

Some people think that schools should only teach students academic knowledge. Others however think that they should also teach students to judge what is right and wrong. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



本文对两方的观点都举出了恰当的实例。对不是特别善于长篇“说理”的同学而言,“说例”是让论证变得充实的好方法,而且剑桥考官们喜欢看到有说服力的实例。但前提是: 举例一定要与论证过程确实有实质性的关联(relevant),否则宁可不举; 例子不要写得过长,否则会让考官产生自己在读narrative(叙事)而不是在读议论文的错觉。


People have different views about the main purpose of schools.

Some teachers and parents believe that schools should only focus on providing students with academic knowledge. They argue that academic knowledge provides an important foundation for a wide range of job skills. For example,students who know more about algebra and calculus would have a better chance of finding a job in the fields of statistics and accounting because it is easier for them to master the advanced skills required. Also,many teachers see teaching academic knowledge as their main goal because assessment of students' academic knowledge is often considered more objective than assessment of other abilities and skills. The popularity of school rankings based on standardised test results shows many parents agree with the teachers on that.

However,some other people argue that apart from academic knowledge,schools should also teach students how to distinguish between right and wrong and behave well. Students are still immature emotionally and socially. If schools do not teach moral values such as respect responsibility and self-discipline ,students may end up using their knowledge for morally wrong purposes. For example,increasing numbers of young hackers use their computer knowledge to invade other people's computers. The fact that many of them describe their acts as“unintentional”is good proof of the importance of teaching students to tell right from wrong .

My own opinion is that teaching academic knowledge should be the priority of schools because they are the main institutions where children can gain it. At the same time,students should be provided with moral and character education programmes to ensure that apart from benefiting themselves,the knowledge that they gain will also benefit others.



provide an important foundation for 为某事物提供重要的基础

algebra n. 代数

calculus n. 微积分

statistics n. 统计学

accounting n. 会计学

assessment of 对某种能力或表现的评估

★ objective adj. 客观的


school ranking 学校的排名

★ standardised test 标准化考试

★ distinguish between right and wrong在是非之间进行区分

【近义】tell right from wrong

★ are still immature emotionally and socially 在情感与社会经验方面都还不成熟的

★ self-discipline 自制力

hacker n. 黑客

invade other people's computers 入侵别人的计算机

★ unintentional adj. 无意的

★ priority n. 首要任务

institution n. 机构

moral and character education programmes 培养儿童的道德观与健康个性发展的项目




一些教师和家长认为学校应该只将重点放到传授学生学术知识上。他们认为理论知识为多种就业技能提供了重要的基础。例如,一名熟练掌握代数和微积分的学生会更容易得到涉及统计学或会计学的工作,因为他们良好的基础可以帮助他们很快掌握该领域所需的高级技能。 而且 许多老师将传授学生学术知识视为主要任务还因为考量学生的考试成绩比评估其他品质更方便、客观。如今各种基于标准考试成绩的学校排名非常流行,这显示出很多家长们认可这些老师们的这一看法。


在我看来,传授学术知识应该是学校的首要任务,因为学校是主要向孩子传授这些知识的地方。与此同时,学生们应该学习伦理方面的课程,以确保他们学习知识不仅仅是为了自己,也为了他人。 VgT+OyOIlac99NVLoPlS2DhBLyWjUkEqjnvh47qN15z6sqiQMNxt+/IG6GYkf/Jc
