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All Against One:Why Being Picked On in a Japanese School Is Especially Traumatic

Five months after the tsunami that led to his family's evacuation from Fukushima,the boy enrolled at a new school in Yokohama.His new classmates had no sympathy for this“ germ boy”,stealing his things,punching and kicking him.They even threw him down the stairs.But that was not enough.The 8-year-old was taken to a“study”room and was beaten there.

The abuse went on for nearly three years before the bullies added extortion .In 2014 they told the boy to hand over any compensation his family may have received after their evacuation.His parents were in fact not eligible for any recompense,but relatives had lent them¥1.5m($13,000).They kept it in cash at home,fearful that they would again lose access to bank accounts.The boy gave all the money to his classmates.After the cash ran out he stopped going to school altogether.

The boy is not the only evacuee who has been bullied at school.Hundreds of them are going through exactly the same thing.And this is the tip of the iceberg.Though school bullying is not a rare thing,it is particularly intense when it happens in Japan.Having been tortured mentally for months,a Japanese boy committed suicide in 1986 after the teacher egged classmates on to hold a mock funeral for him.Many scholars have written on the tragedy;hundreds of books and thousands of essays have been published ever since.Bullying is still prevalent in Japanese schools.Government figures show that nine bullied pupils ended their lives in 2015.Suicide being the major cause of death for Japanese teenagers,the first day of school,the most likely date for it,seemsto be overwhelmingly challenging for both students and parents.

According to Mitsuru Taki of the Ministry of Education,bullying in other countries usually means two or three pupils picking on another.In Japan,in contrast,most cases involve a big portion of a class inflicting insistent psychological(and occasionally physical) torment on a single victim.“Bullies in Japan are not rotten apples,”he says,“It is a group phenomenon.”

There are many reasons for this idiosyncratic form of bullying.“A characteristic of Japan is that you should not stand out,”argues the head teacher of a secondary school in Tokyo.“Pupils have to lead a collective life when they are at school,”adds Koju Matsubayashi,an official in the anti-bullying department at the ministry.Erika,an 18-year-old who left her school in Tokyo after being bullied,agrees.“I was told by teachers to adapt or quit,so I quit.”

The way Japanese schools are organized shows one how to conform.Children learn in a“homeroom”:teachers of various subjects come to them.School activities,such as eating lunch,studying and cleaning,are organized in groups.Pupils must often abide by exact rules about their uniforms,hairstyles and grooming.Individuals who do not kuuki wo yomu(roughly translated as“read the vibes”)can be shunned by other members of the class.

The Programme for International Student Assessment(PISA),a triennial test run by the OECD,a club mostly of rich countries,suggests that Japanese students are among the top performers academically.They have the least number of truants ,but enjoy school less than nearly everyone else.Shoko Yoneyama of the University of Adelaide argues that Japanese schools are“dysfunctional communities.”

Teachers rarely help.They are renowned for their pedagogical prowess ,especially in maths.But most are not trained to spot bullying.They simply have no motivation to notice or deal with it,notes Kanae Doi of Human Rights Watch(HRW).A good teacher in Japan must achieve harmony in the classroom first.One survey suggests that around 12%of teachers have taken part in bullying.A quarter of high schools allow physical punishment.

Since the 1980s various task-forces have tried to curb bullying.But the local school boards that interpret the national curriculum and hire teachers have neglected the problem.In the case of the boy from Fukushima,the school board in Yokohama for months tried to blame him for what had happened,suggesting he had handed over his family's savings voluntarily,before changing its mind after much public criticism.

An anti-bullying law passed in 2013 requiring schools to report cases of bullying.It has led to a sharp rise in the number of known cases,from a few thousand a year to 224,450 in 2015.Yet there are suspiciously wide disparities between regions.In 2015 Kyoto prefecture reported 90.6 cases per 1,000 pupils;Saga prefecture,in southern Japan,recorded just 3.5.Mr.Taki reckons that even Kyoto underestimates the scale ofabuse.

The law has prodded teachers to report bullying but it has done little to change how they deal with the problem.Bullies are rarely punished:in 2014 there were 188,057 reported cases and just two suspensions.The law also assumes that conformity is the way to stop bullying.It says teachers should“cultivate recognition…among students that they are part of a group.”But some pupils are simply more likely to be victims and need protection—like evacuees.

Or gay pupils.A report last year by HRW concluded that bullying of gay children in Japanese schools was“nearly ubiquitous .”They face physical and verbal abuse,as well as frequent insults from both peers and staff.Hateful anti-LGBT rhetoric drives them into silence,self- loath ing,and in some cases,self-harm.A survey by Yasuharu Hidaka of Takarazuka University found that 44%of gay teenage boys were bullied.One told HRW that teacher said his sexuality broke the harmony of the school.Separate research by Mr.Hidaka suggests that roughly one Japanese teacher in three thinks homosexuality is a mental illness.

In 2017 the government has updated Basic Policy for the Prevention of Bullying,mandating that schools should prevent bullying of students based on their sexual orientation by promoting proper understanding of teachers on gender identity.But laws alone will not solve the problem.Policy makers and teachers should recognize that too much conformity plays a part.In November the 13-year-old from Fukushima issued a message for evacuees enduring similar ordeals .“It is painful,”he said through his parents,“but please do not choose to die.”

(Adapted from The Economist ,April 15-21,2017)

Ⅰ.Background Information



在日本,校园霸凌现象极为普遍,甚至于日本皇太子德仁夫妇的独生女爱子公主,也在学校遭受过欺凌。东京都市日本语学校(Tokyo Metropolitan Japanese School)2013年的一份调查报告称,日本百分之六十以上的学生都曾受过欺凌。校园霸凌已然成为严重的社会问题,是导致学生逃学甚至自杀的重要原因之一。日本媒体经常报道学生因不堪忍受欺凌而自杀的新闻。校园欺凌也是日本动漫和电影电视作品钟爱的题材。相较于其他国家,日本校园欺凌的成因更为复杂,虽有较为普遍的、因未成年人心智不成熟引起冲突等原因,但更与日本的社会结构和根深蒂固的“羞耻”文化有关。







1.School Bullying


2.School Bullying in Different Cultures


3.Bullying in Japanese Schools


4.Shame Culture in Japan


5.Shame Society


Ⅱ.Proper Names

Tsunami :Also known as a seismic sea wave,is a series of waves in a water body caused by the displacement of a large volume of water,generally in an ocean or a large lake.Earthquakes,volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions(including detonations of underwater nuclear devices),landslides,glacier cavings,meteorite impacts and other disturbances above or below water all have the potential to generate a tsunami.

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster :福岛第一核电站事故 The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was an energy accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear PowerPlant in Fukushima(福岛,日本本州岛东北部城市),initiated primarily by the tsunami following the Tohoku earthquake(日本东北地方太平洋近海地震)on 11 March 2011.Immediately after the earthquake,the active reactors automatically shut down their sustained fission reactions.However,the tsunami disabled the emergency generators that would have provided power to control and operate the pumps necessary to cool the reactors.The insufficient cooling led to three nuclear meltdowns,hydrogen-air explosions,and the release of radioactive material in Units 1,2,and 3 from 12 March to 15 March.The Fukushima disaster was the most significant nuclear incident since 1986.Though there have been no fatalities linked to radiation due to the accident,the eventual number of cancer deaths,according to the linear no-threshold theory of radiation safety,that will be caused by the accident is expected to be around 130–640 people in the years and decades ahead.An estimated 1,600 deaths are believed to have occurred due to the resultant evacuation conditions.

Yokohama :横滨市 Yokohama is the second largest city in Japan by population,after Tokyo,and the most populous municipality of Japan.

The Programme for International Student Assessment PISA ):国际学生能力评估计划The Programme for International Student Assessment is a worldwide study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD)in member and non-member nations of 15-year-old school pupils'scholastic performance on mathematics,science,and reading.It was first performed in 2000 and then repeated every three years.Its aim is to provide comparable data with a view to enabling countries to improve their education policies and outcomes.It measures problem solving and cognition in daily life.

OECD :经济合作与发展组织 The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD)is an intergovernmental economic organization with 35 member countries,founded in 1960 to stimulate economic progress and world trade.It is a forum of countries describing themselves as committed to democracy and the market economy,providing a platform to compare policy experiences,seeking answers to common problems,identify good practices and coordinate domestic and international policies of its members.

The University of Adelaide :阿德莱德大学 The University of Adelaide is a public university located in Adelaide,South Australia.Established in 1874,it is the third-oldest university in Australia.

Human Rights Watch :人权观察组织 Human Rights Watch(HRW)is an American-founded international non-governmental organization that conducts research and advocacy on human rights.HRW headquarters are in New York City with offices in Amsterdam,Beirut,Berlin,Brussels,Chicago,Geneva,Johannesburg,London,LosAngeles,Moscow,Nairobi,Paris,San Francisco,Sydney,Tokyo,Toronto,Washington,D.C.,and Zurich.

Takarazuka University :宝冢大学 Established in 1987,Takarazuka University is a private university in Takarazuka,Hyōgo,Japan.

LGBT :LGBT,or GLBT,is an initialism that stands for lesbian,gay,bisexual,and transgender.


evacuation [ɪˌvækjʊ'eɪʃ(ə)n] n .撤退,撤离;转移,疏散;排泄

germ [dʒɜ:m] n .微生物,病菌,细菌;(观念/理论/感情的)萌芽;胚胎

extortion [ɪk'stɒrʃən] n .the illegal means of getting money from one through intimidation,blackmail,etc.敲诈,勒索,强取,榨取

eligible ['elɪdʒɪb(ə)l] adj .(~for/to do sth.)合格的,有资格的

bully ['bʊlɪ] n .仗势欺人者,横行霸道者

vt .(~sb.into sth./into doing sth.)恐吓,胁迫

torment ['tɔ:ment] n .(精神或肉体上的)折磨,痛苦

vt .(精神)折磨,使痛苦;骚扰,捉弄

idiosyncratic [ˌɪdɪə'sɪŋkrætɪk] adj .of,pertaining to,or of the nature of idiosyncrasy;characteristic of an individual特质的,特殊的,异质的

triennial [traɪ'enɪəl] adj .happening every three years每三年一次的

truant ['tru:ənt] n .旷课生,逃学者

vi .旷课

pedagogical [pedə'gɒdʒɪkl] adj .relating to teaching methods or the practice of teaching 教学(法)的

prowess ['praʊɪs] n .great skill at doing sth.高超技艺

prefecture ['pri:fektjʊə] n .a large area which has its own local government in some countries(某些国家的)省,县

prod [prɒd] v .(用手指或尖物)刺,戳;激励,督促

n .刺,戳,捅;激励的话

ubiquitous [ju:'bɪkwɪtəs] adj .seeming to be everywhere or in several places at the same time;very common似乎无处不在的,非常普遍的

loath [ləʊθ] adj .(~to do sth.)not willing to do sth.不情愿,不乐意,勉强

vt .强制执行,委托办理;授权

orientation [ˌɔ:rɪən'teɪʃ(ə)n] n .方向,目标,定向;(个人的)基本信仰,态度,观点;(大学)迎新会,(任职前的)培训,训练

ordeal [ɔ:'di:əl] n .a terrible or painful experience that continues for a period of time可怕的经历,痛苦的折磨

Ⅳ.Reading Comprehension

Directions:Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false (F).

( )1.The boy's family in the article evacuated from Fukushima to Yokohama because of war.

( )2.The boy was called“germ boy”by his classmates for he was very dirty.

( )3.The boy's family didn't receive any compensation from the government.

( )4.School bullying is quite rare a phenomenon in other places of the world.

( )5.In 1986,a Japanese boy killed himself because his teacher stood aside when other classmates held a mock funeral for him.

( )6.According to the article,the fact that students on the first day of school might not understand what the teacher says is what makes this day particularly challenging.

( )7.Japanese students are often told to get used to school bullying since one should not stand out in a society in which people are supposed to live a collective life.

( )8.Research has it that Japanese students don't enjoy school at all solely because they try so hard to be top performers academically.

( )9.Most Japanese teachers prefer harmony to justice.

( )10.The 2013 anti-bullying law in Japan has played a key role in changing the situation of school bullying. gxaPu7u2i72M7XOtvS/afBbZkc/WYGQQ1UpWaxEdCrJB4s+vtMY/Q6k3wagVQ/QT
