

Some people think that intelligent students should be educated together with other students. Others however think that they should be educated separately. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



在英美,到底是否应该把聪明儿童与普通儿童放在一起接受教育是连教育领域的专家们(educationalists)都还没有达成意见一致的学术难题。现在英美公立中小学里最常见的做法是由教育主管部门在所属的一些公立学校里开设gifted programmes,并对各学校的学生进行认知能力测试(cognitive tests),从中选出得分最高的(各地区的选择比例不同,从top 1%到top 5%都有)学生们推荐去参加gifted programme。但是在英美对目前这种做法的公平性和科学性提出质疑的教育界人士也不少。但好在写IELTS作文并不是作学术报告,只要能够在40分钟里比较准确地表达自己的观点并且适当进行论证就已经相当不错了。


另一方面,对聪明儿童进行单独教育,普通孩子很可能会感觉不公平,而且聪明儿童本来能起到的榜样(role model)作用也就没有了。




Many intelligent students today attend gifted programmes and are educated separately from their peers.

Some people think that providing intelligent students with special courses makes practical sense. Students of high intelligence need a more challenging curriculum because they are fast learners and their learning process requires little repetition of the information taught by their teachers. If they find the curriculum too easy,they will end up learning little or nothing at all. In fact,many students who are inattentive in class are intelligent ones. Regular courses simply fail to attract their attention. Some of them even feel that their school time is wasted. From a psychological perspective,intelligent students also feel more comfortable if there are special classes for them. Many of them not only have unique learning styles but also have academic and personal interests that are very different from those of less intelligent students. Spending all their school time with their average peers would make them feel isolated and become oversensitive .

Many educationalists,however,argue that the disadvantages of placing intelligent students in separate classes are obvious. Regular classes will be drained of academic role models . Separating students according to their IQ levels may even send a message to those who take regular courses that their work is not valued by the school, which is very likely to reduce their self-confidence and damage their self-esteem .

Personally,I would suggest that intelligent students spend most of their school time with their peers. But in addition to regular courses,they should also be encouraged to take electives that can challenge them mentally.



gifted programme 在一些英美中小学里专门为有天赋的学生开设的授课项目

their peers 他们的同龄人们

students of high intelligence 高智商的学生

★ curriculum n. 课程的总称

★ require little repetition 只需要很少的重复 ,其中repetition是repeat的名词形式

★ are inattentive in class 上课时不专心 走神儿

★ regular courses 常规的课程

from a psychological perspective 从心理的角度来看

unique learning styles 独特的学习方式

academic and personal interests (名词短语) 学习和个人的兴趣

separate students according to their IQ levels 根据学生的智力水平把他们分开

★ feel isolated 感到孤立的

★ become oversensitive 变得过于敏感的

★ segregate vt. (将两类不同的人们) 人为地隔离开 【名词形式】segregation

drain v. 吸干 这里指丧失某种重要的资源

role model 榜样

reduce their self-confidence 减少他们的自信

★ damage their self-esteem 伤害他们的自尊

★ take electives 上选修课

【对比】required courses(名词短语)必修课

★ challenge them mentally 在智力上对他们形成挑战




一些人认为让这些学生学习特殊课程,在一定程度上是件有实际意义的事。高智商的学生学习速度更快,也不需要在学习过程中一再地重复老师所教授的知识,因此他们需要一个更具挑战性的课程设置。假如课程太容易,这些聪明的孩子将会觉得所学有限甚至根本学不到东西。事实上,许多在课上不积极的学生其实是非常聪明的。常规的课程根本吸引不了他们的注意力。有些聪明的孩子甚至会觉得在校时间被浪费了。 而且 从心理学角度来看,为聪明的学生开设单独的课程,也会令他们感到更适应。他们当中的很多人不仅学习方式很独特,而且学习与个人兴趣也与不如他们聪明的学生的学习和个人兴趣差异很大。把所有的在校时间都花在与普通同龄人一起可能会让聪明的学生感到被孤立或者变得过于敏感。

很多教育专家则认为,将聪明的学生分在单独班级里的缺点很明显。普通的班级会因此缺乏学习方面的榜样。根据学生们的智商水平把学生分开 甚至 可能会向那些学习普通课程的学生传递出这样的信息:他们的学习不像聪明学生的学习那样受到学校重视,这很可能会削弱普通学生们的自信并且伤害他们的自尊心。

我个人建议聪明的学生应该多数在校时间都和同龄人一起度过。但除了常规课程之外,也应鼓励他们选修更具有挑战性的课程。 OxsqHWDXpc94rwvmy60n5YpjdFLecD7Hysj2paj+sFGraq8nbKVFEVbdsyegNIV5
