很多科学家和工程师创造就业机会(can create jobs for many scientists and engineers),并且为经济发展做贡献(contribute to economic growth)。

(b) Space travel has been possible for some time. Many people think that space tourismshould be developed in the future. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 太空旅行在一段时间之前已经成为可能。很多人认为太空旅游应该在未来得到发展。在多大程度上你同意或者不同意?


很多同学误以为space travel 和space tourism 是完全的同义词,其实并不准确。 space tourism 太空旅游业 ,专门指为私人太空旅行者(private space travellers/space tourists)提供的商业化太空飞行(commercial spaceflight)。space tourism的目的是休闲或者商务(for leisure or business purposes)。

space travel 则是更广义的 太空旅行 。它不仅包括商业化的私人太空旅行,而且也包括专业的宇航员们(professional astronauts)所进行的太空旅行。

除了上面两道题里的加分表达之外,写本题时可能用到的加分词汇和短语还有:(1) the space tourism industry (名词短语,太空旅游产业);(2) passengers (乘客);(3) involve high risk (动宾短语,涉及到很高的风险);(4) accident n. 事故);(5) space launches (名词短语,把太空飞行器spacecraft 从地面送入太空的过程);(6) space travel vehicles (名词短语,太空旅行交通工具);(7) space collisions (名词短语,在太空当中发生的各种碰撞事故);(8) damage the ozone layer (动宾短语,破坏臭氧层,目前很多space launches都对臭氧层具有严重的破坏作用);(9) experience weightlessness (动宾短语,感受失重的状态);(10) spacewalk n. & vi. 太空行走);(11) adventurous spirit (名词短语,冒险的精神);(12) satisfy people's curiosity about outer space (动宾短语,满足人们对于太空的好奇心);(13) more fuel-efficient and less-polluting rockets (名词短语,更节省燃料而且污染更少的火箭。 Note :火箭的作用是把太空飞行器从地面送入太空)。


除可以充分参考前两道题的双方论据外,写本题时可供使用的ideas还有: 商业化的太空旅行很贵,即使是最便宜的商业化太空旅行目前的票价也高达9.5万美金(Even the cheapest tickets are priced at 95, 000 US dollars each.),需要通过科技的发展让商业化太空旅行的价格变得更容易承担(make commercial space travel more affordable); 为了避免太空旅游业可能带来的环境问题,应该发展更节约燃料而且污染更小的发射系统(more fuel-efficient and less polluting launch systems)。

(c) When a human astronaut first arrived on the moon he said ,“ It is a big step for mankind. But some people think that makes little difference to our daily lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 当人类宇航员第一次抵达月球时,他说:“这对于人类是一个巨大的飞跃。”但有些人认为这对于我们的日常生活影响很小。多大程度上你同意或不同意?

C 科技与食品

8 Our food has been changed by technological advances. Some people think that is an improvement while others are worried that may be harmful. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



◆ advance 进步 这个词既可以作名词(比如在本题中),也可以作动词,比如:

【剑桥例句】 Biotechnology (生物科技) continues to advance at a rapid pace.



(a) Food can be produced more cheaply today because of improved fertilisers and better machinery. However some people argue that such developments may be dangerous to human health and may have negative effects on local communities. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 由于改进了肥料与更好的机械设备,食品在当代可以被更低成本地生产。但是一些人认为这些发展对于人类健康存在危险并有可能对当地社区产生负面影响。多大程度上你同意或不同意?


◆ fertiliser 肥料 化学肥料 的英文是 chemical fertiliser ,而 有机肥料 (即天然肥料)的英文则是 organic fertiliser

◆ machinery 对机械设备的总称 ,它是一个不可数名词,而machine 则是一个可数名词,指 具体的一台机器

(b) Some people think that the developments in agriculture such as factory farming and creations of new types of fruits and vegetables have brought us more benefits than problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 一些人认为农业的发展,例如工厂化养殖以及创造新品种的水果和蔬菜等,所带来的好处多于问题。多大程度上你同意或者不同意?


本题在主体段里比较农业发展带来的利与弊时,虽然也可以适当地涉及一些其他做法,例如机械化农业(mechanised agriculture),或者在农业中使用化肥和杀虫剂的做法(the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides in agriculture)等,但还是必须注意利弊部分均应适当地涉及对题目里给出的实例的讨论。


在英美 factory farming 也经常被称为 concentrated animal feeding operations ,是现代农业中广存争议的一种做法。它是指把饲养的动物( livestock such as cows sheep pigs and chickens )关在很小的区域里,并且喂给它们廉价饲料( A large number of livestock are raised in a small area and fed cheap food. )。虽然工厂化养殖可以提高养殖( animal farming )的效率并且降低养殖的成本,但是它的做法很残忍( Factory farming involves many cruel practices of raising livestock. ),而且对被养殖动物的健康破坏很大( causes significant damage to livestock health ),甚至可能导致食用动物的消费者们的健康问题。

◆ livestock 被有些英汉词典翻译成家畜,但其实在当代英语里它也完全可以包含家禽(poultry)。要提醒您特别注意的是livestock和poultry都是 集合名词 ,不要加s。


9 Biotechnology companies are developing different types of genetically-modified foods GM foods . To what extent do you think the advantages of GM foods outweigh the disadvantages?



food通常被用作不可数名词,但是当 泛指不同种类的多种食品时 ,food后面可以加s。

转基因技术 genetic-modification technology 基因构成 的写法是 genetic makeup ,而 改变基因构成 这个词组里面的动词 改变 除了使用 change modify 之外,也可以用 alter 来避免用词过于重复。


转基因食品的好处包括: 提高农作物的产量(boost crop yields),确保不断增长的人口能获得充足的食品供应(ensure a sufficient food supply for the booming population); 转基因技术可以改善食品的味道,并且增加食品的营养价值(produce better-tasting and more nutritious foods,当food是指很多种不同种类的食品时在地道英文里可以加复数形式); 生产出抗病虫害能力更高的农作物(produce more pest-resistant crops),可以满足不希望食用含有杀虫剂的食品的消费者需求(can satisfy the needs of the consumers who are worried about the potential health hazards of crop plants treated with pesticides)。

目前,转基因食品可能带来的负面影响主要是: 被改变的基因有可能被转移到包括人类的其他物种上去(the modified genes may be transferred to other species,including humans),从而导致难以预料的负面作用(cause unpredictable side effects),甚至 对当地的生态系统产生严重的破坏性后果(may even bring devastating consequences to the local ecological system)。

因此,政府应该对转基因食品实行严格管理以避免它对于消费者健康和环境的潜在负面影响(The government should place strict regulations on genetically-modified foods to prevent the potential sides effects on consumers' health and the environment.)。

D 科技对通讯、信息传播与生活方式的影响

10 There are many problems associated with mobile phones today. To what extent do the advantages of mobile phones outweigh the disadvantages?



◆ associated with 与…… 相关联 的意思,近义词组还有 be linked to/be connected with


手机给生活带来的好处不难想,比如: 可以让我们与远方的家人和朋友保持联系(help us stay in touch with our family members and friends who live far away); 用手机拍照和玩游戏已经成为很多人的重要娱乐来源(Taking photos and gaming with mobile phones have become an important source of entertainment for many people.)。

弊端则可以包括: 手机使用过多可能导致健康问题,例如记忆力减退和睡眠质量下降等(Heavy mobile phone use may cause health problems such as memory loss and sleep disturbances.),有一些医学专家甚至认为手机造成的辐射(mobile phone radiation)可能会产生致癌作用(may cause cancer /may be carcinogenic); 手机对于在教室里听课的学生们和开车的司机们都有可能会形成干扰(Mobile phones may distract students from listening to lectures and make drivers inattentive.); 导致很多与手机相关的诈骗犯罪(mobile phone fraud),例如短信欺诈(text message scams)等。


(a) Young people today tend to find mobile phones and the Internet very helpful. However it is not common for elderly people to use them. In what ways can mobile phones and the Internet be useful to elderly people? How can elderly people be encouraged to use them? 手机与互联网非常有用。但是较少有老人使用它们。手机和互联网对老人们的用处是什么?怎样鼓励他们使用手机和互联网?


手机和互联网对老人的意义除了上题里的第一条之外,还可以有: 帮助老人们获取非常广泛的实用信息,比如关于购物、照顾幼儿、医疗服务等的信息(can provide them with access to a wealth of useful information,such as information about shopping,childcare and medical service); 如果遇到紧急医疗情况时可以让他们获得帮助(get help in case of a medical emergency)。

鼓励老人使用手机和互联网可以通过: 由社区中心(community centers)和公共图书馆(public libraries)为他们提供关于使用互联网与手机的培训课程(provide them with training courses on how to use the Internet and mobile phones); 手机厂家可以专门为老年用户生产按键更大、操作更简便的手机(manufacture mobile phones that are specifically designed for elderly users,such as mobile phones with large buttons and simple menu options)。

(b) Some people have benefited from modern communication technology while others havenot benefited from it. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 一些人从现代通讯技术当中获益,而另一些人却没有。多大程度上你同意或者不同意?


email、手机、instant messaging programmes(例如Windows Live Messenger)和social networking websites(例如Facebook和Twitter)等确实帮助很多人提高了远程沟通的效率与效果(has greatly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of long-distance communication for many people)。对这些人来说,与远方的亲友保持联系变得更加容易(help them to stay in touch with family members and friends who live far away from them),而且远程沟通的费用也降低了(has also lowered the costs of long-distance communication for them)。

但也确实有一些人,例如很多老人和偏远地区的人们(people who live in remote areas),并没有从这些技术当中获益。其原因包括: 对这些技术的发展缺乏了解(They are not well-informed about the progress of communication technology.); 很多偏远地区还没有开通互联网或者覆盖手机信号(Many remote areas still do not have access to the Internet or mobile phone coverage.)。


11 Today people can work and live almost anywhere they want to because of the improvements in communication technology and transport. Do you think that the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?



交通和通讯的发展让人们可以自由选择工作和居住地的好处包括: 为人们提供更加广泛的就业选择(can provide people with a wider range of career options); 让人们可以去体验并且享受多样的文化与生活方式(enable people to experience and enjoy a variety of cultures and lifestyles)。

而负面影响则包括: 可能会有生活方式方面的适应困难(People may have difficulty in adapting to a new way of life.); 随着个人流动性与独立性的增加,家庭成员之间可能会产生疏远感(The increasing individual mobility and self-reliance may make family members feel distant and alienated from each other.)。


An increasing number of people change their careers and places of residence several times in their lives. Is this a positive or a negative trend? 有更多的人一生要更换几次职业和居住地。这是一种积极的还是消极的趋势?

12 People today can perform many everyday tasks such as shopping banking or even business transactions without meeting others face to face. What effects will this trend have on individuals and society as a whole?



◆ perform 在本题里的意思不是表演,而是 从事 的意思,同义词还有 conduct carry out

◆ business transactions 是指 商务交易


本题是一道 Report ,要求分析电子商务的影响,可以从效率、方便程度、更低的交易费用(lower transaction costs) 以及 网络诈骗(online fraud)等诸多方面分析。但需要特别提醒注意的是,本题的问题里明确地问了对于个人以及整个社会的影响,所以如果 只说 对个人的影响或者 只说 对社会的影响都是 does not address all parts of the question (没有完整地回答考题里的问题)。

13 Today many employees work from home with modern technology. Some people think that only benefits the workers not the employers. Do you agree or disagree?



地道英文里 在家上班 的表达方式很多,最常见的包括 work from home/work at home (在当代英文里work from home用得更多一些)以及 telecommute (动词,它的名词形式是 telecommuting )。


员工使用高科技在家上班可以: 让员工获得更加灵活的工作安排(provide employees with more flexible work arrangements); 减少员工的压力并且改善他们的整体健康状况(reduce employees' stress and improve their overall health and fitness); 帮助员工获得工作和家庭生活之间的合理平衡(help employees achieve work-life balance)。

但雇主同样可以从让员工在家上班中受益,例如: 减少办公室的开支(reduce office costs),以及 扩大雇主们招聘员工的选择范围(give employers access to a larger labour pool)。

因此,如果能够高效管理,员工在家上班同样可以给雇主带来显著的益处(If managed efficiently,telecommuting programmes can also offer significant benefits to employers.)。

14 Leisure is a growing industry. However we no longer entertain ourselves as much as we used to because the use of modern technology has made us less creative. Do you agree or disagree?



在当代,休闲活动的一个重要趋势就是被动娱乐的急剧增加(an important trend in leisure activities is the sharp rise in passive entertainment)。大多数人花很多时间看电视、看网络电影(watch films online),用MP3播放器(MP3 player)、电脑或者用iPhone听音乐。这些休闲活动都不是积极的或者互动式的娱乐(are neither active nor interactive entertainment)。而且它们还会减少朋友或者家人之间的有效交流(These passive entertainment activities also reduce communication between family members and friends.)。

但另一方面,现代科技也为我们创造了很多自娱自乐的机会。例如,很多互联网使用者用自己的手机或者摄像机拍视频,然后把它们上传到视频网站例如YouTube和Metacafe上去(Many Internet users use their mobile phones or video cameras to create video clips and upload them to video sharing websites such as YouTube and Metacafe.)。这些科技让普通人也成为了导演或者演员。对于喜欢音乐的人来说,利用现代的录音科技他们也可以在家里建立音乐工作室来娱乐自己并且和亲友分享自己的音乐(build home music-recording studios to entertain themselves and share their music with their family and friends)。而且过去的一些积极的休闲活动,比如跳舞和运动等,现在也还是有很多参与者(participants)。

因此,事实上现代科技为我们提供了更多的娱乐选择。我们应减少被动地看电视或者看网络电影的时间(reduce the time spent on passive entertainment such as television and online movies),更多地参加有创造性的休闲活动以及能和亲友进行交流的休闲活动。 VgT+OyOIlac99NVLoPlS2DhBLyWjUkEqjnvh47qN15z6sqiQMNxt+/IG6GYkf/Jc
