

50 反身代词

反身代词也叫自身代词(self pronouns),主要有下面这些:



John dressed himself in the most formal suit. 约翰穿得衣冠楚楚。

They should blame themselves for the accident. 发生这种事只怪他们自己。

Please make yourself at home. 请别客气。




She was pleased with herself. 她很得意。

My sister is a teacher like myself. 我妹妹和我一样也是教师。


He’s making himself cheap by his unpleasant behaviour. 他那令人讨厌的行为有损其身份。

He felt himself very ignorant. 他感到自己很幼稚。


a. Mary herself opened the door. 玛丽亲自开了门。

The girl herself was to blame for it. 这得怪这个女孩自己。

b. I like the diamond itself but not the setting. 我喜欢的是钻石本身,而不是它的底座。

I want to see Tom himself. 我想见见汤姆本人。


She should do her homework herself. 她应该自己做作业。

You must decide that yourself. 这必须由你自己来决定。


a. I haven’t been myself for weeks. 这几个星期我身体一直欠佳。

Now I’m quite myself again. 现在我身体复原了。

b. Both my sister and myself were anxious about it. 我和妹妹都很为这事着急。

I hope Miss Green and yourself(=you)are keeping well. 我希望你和格林小姐身体都好。


My mother is as worried as myself. 我妈妈和我一样发愁。

My bother is as tall as(I)myself. 我弟弟和我一样高。


a. among themselves(ourselves)(他们/我们之间相互):

Don’t quarrel among yourselves. 你们不要相互争吵了。

Soon they began to fight among themselves. 不久他们内部就斗争起来了。

b. between ourselves (咱们私下说说;不足为外人道):

Come, we’ll have a word between ourselves. 来,我们私下说句话。

Between ourselves, I think Smith’s about to resign. 我们私下说,我想史密斯会辞职。

c. by oneself(独自一人;全靠自己):

He is calmest(=very calm)when he is all by himself. 他一人独处时极为平静。

I don’t like being by myself during a thunder storm. 我不喜欢在下暴雨时独自待着。

His new house was built by himself, brick by brick. 他的新房子是自己一块砖一块砖地砌起来的。

I finished the crossword(all)by myself. 我自己(一个人)做出了纵横填字字谜。

d. for oneself (替自己,为自己):

He is above taking profits for himself. 他不屑为自己谋私利。

A hobby is compared to a special friend that you choose for yourself. 一种业余爱好好比一位你为自己选择的特殊朋友。

e. in oneself(本身):

The money in itself meant nothing to them. 这钱本身对他们来说是没有什么价值的。

The idea is not bad in itself. 这主意本身不错。

They were good man in themselves, but they had to make a living too. 他们本身都是好人,但他们也得谋生。

f. to oneself(给自己用):

He had a room to himself. 他自己有一间房。

We want a little time to ourselves. 我们希望有一些供我们自己支配的时间。

51 相互代词

相互代词只有one another和each other。一般来说,each other指两人间的相互关系;one another指几个人之间的相互关系。二者也可互换使用,主要用作:


Probably we influence each other. 或许我们相互影响。

We’ve known each other for many years. 我们认识许多年了。

You should help one another. 你们应该互相帮助。


They three get along well with one another; one is married, another is still a bachelor and the other has a girl friend. 他们三人相处愉快:一个已婚,一个仍是单身汉,另一个则已有女友。

The students vary from one another in character. 学生们的性格各不相同。

Businesses vied with each other to attract customers. 各商行互相竞争以招揽顾客。


They were holding each other’s hands. 他们拉着彼此的手。

We often listen to one another’s records. 我们常常听彼此的唱片。

有时each other和one another还可分开用,但意义有变化:

We each know what the other thinks. 我们都知道彼此的想法。

The passengers embarked one after another. 乘客一个接一个地上了船。 qg7wYs9PhHezfS8yoBEvamoPil+uBegfGeslE+1yrwrkDTCfOJ6d8ljJixfccffc


52 指示代词的基本用法




This can all wait. 这一切都可以等一等。

Are these what you want? 这些是你要的吗?

What are those? 那些是什么?

That isn’t what I meant at all. 那完全不是我的意思。


Charles, this is my wife, Claudia. 查尔斯,这是我妻子克罗狄亚。

Who is this? (在电话里)你是哪位?

Was that Vicky on the phone? 是维琪打电话来吗?


Dad gave me this. 这是我爸给我的。

Take these to your mother. 把这些带给你母亲。


What do you think of this? 你觉得这个怎样?

I have no doubt about that. 我对此没有怀疑。


What I want to stress is this. 我想强调的是这一点。

The winning numbers are these. 获奖号码是这些。


I have no time to do it and that’s my trouble. 我没有时间做这件事,这就是我的问题。

He had a bad cold. That’s why he didn’t come. 他得了重感冒,因此没有来。

53 指示代词作定语的用法


This house is for rent. 这所房子供出租。

These two problems are hard. 这两个问题很难。

That room is hers. 那间房是她的。

指示代词作定语时可以和“of +物主代词”连用:

I hate that old bike of yours. 我讨厌你的那辆破自行车。

I really like those paintings of your sister’s. 我的确很喜欢你姐姐的那些画。


Are you going out this evening? 你今天晚上要出去吗?

How many classes did you go to this afternoon? 今天下午你上了几节课?

They are going to college this autumn. 他们今年秋天上大学。

它还可用于this day week这类短语中:

She will be back this day week. 她将在一星期后(的今天)回来。

I saw her this day month. 我是一个月前见到她的。

these days可表示“近来”“现在”:

He was feeling optimistic these days. 近来他感到很乐观。

She seldom comes to see me these days. 现在她很少来看我。

54 that和those的特别用法


The oil output last year was much higher than that of 1990.去年的石油产量比1990年高得多。

His description did not answer to that of the thief. 小偷的模样和他所描述的不相符。


His stories are more interesting than those I told. 他的故事比我的有趣。

My questions are similar to those you raised. 我的问题和你提的差不多。


We see him when he comes to town, but that isn’t often. 他进城时我们就能见到他,不过他不常进城。

Van Gogh succeeded in selling only one painting in his life time, and that to his brother. 梵高一生中只卖出一张画,这张画还是卖给他哥哥的。


a. that is(这就是说):

One solution would be to change the shape of the screen, that is, to make it wider. 解决方法是去改变屏幕的形状,就是说使屏幕更宽些。

b. that’s all(就这些,如此而已):

Just don’t do it again, that’s all. 以后别再这样做了,就这些。

c. that’s it(你说对了):

—You have no confidence? —That’s it. I’m no good. ——你没有信心?——你说对了,我不行。

d. that’s that(情况就是这样):

He’s gone and that’s that. 他走了,情况就是这样。

e. that’s to say(这就是说):

That is to say, same time, same place? 那就是说,还是老时间、老地方啰?

f. what’s that(你说什么):

What? What’s that you say? 什么?你说什么?

g.(Who)is that(是谁):

Do go and see who is that at the door. 去看看门口的人是谁。 qg7wYs9PhHezfS8yoBEvamoPil+uBegfGeslE+1yrwrkDTCfOJ6d8ljJixfccffc
