
DAY 04



slip / slɪp /

「熟义」n. 差错,纰漏;滑倒 v. 滑倒,滑落;悄悄疾行;溜

「生义」n. 纸条 v. 偷偷地给;陷入;使下降

常考 a slip of pen/tongue 笔误/口误|| slip over 滑倒,摔跤 || slip out 无意中说出

示例 Time is a playful thing. It slips quickly and drinks the day like a bowl of milk. 时间就是个顽皮的东西,它悄然溜走,把每日饮尽就如同喝完一碗牛奶。( 江苏2001

派生 slippery(adj. 滑的

brewery / ˈbruːəri /

n. 啤酒厂,啤酒公司

示例 They do no advertising and don't allow interviews or tours of their brewery . 他们既不打广告,也不允许采访或参观他们的啤酒厂。

competence / ˈkɒmpɪtəns /

n. 能力;胜任;权限;技能

常考 competence in (doing) sth. 做某事的能力

示例 Generally speaking, the applicants with competence and expertise can go to the interview. 一般来说,具备能力和专业知识的申请者才能进入面试。

directory / dəˈrektəri /

n. 名录;目录

示例 You can find his address from a directory of local trade associations. 你可以在当地行业协会名录中找到他的地址。

crew / kruː /

n.(飞机或船上的)全体工作人员;一组工作人员 v. 当船员

常考 crew member 全体船员或机组人员

示例 She boarded one of the last lifeboats which contained just five passengers and seven crew members. 她登上了最后一批救生艇中的一艘,那艘艇上只有五名乘客和七名船员。

construction / kənˈstrʌkʃn /

n. 建造,建构;创立;构造

示例 The workers working day and night, the construction of the building will have been completed by the end of this month. 有了工人的日夜工作,这栋大楼的建造将在这个月底完工。( 江苏2017

plot / plɒt /

n. 阴谋;情节;小块土地 v. 密谋,暗中策划;绘制;设置情节

示例 All that we really need to plot out the future of our universe are a few good measurements. 描绘宇宙的未来我们真正需要的只是几个好的测量结果。( 江苏2003

辨析 plot、intrigue和conspiracy这三个名词都有“阴谋”之意。plot强调经过仔细策划的阴险计划;intrigue指影响较深远,可能会牵涉很多人的,复杂的阴谋;conspiracy侧重两人或多人合谋,想做罪恶的坏事。

produce / ˈprɒdjuːs /

n. 产品,(尤其指)农产品 / prəˈdjuːs / v. 生产,制造;出产;导致,引起;培养

示例 They are looking for new methods to produce energy. 他们正在寻找生产能源的新方法。( 江苏2003

辨析 produce,make和manufacture这三个动词都有“生产,制作”之意。produce侧重生产量的多少;make最常用,指手工或机器生产简单或复杂的东西;manufacture过去指手工制造,现多指机器大规模制造。

uniform / ˈjuːnɪfɔːm /

n. 制服 v. 一致的;同样的

示例 Even when he was not in uniform , he carried a pistol under his arm. 即使在不穿制服的时候,他也会在腋下夹一把手枪。( 江苏2005

派生 uniformity(n. 统一性

bravery / ˈbreɪvəri /

n. 勇敢;勇敢之举

示例 Children remain attracted to bravery and risk-taking. 孩子们仍旧会被勇气和冒险精神所吸引。

语料 Bravery never goes out of fashion.(William Makepeace Thackeray)勇敢永远不会过时。(威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷)

confuse / kənˈfjuːz /

v. 混淆;使困惑;使复杂

常考 confuse A with/and B 混淆A和B

示例 Rich kids have so much to choose from that they often become confused . 有钱人家的孩子有太多的选择,以至于他们通常会变得很困惑。( 河南2020

unfortunate / ʌnˈfɔːtʃənət /

adj. 不幸的;可惜的;令人遗憾的

示例 Her sense of inferiority results from her unfortunate family background. 她的自卑感源于她不幸的家庭背景。( 江苏2012

sympathy / ˈsɪmpəθi /

n. 同情;赞同,支持

常考 in sympathy with 支持

示例 He received hundreds of letters from his readers offering their support and sympathy . 他收到了几百封读者的来信,对他表示支持和赞同。

辨析 sympathy和pity这两个名词都有“同情”之意。sympathy侧重同情,其后可接for和with;pity强调怜悯,其后一般接介词for,不可接with。

pioneer / ˌpaɪəˈnɪə(r) /

n. 先锋,先驱;拓荒者 v. 当开拓者;倡导

示例 He is a pioneer in various fields of computing. 他在计算机的诸多领域都是先行者。

intelligence / ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns /

n. 智力,才智;情报;情报人员

示例 There are two factors which determine an individual's intelligence . 决定一个人智力的因素有两个。( 江苏2016

advocate / ˈædvəkət /

n. 拥护者;支持者;提倡者 / ˈædvəkeɪt / v. 拥护;支持;提倡

示例 There are not many teachers who are strong advocates of traditional methods in English teaching. 强烈提倡在英语教学中使用传统教学法的老师并不多。( 江苏2008

identify / aɪˈdentɪfaɪ /

v. 识别;鉴定;确认;发现;理解

常考 identify with sb. 理解,认同

示例 I couldn't identify with any of the main characters in this movie. 我无法与这部电影里的任何一位主要角色产生共鸣。

repay / rɪˈpeɪ /

v. 归还;清偿;报答,回报

示例 The company repaid his loyalty with a bonus. 公司用奖金回报他的忠诚。

派生 repayment(n. 偿还;报答;还款

feature / ˈfiːtʃə(r) /

n. 特点,特征;容貌;特写,专题节目 v. 以……为特色;由……主演

常考 a feature on sb. /sth. 关于某人/某事的专题|| feature in占重要地位

示例 At the Naval Research Laboratory, near Washington, scientists are researching which features robots should have to be able to live with humans. 在华盛顿附近的一个海军研究实验室里,科学家们正在研究机器人应该具有哪些特征才能与人类共处。( 广东2017

同义 characteristic/trait

display / dɪˈspleɪ /

n. 陈列;展览;展示;显露 v. 陈列;展示;显示

常考 on display 陈列,展出

示例 Most of the pictures on display are from students of this primary school. 展出的大多数画作都出自这个小学的学生们。

discriminate / dɪˈskrɪmɪneɪt /

v. 区别,辨别;区分;歧视

示例 We should remove the prejudices that discriminate against persons with disabilities. 我们应该消除那些歧视残疾人的偏见。

派生 discrimination(n. 歧视;区别

invest / ɪnˈvest /

v. 投资;投入;赋予

常考 invest in 在……上投资或投入

示例 He chose to spend the money to buy a car instead of investing for retirement. 他选择把钱花在买车上,而不是投资在退休上。

派生 investment(n. 投资,投入

equivalent / ɪˈkwɪvələnt /

n. 等量物;等价物;等效对象 adj.等量的;等值的;等效的

常考 equivalent to 与……相同或相等

示例 For most Americans, job satisfaction is nearly equivalent to life satisfaction. 对于大多数美国人来说,工作的满足感就几乎等于生活的满足感。( 山东2016

派生 equivalence(n. 相等;等值

retreat / rɪˈtriːt /

n. 撤退;退却;躲避;退缩 v. 撤退;离开;后退;逃避;跌价

常考 retreat from 放弃;退避

示例 Rather than waste her life in the meaningless round of social events that were open to women, she decided at some point to retreat from the world in order to write her poetry. 她决定,与其把生命浪费在那些没有意义的、只对女性开放的社交圈子里,还不如在某一刻为了写诗而逃离这个世界。( 山东2015

辨析 retreat、retire和withdraw这三个动词都有“退出;撤退”之意。retreat含有被迫撤退的意思,多指对方军队的撤退;retire多指从商业公务引退或退下休息,意义较庄重;withdraw较通俗,常指自己军队的撤退。

deficient / dɪˈfɪʃnt /

adj. 缺乏的;不足的;有缺陷的

示例 Though many people take vitamins, they are still deficient in many important vitamin compounds. 很多人虽然服用维生素,但他们对许多重要维生素的摄入仍然不足。

sustain / səˈsteɪn /

v. 维持,保持;遭受;支撑;认可

示例 The love and support of his family sustained him during his time in hospital. 家人的关爱和支持帮助他度过了他在医院住院的日子。

派生 sustainable(adj. 可持续的

sparkle / ˈspɑːkl /

n. 闪光;亮点 v. 闪烁,闪耀;生气勃勃

示例 The finance major has lost a bit of its sparkle with some college students. 在某些大学生眼中,金融专业已经失去了一些亮点。

辨析 sparkle、flash和spark这三个动词都有“闪光”之意。sparkle侧重不规则的反射光点或光芒;flash指发出有规则的、闪烁的强光;spark指任何闪烁的光点或冒出的火花。

economy / ɪˈkɒnəmi /

n. 经济(状况);经济体制;节省 adj. 经济的;廉价的

常考 economy class 经济舱

示例 We should develop our city's economy into a pattern of its own feature with tourism as its stage and economy and trade as actors. 我们要形成我市独特的经济开发格局:旅游搭台,经贸唱戏。( 山东2009

contact / ˈkɒntækt /

n. 接触;来往,打交道;联络;社会关系 v. 联系,联络

常考 make contact with 与……联系|| lose contact with 与……失去联系

示例 Aerts used the contacts he made through his bakery job to prospect for new business. 阿兹利用他在面包店工作时建立的社会关系去探寻新的生意机会。( 山东2010

派生 contactless(adj. 无接触的

skip / skɪp /

n. 蹦跳 v. 蹦跳;跳绳;略过;悄悄溜走

常考 skip it 别提了 || skip off/out 溜走,突然离去

示例 Skipping midday meals leads to unhealthy binge eating in the afternoon and at dinner. 不吃午餐会导致下午或晚餐时间不健康地大吃大喝。( 浙江2012

course / kɔːs /

「熟义」n. 课程;路线;做法 v. 快速流动

「生义」n. 一道菜;疗程

常考 in/over the course of 在……期间 || in course of 在……过程中

示例 Now that we have finished the course , we shall start revision and prepare for the final exams. 既然我们已经学完了课程,我们就要开始复习,为期末考试做准备了。(广东2013)

premier / ˈpremiə(r) /

n. 首相;总理 adj. 首要的;最好的;第一的

示例 Ladies and gentlemen! It's my pleasure to introduce Mr. Li, our new Premier to you all. 女士们,先生们,我很荣幸地向大家介绍我们的新总理,李先生。( 江苏2013

pregnant / ˈpreɡnənt /

adj. 怀孕的;意味深长的

示例 He told them that he wanted AZT, a drug used to treat AIDS patients, to be given to HIV-positive pregnant women to prevent the disease from being passed on to their unborn babies. 他告诉他们他需要AZT——一种用于治疗艾滋病患者的药物,他想把这种药给那些HIV呈阳性的怀孕妇女使用,以阻止病毒传到她们未出生的孩子身上。( 广东2019

派生 pregnancy(n. 怀孕;孕期

activity / ækˈtɪvəti /

n. 活动;状况;行动;活力

示例 In the Victorian era, people thought that it was unladylike for a woman to be involved in any sports activity. 维多利亚时代,人们认为女人参加体育活动就会有失淑女风范。( 广东2019

thunder / ˈθʌndə(r) /

n. 雷,雷声;轰隆声 v. 打雷;轰隆地响;快速移动

示例 There is thunder and lightning, and the heavy rain is coming. 雷电交加,大雨将至。

派生 thunderous(adj. 雷鸣般的

settle / ˈsetl /

v. 解决(纷争);决定;安排;定居;使平静;停留

常考 settle down 定居;使平静;开始着手做某事|| settle on 选定

示例 Tom found it incredible to adapt to the climate so soon where he would settle down. 汤姆觉得定居后能这么快就适应那里的气候有些不可思议。( 河南2011

派生 settlement(n. 解决,处理

regard / rɪˈɡɑːd /

v. 看待;把……视为 n. 关注;尊重;问候

常考 regard... as 把……视为 || with/in regard to 关于,至于

示例 Without dining together, all gathering might be regarded as not satisfying and not complete. 只要没有一起吃饭,所有的聚会就会被看成未尽兴或不完美。( 河南2018

派生 regardless(adv. 不顾一切地

辨析 regard和consider这两个动词都有“看待”之意。regard侧重从主观印象得出的判断;consider多指经过仔细思考得出的看法。

accommodation / əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn /

n. 住处;住宿;和解,调节

示例 Travel and all the accommodation are included. 旅行及所有住宿是包含在内的。

basis / ˈbeɪsɪs /

n. 基础;要素;原因,缘由;准则,方式

常考 on the basis of 以……为由;以……为基础

示例 Not only do Americans believe in romantic love but they also believe that it is the best basis for making a happy marriage. 美国人不仅相信浪漫的爱情,他们还认为爱情是幸福婚姻的最好的基础。( 河南2011

superior / suːˈpɪəriə(r) /

n. 上级,上司 adj. 更好的;优越的;上级的

常考 be superior to 比……更好

示例 Man is superior to the animals and he uses language to convey his thoughts. 人类比动物更优越,人类能使用语言去传递自己的想法。( 河南2011

派生 superiority(n. 优越,优势

referee / ˌrefəˈriː /

n. 裁判;推荐人;仲裁人 v. 担任裁判;审阅,鉴定(专业文章)

示例 For this purpose you should choose people who know you well enough about your character and ability; and you should also ask for their permission to be named as referees . 为了这个目标,你应该选择那些很了解你的性格和能力的人,你还应该先取得他们的同意,让他们做你的推荐人。( 江西2019

trap / træp /

n. 陷阱;圈套;困境 v. 设陷阱捕捉;诱骗;抓捕;困住;留住(气体、水或能量)

示例 The company has found that it's caught in a trap of its own making. 那家公司已经发现其陷入了自己造成的困境中。

rank / ræŋk /

n. 地位;级别,等级;队列 v. 把……分级;排行 adj. 难闻的;极端的;糟糕的

示例 Another interesting finding in this study was that eleven-year-old children ranked a world of beauty 7th in importance, but fifteen-year old children ranked a world of beauty 14th and adults ranked it 17th. 这项研究有另一个有趣的发现,在按重要性排序时,11岁的孩子将美的世界排在第7位,而14岁的孩子将美的世界排在第14位,成年人将其排在第17位。( 江苏2016

辨析 rank和status这两个名词都有“地位”之意。rank特指世袭的或在军队中的地位或级别,也可指一般的社会阶级;status指某人的身份或地位。

increase / ˈɪŋkriːs /

n. 增加;增多;增长 / ɪnˈkriːs / v.(使)增加;增多;增长

常考 increase in 在……方面增长

示例 According to the expert's presentation, the project is expected to increase household income for farmers in the western areas. 按照这个专家的介绍,这个项目有望增加西部地区农民的家庭收入。( 江苏2016

valid / ˈvælɪd /

adj. 有效的;有根据的;认可的;重要的

示例 Depending upon the requirements of the country to be visited, citizens of the United States need to carry a passport that is valid for six months beyond the visit or documented evidence of their citizenship and identity. 根据游览目的国的要求,美国公民需要携带有效期超过出行日期六个月的护照,或是其他能证明他们公民身份的文件。( 江西2007

派生 validity(n. 有效性

foggy / ˈfɒɡi /

adj. 有雾的;模糊的

示例 It was a typical foggy day in London. 这是伦敦典型的大雾天。

condition / kənˈdɪʃn /

「熟义」n. 状态,状况;条件;环境;疾病 v. 使适应;影响

「生义」v. 习惯于(以某种方式做事或思考)

常考 on no condition 决不 || on condition (that)... 如果……

示例 He thought that the bad working conditions would result in the strike of the workers. 他认为恶劣的工作条件会导致工人罢工。( 江苏2001

initial / ɪˈnɪʃl /

adj. 最初的,开始的 n. 首字母 v. 签姓名的首字母于

示例 But, that initial time and effort will save you from the dread of losing it all in a crash. 但是最初投入的时间和精力能让你不再害怕当系统崩溃时失去这些数据。( 浙江2019

派生 initialize(v. 初始化

quit / kwɪt /

v. 辞去;离开;停止

常考 call it quits 叫停 || quit hold of 放开,放掉

示例 Realizing that I wasn't going to get much chance for promotion, I decided to quit that job. 当我意识到我不会有太大的机会得到晋升时,我决定辞去那份工作。

辨析 resign和quit这两个动词都有“辞职”之意。resign指提出正式辞呈的辞职。quit不如resign正式,一般指体力工作者或某人松散组织成员的辞职,侧重一时冲动而做出的离去决定。

语料 Quitters never win and winners never quit. 退缩者永无胜利,胜利者永不退缩。

attain / əˈteɪn /

v. 获得,得到;达到

示例 We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal. 我们希望我们的学生能尽全力,而不是尽量少做,并且我们会尽所能去鼓励他们,从而让他们达到这个目标。( 广东2016

派生 attainable(adj. 可达到的

辨析 obtain和attain这两个动词都有“获得”之意。obtain用法较正式,侧重经过长时间或很大的努力得到渴望已久的东西;attain指通过长期的努力达到一定的目的或结果。

hug / hʌɡ /

n. 拥抱 v. 拥抱,抱住;紧靠着

示例 He greeted her with a passionate hug . 他用一个热情的拥抱迎接了她。

addition / əˈdɪʃn /

n. 加法;添加,增加;增加部分

常考 in addition to 除……之外还|| in addition 另外

示例 In addition , life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well known. 另外,生活总是呈现给孩子们新的东西,这些东西对于成年人来说太过熟悉了,因而也就没了兴趣。( 河南2020

派生 additional(adj. 附加的;额外的

drag / dræɡ /

n. 阻碍;讨厌的事 v. 拖;硬拽;强迫;拖沓

常考 drag on/out 拖延 || drag oneself 勉强自己

示例 Don't use a friend's tragedy as an excuse to drag out similar experiences you've had. 不要以朋友的遭遇为借口去引出你曾经有过的类似的经历。( 山东2019

同义 pull/draw/haul

grateful / ˈɡreɪtfl /

adj. 感激的

示例 We have received your letter and would be grateful if you would tell us in detail the way of cooperation. 来信已收到,如贵方能告知合作细节,我方将万分感激。( 河南2017

plain / pleɪn /

adj. 清楚的;坦诚的;素色的;不尚修饰的;平庸的 n.平原

常考 in plain English 用平白的语言|| in plain clothes 穿便衣的

示例 Choose plain words so long as they can express your meaning. 选择平实的词语,只要这些词语能表达你的意思。( 陕西2019

shrink / ʃrɪŋk /

v. 缩水;缩小;避开,逃避

常考 shrink from 逃避,回避

示例 In the future, they hope to increase the battery's power, shrink its size and try with various other materials. 将来,他们希望能提高电池的功率,缩小它的尺寸并尝试各种其他材料。( 广东2018

believe / bɪˈliːv /

v. 相信;认为;看作

常考 believe in 相信,相信……的存在 || make believe that假装

示例 The news that her son failed to pass the exam was so disappointing that she could hardly believe it. 她儿子考试没有及格的消息太让人失望,她难以相信。( 河南2009

argue / ˈɑːɡjuː /

v. 争论;争吵;争辩;论证

常考 argue with sb. about sth. 与某人争论某事

示例 It's no use arguing with him since he has made up his mind. 和他争辩已经没用了,因为他已经下定决心了。

派生 argument(n. 论证;争论

standard / ˈstændəd /

n. 水平;标准;道德水准 adj. 标准的;常规的;权威性的

常考 living standard 生活水平

示例 Family-run hotels of high standard offer a personal, friendly and efficient service. 家族经营的高水准的酒店提供个性化的、友善的、高效的服务。( 江苏2014

派生 standardize(v. 使标准化

辨析 criterion和standard这两个名词都有“标准”之意。criterion指判断人或事的性质或优劣的标准;standard指被公认为决定品质、价值或道德的标准,也可指衡量事物的客观标准。

overcome / ˌəʊvəˈkʌm /

v. 克服;解决;战胜

示例 Moreover, if the problem of the security of the payment can be overcome , there will be more people willing to try online shopping. 此外,如果支付安全问题能得到解决,将会有更多的人愿意尝试线上购物。( 江苏2019


disclose / dɪsˈkləʊz /

v. 揭露;透露

示例 After what seemed ages, the newsman disclosed the facts. 似乎很多年后,记者才揭露了事实。( 河南2013

scout / skaʊt /

n. 童子军;侦察员 v. 侦察;搜索;物色

常考 scout out 侦察;搜索

示例 He returned from a careful scout round the area. 他在那里进行了仔细的侦察才回来。

imperial / ɪmˈpɪəriəl /

adj. 帝国的;皇帝的;英制的

示例 Mass travel was an expression of the industrial wealth and imperial confidence of the 19th-century British. 大规模的旅行是19世纪英国工业财富和帝国信心的象征。

satire / ˈsætaɪə(r) /

n. 讽刺;讽刺作品

示例 They are marked by humor and satire and provide his readers with an excellent picture of his time. 它们以幽默和讽刺而闻名,并向读者展示了作者所在时代的美好样子。 (山东2013)

disarm / dɪsˈɑːm /

v. 解除武装;消除(敌意、怒气)

示例 Cigarettes can disarm the lungs' natural defense system. 香烟会破坏肺的天然保护系统。

community / kəˈmjuːnəti /

n. 社区;团体;(动植物)群落

示例 It means that anyone can enroll in community colleges. 这就意味着所有人都能参加社区学院的课程。( 山东2019

hence / hens /

adv. 因此;此后

示例 The emission of greenhouse gases will have its main effect many years hence . 排放温室气体的影响将在许多年之后显现。

doze / dəʊz /

n. 小睡 v. 打盹儿,小睡

常考 doze off 打瞌睡,打盹儿

示例 In this way I dozed off. 就这样,我小睡了一会儿。( 广东2016

massage / ˈmæsɑːʒ /

n. 按摩 v. 按摩;篡改,矫饰

示例 Massage your face and arms and legs with pure almond oil. 用纯杏仁油按摩你的脸、胳膊和腿。

layoff / ˈleɪ ɒf /

n. 解雇

示例 The economic recession has been marked by a steady layoff around the world. 经济衰退的一个特征就是全球范围内的持续裁员。

cashier / kæˈʃɪə(r) /

n.出纳员;收银员 v. 开除

示例 Don't forget to say “thank you” to the supermarket cashier . 别忘了和超市的收银员说一声谢谢。

lick / lɪk /

n. 舔;少量 v. 舔;掠过

常考 lick one's boots 拍马屁

示例 The little girl licked up the ice cream. 小姑娘把冰激凌都舔干净了。

alter / ˈɔːltə(r) /


示例 How much you spend on food (time as well as money), how much exercise you get—these can alter the balance between food and fitness. 你在食物上花了多少钱、多少时间,你做了多少运动,这些都能改变食物和健康之间的平衡。( 江苏2008

enthusiasm / ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm /

n. 热情;热衷的事情

示例 The rain has dampened the enthusiasm of the crowd. 大雨浇灭了人群的热情。

gloom / ɡluːm /

n. 忧郁,愁闷;阴暗;幽暗

示例 Most Silicon Valley investors still see no signs of gloom and doom. 大多数硅谷投资商仍未看到忧郁和厄运的迹象。

magnify / ˈmæɡnɪfaɪ /


示例 The microscope can magnify objects to fifty times as big as their original size. 这个显微镜可以把物体放大50倍。

spine / spaɪn /

n. 脊柱,脊椎;(动植物的)刺

示例 Laughing and coughing put more pressure on the spine than walking or standing. 大笑和咳嗽会比走路和站立给脊椎施加更大的压力。

optimism / ˈɒptɪmɪzəm /

n. 乐观;乐观主义

示例 Optimism and pessimism are personality traits that condition people's reaction to uncertainty. 乐观和悲观都是人的个性,它们会决定人们对不确定性的反应。

meantime / ˈmiːntaɪm /

n. & adv. 其间;同时

常考 for the meantime 眼下,暂时 || in the meantime 在……期间;同时

示例 In the meantime , I'd hope that all couch potatoes would turn off their TV. 同时,我希望所有的“沙发土豆们(总是坐在电视机前的电视迷们)”能关掉他们的电视机。( 江苏2015

immune / ɪˈmjuːn /

adj. 有免疫力的;不受影响的;豁免的

常考 be immune to 对……有免疫

示例 People have fewer infections, thanks to vaccines and antibiotics, so our immune systems are less active and our body's tissues less inflamed. 由于有了疫苗和抗生素,人们的感染次数更少,所以我们的免疫系统不那么活跃,身体组织发炎的次数也少了。( 江苏2020 l2Vexsy1aqL8Gw19W7fb0aq+1yk+tC9pKVMvwHKxp/GcqfE7afyFnCve4hfBL7aC
