

Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to theoretical knowledge for its own sake regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer. What in your opinion should be the main function of a university?




苏紫紫说:“大学,我真想上了你。”在二十一世纪,大学的功能设置越来越众口难调(It's hard to please them all.),这已是不争的事实。从素材上来看,毫无疑问,在这种经济充满着变数(highly volatile)的年代里,先找到一个饭碗肯定是最重要的,就业技能可以先确保毕业生们能够生存。而且,虽然经济不好,大学的学费却是毫不留情地一涨再涨(University tuition costs have been climbing relentlessly despite the economic recession.)。因此,大学重视对就业技能的培养其实也可以看作是对高额学费的一种经济回报(return on educational investment)。

另一方面,上述理由的不足之处则是:大学如何能够准确地预期几年之后的就业市场到底需要什么样的技能呢?而且,如果大学过度强调就业技能而轻视理论知识,是否将导致学生缺乏创新能力?毕竟创新(innovation)需要对于相关领域的理论拥有更深层的了解(require a sound grasp of the fundamentals)。

With the current economic instability ,it is understandable that university students tend to regard universities primarily as institutions where they can acquire job skills .

This is especially true when considering that tuition fees have risen each year. As a result, the pursuit of higher education today has become a substantial investment. University students and their parents expect a reasonable rate of return which can be,to some degree quantified by the job skills that are gained through higher education.

However,merely equipping students with employment skills may defeat the very purpose of universities. As technology expands and evolves on a daily basis it is unrealistic to believe that university administrators and faculty are able to determine the technical skill sets that employers will require in three or four years. University graduates will need sound knowledge about the theoretical frameworks principles and concepts in their fields of study to remain competitive in their future careers. There is also the risk that university graduates will not be capable of innovation at work because truly innovative ideas tend to come from a synthesis of the fundamental theories underpinning their fields of work,and the ability to apply these theories creatively on the job.

Therefore,the main function of universities should be to build core curricula that stress the fostering of employment skills and,at the same time, provide students with electives focusing on the theoretical aspects of their fields of interest . Universities performing this function not only help students to gain job skills but also ensure their capacity to apply these skills innovatively.



instability n. 不稳定的状态

acquire job skills (动宾短语) 获取工作技能 【近义搭配】gain job skills

【剑桥例句】 These tests attempt to judge a person's ability to acquire new job skills .

regard primarily as 认为某事物的首要作用是 ……

★ institution 机构 ,地道英文里常见的搭配有 educational institutions 教育机构, financial institutions 金融机构等

★ tuition fees 学费

the pursuit of higher education (名词短语) 为获得受高等教育的机会而做的努力

★ a substantial investment 一笔可观的投资

a reasonable rate of return 合理的回报率

★ can be quantified by 可以通过……来量化

merely adv. 仅仅 【剑桥例句】 The medicine merely stops the pain.

★ equip sb. with sth. 本文里指为某人储备某种知识或者技能

★ defeat the very purpose of 【固定短语】 “导致某事物难以实现它应有的作用 ”,defeat指击败,使…… 无效

★ on a daily basis

【固定短语】 日常 天天

★ unrealistic adj. 不现实的

★ administrators and faculty 英文里的固定短语,指 大学的管理者与教师的总称 ,请注意faculty 在这个固定短语里通常是用单数形式

determine vt. 决定 确定

sound knowledge about 它并不是指“声音的知识”,而是指 关于某事物的 扎实的知识

theoretical framework (名词短语) 理论框架 ,在英美大学里的论文写作过程中有些教授还专门要求学生用一个单独部分解释自己从事的研究的理论框架

principles and concepts (名词短语) 定律和概念

remain competitive 保持有竞争力的

not be capable of 不具备某种能力的

innovation n. 创新 (形容词:innovative)

synthesis n. (两种或以上的事物) 有机结合的产物

【剑桥例句】 Their latest album is a synthe-sis of African and Latin rhythms.

underpin vt. 构成某事物的基础

【剑桥例句】 Mason presented the figures to underpin his argument.

【搭配】fundamental theories underpinning their fields of work 他们所从事的领域的基础理论

★ foster vt. 培养 (某种技能或者素质)

★ elective n. 选修课

【反义】required courses

apply the theories creatively 富有创造性地应用这些理论

【近义】apply the skills innovatively带有创新性地应用这些技能

sb . 's field of interest 本文里指学生的学习或研究兴趣所在的领域





所以,大学的真正作用应该体现于在设立注重培养工作技能的核心课程的同时,还要向学生提供那些介绍他们感兴趣的专业内理论知识的选修课程,这样就能帮助学生在掌握工作技能的同时,将来还有能力对这些技能进行创新。 i8mucBioi+cICfDLTOGfbvTRBQBIgpCSv7389qQIqTW0qGuAX+uiJTVbaiU1wjB7
