

55 疑问代词


who, whom, whose, what, which


a. who可以用作主语或表语:

Who would like to go with us? 谁想和我们一块儿去?

Who is that girl? 那女孩是谁?

b. whom可用作宾语或介词宾语:

Whom did you see? 你见到谁了?

Whom is he writing to? 他在给谁写信?


Who did you meet at the party? 你在晚会上碰到谁了?

Who did you go with? 你和谁一道去的?


To whom should I write? 我应当给谁写信?

With whom did she come? 她和谁一道来的?


a. 主语:

Whose is that farm(over)yonder? 那边的农场是谁的?

Whose is better, yours or hers? 谁的好一些,你的还是她的?

b. 表语:

Whose are these? 这些是谁的?

c. 宾语:

Whose are you going to borrow? 你准备借谁的?




a. 主语:

What’s your plan, then? 那么你有什么计划?

Which of them came late? 他们中谁迟到了?

b. 宾语:

What can we do about it? 我们能有什么办法?

Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? 你愿意喝咖啡还是茶?

c. 介词宾语:

Which of them should I speak to? 我该和他们中的谁谈?

What’s all this about? 这一切都是怎么回事?

d. what和which加上名词后就变成了限定词/定语:

What color are the curtains? 窗帘是什么颜色的?

Which way should we go? 我们应往哪边走?

e. what还可用作表语,表示“职业”:

What’s your brother? 你哥哥是干什么的?

whoever, whatever分别是who和what的强调形式:

Whoever heard of such a thing? 谁听说过这样的事?

Whatever do you mean? 你到底是什么意思?

56 连接代词

疑问代词在引起从句时,都叫作连接代词,包括who, whom, what, where, when, why, how。它们可以引起:

a. 主语从句:

It hasn’t been announced who won the prizes. 还没宣布谁获奖。

It is clear enough what she meant. 她是什么意思很清楚。

b. 宾语从句:

I don’t care what they think. 他们怎么想我不管。

Ask her which he wants. 问她要哪一个。

c. 表语从句:

The question is who(whom)we should trust. 问题是我们应当相信谁。

What I want to know is which road we should take. 我想知道的是我们应该走哪条路。


Tell him what to do. 告诉他该怎样做。

Lucy can’t decide which to choose. 露西不能决定选哪个。

They exchanged views on the question of whom to elect. 他们针对该选谁这个问题交换了意见。

57 关系代词型的what

what的作用有时接近关系代词,可引起从句,表示“the thing which...”,相当于“名词+定语从句”结构,例如:

What I want to buy(=The thing I want to buy) is this. 我想买的是这个。

This is what I bought(=the thing I bought).这是我买的东西。

这种what可称为关系代词型的what(relative what),因为在意思上它仿佛包含了一个关系代词。它引起的从句可以在句中作:

a. 主语:

What I say goes! 我说了算!

What is over is over. 过去的事就过去了。

b. 宾语:

I cannot do what they ask of us. 我不能做他们要求我们做的事。

I could not express what I felt. 我没法表达内心的感受。

c. 介词的宾语:

He can’t give a description of what he had seen. 他无法描述他看到的情况。

I was not happy at what he had said. 我对他的话感到不快。

d. 表语:

That’s what I hope. 这是我的愿望。

That’s what you should always keep in mind. 这是你要时刻牢记在心的。

e. 插入语:

She wore, what was very uncommon in the country, a mink fur coat. 她穿一件貂皮大衣,这在那个国家是很少见的。

She happened to be home and what was rarer, disengaged. 她碰巧在家,而且更难得的是,她没有什么事。


What friends he has are out of the country. 他的那些朋友全在国外。

They collected what information they could find. 他们把能找到的资料都搜集了起来。

58 由ever构成的连接代词

who, what, which都可和ever构成连接代词(也被称作连词),多引起状语从句,表示“不管……”:

I’ll find the person who did this, whoever he is. 我将找出干这事的人,不管他是谁。

Whatever happens, I’m going. 不管发生什么事,我都要走。

Whichever road you take, the drive won’t be more than an hour. 不管你走哪条路,开车去都不到一小时。


a. 主语:

Whoever is responsible will have to pay for the damage. 凡是责任者都得赔偿损失。

Whichever you want is yours. 无论任何东西,只要你想要就归你。

b. 宾语:

I just say whatever comes into my head. 我想说什么就说什么。

Take whichever seat you like. 你愿坐哪儿就坐哪儿。

c. 介词宾语:

I want to speak to whoever is in charge. 我想和随便哪个负责人谈谈。

She might live in whichever room she liked. 她愿意住哪个房间都可以。


whenever,wherever,however是连接词,但不是代词。 4L2POSzd8W5pg9IK1GoCkb1pFNmo08d8sVnU/USZGIMSxB88WSwHxZaH9wrtlQoe
