
阶段测试 01


1. Listen to the recordings carefully and then fill in the missing word or phrase.

1. The police ____________ all the entrances to the square.

2. He was a French ____________, famed for being the first person to manufacture soda from common salt.

3. Earlier this year, the company ____________ all four of its pipelines that ship the fuel to Europe.

4. The presentation was ____________ by a round table discussion.

5. ____________ show that most teachers do their job because they love the profession and they love children.

6. Make sure that your emergency numbers have been stored in your speed ____________ section.

7. The new President has launched ____________ to attract further investment and boost growth.

8. Astronomers can use the new method to ____________ the star's mass directly by measuring the sizes and orbits of the planet and moon.

9. In poor black neighborhoods today, there is kind of ____________, that is poverty of the spirit.

10. Soy products like tofu and soymilk do double duty in this regard since they provide both calcium and ____________.

2. Choose the proper word or phrase to complete the sentence.

1. We should develop ____________ energy sources and reduce emissions. (alternative/alternate)

2. An ____________ is anyone who might attempt an attack against another party. (adversary/anniversary)

3. Dogs are often praised for their loyalty; they almost never ____________ their masters. (abandon/abundant)

4. No matter how you ____________, you should get to work on time. (commute/commit)

5. It is the custom of this academy to make an annual ____________ for outstanding researchers. (award/reward)

6. The advantage of hydrogen is its simplicity: one ____________ circles a single proton. (electron/electronic)

7. He has a unique ____________ on the economic problems in United States. (perspective/prospective)

8. If you work out in the morning, your brain gets that sleep signal midday and throws off your ____________. (rhythm/rhyme)

9. Many dieters regain weight because they can't stick to ____________ eating programs for long. (stiff/rigid)

10. He's quite ____________ lying to get out of trouble. (able of/capable of)

3. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese given in brackets into English.

1. The teenagers' words can ____________________________________. (反映当今年轻人的思想状况)

2. It's our responsibility to ____________________________________. (保卫我们的祖国免遭侵略)

3. The magnifying glass can ____________________________________. (把图像放大10倍)

4. The new air-conditioner consumes only half the power so it keeps electricity bills ____________________________________ . (保持在人们可以负担的水平上)

5. Instead of buying the book from bookstores, most of students now prefer ____________________________________. (在网络上读书)

6. The employer reserves the right to ____________________________________, if this is considered necessary. (暂停员工的工作)

7. Piracy can undermine sales of legitimate products, ____________________________________ its intellectual property and brand. (使公司失去)

8. ____________________________________ he would be a better leader in a time of financial and economic anxieties. (我可以向你保证)

9. We lost the debate because none of us ____________________________________. (预料到了他们会问些什么)

10. Financial constraints cause many to skip medical examination or _______________________________. (对小病痛推迟治疗)


1. Listen to the recordings carefully and then fill in the missing word or phrase.

1. sealed off

2. chemist

3. shut

4. succeeded

5. Statistics

6. dial

7. a series of bold economic reforms

8. calculate

9. spiritual poverty

10. protein

2. Choose the proper word or phrase to complete the sentence.

1. alternative

2. adversary

3. abandon

4. commute

5. award

6. electron

7. perspective

8. rhythm

9. rigid

10. capable of

3. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese given in brackets into English.

1. reflect what the young are thinking about today

2. shield/prevent our motherland from invasion

3. enlarge the image 10 times

4. at a level that people can afford

5. to read books online

6. suspend employees from work/working

7. deprive a company of

8. I can assure you (that)

9. anticipated what they would ask

10. postpone the treatment for minor illness FM0frfMD08ROiIPZYG4Fyn41KVj6Nqk6zGHQWDz6DABnDFlBx1h8rLc5DwnEfHMg
