



misogyny[maiˈsɔdʒini] n.厌女症

masculinity[ˌmæskjuˈlɪnəti] n.男子气;阳刚之气

bogeymen n.想象出来吓小孩的恶鬼


Year in a Word: Toxic (296words)

Emma Jacobs



(adjective) poisonous, malignant

When Britney Spears took a “sip from the devil’s cup” 15 years ago, how could she know that her song, “Toxic”, describing an addiction to a dangerous man, would prove so prescient? For this year toxicity has been — in Ms Spears’ words —“in the air and …all around”.

Toxic is the Oxford English Dictionary’s word of 2018. The dictionary said that in the past year there had been a 45 per cent rise in the number of times the term had been searched on oxforddictionaries.com.

In the year after the #MeToo movement emerged, misogyny and aggression were identified as signs of toxic masculinity. As waves of mass shootings hit the US, commentators identified a common link: the perpetrators were all men; furious, bitter men. Toxic masculinity does not only hurt women, wrote Australian novelist Tim Winton this year, it teaches boys to suppress their emotions. It is a “burden to men …it narrows their lives. Distorts them.”

Toxicity suffused political discourse too, propelled by social media outrage. Pick a side and lash out at your opponent — to hell with civility. In real life (or IRL, as the “extremely online” say), strongmen identified bogeymen. In the US, President Donald Trump whipped up attacks on a carousel of moving targets — fake news, migrants, Jeff Bezos.

In the UK, the novichok poisonings brought into focus the literal definition of toxicity. An attack on a former MI6 informant and his daughter was blamed on Russia. A second couple, one of whom died, were accidental victims. Despite Kremlin denials, relations between the two countries are poisoned.

Then there was the environment. In October, the World Health Organization published an alarming report that said 93 per cent of the world’s children breathe air so toxic that thousands died.

1. Which of the following words is a synonym of toxic?





答案 (1)

2. Which of the following is an example of toxic masculinity?

A.Mass shooting perpetrated by a woman

B.Mass shooting perpetrated by a man

C.Man searching on oxforddictionaries.com for the word "toxic"

D.Man dressed as women

答案 (2)

3. Which of the following would the author most likely to agree with?

A.Toxicity has affected politics.

B.It is definitely the Russians who poisoned the former MI6 informant.

C.93 per cent of the world’s children died because of toxic air.

D.Donald Trump is the source of toxicity.

答案 (3)

(1) 答案:A解释:(adjective) poisonous, malignant

(2) 答案:B解释:As waves of mass shootings hit the US, commentators identified a common link: the perpetrators were all men; furious, bitter men.

(3) 答案:A解释:Toxicity suffused political discourse too, propelled by social media outrage. MF64M9tXRpqk47HK0MjQF2QVzJbtZsm5usdICezlnzsR/PKIX2ynKuIEoEWVOUo+
