










Is it better to vape than to smoke?(842 words)

By Anjana Ahuja

They seem most visible when the wind blows in from the Arctic — small clusters punctuating the empty streets,white sticks clasped between blue fingers and their exhalations drifting across No Smoking signs.

Smokers are,in all respects,a dying breed. In England in 2015,16.9 per cent of people described themselves as smokers,compared with 19.3 per cent in 2012. About a third tried to give up in the past 12 months.

Those who carry on puffing suffer higher rates of cancer,heart disease,respiratory disease and stroke than non-smokers. The National Health Service estimated that 78,000 deaths in 2014 were attributable to the habit.

Many smokers have considered turning to electronic cigarettes,which are“vaped”rather than smoked,in order to quit. Ecigarettes are a recent development in tobacco harm-reduction and are marketed as a less harmful alternative to smoking. But a stream of conflicting stories about their benefits,or otherwise,has left consumers confused.

Last month,for example,several newspapers including the Daily Mail,The Times and The Sun,reported research that suggested certain flavours of ecigarettes may harm sperm. The findings were presented at a British Fertility Society conference but are yet to be published in a journal.

There is,however,a strong scientific consensus that vaping is far better for health than smoking(although it is best to neither vape nor smoke). This consensus was reinforced by a study published this week in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Ecigarettes have been barely regulated until recently,meaning that their ingredients are not always known. In the past,e-liquid and vapour have been found to contain toxins such as carbonyls,tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines(TSNAs) and heavy metals,which can also be found in tobacco smoke.

This similarity constitutes one reason why their risk level has been a concern. The new study suggests vapers have a lower exposure to these toxins than smokers and hence are subject to a lower risk to health.

Researchers led by Dr Lion Shahab at University College London looked at five groups of long-term nicotine users. They were: regular smokers; former smokers who now only used ecigarettes; former smokers who only used nicotine replacement therapy such as patches or gum; smokers who also used ecigarettes,and smokers using nicotine replacements.

There were 181 participants,and their saliva and urine were tested for biomarkers of nicotine,carcinogens and other toxins.

Dr Shahab found that those who used only ecigarettes received a similar nicotine hit to smokers,while benefiting from substantially lower exposure to toxins and carcinogens. By extrapolation,lower exposure suggests lower levels of eventual harm.

The dual users who smoked and vaped were subject to exposures as high as smokers,for reasons that are as yet unclear. Thus smokers who want to improve their health are advised to completely give up combustible cigarettes rather than mix them with ecigarettes or nicotine patches.

The work,funded by Cancer Research UK,confirms that“full cessation of all nicotine products remains the best option to avoid harm”.

The finding echoes other analyses,such as a 2014 systematic review in the journal Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety,which concluded“electronic cigarettes are by far a less harmful alternative to smoking . . .”and that considerable health benefits accrue from switching. Public Health England states that vaping is 95 per cent safer than smoking.

Put simply,there is a spectrum of peril: smoking regular cigarettes exposes you to considerable known harms; ecigarettes and nicotine patches offer lower exposure and by implication less harm. And of course,steer clear of all nicotine products if you know what is best for you.

At a briefing at the Science Media Centre in London last week,Professor Robert West,editor-in chief of the journal Addiction,offered an insightful précis of how the clear,simple message that vaping is safer than smoking had become lost in the haze:“We see a constant drip-drip of them [studies into ecigarettes]: small studies,studies in mice; studies without cigarettes as a comparator,studies looking at risk where the level of risk isn’t quantified.”

The novelty of the products means that long-term surveys of vaping are decades away,leaving the knowledge gap ripe for filling by the kind of studies alluded to by Professor West.

In addition,the“to vape or not to vape”dilemma is coloured by an association with the absurdly powerful tobacco industry,which has long obfuscated and dissembled over the sheer deadliness and addictiveness of its products.

This has led to another criticism of vaping: it lures people into smoking. Research is trying to elucidate whether children who vape and then smoke would have ended up smoking anyway. The hotly contested“gateway”argument is separate and important but should not be conflated with the issue of relative toxicity.

And what if you have not tried any form of tobacco? Just say no,full stop,to both vaping and smoking — to the unpleasant smell,to the unnecessary expense,to the raised risks of disease(whatever they turn out to be) and,of course,to being forced out into the cold.


1.What is the percentage of people in England would describe themselves as smokers in 2016?





答案 (1)

2.What is the result of Dr Lion Shahab’s research?

A.Vapers were subject to exposures as high as smokers

B.The risk level of vaping is unknown due to the uncertainty of the ingredients

C.It’s better to mix combustible cigarettes with ecigarettes or nicotine patches

D.Vaping is much safer than smoking.

答案 (2)

3.Which answer is not one of the groups used as the experiment subject in Dr Lion Shahab’s research?

A.Regular smokers

B.Former smokers who now gave up smoking

C.Former smokers who now used ecigarettes or nicotine replacement therapy

D.Smokers who also used ecigarettes or nicotine replacements

答案 (3)

4.What is the criticism of vaping mentioned in the article?

A.Promoting vaping may do harm to the tobacco industry

B.Vaping could lead to other kind of diseases to human body

C.Vaping lures people into smoking

D.Vaping cause unpleasant smell and unnecessary expense

答案 (4)

(1) 答案:B.19.3%解释:2015年英国有16.9%的人是吸烟者,19.3%是2012年的数据,而有三分之一的吸烟者表示在过去的一年内曾经尝试戒烟。

(2) 答案:D.Vaping is much safer than smoking.解释:Dr Shahab的实验发现电子烟可以带来和普通香烟一样的吸烟效果,但是却能减少吸烟者对于毒素和致癌物质的摄入。

(3) 答案:B.Former smokers who now gave up smoking解释:实验对象包括:使用普通香烟的吸烟者;以前是吸烟者现在只使用电子香烟的人;过去的吸烟者现在使用尼古丁替代产品的人;同时使用普通香烟和电子烟以及同时使用普通香烟和尼古丁替代产品的人,没有提到已经完全戒烟的人。

(4) 答案:C.Vaping lures people into smoking解释:有批评指出,电子香烟对人体的较小危害性很可能会导致更多没有吸烟习惯的人成为吸烟者。其他答案是文中提到的一些观点但并不是明确表示的对于电子香烟的批评。 cfb1edtiybDx0lclrCiBZ9Gb11NvTex5uvgHKuSEhfjKZqJ1gCJM3DqxJ5JihRUc
