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offshore离岸的['ɒfʃɔː; ɒf'ʃɔː]



More than one in 10 staff at US banks work in Asia(495 words)

By Laura Noonan in Dublin and Ben McLannahan in New York

Top American banks riding high on Donald Trump’s presidency have hired almost 120,000 people in low-cost Asian economies,creating potential tensions with the new administration,which has pledged to bring jobs back to the US.

Bank of America,Citigroup,JPMorgan Chase,Morgan Stanley,Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs employed 12 per cent of their total global workforce in Asian support centres in 2015 — the most recent data available. This compared with 10 per cent of overall jobs in 2013,according to figures compiled for the Financial Times by McLagan,a pay benchmarking company.

US banks have increasingly sought to cut costs and jobs at home to combat tougher regulation and sluggish revenue growth. David Warfield,associate partner at McLagan’s performance practice,said the banks were likely to continue adding staff outside the US,despite the Trump administration urging companies to invest more at home.

Mr Warfield said there was still demand from global banks to hire more staff in Asia,particularly for compliance functions that have become increasingly important following the financial crisis.

“Fifteen years ago,compliance roles would have been seen as essential to locate in the same building as the front office,”he said.

“Today,these activities have been separated into business support roles and more specialised roles. The specialist roles are being supported from alternative offshore locations.”

The number of banking staff working in offshore centres in Asia in compliance-related roles rose 18 per cent to 15,000 from 2013 to 2015,McLagan data show,while the numbers of Asian IT and operations jobs rose 6 per cent over the same period.

“For now,it’s a steady trend — increased headcount across control functions,compared to the IT and operations functions which are largely in place and stable,”said Mr Warfield.

That trend could be disrupted by policies outlined by Mr Trump,however,and in particular the review of financial sector regulations that Mr Warfield said could“lessen the demand for support staff in compliance and other control functions”.

“The big question will be technology and how that impacts on the more manual work [being done at service centres],”Mr Warfield said,adding that the automation and efficiency from technological advancement could reduce overall job numbers in offshore centres in the long term.

He added that banks’decisions about where to locate staff could become“less price-driven and more a function of reputation and specialist skillsets”. He said this would create the potential for countries and cities to become tech hubs,citing India and eastern Europe.

McLagan data show the investment bank divisions of Citi,JPMorgan,BofA and Morgan Stanley have almost 2,700 staff in eastern Europe,more than three times the numbers employed a decade ago.

But this is much less than the 12,650 staff employed by the investment banking divisions in India and the 22,000 across Asia.

Goldman,which is not included in the investment bank specific data,also has significant headcount in Asia,including about 5,000 staff in Bangalore.


1.Why did McLagan select the data in 2015 as the survey sample?

A.2015 is the typical year

B.It is asked by Donald Trump

C.It is the most recent data available

D.It is the most the most comprehensive data in history

答案 (1)

2.What is the percentage of Asian staffs in these Wall Street Banks in 2013?





答案 (2)

3.What could reduce overall job numbers in offshore centres in the long term as Warfield said?





答案 (3)

4.Which one has become less important to decide the location of staffs?

A.specialist skillsets



D.international politics

答案 (4)

(1) 答案:C.It is the most recent data available解释:因为2015年是可获得数据的最近年份。

(2) 答案:B.10%解释:相比之下,2013年这些银行的亚洲雇员人数占全球总数的10%。

(3) 答案:A.technology解释:是自动化和由科技推动生产效率的影响。

(4) 答案:B.price解释:在把员工安排在哪里的问题上,各银行的决定可能会变得“在更小程度上由价格驱动,在更大程度上受声誉和专业技能的影响”。 JcemOc9TOu3UPuqMjXtztqh2MR79kJWfXrJlcI3Ukrx40XZdTl+JjC7YStNV2yDW
