

Some people think that students should only study science subjects. Other subjects are not important to them. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Some people suggest that students only study science subjects. Although I agree that science subjects are important,I think that students should also study a variety of other subjects.

On the one hand,science subject,such as physics,chemistry and biology,should be core subjects on the school curriculum . These subjects help students to better understand the natural world and how it can be improved. For example ,science teachers can teach students about the causes of global warming and what they can do to reduce global warming. The knowledge gained through science subjects also prepares students for a wide range of careers such as careers in science,technology,engineering or medicine.

On the other hand,science subjects should not be the only subjects that students study. Many other subjects can also help students to gain knowledge and develop important skills. For example,history lessons can help students to gain a better understanding of their own nation as well as other nations,and help them to improve their critical-thinking skills . Also,art lessons encourage students' imagination and teach them to solve problems creatively .

Furthermore,science subjects would not serve their purpose well without the help of other subjects on the school curriculum. For example,it is hard to imagine that students can report the results of their scientific experiments clearly in their papers if they have not learned academic writing in language classes.

In conclusion,I would argue that a good curriculum should be balanced and cover a wide range of areas,including natural sciences,social studies,languages and arts.



★ core subjects 核心课程

★ school curriculum 对于学校课程设置的统称

global warming (名词短语) 全球变暖

gain a better understanding of 形成对 …… 更深入的理解

critical-thinking skills 辩证思维能力,思辨能力

★ encourage students' imagination激发学生们的想象力

【近义短语】stimulate students' imagination

★ solve problems creatively 有创造性地解决问题

balanced adj. 均衡的

the results of their scientific experiments 他们科学试验的结果




一方面来讲,物理、化学和生物等科学科目应该是学校课程设置里的核心课程。这些课程可以帮助学生们更好的了解自然世界以及怎样去改进它。例如,科学课老师可以教给学生们全球变暖的原因以及学生们可以怎样做去减缓全球变暖。通过科学科目获取的知识 可以帮助学生们为多种职业做准备,比如在科学技术、工程、医药等领域的职业。

另一方面,学生们不应该只学习科学科目。很多其它科目也同样可以帮助学生们获取知识并发展重要的技能。例如,历史课可以帮助学生们形成对于本国以及其它国家更深入的理解,并帮助他们提高辩证思维技能。 而且 ,艺术课程激发学生们的想象力,并且教学生们有创造力地解决问题。

再者 ,如果没有学校课程设置里的其它科目帮助,科学科目将会很难实现自身的教学目标。例如,很难想象如果学生们没有在语言课上学过学术写作,他们能在论文里清晰地报告科学试验的结果。

总之,我认为好的学校课程设置应该是均衡的而且覆盖多个领域,包括自然科学、社会科学、语言和艺术等。 0P+IMHRnarlMrqe6FE7wS3oZgWY/+ZR7yED7WHvnZb18oyiwVng6NQxkRCi865ev
