

University students should not only spend time studying but also take part in other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



与国内的大学招生主要看成绩不同,英美大学非常重视申请人的社会活动经历及由这些社会活动经历体现出来的leadership skills(领导才能)。在大学校园里,最受欢迎的从来都不是只会读书的尖子生,而是校队里面的体育明星。只做“书虫儿”(说轻了是bookworm,说重了就是nerd)在二十一世纪其实已经难以适应社会对大学毕业生们提出的综合要求了。这名考生通过扣题的实例较好地论证了这一看法。

在写本题时很可能会遇到两个短语: non-academic activity—指非学术相关的活动。它包含的活动在校内校外进行均可,比如volunteer work/community service等都可以算; extra-curricular activity:课外活动。它所指的范围则比前一个短语要窄一些,主要是学生在校园里参加的或者虽然是在校外进行但是由学校组织的课外活动。在英美大学里最常见的extra-curricular activities包括:参加drama club(戏剧社),debate(或者debating)club(辩论社),board game club(棋类社),photography club(摄影兴趣小组),choir(合唱团),band(乐队)以及各种sports teams。


In my country,many university students strive for high academic performance but do not spend much time on non-academic activities. However,I personally think that they should be encouraged to achieve a good balance between academic studies and other activities.

Participation in non-academic activities has several benefits for university students. Firstly,the experience gained in social activities, including community service ,marketing surveys and volunteer work,can help students to better understand society and their relationships with it. These activities also improve their communication skills and teamwork skills . Secondly, unlike academic activities which are generally stressful,extra-curricular activities such as sports and artistic activities are usually fun and enjoyable. Participation in these activities can help students to reduce stress and anxiety . Thirdly,some extra-curricular activities can help to boost students' academic performance . For example ,playing chess improves students' logical and critical thinking abilities while writing for the university newspaper helps students' to develop their writing and analytical skills ,which are also important skills for academic success.

On the other hand,academic study should still be the top priority of university students. A solid academic knowledge base is important for them to meet the challenges presented by the knowledge-based economy . It also prepares them for employment and career success. The opportunity to use a wide variety of educational resources at university is invaluable—a fact that many university students may appreciate only after they graduate.

I would argue,therefore,that university students should be encouraged to explore a wide range of academic and non-academic activities,not only because this makes them happier and healthier but also because these activities together form a truly productive learning process .



strive for 努力争取某个目标

academic performance (名词短语) 学业的表现

achieve a good balance between and 在……与……之间获得好的平衡

★ participation in 参与某事物

community service (名词短语) 社区服务

marketing survey (名词短语) 市场营销调查

volunteer work (名词短语) 志愿者工作 (在英国也经常写成voluntary work)

communication skills 沟通技能

teamwork skills 团队合作技能

fun and enjoyable 有趣而且令人愉快的

reduce stress and anxiety (动宾短语) 减轻压力和焦虑

boost students' academic performance (动宾短语) 提升学生们的学业表现

★ logical and critical thinking 逻辑与辩证思维

★ develop sb . 's writing and analytical skills 发展某人的写作和分析能力

solid adj. 扎实的

【搭配】a solid academic knowledge base扎实的学术知识基础

knowledge-based economy (名词短语) 以知识为基础的经济,“知识经济”

a wide variety of 多种多样的

★ a truly productive learning process一个真正富有成效的学习过程




参加非学术活动对于大学生有 几点益处 首先 ,通过社区服务、市场调查以及志愿者工作等社会活动获得的经验能帮助学生们更好地了解社会以及自身与社会的关系。这些活动还会增强他们的沟通能力和团队合作能力。 其次 ,与通常压力较大的学术活动不同,课余活动往往是有趣而且令人愉快的。参加这些活动有助于学生们减轻压力和焦虑。 第三 ,一些课余活动还有助于提升学生们的学业表现。 例如 ,下象棋提高学生们的逻辑与辩证思维能力,而为校报写文章则帮助学生们发展他们的写作和分析能力,这些能力对于学业方面的成功同样也很重要。


我因此认为大学生应该被鼓励去广泛地探索学术与非学术活动,那样不仅会让学生们更快乐、更健康,而且这些活动共同形成了一个真正富有成效的学习过程。 ItCb1q5qqDSFGb52qgMcjAKGd+c7fG/Di1XiP+zYL+2qpIrjA5OxtdcMmflQgSRX
