








leverage ratio杠杆率;资本充足率 杠杆比率(是正股市价与购入一股正股所需权证的市价之比,杠杆反映投资正股相对投资认股证的成本比例)


China’s Wanda circles Postbank in search of European bank assets(602 words)

By Don Weinland in Hong Kong and Caroline Binham in London

China’s largest property developer Dalian Wanda Group has set its sights on banks in Europe,including Germany’s Postbank,as it diversifies away from its core real estate business.

The Beijing-based group led by China’s richest man is actively looking at several European financial institutions,three people familiar with the matter said. Postbank — which has been put up for sale by Deutsche Bank — was among the institutions on Wanda’s list,according to two of those people.

The company’s hunt for financial assets was at an early stage and so far there has been no official approach to Deutsche,said the people.

But the interest in Postbank will be a boon to Deutsche,which has hit hurdles in its attempts to offload the German retail unit. One person familiar with the matter said Deutsche was seeking €6bn for the unit,which is suffering from low returns in the face of persistently low interest rates and competition from state-backed rivals.

Both Wanda and Deutsche declined to comment.

The acquisition of a bank by Wanda — following a multiyear global acquisition spree of US cinemas and production studios,an Italian yacht maker and a sports rights group in Switzerland — would be its first foray into the financial sector.

The move would also be another step towards diversifying away from its focus on being one of the world’s largest private property developers. In China,Wanda is best known for its massive development projects,including a series of theme parks.

However,its emergence as a potential buyer of banking assets in Europe took some in the financial sector by surprise. Some observers noted that the company has virtually no experience in the industry in China or abroad.

It also comes at a time when Chinese regulators are cracking down on outbound corporate investments that do not fit with companies’core lines of business. It was unclear if banking assets would be deemed a primary part of Wanda’s operations.

Over the past two years,group chairman Wang Jianlin has indicated that Wanda would adopt an“asset-light”strategy for real estate while expanding its so-called cultural division,which includes theme parks and a growing portfolio of global entertainment-related businesses.

Since 2014,Wanda has spent about $11.8bn on overseas assets,according to data from Dealogic. Mr Wang’s net worth was $31.4bn,according to Forbes.

Meanwhile,analysts covering Deutsche remain sceptical that it can successfully sell even part of its stake in Postbank. Citigroup analysts wrote earlier this month that there was a risk a sale would not materialise.

A sale of Postbank’s mortgage-heavy book would boost Deutsche’s leverage ratio,a key regulatory metric that measures capital to overall assets. International standard-setters want to increase leverage ratio requirements for the largest and most complex banks in the world.

But the bank has remained tight-lipped over Postbank’s potential price tag. Marcus Schenck,Deutsche’s chief financial officer,responded to analysts’estimates that it carried €5bn of book value by saying it would not disclose the price“because it’s not a terribly helpful metric to disclose in particular when an M&A track is also an option”.

He added:“We will only be selling these assets if it gives us a meaningful capital relief. And hence,we will certainly not accept a major writedown.”

Wanda joins a small group of Chinese conglomerates eyeing banks and other financial institutions in Europe,including Fosun International and Anbang Insurance. In November,Fosun became the largest shareholder in Portuguese bank Millennium BCP and also owns the country’s largest insurer,Caixa Seguros Saúde.

Bankers noted that Wanda would likely join a consortium of bidders for a large financial institutions acquisition in Europe.


1.Where is the headquarters of the Dalian Wanda Group?





答案 (1)

2.Who owned the Deutsche Postbank as mentioned?



C.Deutsche Bank


答案 (2)

3.Which one is not mentioned as the overseas acquisition from Wanda by now?


B.fund company

C.production studios

D.yacht maker

答案 (3)

4.What is the key regulatory metric that measures capital to overall assets?

A.dividend payout ratio

B.leverage ratio

C.equity ratio

D.conversion ratio

答案 (4)

(1) 答案:C.Beijing解释:中国最大的房地产开发商万达集团总部位于北京。

(2) 答案:C.Deutsche Bank解释:德意志银行曾在2015年宣布出售其拥有的德国邮政银行,大幅削减投行部门。

(3) 答案:B.fund company解释:万达没有收购过基金公司,这是其初次涉足金融领域。

(4) 答案:B.leverage ratio解释:将德国邮政银行的沉重的抵押贷款债券出售掉将会使德银的杠杆率大幅提升,而杠杆率又是衡量银行资产健康状况的一个很关键的监管指标。 X7nLzJARi0iOYyQ6V3GW3RoHGiGH+Q0YMsPsofiwfP+x8xAaQuaIakk1Bqw/qfOH
