
测 试 篇

Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked [A],[B], [C] and [D]. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

1. Three times six is ________ .

[A] eighth  [B] eighteen

[C] eighty  [D] eightieth

2. There are already eleven in the list. You are the ________ .

[A] twelve  [B] twelveth

[C] twelvieth  [D] twelfth

3. ________ is heavier than the first.

[A] The two  [B] The second

[C] Two  [D] Second

4. ________ two hundred people were killed in the crash.

[A] Or so  [B] More or less

[C] Approximate  [D] Some

5. She is in her ________ .

[A] teens  [B] teen

[C] tens  [D] ten

6. The book is worth________ forty dollars.

[A] over  [B] more

[C] less  [D] over more than

7. It’s two fifty-seven. It’s ________ three o’clock.

[A] more than  [B] almost

[C] under  [D] less

8. A body of given mass would weigh ________ on the moon than on the earth.

[A] six times less

[B] six-times less

[C] sixth times less

[D] sixth-times less

9. John’s luggage is ________ Mary’s.

[A] three-time as light as

[B] three times as light as

[C] three-time as light than

[D] three times as light than

10. The earth is ________ of the moon.

[A] 49 times the size

[B] 49 times the large

[C] 49 times the small

[D] 49 times size

11. The personal income last month rose ________ .

[A] over at 1.1%  [B] at 1.1%

[C] more than at 1.1%  [D] 1.1%

12. Last year profits rose________ million dollars.

[A] 2.5  [B] to 2.5

[C] at 2.5  [D] for 2.5

13. Spending on farm programs will________ 14.9 billion dollars.

[A] reduce for  [B] be reduced at

[C] be reduced by  [D] be reduced

14. They plan to ________ their investment.

[A] double  [B] double for

[C] twice  [D] two time larger

15. ________ the class are girls.

[A] One third  [B] One-third of

[C] One three  [D] First-third of

16. After buying the suitcase, I had only ________ pounds left.

[A] one point five  [B] one fifth

[C] one-fifth of  [D] one five

17. The number of female graduates reached 506,400, making up ________ the total.

[A] 38.71%  [B] 38.71% for

[C] 38.71% in  [D] 38.71% of

18. There is a ________ of impatience in the tone of his voice.

[A] hint  [B] notion

[C] dot  [D] phrase

19. The author was required to submit an ________ of about 200 words together with his paper.

[A] edition  [B] editorial

[C] article  [D] abstract

20. She was welcomed with a(an) ________ of flowers by her friend.

[A] cupful  [B] handful

[C] armful  [D] bagful

21. He is overwhelmed with a ________ of anger.

[A] fit  [B] flash

[C] stroke  [D] display

22. Yesterday a ________ of locusts attacked this village and ate most of the crops.

[A] couple  [B] pack

[C] swarm  [D] group

23. Output is now six times ________ it was before 1990.

[A] that  [B] what

[C] that which  [D] of that

24. The boy students in this school are nearly ________ as the girl students to say they intend to get a college degree in business.

[A] as likely twice

[B] likely as, twice.

[C] as twice likely

[D] twice as likely

25. Do you regret paying five hundred dollars for the painting?

—No, I would gladly have paid ________ for it.

[A] twice so much  [B] twice as much

[C] as much twice  [D] so much twice


1. 【精析】选[B]。本题考查基数词的用法,这里的times相当于“乘以”。18要加后缀-teen。[A]项为“第八”;[C]项为“八十”,基数词;[D]项为“第八十”。


2. 【精析】选[D]。twelfth为不规则变化。[A]项为基数词;[B]、[C]两项变化不对。


3. 【精析】选[B]。在句子中用than连接,可以判断也应用序数词。[A]没有用序数词;[C]词性不对;[D]少冠词the。


4. 【精析】选[D]。本题考查表示“大约”之意的词的位置及用法,答案中的some相当于about,意为“大约”,应是放在数词之前。[A]、[B]两项当“大约”讲时接在数词后。approximate意为“大约的”,形容词,而这里“大约”应用副词approximately,表程度;some后接数词表示“大约”。


5. 【精析】选[A]。十位数加s表示“大约在那个年龄段”,teens在这里指十几岁的阶段。[B]项缺s;[C]项表示“十几岁的阶段”时不是用ten直接加s,而是用teen。


6. 【精析】选[A]。over=more than,表“多于”。[B]项不完整,只有more than才能表达“大于”;less后要跟than才能表示“少”;[D]项意思表达重复。


7. 【精析】选[B]。前一句已经说明现在是二点五十七分,即接近但仍没有到三点,所以用almost表示“没有到”。[A]项不符合题意,more than表示“不止”;[C]项虽然表“不到”,但一般用在年龄上;[D]项加than才表示“少于”。


8. 【精析】选[A]。表示轻几倍,应满足“倍数+形容词/副词比较级+ than”的结构,所以用six times less,中间不应用连字符,six不应用序数词。


9. 【精析】选[B]。用as...as时要符合“倍数+as+形容词/副词+as”的结构。


10.【精析】选[A]。根据“倍数+名词”这一结构,size为名词,但size of the moon(月亮的大小)是特定的,前面应加定冠词the,所以[D]项不对。而[B]、[C]两项中的large和small均为形容词,也不正确。


11.【精析】选[D]。根据“动词+百分比或倍数”这一结构,rose(升高)为动词,应直接后接百分比(1.1%)(或用rise by 1.1%)。[A]、[B]、[C]三项均含介词at,应排除。


12.【精析】选[B]。根据“动词+to+数词”这一结构,rose应后接介词to再加数词(2.5million)表示“增至(2.5 million)”。












18.【精析】选[A]。a hint of表示“(细微的)迹象,少许”。


19.【精析】选[D]。所填词与200 words和research paper形成语义场同现,abstract意为“摘要”,指关于书的内容的简短描述,句中所说的显然应是研究论文的“摘要”。




21.【精析】选[A]。a fit of anger意为“一阵怒气”;flash表示“一闪”;stroke表示“一次(打击)”;display表示“一次(陈列)”。




23.【精析】选[B]。此题考查表示“倍数”的固定句型。列举几种常用的句型:“倍数+what +从句”“倍数+ as...as”“倍数+名词词组”。


24.【精析】选[D]。本题考查的是倍数表达的固定结构:“倍数+ as + much/many/其他形容词、副词(+ as)”。


25.【精析】选[B]。短语twice as much表示“两倍于”,在本句中是twice as much as that 的省略表达。

【句意】你后悔花500美元买这幅油画吗? ——不后悔,哪怕花两倍的价钱我也愿意。 YXv826Cy6vynrvJlBztik9aveAZUaU4a8Mr+4RD/HSH0tg24exrbuZMuAyO7J00k
