

70 基数词构成法

基数词(canlinal numbers)指表示数目的词。下面是最基本的基数词,其他数目均由它们构成:



a. 21—99:先说“几十”,再说“几”,中间要加连字符:

23 twenty-three

45 forty-five

57 fifty-seven

b. 101—999:先说“几百”,再说and,再说末尾两位数(或末位数):

328 three hundred and twenty-eight

677 six hundred and seventy-seven

908 nine hundred and eight

c. 1,000以上:先从后向前数,每三位数加一个逗号(以此把数目分为若干段)。第一个逗号前的数为thousand,第二个逗号前的数为million,第三个逗号前的数为billion;然后一段一段地表示,例如:

2,008 two thousand and eight

4,000 four thousand

6,203 six thousand, two hundred and three

147,258 one hundred and forty-seven thousand, two hundred and fifty- eight

17,557,421 seventeen million, five hundred and fifty-seven thousand, four hundred and twenty one

570,000,000 five hundred and seventy million

4,000,000,000 four billion

1,000,000,000,000 a(one)trillion(一万亿)

在这类数词中,hundred, million, billion等词一般都用单数形式。

71 基数词在句子中的作用


a. 定语:

We’ve got one computer and two electric typewriters. 我们有一台电脑、两台电动打字机。

That company exports several thousand dresses every month. 那家公司每月出口几千件服装。

Over one million pounds have been raised. 筹集到的钱已超过一百万英镑。

b. 主语:

The other three are masterpieces. 另外三本都是杰作。

Five of them are included. 包括他们中的五个。

c. 宾语或介词宾语:

I saw four of these programs. 这些节目我看了四个。

—How much rent do you pay every month? —Eight hundred. ——你每月付多少房租? ——八百。

The city has a population of four million. 这座城市有四百万人口。

d. 表语:

They are altogether forty. 他们总共是四十个人。

Ten minus seven is three. 十减七等于三。

e. 同位语:

He is a postgraduate, and we three are not. 他是研究生,我们三个人不是。

What work are you to assign us four?你给我们四个人分配了什么工作?


Thousands of people go to Hainan for a holiday every winter. 每年冬天,成千上万的人到海南去度假。

Tens of thousands of buffaloes used to roam the prairie. 过去有数以万计的野牛在草原上奔跑。

They arrived in twos and threes.他们三三两两地来了。


a. 年龄:

He is in his early twenties. 他才二十岁出头。

He died still in his forties. 他四十多岁就死了。

she was by now in her late thirties. 现在她三十八九岁了。

b. 年代:

Tangshan earthquake took place in the 1970s. 唐山大地震发生在(二十世纪)七十年代。

I was working in Singapore in the 90’s. (二十世纪)九十年代我在新加坡工作。


3 + 12 = 15 Three plus twelve is fifteen.

9 - 7 = 2 Nine minus seven is two.

6 × 5 = 30 Six times five(Six multiplied by five)is thirty.

20 ÷ 4 = 5 Twenty divided by four is five.

a > b a is more than b.

a < b a is less than b.

a≈b a approximately equals to b.

a ≠ b a is not equal to b. o98Jkz0V7fucX5eAaF2ibe3g3dVtISS6b/GaO72EeDiAUk2J6aZxG0DiS1mBOUId
