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论文接收日期:2017 年 3 月 2 日

Interpretation of the Middle Income Trap:Theoretical Causes and Policy Implications
—Based on the Extended Solow Growth Model

Wen Yue Jingyan Zhao

Abstract :China has entered the stage of middle income now,whether China would be in danger of “middle-income trap”has drawn wide attention.This paper extends the So low growth model under the framework of new structural e conomics,and provides a theoretical framework for analy zing the“middle-income trap”comprehensively.The fun damental reason why“middle-income trap”appears is that basic settings can't keep up with the demand of industrial upgrading and economic development.The resulting policy implications are:through using the development strategy of following comparative advantages to achieve the rapid accu mulation of capital,and investing heavily in public areas in order to improve basic settings and make it better serve the industrial upgrading and economic development,this is the effective way that developing countries avoid“middle-income trap”.Further,the comparative analysis between Four Asian Tigers and Latin America countries to a certain extent provide experience support for our conclusion.This study not only enriches the existing theories of economic growth,but also provides an important reference guide for China and other developing countries stepping over the“middle-income trap”.

Key words :Solow Model Middle Income Trap New Structural Economics Basic Settings

JEL classification:O11 O40 MqIaKouRapG68fwIaQZdE6sU5vVxE7auYryK1ddH4allZ3Vki+0D2VLZb6JZ98Pg
