
DAY 08



profit / ˈprɒfɪt /

n. 利润,收益,盈利 v. 获益,得益;有益于

常考 profit by/from从……中获益

示例 Soon you will find you would profit from a more relaxed lifestyle. 很快你就会发现,更放松的生活方式对你更有益。

派生 profitable(adj. 有利可图的

shade / ʃeɪd /

n. 阴凉处,(树)荫;遮光物;色度;阴影部 v. 遮蔽,遮光;画阴影

常考 shade (off) into sth. 渐变为某事物|| put sth. in the shade 使……相形见绌

示例 The temperature can reach 35 degree Celsius in the shade in summer. 夏季背阴处温度可高达35摄氏度。

派生 shady(adj. 成荫的;可疑的

辨析 shadow和shade这两个名词都有“阴影”之意。shadow指人或物在光的照射下产生的影子;shade指太阳照不到的阴暗的地方。

语料 Had I not seen the sun, I could have borne the shade.(Emily Dickinson)我本能忍受黑暗,如果不曾见过光。(艾米莉·狄金森)

accurate / ˈækjərət /

adj. 精确的,准确的;准确无误的

示例 The results must be accurate , because all the calculations have been done by an electronic computer. 因为所有的计算都是由电子计算机完成的,所以结果一定是准确的。( 山东2017

派生 accuracy(n. 精确度;准确性

format / ˈfɔːmæt /

n. 计划,安排;版式;格式 v. 格式化

示例 People should be free to choose their preferred format . 人们应该可以自由选择自己喜欢的格式。

bonus / ˈbəʊnəs /

n. 奖金;红利;额外收获

示例 The cool weather in summer has been a real bonus . 夏季有这样凉爽的天气真让人喜出望外。

celebrate / ˈselɪbreɪt /

v. 庆祝;主持(宗教仪式);赞扬;赞美;歌颂

示例 It's Dad's birthday and we're going out for a meal to celebrate . 今天是父亲的生日,我们要出去聚餐,庆祝一下。

派生 celebration(n. 庆典;庆祝

语料 The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate . 你越是赞颂生活,生活就越值得赞颂。

acquire / əˈkwaɪə(r) /

v. 获得,得到;学到,习得

示例 People's preference for one color over another is acquired as they grow up. 人们对颜色的偏好是在成长过程中获得的。

派生 acquisition(n. 取得;获得物

adjustment / əˈdʒʌstmənt /

n. 调整,调节

示例 It can be said that foreign background that makes the faculty member from abroad an asset also creates problems of adjustment , both for the university and for the individual. 可以说,国外的教育背景让外教成了宝贵的资产,同时也给大学和个人的(人事)调整带来了难题。( 广东2010

scan / skæn /

n. 浏览;扫描检查 v. 浏览;仔细察看;扫描

常考 scan through (for sth.) 浏览……去找……

示例 He scanned the list quickly for any familiar names. 他快速浏览名单去寻找任何熟悉的名字。

派生 scanner(n. 扫描仪

recommend / ˌrekəˈmend /

v. 推荐,举荐;介绍;劝告;使受欢迎

示例 In Britain, if a patient needs to see a specialist doctor, their family doctor will usually recommend a specialist, which will save more time and money both for the patients and the public fund. 在英国,如果一名病人需要看专科医生,他们的家庭医生通常会推荐一位专科医生,这将为病人和公共基金节省更多的时间和金钱。( 陕西2020

派生 recommendation(n. 推荐,推荐信;劝告

strait / streɪt /

n. 海峡,水道;困境

示例 They are measuring the sea ice in the Greenland Sea and Fram Strait . 他们正在测量在格陵兰岛海域和弗拉姆海峡的海冰。

同义 channel

fist / fɪst /

n. 拳头

示例 He clenched his fists because of anger. 出于愤怒,他紧握双拳。

reservation / ˌrezəˈveɪʃn /

n. 预约;预订;保留意见;(美国印第安人的)保留地

常考 without reservation 毫无保留地

示例 I've called the restaurant and made a reservation for a table for two. 我给饭店打了个电话,预订了一个两人桌。

pride / praɪd /

n. 骄傲,自豪;自尊 v. 以……而自豪

示例 The new sports stadium is the pride of the town. 新体育场是这座城市的骄傲。

语料 Pride goes before destruction. 骄者必败。

authentic / ɔːˈθentɪk /

adj. 真的,真实的;可靠的,可信的

示例 This restaurant offers authentic Mexican dishes. 这家餐厅有正宗的墨西哥菜。

flee / fliː /

v. 迅速离开;逃跑

常考 flee from 从……逃跑

示例 She fled the kidnappers and phoned the police. 她从绑架者手里跑掉,并给警察打了电话。

辨析 escape和flee这两个动词都有“逃跑”之意。escape侧重成功逃脱的结果;flee侧重仓皇地逃离的动作,结果可能成功,也可能失败。

altitude / ˈæltɪtjuːd /

n. 海拔;高处,高地

常考 at an altitude of 在……海拔或高度

示例 We will be able to help save human lives during natural disasters, high altitude and other natural and human extremities. 我们将能够在自然灾害、高海拔及其他自然和人类极端情况下帮助拯救生命。

serve / sɜːv /

n.(网球等的)发球 v. 提供或端上(食物);服务,服役;对……有用;供应

常考 serve out 分发|| serve up 端上(食物)|| it serves sb. right某人活该受惩罚

示例 He said that it was Jim's own fault and that it served him right. 他说那就是吉姆的过错,吉姆活该受惩罚。( 河南2020

派生 service(n. 服务

apologize / əˈpɒlədʒaɪz /

v. 道歉;认错;谢罪

常考 apologize to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉

示例 He apologized for having to leave so early. 他为不得不早退而道歉。( 广东 2010)

whisper / ˈwɪspə(r) /

n. 低语;轻柔的声音 v. 耳语,小声地说;私下说

常考 say/speak in whisper 低声地说

示例 Before the first debate, he could hardly speak above a whisper . 第一场辩论前,除了轻声低语他几乎无法说话。

applaud / əˈplɔːd /

v. 鼓掌;称赞

示例 After the last point the crowd stood up to applaud both players as hard as they could. 在最后一分之后,观众都起立拼命地为两位选手鼓掌。

派生 applause(n. 鼓掌,掌声

impress / ɪmˈpres /

v. 使钦佩;使意识到;使留下印象

常考 impress on/upon 给……留下印象

示例 Visitors to England seem to be very impressed by the English police. 来英国的游客似乎对英国的警察印象很深。( 江苏2017

派生 impressive(adj. 令人印象深刻的;令人钦佩的

surgeon / ˈsɜːdʒən /

n. 外科医生

示例 The tool is the laser and it is being used by more and more surgeons all over the world. 这种工具就是激光,全球越来越多的外科医生正在使用它。( 广东2011

tournament / ˈtʊənəmənt /

n. 锦标赛

示例 The Council resolved that the next golf tournament should be held in Spain. 理事会决定下次高尔夫锦标赛将在西班牙举行。

motivation / ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃn /

n. 动力,动机;诱因

示例 Greed is only part of their motivation . 贪婪只是他们的动机之一。

辨析 motive和motivation这两个名词都有“动机”之意。motive侧重行为的目的和原因,多用于具体和微观事情的动机;motivation侧重于做某事的驱动力,较笼统。

wander / ˈwɒndə(r) /

n. 闲逛,漫游;徘徊 v. 闲逛,漫游;偏离(正道);走神

常考 wander off/away 偏离(正道);走失;走神

示例 Children like Omar wander like lost sheep in our city. 像奥马尔这样的孩子如同走失的绵羊一般在城里游荡。

派生 wandering(adj. 闲逛的;流浪的

encouragement / ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒmənt /

n. 鼓励

示例 When human friends desert us, good books are always ready to give us friendship, sympathy and encouragement . 当我们的人类朋友舍弃我们时,好书能随时给我们友谊、同情和鼓励。( 江苏2009

garment / ˈɡɑːmənt /

n. 衣服

示例 Some garments are designed with multiple versions to fit different body shapes. 有些服装设计了多种尺码以便适合不同体型。

辨析 garment、clothes和clothing这三个名词都有“衣服”之意。garment可指各种衣服,且含有设计的意思;clothes多指套装,且clothes是没有单数形式的复数名词;clothing是衣服的总称,也有衣着的意思,含义较抽象。

shabby / ˈʃæbi /

adj. 破旧的,破烂的;卑鄙而不正当的,不光彩的

示例 The shabby piano seat is long enough for two people to sit side by side. 破旧的琴凳足够长可供两人并排而坐。

praise / preɪz /

n. & v. 赞扬,赞美;颂扬

示例 Somehow, we neglect to praise our son or daughter when he or she brings home a good report card, and we fail to encourage our children when they first succeed in baking a cake or building a birdhouse. 不知怎么,当我们的儿子或女儿把优秀的成绩单带回家时我们忘记去表扬他们,当他们第一次成功地烤好了蛋糕或者搭好鸟窝时,我们也没有去鼓励他们。( 广东2017

辨析 praise、commend和compliment这三个动词都有“称赞”之意。praise用法普通,含有对成绩或价值的认可;commend用法较正式,多指正式地表示赞许,常常是居上者称赞在下者;compliment侧重对某一行为的热情赞美或欣赏。

prohibit / prəˈhɪbɪt /

v. 禁止,阻止

常考 prohibit sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事

示例 The new rules prohibit smoking in places like restaurants, hotels, railway stations or theatres. 这项新规定禁止在像餐厅、旅店、火车站和剧院这样的地方吸烟。

派生 prohibition(n. 禁止,禁令

辨析 prohibit,inhibit和ban这三个动词都有“禁止”之意。prohibit是正式用语,多指正式的规章制度的禁止,有强制执行的意思;inhibit指使某人不能轻易做某事;ban指道义上的谴责或不赞成,语气最强烈,多指禁止某人或某组织去某处。

dip / dɪp /

n. 蘸,浸;下降 v. 蘸,浸;落下,下降

常考 dip into 随便翻阅;浸在……里

示例 Sales for this season dipped to 6.9 million. 这个季度的销量下降到了690万。

bishop / ˈbɪʃəp /

n. 主教;(国际象棋的)象

示例 The bishop blessed the new church. 主教为新建成的教堂赐福。

access / ˈækses /

n. 通道,入径;(接触的)机会或权利 v. 到达,进入;使用

常考 have/get access to有机会或权利使用……

示例 It can be not only to communicate and access to the web, but also to play mp3, watch television, play electronic games and take pictures. 它(手机)不仅能用于通讯、上网,还能用于播放mp3,看电视,玩电子游戏和拍照。( 辽宁2015

派生 accessible(adj. 可进入的;可使用的

sacred / ˈseɪkrɪd /

adj. 神圣的;宗教的;受崇敬的

示例 We really should be reflecting on another sacred liberty: the freedom of the press. 我们真正应该反思的是另一种神圣的自由:新闻自由。

辨析 holy和sacred这两个词都有“神圣的”之意。holy指精神或道德方面的完美神圣,值得崇敬;sacred多指与宗教或某种神灵有关的神圣、值得敬畏。

civilian / səˈvɪliən /

n. 平民 adj. 民用的

示例 Any history of bombing must also be a history of civilian casualty. 任何空袭的历史也必定是平民伤亡的历史。

entire / ɪnˈtaɪə(r) /

adj. 全部的,整个的

示例 He had spent his entire life in Africa as a doctor. 他一生都在非洲做医生。

examine / ɪɡˈzæmɪn /

v. 审查,检查;测验;审问

示例 The students will be examined in all subjects at the end of term. 学生在期末时将接受所有学科的测试。

派生 examination(n. 考试;检查

ferry / ˈferi /

n. 渡船,摆渡 v. 摆渡,运送

示例 Many of Alaska's villages are inland and not serviceable by ferry or rail. 阿拉斯加的许多乡村地处内陆,渡船和火车都不能到达。

restriction / rɪˈstrɪkʃn /

n. 限制,约束;限制条例

示例 Researchers said the regimen is easier than daily calorie restriction . 研究人员说这套饮食方案比每日限制热量的方法更简单。

consist / kənˈsɪst /

v. 由……组成

常考 consist in 存在于……之中|| consist of 由……组成

示例 The beauty of the painting consists in its balance of colors. 这幅油画的美在于其颜色的平衡。

arithmetic / əˈrɪθmətɪk /

n. 算术;计算

示例 You will probably say that they go to learn their own language and other languages, arithmetic , history, science and all the other subjects. 你可能会说他们要去学自己的母语、外语、算术、历史、科学和所有其他学科。( 广东2009

annoy / əˈnɔɪ /

v. 使恼怒,使烦恼;打扰

示例 Another person cannot annoy you or irritate you except that you permit him or her to. 没有人会刻意惹恼或激怒你,除非你让他或她这么做。

派生 annoying(adj. 烦人的;讨厌的 )|| annoyance(n. 烦事

语料 No joy without annoy. 喜中必有忧。

experiment / ɪkˈsperɪmənt /

n. 实验;尝试 / ɪkˈsperɪment / v. 做实验;尝试

示例 He decided to make an experiment on himself. 他决定在自己身上做实验。( 广东2015

派生 experimental(adj. 实验的;试验性的

add / æd /

v. 增加,加;补充

常考 add up 加起来,合计;说得通

示例 Perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures, it is better to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not exist. 也许你不擅长拼写,或者不会把一列数字加起来,但比起假装这些弱点不存在,最好是能面对它们。

派生 addition(n. 增加;加

辨析 increase和add这两个动词都有“增加”之意。increase是指自身数量、体积、程度的增加;add指把某物加到另一物上。

complicate / ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt /

v. 使复杂化

示例 It's true that not having a car imposes some restrictions, but owning one also complicates life in many ways. 的确,没有车会给生活带来种种限制,但是有车也会在很多方面让生活复杂化。( 江苏2009

fund / fʌnd /

n. 基金;资金 v. 为……提供资金

示例 I could have provided you with the funds . Why didn't you ask me? 我本可以向你提供资金的。你为什么不来问我呢?( 广东2007

capture / ˈkæptʃə(r) /

n. 俘获 v. 捕获;俘虏;夺取;吸引;刻画

常考 capture one's attention/interest 引起某人的注意/兴趣

示例 Once I asked Robert how he could capture people's personalities so well. He said, “It's simple. I just look at them.” 有一次,我问罗伯特,他是如何把人的个性刻画得那么好。他说:“很简单。我只是观察他们。”( 山东2020

conceive / kənˈsiːv /


常考 conceive (of) sth. as sth. 把某事物看作某物|| conceive of doing sth. 设想做某事

示例 In ancient times, the world was conceived as being afloat in water. 古时候,地球被认为是漂浮在水上的。

arouse / əˈraʊz /

v. 引起,激起,激发;唤醒

示例 His strange behaviour aroused the police's suspicions. 他奇怪的举动引起了警察的怀疑。

辨析 inspire和arouse这两个动词都有“激起”之意。inspire多指给人以动力,或者激发某种灵感;arouse指通过某种行为使人或物产生反应。

contrast / ˈkɒntrɑːst /

n. 对比,对照;反差 / kənˈtrɑːst / v. 对比,对照

常考 by/in contrast 相比之下|| in contrast to/with 与……形成对比

示例 In contrast to the city life, time seems to pass slowly in the country side. 与城市的生活相比,乡下的时间似乎过得很慢。

辨析 compare和contrast这两个动词都有“对比”之意。compare侧重比较双方的异同或优劣,比较的双方属于同一类型或属于同一性质;contrast侧重差异,对比双方的类型、性质不同或相反。

vulnerable / ˈvʌlnərəbl /

adj. 易受伤的,脆弱的;易受攻击的

常考 be vulnerable to 易受……的伤害

示例 His knee is his vulnerable spot. 他的膝盖很容易受伤。

派生 vulnerability(n. 易损性;弱点

individual / ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl /

n.个人,个体 adj. 个人的;个别的;单独的;独特的

示例 As a matter of fact, it promotes excellence by encouraging individuals and businesses to try to do their best. 事实上,它通过鼓励个人和企业竭尽全力来倡导卓越。( 广东2015

辨析 respective和individual这两个形容词都有“个别的”之意。respective强调分别开来的意思,常译为“各自的”;individual侧重“单独的,个别的”之意。

invent / ɪnˈvent /

v. 发明,创造;捏造;虚构

示例 It is well known that Thomas Edison invented the electric lamp. 众所周知,托马斯·爱迪生发明了电灯。( 江西2007

派生 invention(n. 发明

frustrate / frʌˈstreɪt /

v. 使沮丧,使灰心;挫败,使受挫

示例 What frustrates him is that there's too little that he can do. 使他懊恼的是自己能做的事太少了。

派生 frustration(n. 挫败 )|| frustrating(adj. 令人沮丧的

exclude / ɪkˈskluːd /

v. 不包括,把……排除在外;阻挡

常考 exclude sb./sth. from 把某人或某物排除在……之外

示例 People under 18 were excluded from joining this club. 未满18岁的人不得加入这个俱乐部。

派生 exclusive(adj. 独有的;高级的;精选的

legend / ˈledʒənd /

n. 传说;传奇(人物)

示例 The acting in silents was often very subtle and very restrained, despite legends to the contrary. 无声电影中的表演通常微妙又克制,这与人们通常认为的刚好相反。( 广东2006

派生 legendary(adj. 传说的,传奇的

辨析 tale和legend这两个名词都有“传说”之意。tale多指民间故事或神话故事,含有虚构或夸张的成分;legend一般指基于真实事情的传说,但往往夸张且无法得到证实。

notify / ˈnəʊtɪfaɪ /

v. 通知,通报

示例 Police notified the boy's parents of his death immediately. 警方立刻通知了男孩的父母关于男孩死亡的消息。

派生 notification(n. 通知,通告

辨析 inform和notify这两个动词都有“通知”之意。inform 是一般用语,侧重把事实或资料告知某人或传递给某人;notify是正式的或公务的用语。

affair / əˈfeə(r) /

n. 事件;事物

常考 state of affairs 事态;情势|| have an affair(男女间)有不正当关系

示例 The reality is that writing is a lonely, private and poor-paying affair . 事实是写作是一件孤独的、收入微薄的、个人的事情。( 山东2015

burn / bɜːn /

n. 烧伤;烫伤 v. 燃烧;烧毁;发光;发烫;烧伤

常考 burn away 烧掉,烧光|| burn down 烧毁 || burn oneself out 累垮,耗尽体力

示例 But adults also have small amounts of beneficial “brown” fat that can help burn more calories—and cold temperatures can activate this brown fat. 但是成年人的体内也有少量有益的“棕色”脂肪,它能帮助燃烧更多的热量,低温则可以激活这种棕色脂肪。( 浙江2019

occupy / ˈɒkjupaɪ /

v. 占用;占领;使忙碌,使从事

示例 From the prehistoric invention of fire to laser beams and fiber optics, light has continually occupied the minds of inventors. 从史前时期火的创造,到激光光束和光纤,光一直都盘踞在发明家的头脑里。( 广东2007

派生 occupation(n. 占领;职业


jewel / ˈdʒuːəl /

n. 宝石;珠宝首饰

常考 jewel in the crown 最心爱之物

示例 The little girl guards her pocket-money as a queen does her crown jewel . 这个小姑娘守护她的零用钱就像王后守护她的王冠珠宝一样。

layout / ˈleɪaʊt /

n. 布局;设置;安排

示例 The layout of the school programs should be responsive to what the child is capable of thinking. 学校课程的安排应该适合儿童的思维能力。

dialect / ˈdaɪəlekt /

n. 方言;土话

示例 The president dictated a letter to his secretary in dialect . 校长用方言向他的秘书口授了一封信。

endanger / ɪnˈdeɪndʒə(r) /

v. 使遭遇危险;危及,危害

示例 At no time should you endanger yourself or others by taking any unnecessary risks. 在任何情况下,都不要冒无谓之险而置自己或者他人于危险中。

ashore / əˈʃɔː(r) /

adv. 在岸上;到岸上

常考 come/go ashore上岸

示例 The generated power is transmitted ashore via an underwater power cable. 所产生的电能通过水下电缆传送至岸上。

thrive / θraɪv /

v. 繁荣,兴旺发达;茁壮成长

常考 thrive on 靠……茁壮成长;喜欢;从容应对

示例 Our schools in Colombia proved that no matter where a child is from, no matter how poor children are, they can thrive if given the chance. 我们在哥伦比亚的学校证明,孩子不管来自哪里,不管他们多贫穷,如果有机会,他们是能够茁壮成长的。

accordance / əˈkɔːdns /

n. 一致;根据,依照

常考 in accordance with 依照

示例 They voted in accordance with the law. 他们依法进行了投票。

inferior / ɪnˈfɪəriə(r) /

n. 级别或地位低的人 adj. 较差的;次的;级别较低的

常考 inferior to 比不上……的

示例 As for the quality of this model of color TV sets, the ones made in China are by no means inferior to those imported. 就这种型号彩电的质量而言,中国产的彩电一点都不比进口的差。( 广东2008

compile / kəmˈpaɪl /

v. 汇编,汇集;编译

示例 The figures were compiled from a survey of 500 college graduates. 这些数据是从对500名大学毕业生的调查中汇集而来的。

coward / ˈkaʊəd /

n. 胆小鬼,懦夫

示例 He was accused of being a coward . 他被指责是个胆小鬼。

jetlag / ˈdʒetlæɡ /

n. 时差综合征

示例 You might suffer from jetlag when you fly to different time zones. 当你飞往不同时区后,你可能就会饱受时差综合征的折磨。

weave / wiːv /

v. 织,编织;迂回行进 n. 编法,织法

示例 How long does it take to weave this basket? 编一个这样的篮子需要多长时间?

hollow / ˈhɒləʊ /

n. 洞,凹陷处 v. 挖空,挖出 adj. 空的;虚伪的;凹陷的

常考 hollow out 挖空,挖出

示例 They prefer to live in caves, hollow logs, or dense thickets. 它们喜欢住在洞里、空心的大木头里或茂密的树丛里。

outlook / ˈaʊtlʊk /

n. 观点;见解;前景;景观

常考 outlook for ……的前景

示例 The outlook for the local economy is bleak. 当地经济的前景一片黯淡。

sheer / ʃɪə(r) /

adj. 纯粹的;陡峭的 adv. 纯粹地;陡峭地 v. 急转向

常考 sheer away/off (from sth.) 急转(避开某物)

示例 It's a sheer waste of time to argue with them. 和他们争吵完全就是浪费时间。

initiate / ɪˈnɪʃiət /

n. 新加入的人 / ɪˈnɪʃieɪt / v.(使)开始;使初步了解;使加入

示例 She initiated me into the mysterious world of physics. 她引导我进入了神秘的物理世界。

revolt / rɪˈvəʊlt /

n. 反抗,违抗;叛乱 v. 反抗;叛逆;令人厌恶

常考 revolt against 违抗

示例 The people began to revolt against dictatorship. 人们开始反抗独裁政治。

migrant / ˈmaɪɡrənt /

n. 移居者,移民;迁徙的候鸟

示例 The migrant workers work all day and can't care for their children. 这些农民工整天工作,根本没办法照顾自己的孩子。

fragment / ˈfræɡmənt /

n. 碎片,片段 / fræɡˈment / v. 使破碎,分裂

示例 The archaeologists examined the fragments of ancient pottery. 考古学家检查了古代陶器的碎片。 piG9xrRyf+cDlu5iUzKaWjg9xxdrXLFkIPXG3SYrC/299zbIJ8c11AQrrznMNjyp
