



lackey ['læki] n. 仆人,侍从

garrulous ['ɡærələs] adj. 饶舌的,多嘴的

neocon [ni'ːəʊkɒn] n. 新保守主义者

condescension [ˌkɒndɪ'senʃn] n. 屈尊俯就

berate [bɪ'reɪt] vt. 严责

benign [bɪ'naɪn]adj. 仁慈的,温和的


The world leaders' dilemma: how to reach Donald Trump (707 words)


Normally, personal relationships between elected leaders scarcely matter. Most leaders follow the briefing books written by their bureaucracy. They pursue long-established national policies. Any talk of personal “chemistry” is usually just gossip.

But it's different with Donald Trump. After a career running a small family company without a board, he doesn't do bureaucracy. He surrounds himself with trusted lackeys. Anyone who manages to get a word in his ear therefore has a good chance of shaping the world's fate.

So far, Trump hasn't bothered much with foreign policy. Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and leaving the Paris climate accords were chiefly symbolic acts. But that could soon change. His tax bill may prove his last big domestic legislation, especially given his shrunken Senate majority. That will free up more head space to get worked up about foreign issues, from North Korea to Iran. Other western countries therefore face an urgent question — how to influence this man?

After his unexpected election, ambassadors in Washington hastily invited his associates to dinner. But soon after these meals, many of the associates vanisheD.(Remember Rudy Giuliani?)

Foreign officials quickly grasped that Trump's White House is structured like a small family company: only relatives (excluding wives) are unsackable. Justin Trudeau, Canada's prime minister, took Trump's daughter Ivanka to a Canadaphile Broadway play, and Angela Merkel brought her to Berlin for a panel. But the biggest prize for western diplomats is Jared Kushner, Ivanka's husband, the so-called “shadow secretary of state”. A French official who was garrulous on all subjects suddenly fell silent when asked to assess Kushner. The subject was too sensitive.

Allies have also staked out Trump's Floridian retreat, Mar-a-Lago. Canada's special asset is former premier Brian Mulroney, who knows Trump from the Florida vacation-home circuit, but everyone can play this game. “Any foreign intel service that doesn't have an agent as a member or employee of Mar-a-Lago is guilty of rank incompetence,” says American neocon writer Max Boot.

Yet western allies still feel out of the Trumpian loop. Talking to the administration's “grown-ups”— defence secretary Jim Mattis and national security adviser HR McMaster — only gets them so far: Trump apparently overruled the grown-ups on Jerusalem, for instance. More than in previous US administrations, reaching the president is essential. And the Europeans must reach him without being able to put forward many of the generals, billionaires and autocrats whom Trump admires.

Perhaps Europe's leading Trump-whisperer is Emmanuel Macron, the French president. The best actor-politician since Ronald Reagan, Macron first demonstrated his toughness towards Trump with the famous white-knuckle handshake. Then came France's diplomatic coup: Trump's visit to Paris for July's Bastille Day parade. Macron hosted him without showing a hint of the intellectual condescension to which Trump is so sensitive. When the two men met again in September, Trump spent the first 10 minutes reliving the parade, which he hopes to replicate in Washington next July 4.“And I want horses!” he told his entourage.

The French aren't sure how much this helps them. Trump still dropped out of the Paris accords. At least, they say, Macron can make his case to Trump and be heard.

Merkel and Theresa May wish they coulD.Uncharismatic women who don't live in bling-laden palaces, they can't meet Trump king to king, and they don't play golf. Merkel also suffers, notes Constanze Stelzenmüller of the Brookings Institution, from Trump's disapproval of “bad, very bad Germany”— a phrase he once used in Brussels when complaining to European leaders about the German trade surplus.

Merkel and May are also constrained by their domestic audiences. Whereas French voters tend to have little emotional investment in US politics, most Germans and Brits want their leaders to berate Trump. May has characteristically mishandled this. Days after his inauguration, she visited Washington to hold his hand and ask for a trade deal. She offered him a state visit, which if it ever happens, will prompt a historic demonstration. Her efforts were both pointless and irresponsible. Trump probably won't ever give the UK his advertised “very big & exciting” deal.

Now, with Trump apparently planning to bomb North Korea in the last months before it can hit the US, Europeans are mere spectators. Their best hope of influencing him might be buying commercials on Fox News's morning shows. They can only hope 2018 will be as benign as 2017.


1.The author believes Trump will start to work on foreign affairs because ____.

A.he is struggling to retain his Senate majority.

B.he failed to push his domestic reform forward.

C.he probably has no further domestic legislation.

D.other western countries are facing urgent questions.

答案 (1)

2.According to the article, Jared Kushner is ____.

A.Trump's unsackable Foreign Secretary.

B.Trump's shadow secretary of state.

C.a key role in Trump's family company.

D.an agent and a member of Mar-a-Lago.

答案 (2)

3.Who managed to have the upper hand over Trump?

A.Theresa May.

B.Justin Trudeau.

C.Angela Merkel.

D.Emmanuel Macron.

答案 (3)

4.In this passage the author mainly argues that ____.

A.Macron is the only European leader who entered the Trumpian loop.

B.uncharismatic female leaders find it hard to get along with Trump.

C.western countries still can't figure out how to get on with Trump.

D.The secret of reaching Donald Trump is to start with his relatives.

答案 (4)

(1) 答案:C.he probably has no further domestic legislation.解释:税改可能是他最后一项重要的国内立法,尤其是在参议院多数席位不断萎缩的情况下。因此他将有足够多的脑力来关注外交领域。

(2) 答案:B.Trump's shadow secretary of state.解释:西方政治家收到的最大礼物是贾里德·库什纳,伊万卡的丈夫,所谓的“影子国务卿”。

(3) 答案:D.Emmanuel Macron.解释:作为自罗纳德·里根以来最好的演员兼政治家,马克龙先是靠着那次著名的握手向特朗普展示了他的韧性。

(4) 答案:C.western countries still can't figure out how to get on with Trump.解释:他们影响特朗普的最大的可能是在福克斯新闻的早间节目中购买广告。他们只能希望2018年和2017年一样风平浪静。 6IwNodCeou2cCBtXePPbaRwgXnZefWybMy60CdmRS1S+WTk9ndX7zkTeQWbnOr7O
