
Frequent Mysterious Events

A Russian authoritative scholar, firmly believed that the moon had become the base of an alien civilization over 1,000 years ago.

Since the British Royal Society of Astronomy released the news that strange lights and geometrical objects were observed on the moon, this type of reports have never stopped. In only two years it observed more than 2,000 cases.

Through their studies, astronomers concluded that a certain facility was being built on the moon.

In 1950s, many astronomical observatories all over the world discovered in the low-terrain plain some unique domed objects on the moon whose number amounted to 200 by 1960.

Astronomers could only watch the lunar surface before. In 1960s, astronomers recorded the movement of anomalous moving objects on the bright zone of the moon-light spots, triangles, crosses, blowing or growing.

Japanese astronomers also discovered UFOs of dozens of kilometers in diameter on the moon and took pictures of them.

On January 6, 1970, American Aerospace Bureau published all the materials including photos obtained during the lunar excursion of "Apollo". After analyzing and studying them, American scientists confirmed some giant mechanical equipment was found on the moon, mostly discarded as wastes, but some were still working.

American scientists showed great interest in observing the Jinger Crater region. It could be clearly seen that there were some X-shaped large equipment looking as if they were carrying out some work on the slope of the crater and jetted the remaining sand to the other side.

Findings in the photos were too trivial to show the real mystery on the moon. Man was eager to land on the moon to uncover the mysteries there. He has landed on it but what important discoveries have they made?

The American moon astronaut Galton recalled: "When we flew over the moon, a group of silver white flying objects flashed by. Obviously, they had magical engines."

American Aerospace Bureau confirmed that 25 American astronauts taking part in the "Apollo" lunar observation plan saw UFO.

American space ships Apollo 8, Apollo 10, Apollo 11, and Apollo 13 recorded a number of 186 unpredictable strange phenomena on the moon.

Many photos of these mysteries were directly from American Aerospace Bureau. It was proved by them that the vestige of some unknown ancient civilized city once existed on the moon but disappeared long before.

The photos taken by Russian Moon 6 detector, American Apollo 10 and Apollo 16 showed that there was an ancient lunar city under a destroyed transparent dome in the lunar's Danger Ocean. Seen from the earth, it was on the upper right of the moon.

In 1967 before Apollo 11 spaceship landed on the moon with men, American spaceships had taken many black-and-white pictures of the moon. One of the pictures showed that Ukate Crater had a 3000-meter stepped building group looking like a city in turret style.

To their great surprise, turreted buildings were discovered nearby with a height of 11 kilometers. They immediately analyzed these photos with computer light distribution technology. Analysis showed that the brightest part of the buildings was real object instead of sunlight illusions on the moon. They used internal analysis approach to study the turreted structures and proved that they were made of transparent materials and their surface was inlaid with such materials to form unique geometrical figures.

American scientists thought that these transparent vertical and turreted constructions on the moon had been deserted several million years before. Whoever constructed them and why? It should be known that the location always faces the earth and it is the closest point to our planet.

On the early morning of July 16, 1968, the carrier rocket with Apollo 11 spaceship was launched at 39A of the American Kennedy Aviation Center. Several hours later, the spaceship flew into the orbit of the moon. The astronauts on it reported to the earth that they were closely shadowed by some mysterious "light balls" so that they had to change Apollo 11 in its flight for many times.

On July 20, 1969, after Apollo 11 landed on the Calm Ocean area of the moon. Huston Aviation Control Center received a report and transmitted to all over the world the live report direct from the moon. "I see some recent small craters with diameter from 6 to 15 meters. There are traces seemingly left by tanks 800 meters away from us. Some time later, some big mysterious objects come into view on the other side of the crater. They are so big! My God! They are keeping watch on us!"

Suddenly, millions of American viewers heard the strange sound similar to the noise made by a locomotive or an electric saw. At this moment, the head of American Aerospace Bureau asked the astronaut anxiously, "Are you sure you can contact them?" The astronauts checked the wireless and obviously found that the mysterious signal came from elsewhere.

Armstrong changed contacted the Huston Aviation Control Center through another channel: "What's this? I want to know the truth. Whatever is this?" The head of American Aerospace Bureau knew nothing about what had happened on the moon.

Another five hours later, when the intense atmosphere eased off a little, Armstrong and Aldrin were determined to go out of the spaceship at last. They reminded Collins to get ready for escape at any moment. It was surprising, however, that Armstrong was blocked in the exit of the spaceship.

At this moment, the viewers on the earth could hear breathing and other noises. At last they heard Armstrong's steps on the ladder, he landed on moon.

The landing spot of Apollo 11 was 100 kilometers away from the Sabin Crater where yellow flashes had been observed by American astronauts Harris and Cross on the earth. Armstrong and Aldrin found on the landing spot that some soil was burnt, not by the landing engine of the spaceship.

The American specialist Professor Gord thought after studying the sample that it got radiated 10 to 100 seconds by the ray 100 times as powerful as that of the sun. However, the burnt area was small. It seemed that this unknown ray affected the soil when it got very near to the lunar surface. But there's no denying that this was by no means the trace left by a meteor, for there was no crater. When the American astronauts landed on the moon, they discovered another similar substance similar to the burnt soil.

The sample was carried back to the earth and got examined. It was found to be made of glass particles with a melting point of 1500 degrees Celsius.

In 1967, the American spaceship collecting rock samples on the moon was televised. Audience saw that the sample escaped dipper several times under the effect of some unknown strength.

It was confusing that the television camera failed to capture at any speed the sampling process. There was sample in the machine in one shot but nothing in the next.

What had happened? Was the trouble caused by "wind"? It was impossible, because there was no atmosphere. Where did the wind come from? Was there a moonquake? It was even impossible because the seismological sensor didn't record any moonquake-the camera was motionless.

On November 14, 1969, when Apollo 12 flew to the moon, those bright UFOs tracked the spaceship far behind for many times and it had to land on the moon's Storm Ocean continuously. Fortunately, it was not damaged at all. The spaceship instructor exclaimed: "How lucky we are! They are so friendly to us." According to the lunar investigation plan of Apollo 12, a complex system of experiment was installed on the moon, including lunar magnetic field and cosmic ray measuring instruments.

The independent battery power supply system offered electricity for a year, but the working time of this complex system was mystically prolonged. On January 18, 1976, however, the system suddenly stopped. The contact with the earth was interrupted for the moment. The designers in the American Huston Aviation Center spent a month trying to find the cause.

Just then, it miraculously restored its work automatically and sent message back to the earth and the pictures were clearer than ever. However, the experts at the Center could not give any explanation about what had happened.

All possibilities might occur. The "clever" equipment debugged itself and restored its work automatically. Perhaps the plan was disturbed intentionally by someone in secret?

Hogrand, an American scholar and computer image expert, carefully studied the pictures sent by planet detectors from Mars and discovered pyramid-like buildings. Luckily, he discovered structures similar to the Egyptian pyramids on the moon, too. Hogrand believed that a domed city clearly collapsed in the moon's Dangerous Ocean.

In addition, from a large amount of pictures of lunar surface taken by the American Aerospace Bureau, there were facilities similar to arched buildings and steps, and even an excavator's bucket on the moon.

Following that, the astronomers in Apollo 12 were not so lucky, however. They were tracked by mysterious "fire balls". Such events mainly happened on the moon.

On April 13, 1970, a lunar experiment well prepared by astronauts failed unexpectedly. They prepared to conduct a small-scale nuclear explosion on the moon to investigate the deep level moonquakes. But unexpectedly, the small nuclear bomb prepared did not explode.

Fortunately, the explosion of the oxygen bottle did not cause any injury and death, but the equipment required in the experiment was destroyed. At the moment, a UFO was nearby. As s result, the oxygen needed by astronauts was not enough so that they had to abandon the experiment and return to the earth in advance.

After that, experts on aviation made analysis and thought that the oxygen bottle explosion was associated with the nuclear experiment prepared on the moon and done by UFO, the old acquaintance.

The alien beings were by no means interested in the miniature nuclear experiments conducted by human beings. They sought to disturb and prevent the experiments conducted by humans on the moon so as to protect the scientific instruments equipped in the moon from being destroyed.

Nine months later, the mysterious Flamoro Crater again prevented explorers from approaching. Shepard and Mitchell, the American astronauts who piloted Apollo 14, got lost on the crater. When they received warning of oxygen exhaustion in the space suits, they rushed into the small entrance of the spaceship to leave the moon for the earth. Not long after they declared that they would resign and never land on the moon. However, they did not tell the public how they had been rescued.

Many years later, Michel admitted in a talk that he seemed to see an "old man" near the crater.

When the American Apollo 15 landed on the moon, the astronauts stepped out of the landing cabin and carefully observed for over six hours, during which time over 10 liters of water from nowhere flew into the unsealed cabin. When they returned into the cabin, they discovered water on the floor. According to the instructions from the earth, they removed the water in the cabin with paper bags. After their study on the long and narrow winding wrinkles like dry riverbeds, experts concluded that there had been a great amount of water on the moon. Perhaps the water on the moon now is stored somewhere.

This evidence shows that probably there were living things or intelligent beings in the past. Do they still exist?

An American scholar Skyclink answered this question positively after his 12-year analysis and study on the photos of the moon. After interpreting comprehensively the analytical results of the 125 photos of different regions on the moon, he published We Discovered the Base of Alien Beings. Skyclink proved that since the German astronomer discovered several cities near Slater Valley in 1822, American astronauts landing on the moon could always observe artificial flying objects in this region. The experts discovered a 180-meter-high and 90-meter-wide arched building in the photo of the moon taken from Apollo 15 spaceship.

In April 1972, when Apollo 16 spaceship instructor Younger drove the cross-country lunar car into Decart Crater, he saw a several billion year old glass prism in the dust. In addition, bright flashes were observed at the northern side of Grimarge and the "shore" of the East Ocean.

On December 15, 1972, Apollo 17 left the satellite orbit for the moon. The last person landing on the moon was Schmidt the geologist. He and the instructor picked a small piece of orange glass at the edge of Bright Ocean whose origin was unknown. In addition, they also observed bright flashes at the northern side of Grimarge Crater and the "shore" of the East Ocean. AnyTF+F7zGOwhsOWL3NtPYx10sMGOcXl1n5pXXMidBgR70kD7JJoqvIxwhvvT6RN
