
一 理想与现实


第一段|描述图画: 对图画内容进行描述,比如图画中的人物、事件等。该图画是一名大汗淋漓的举重运动员举重失败,随后引出“理想与现实”的关系这一话题。

第二段|阐释图画意义: 本文提出了一个仁者见仁,智者见智的话题,即“如何实现理想”,有人认为选择和努力很重要,有人则认为精神品质更重要。运用各方观点和举例论证的方法阐释如何实现理想。

第三段|归纳总结: 先引用电影《阿甘正传》中的经典句子“人生就像一盒巧克力……”,归纳出一个观点:确定了理想后,勇敢去做,只要拥有毅力、耐心和乐观精神,就一定能够实现理想。



Between the ideal and the reality falls shadow. ②As is vividly illustrated above, on the stage stands a weightlifter, fully expecting to lift the barbell, with sweat on his head. ③Yet, the reality looks like a slap in the face. The implication of this picture is not only informative, but instructive as well .




①Undoubtedly, the meta - phorical and impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the duality of the relationship between the ideal and the reality. ② Living without an ideal is like sailing without a compass. ③Yet, life is not always as smooth as we expect. ④When people are asked “How to narrow the gap between the ideal and the reality ?”, answers may vary from person to person. ⑤On the one hand, some people hold the view that making a right choice and heading in the right direction will shorten the distance . ⑥ On the other hand, the rest hold another view . ⑦They believe that one’s spirit is the key step to the ideal, including persistence, optimism and self-confidence. ⑧The point is best illustrated by the example of Phelps. ⑨ Were there no such spiritual strength, never would he obtain 23 Olympic gold medals and taste the fruit of success.




①Just as Forrest Gump put in the movie Forrest Gump , “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get. In front of us lies a long road, bridging the reality and the ideal, with thorns and roses aside. ③How can you, not giving a shot, know the happiness of pursuing the ideal ? ④As the slogan of Nike goes, “Just Do It.” ⑤With the spirit of perseverance, patience and optimism, it will only be a matter of time before we make our dreams come true .




1. Between the ideal and the reality falls shadow. 理想与现实之间有一道阴影。

2. a slap in the face 一记耳光

3. The implication of this picture is not only informative, but instructive as well. 这幅图不仅内涵丰富,而且具有启发性。

4. the metaphorical and impressive portrayal 这幅隐喻性的、令人印象深刻的图画

5. duality 二元性,双重性

6. Living without an ideal is like sailing without a compass. 生活没有理想,犹如航海没有指南针。

7. narrow the gap between the ideal and the reality 缩小理想与现实之间的差距

8. answers may vary from person to person. 答案可能会因人而异。

9. shorten the distance 缩短这一距离

10. On the other hand, the rest hold another view. 另一方面,其他人则持另外一种观点。

11. Were there no such spiritual strength, never would he obtain 23 Olympic gold medals and taste the fruit of success. 如果没有这种精神力量,他永远也不会荣获23枚奥运金牌,品尝到成功的果实。本句的主句和从句均使用了倒装结构。

12. Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get. 生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你将得到什么。

13. In front of us lies a long road, bridging the reality and the ideal, with thorns and roses aside. 在我们面前有一条很长的路,它连接着理想和现实,路旁长满了荆棘和玫瑰。

14. the happiness of pursuing the ideal 追求理想的快乐

15. It will only be a matter of time before we make our dreams come true. 对于我们来说,实现梦想只是时间问题。

拓展话题 人生哲理类 6Bn7BNQD6vW6EOWYHd7E8IutNv/DmrxzHKI78X/RNE+HXNPRrFqKfyixYOBhQXbB
