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Banks shake up hiring process(491 words)

By Laura Noonan

Deutsche Bank is using behavioural profiling when hiring US graduates in a bid to widen the range of colleges it selects from and reduce the number of recruits who later quit to join hedge funds.

Its latest initiative is just one of a number of recruitment techniques investment banks are rolling out as they compete for talent in a world that deems the industry less attractive than it once was.

Barclays is about to launch a new selection process that it says will give candidates a“real insight”into what working at the group is like and allow the bank to tap a broader pool of students.

Citigroup has said it is testing behavioural profiling across its US investment bank. Goldman Sachs is also piloting its own version of profiling but has not yet decided whether to roll it out more widely.

Deutsche’s screening system requires candidates to complete a 20-minute behavioural test when applying for US corporate finance roles. Their results are then compared with a‘fingerprint’based on the test results of the best performing junior staff at Deutsche.

Koru — the Silicon Valley behavioural testing firm that the German bank is working with — can also compare the results of Deutsche’s top juniors against a database of about 30,000 students built up from tests run for other companies. Most of these students are from colleges from which banks do not typically recruit.

Noel Volpe,the Deutsche Bank managing director spearheading the project,said the value of the system was that it provided“the specifics of a candidate who matches certain traits that resonate here with our best and brightest people”.

He claimed the people identified by the Koru tests would be better long-term bets for the bank than the best candidates from Ivy League schools that banks traditionally“fight over”. These candidates often felt“no loyalty to any one firm”,Mr Volpe said,and often played rival banks off against each other.

By weeding these people out in the recruitment process,Deutsche hopes to avoid hiring graduates who soon leave to join hedge funds.“I don’t want the person who’s going to come here,interview at a hedge fund six months in,which is the dynamic in the US,”Mr Volpe said.

Credit Suisse has been using virtual recruiting for graduates since 2010 and,in some countries,hires up to a third of its graduate intake this way.“This effort means we aren’t limiting ourselves in terms of talent sources,but rather attracting a much broader group of students from different backgrounds and schools,”said Andrea Tolchinsky,head of global campus recruiting at Credit Suisse.

In the UK,Barclays is using“contextualised screening”so that candidates from less advantaged backgrounds will get more credit for their exam scores and achievements than better-off graduates.“We want a diverse workforce,”said Jane Clark,head of graduate resourcing and development.“It is good for business and our client base is diverse too.”


1.Which one is not mentioned to hire US graduates with using behavioural profiling?

A.Goldman Sachs


C.Merrill Lynch

D.Deutsche Bank

答案 (1)

2.How low is the behavioural test for candidates in Deutsche Bank?

A.20 minutes

B.40 minutes

C.20 hours

D.40 hours

答案 (2)

3.Which one is not right about graduates from Ivy League schools as Noel Volpe thought?

A.they always gain popularity though banks

B.they can have job without Koru tests

C.they often feel“no loyalty to any one firm”

D.they may skip from job to job in a short period

答案 (3)

4.When did Credit Suisse begin using virtual recruiting for graduates?





答案 (4)

(1) 答案:C.Merrill Lynch解释:德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)本月面向一部分美国大学毕业生启用一套筛选系统。花旗集团(Citigroup)也在其美国投行部门试验行为特征描述,高盛(Goldman Sachs)正在试运行自己的版本。

(2) 答案:A.20 minutes解释:德银现在要求申请美国企业融资职位的候选人完成由Koru设计的20分钟行为测验,测试结果然后会被拿去与该行表现最佳的初级员工的测验结果进行比对。

(3) 答案:B.they can have job without Koru tests解释:沃尔普表示,常青藤大学的毕业生往往没有忠诚意识。“我不希望有人到这里来,六个月后又去某家对冲基金面试”。

(4) 答案:C.2010解释:瑞信(Credit Suisse)从2010年起采用虚拟方法招聘毕业生,在某些国家以这种方式招聘三分之一的新人。 6ji0zZP70s9w1dxx7GA410lYQVgbSBHVBZsKcLaA6X1527ol6hH+wymZdb65EpCw
