
测 试 篇

Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked[A],[B], [C] and [D]. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

1. When carbon is added to iron in proper ________the result is steel.

[A] rates  [B] thicknesses

[C] proportions  [D] densities

2. Doctors warned against chewing tobacco as a________ for smoking.

[A] relief  [B] revival

[C] substitute  [D] succession

3. In the United States, inches and ________ are still used as units of measurement.

[A] foot  [B] foots

[C] feet  [D] feets

4. The data received from the two ________ whirling around Mars ________ that there is much dence that huge thunderstorms are occurring about the equator of the planet.

[A] spacecraft...indicates

[B] spacecrafts...indicate

[C] spacecraft...indicate

[D] spacecrafts...indicates

5. Several hundred police ________ on duty at the demonstration yesterday.

[A] was  [B] were

[C] being  [D] been

6. The police investigate the ________ about the bank robbery.

[A] stander-by  [B] standers-by

[C] stander-bys  [D] standers-bys

7. After ten years, all those youngsters became ________ .

[A] growns-up  [B] growns-ups

[C] grown-up  [D] grown-ups

8. Many ________ prefer to use the word“Ms”instead of“Miss”or“Mrs”before their names in business correspondence.

[A] woman managers  [B] woman manager

[C] women managers  [D] women manager

9. The flood has done much ________ to this region.

[A] damage  [B] damages

[C] damaging  [D] ruin

10. Various ________ sold at this counter.

[A] soap is  [B] soap are

[C] soaps are  [D] soaps is

11.Mary was going to a wedding so she brushed________ well.

[A] her hair  [B] her hairs

[C] the hair  [D] the hairs

12.There is ________ about this man which forces me to admire him.

[A] a certain honesty  [B] honesty

[C] honesties  [D] a honesties

13.Mumps ________ a very common disease which usually affects children.

[A] is  [B] will be

[C] are  [D] has to be

14.His politics ________ against mine.

[A] is  [B] will be

[C] are  [D] has to be

15.There ________ a pair of shoes under the bed.

[A] is  [B] are

[C] will have  [D] has

16.They will have it finished in ________ .

[A] three quarter of an hour time

[B] three quarters of an hour time

[C] three quarter of an hour’s time

[D] three quarters of an hour’s time

17.The woman over there is ________ .

[A] Julia and Mary mother

[B] Julia and Mary’s mothers

[C] Julia and Mary’s mother

[D] Julia’s and Mary’s mother

18.I’m going! To dine at ________ at 5:00 p. m..

[A] the Johnsons  [B] the Johnsons’

[C ] the Johnson  [D] Johnsons’ house

19.Her house is within ________ from the police station.

[A] a stone’s throw

[B] stone’s throw’s

[C] a throw of a stone

[D] the stone’s throw

20. Since I loved her very much when she was alive, I prize my ________ picture and I would sell it for all the money in the world.

[A] mother’s-in-law

[B] mother-in-law’s

[C] mother-in-law

[D] mother’s-in-law’s

21.________, the singer, is also my classmate.

[A] The friend of Tom

[B] The friend Tom’s

[C] The friend’s of Tom

[D] Tom’s friend

22.He was granted ________ after five years’ study.

[A] a master’s degree

[B] a masters’ degree

[C] a degree of the master

[D] a degree of the masters

23.We hope that our government should pay more attention to ________ .

[A] the livelihood of the poor

[B] the poor livelihood

[C] the poor’s livelihood

[D] the livelihood poor

24.________ created a sensation among the students.

[A] That very inspiring speech of the old professor’s

[B] The old professor’s that very inspiring speech

[C] A very inspiring speech of the old professor

[D] The old professor’s a very inspiring speech

25.This is ________ . It was bought by his grandfather many years ago.

[A] a portrait of Mr. Tony Blair

[B] a portrait of Mr. Tony Blair’s

[C] Mr. Tony Blair’s a portrait

[D] a Mr. Tony Blair’s portrait

26.I walked too much yesterday and________ are still aching now.

[A] my leg’s muscles

[B] my muscles of leg

[C] my leg muscles

[D] my muscles of the leg

27. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the ________ movie could not hold our attention.

[A] three-hours  [B] three-hour

[C] three-hours’  [D] three-hour’s

28.There are ________ in this factory.

[A] three thousands of workers

[B] three thousand of workers

[C] three thousands workers

[D] three thousand workers

29.There are ________ of kinds of matter in the world.

[A] a million  [B] a few million

[C] millions  [D] million

30. The institution has a highly effective program which helps first-year students make a successful ________ into college life.

[A] transformation

[B] transmission

[C] transition

[D] transaction


1. 【精析】选[C]。rate表示“比率”;thickness表示“厚度,黏度”;densities表示“密度,浓度”;in proportion是固定搭配,表示“按比例”。注意proportion为抽象名词,前面不加冠词。


2. 【精析】选[C]。relief表示“减轻,减除”;revival表示“复兴,复活”;substitute表示“替代品”;succession表示“连续,继承”。


3. 【精析】选[C]。为了与“inches”的复数形式相照应,此空里应填复数。foot为不规则名词,其复数形式为feet。


4. 【精析】选[C]。whirl表示“旋转”;Mars表示“火星”。spacecraft(航天器)单复同形,故只能说two spacecraft。data是datum的复数形式,在主句中充当主语,“received from...whirling around Mars”为其定语,故谓语动词应为复数。


5. 【精析】选[B]。police是一个集合名词,形式上是单数,却是复数概念;在此句中由“several hundred”修饰,也说明它是作复数的,所以谓语动词也应使用复数。本句的时间是yesterday,所以谓语用一般过去式were。


6. 【精析】选[B]。stander-by是一个复合名词,它的主要部分是stander(站立者),应在其后加“s”构成复数形式。


7. 【精析】选[D]。grow up是一个动词短语,意思是“长大成人”。而grown-up是复合名词,意思是“成年人”。根据“来源于短语或以可数名词结尾的复合名词,将最后一个构词部分变为复数”的原则,直接在词尾加“s”变为复数。


8. 【精析】选[C]。这是以“man/woman +名词”构成的复合名词,“woman”和“manager”都应变为复数形式,即“women managers”。


9. 【精析】选[A]。damage通常作为不可数名词来使用。当damage表示“破坏,损失”时,为抽象名词,是不可数的;当damage用作复数时表示法律上的赔偿金,意义已发生改变。在本题中damage表示抽象意义上的“破坏”,所以应使用单数形式。其实,根据修饰词much,我们也可以知道此处应为damage。


10. 【精析】选[C]。在本题中,soap虽为物质名词,但鉴于various表示品种上的多样,所以其后应与复数名词连用,即various soaps(各种各样的肥皂)。


11. 【精析】选[A]。当hair统指一个人的全部头发时是不可数名词;只有在表示“一根根的头发”时才是可数的。本题中显然用的是“全部头发”这个整体概念,又已知是玛丽的头发,所以应选[A]。


12. 【精析】选[A]。a certain honesty即some honesty,或a kind of honesty,表示“某种诚实的品质”。honesty一般没有复数形式,是一个不可数的抽象名词。


13. 【精析】选[A]。mumps(流行性腮腺炎)是一种病,词尾虽然有-s,但并不是复数,所以要与单数动词连用。由本题的表语“a very common disease”也可以判定be动词要用单数形式。


14. 【精析】选[C]。此处politics指的是“政治观点,政见”而不是“政治学”,所以为复数名词,应使用be动词的复数形式。[B]项“will be”也没有明显的语法错误,但根据选择一个最优答案的原则,[C]项“are”更为合适——因为本题中没有特别指出时间,故以一般现在时为佳。


15. 【精析】选[A]。a pair of shoes意为“一双鞋”,重点已不在于指两只单独的鞋了,这个词本身已经具有了个体性—be动词的单复数形式应与量词pair保持一致。


16.【精析】选[D]。类似的用法还有yesterday’s meeting, two hours’ride, a mile’s distance, three pounds’ worth(of petrol)等。a quarter of an hour=15 minutes。




18.【精析】选[B]。此处the Johnsons’指的是“the Johnsons’ restaurant or house”,类似的用法还有at the barber’s, St. Paul’s(=St. Paul’s Cathedral圣保罗大教堂)等。当用城市或人物等专有名词作机场、码头、街道、单位的名称时,不能用所有格,如“Pittsburgh’s airport”就是错误的,应为“Pittsburgh airport”。


19.【精析】选[A]。a stone’s throw为固定搭配,意思为“近在咫尺”。




21.【精析】选[D]。the singer进一步限制了“汤姆的朋友”这个概念,此时必须用’s所有格。


22.【精析】选[A]。a master’s degree意为“硕士学位”,是固定搭配。’s属格不能用of属格替代。


23.【精析】选[A]。the poor指的是“穷人”。类似的由定冠词加分词或形容词来表示一类人的例子还有the rich(富人),the wounded(伤员),the aged(上了年纪的人),the young(年轻人),the disadvantaged(处于劣势的人)等。此类情况下必须使用of属格。




25.【精析】选[B]。结合题目来看,portrait应为Tony Blair的收藏之物,而非他本人的照片,应用双重属格来表示。a portrait of Mr. Tony Blair指他本人的照片,不符合题意。


26.【精析】选[C]。leg muscle意为“腿部肌肉”,leg用以修饰、限定muscle。


27.【精析】选[B]。three-hour为复合形容词,相当于“of three hours”,意为“长达三小时的”。注意:构词部分之间有连字符时,复合形容词中的名词应用单数。


28.【精析】选[D]。thousand与具体数字连用时,不用复数形式。three thousand直接修饰workers,无须加“of”。


29.【精析】选[C]。millions of意为“数百万计的”。a few million不与of连用,所以[B]项不对,[A]项“a million”后不应加of。


30.【精析】选[C]。从身份“first-year student(一年级新生)”能推出行为transition into college life(过渡到大学生活)。强干扰项transformation强调改变和转化的彻底性,与题意不符。

【句意】这个学院有一套行之有效的制度,可以用来帮助一年级新生成功过渡到大学生活。 u7btLoSJi5Xj2/Chmfgg5vCKuE6+PXaXc7avDQKEX21oyMcHVZFyGKFdQcBMQzZL
