

Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



每一位“烤鸭”同时也是an English learner,对学外语的动机都感同身受,所以这道题的ideas应该并不难想。


但如果要说去国外旅行或者工作是学外语的“唯一原因”(the only reason),从严格的逻辑角度看可就过于绝对了。即使不想去国外旅行或者工作,外语技能也可以帮助人们开阔思维(broaden their minds),了解外国文化,结识外国朋友,并且给人们带来更多的娱乐,例如看外国原版电影(watch foreign films without the subtitles),读外语小说(read novels in a foreign language)等等。

当然,对于IELTS作文这样的short essays来说,没必要把这么多的ideas全都写出来,挑出几点自己最“有感觉”的适当进行论证就已经很好了。


Many may say,and I agree,that today's society has almost erased all its boarders and soon will become limitless in what concerns travelling for both work and pleasure. Therefore ,if this is to happen,then learning a new language is necessary.

Nowadays,learning a new language for the purpose of working in other countries seems to become more and more popular. Adults in need of money or recognition are trying to pursue their happiness far away from home. Also ,the days of employers looking only for capable people have gone. It seems that today's employers are looking not only for multi-skilled employees ,but they also want people who know more than their mother tongue . Sooner or later,those who omitted learning more are prone to become jobless .

However ,to my mind,a new language should not be learned just for travelling or working in a foreign country. A foreign language should help learners broaden their minds . By this I mean that the new language should and will allow learners to understand more about the world itself,and maybe their ancestors' ways of thinking and acting . Needless to say,knowing another language will help us when it comes to understanding the human race,because language is the first poem of a country.

All of this being said,I believe that learning a different language should be not only for satisfying our physical needs ,like money,but also our moral needs ,because never before had such a big thirst for knowledge been displayed.



erase all its borders 消除了它的所有边界

become limitless 变得无限

recognition n. 认可 (动词形式:recog-nise)

★ pursue their happiness (动宾短语) 追求他们的幸福

capable people (名词短语) 有能力的、称职的人们

★ multi-skilled employees (名词短语) 拥有多种技能的员工

★ mother tongue (名词短语) 母语

become jobless 失业

【近义短语】 lose their jobs

★ broaden their minds (动宾短语) 开阔他们的思维

【近义短语】expand their minds

their ancestors (名词短语) 他们的祖先

ways of thinking and acting (名词短语) 思维和行为的方式

the human race (名词短语) 泛指全人类

physical needs (名词短语) 物理上的需求 物质方面的需求

【反义短语】moral needs 道德情怀方面的需求

the thirst for knowledge (名词短语) 对于知识的渴望

display vt. 展现,展示



很多人会说,而且我也同意,当代社会几乎已经消除了所有边界,而且为工作和休闲目的所进行的旅行将很快会变得畅通无阻。 因此 ,如果这种情况成为现实,那么就有必要学习新的语言。

为了到其它国家工作而学习新的语言在当代变得越来越流行。需要挣钱或者获得社会认可的成年人远离家乡,努力去追求自己的幸福。 而且 ,雇主只是寻找能胜任职位的员工的时代已经过去。当代的雇主们所寻找的并不只是拥有多种技能的员工,他们还需要不仅只会说母语的人们。那些忽视学习更多语言的人们迟早会失业。

但是 ,在我看来,学习一种新的语言并不应该只是为了在外国旅行或者工作。外语应该帮助学习者们开阔他们的思维。我这样论述的意思是新的语言应该,而且也将会,让学习者们能够了解世界自身,或许还可以了解他们的祖先的思维和行为方式。毋庸讳言,通晓另一种语言可以帮助我们加深对全人类的了解,因为语言是一个国家最早的诗歌形式。

综上所述,我确信学习一种不同的语言不应该仅仅是为了满足我们的物质需求,例如金钱等,而且也是出于道德情怀的需要,因为人们对知识的渴望从来没有像现在这样表现得如此强烈。 q5JYlR7sspgf7yW1QgPvoMhR3emkOcq+yIRhOxXMQE0N4sK9kaZ/zkYj00gK9UVj
