



tedium ['tiːdiəm] n. 单调乏味,沉闷

conscious ['kɒnʃəs] adj. 自觉的,有意的

grumble ['grʌmbl] v. 发牢骚,抱怨

vocational [voʊ'keɪʃənl] adj. 职业的

brutish ['bruːtɪʃ] adj. 残忍的,野蛮的


How to live to 100 and be happy (794 words)


A baby born in the west today will more likely than not live to be 105, write Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott of London Business School in their crucial new book, The 100-Year Life. That may sound like science fiction. In fact, it's only cautiously optimistiC.It's what will happen if life expectancy continues to rise by two to three years a decade, its rate of the past two centuries. Some scientific optimists project steeper rises to come.

If turning 100 becomes normal, then the authors predict “a fundamental redesign of life”. This book shows what that might look like.

We currently live what Gratton and Scott call “the three-stage life”: education, career, then retirement. That will change. The book calculates that if today's children want to retire on liveable pensions, they will need to work until about age 80. That would be a return to the past: in 1880, nearly half of 80-year-old Americans did some kind of work.

But few people will be able to bear the exhaustion and tedium of a 55-year career in a single sector. Anyway, technological changes would make their education obsolete long before they reached 80. The new life-path will therefore have more than three stages. Many people today are already shuffling in that direction.

Two new life-stages appeared in the past century: teenagers and retirees. Now another stage is emerging, say Gratton and Scott: the years from 18 to 30, which people increasingly spend transitioning from education to full-time work. Of course, many of today's young have no choice: they simply cannot find good jobs. But the 18-to-30s have also been quickest to understand the gift of extra years, say the authors. Many young people are now consciously searching and experimenting, working out how they want to spend the next seven or so decades. They don't want to let life just happen, as it tended to for previous generations. Today's parents, who grew up expecting shorter lives, should stop grumbling that 18-to-30s won't “commit”.

Already the young are studying longer. The authors predict that more will do two degrees: first a general undergraduate course, which teaches thinking skills with lifelong value, and then a more specific vocational degree that teaches a specific sector's current needs. After studying, the young will spend time travelling, exploring different sectors, and assembling a “posse” of friends and acquaintances who can sustain them at work and outside for 70 years. Instead of building old-fashioned CVs, people will build reputations on social media.

Future careers will contain many transformations. Lives will have fourth, fifth, even sixth acts. People will have to make more choices: next year, should you work flat-out in your job, return to education to learn new skills, or transition to an entirely new sector? There will be time to achieve mastery in multiple domains. No longer will women be denied careers because they took five or 10 years out to raise kids. That will still leave them 50-plus working years. Older people, especially, will develop portfolio careers. The trick will be to keep finding work that robots cannot do.

And people will change their use of leisure. When you could expect a 40-year career followed by fat state or corporate pensions, you could spend your free time chilling and buying stuff. But the 100-year life requires more saving. You might also need to spend much of your non-working time reskilling or exercising to maintain your body and brain for those extra decades. If that doesn't come naturally, the authors have a tip: picture your 80-year-old self sitting by your side, tut-tutting each time you scarf a doughnut or book an expensive holiday.

Longer life can come as a shock, especially to those of us in midlife. We started work thinking we'd be done by about 60, and dead at 75. But now my generation can expect to retire at perhaps 75, and live to 90. The thought of having to do your current job for another 30 years can be daunting. In any case, many of us will be pushed out in our fifties. Some people (not me obviously!) may also need second or third marriages to take them through to 90.

In the 100-year life, age groups will mix much more than they do now. There will be more old people taking undergraduate degrees, or doing junior jobs as they descend rather than climb the corporate ladder. Many kids will grow close to their great-grandparents.

Most of this is to the gooD.Crucially, most of the years of life gained in recent decades have been healthy ones. But the book warns that the 100-year life could become the preserve of the well-off. Already the rich outlive the poor, and they will be better equipped to reskill and change careers. Poor people could face 60 years of dead-end jobs in the gig economy, followed by death at 80 without a pension. A life like that, say the authors, is “nasty, brutish and long”.


1.Which of the following statements is true about our life expectancy?

A.Most babies born in the west today will be more likely to live to 105.

B.Some scientific optimists predict our life expectancy will rise sharply.

C.Our life expectancy will continue to rise by two to three years a decade.

D.Turning 100 will become normal and people will develop new life-path.

答案 (1)

2.People will develop a new life stage to ____.

A.take extra five or 10 years out to raise kids.

B.achieve mastery in multiple domains.

C.complete a more specific vocational degree.

D.transition from education to full-time work.

答案 (2)

3.According to the author, which of the following will probably not happen in the future?

A.Young people find it diffcult to find good jobs.

B.Women give up their career to look after thier children.

C.People transition to entirely new sectors frequently.

D.People can spend more time on expensive holidays.

答案 (3)

4.This passage appears to be a digest of ____.

A.A book review.

B.A news report.

C.A science fiction.

D.A research paper.

答案 (4)

(1) 答案:B.Some scientific optimists predict our life expectancy will rise sharply.解释:如果人们的预期寿命保持每十年增加两年至三年的速度,就像过去的两个世纪一样,这样的事就会发生。而一些科学乐观主义者预测我们的寿命会增长得更快。

(2) 答案:D.transition from education to full-time work.解释:过去的一个世纪,人们有了两个新的生命阶段:青春期和退休后。如今,18到30岁之间的新生命阶段正在出现。越来越多人在这段时间里完成从教育到全职工作的过度。

(3) 答案:B.Women give up their career to look after thier children.解释:人们将会有时间精通多个领域。女性不会因为花费五到十年养育孩子而告别职场。

(4) 答案:A.A book review.解释:本篇文章围绕《The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity》一书展开。 2dgfUAZYKloYFaVZondse0zPVKsPD+8u/Kcs8IcCouX4umUNm8hvPrggsWPh2Mvi
