
Text A
The Many Costs of Campus Carry

Minkah Makalani

When I was growing up,in Kansas City,Missouri,none of my friends or relatives had gone to college.Almost everyone found work in the city's ever-growing service industry,learned a trade,or joined the army.College seemed like a great idea,though I knew little about how to get there as I did how to fly an airplane.I got all my knowledge about college life from the TV series“A Different World.”From the life of the math whiz Dwayne Wayne and the Southern belle Whitley Gilbert at Hillman College I realized that,under whatever circumstances,college offered two things:a place where you could debate ideas,and a place with no guns.

This was hardly inconsequential . When I was twelve,a boy who played in the same basketball league as me was shot in the head,the first of many people I knew who would fall prey to gun violence.By the time I turned fifteen,weekend parties and Friday nights at the skating rink regularly ended with gunfire.At seventeen,as I was about to graduate from middle school,a kid pulled a gun on me for going out with his ex-girlfriend.For most freshmen,college represents the beginning of adulthood, burgeoning independence,some initial tentative steps in pursuit of one's American dream.For me,however,it also meant a shelter from danger.I followed my heart's desire,engaging in student activism ,writing poetry and playing guitar.I took a break from school to start my own family before returning to get my B.A.in history.It was after that I started thinking about graduate school.Back in Kansas City,my brother was coping with an environment in which one presumed that everyone on the street had a gun and was ready to use it.I was twenty-three when he was shot to death,at the age of eighteen.

After earning my Ph.D.,I now hold a faculty position at the University of Texas at Austin.Fate can sometimes be unexpectedly ironic.Last June,Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law Senate Bill 11.Going into effect in August,the law allows anyone to carry a handgun to or bring a handgun onto campus or into the classroom,as long as he or she has a license.Public university must comply with the law,while colleges and private universities can ban guns on their campuses.What adds insult to injury isthat the law went into effect on the fiftieth anniversary of the UT Tower massacre,in which a heavily armed sniper took position in the campus's clock tower and killed fourteen people walking on campus,injuring dozens more.

After the law took effect,a report about the first week of classes revealed that students start bringing guns to class.A photographer was even shown a holstered 45 in a library on campus.In mid-September,faculty members from different buildings reported having found bullet casings on departmental bulletin boards.One was left with a note that read,“In the land of the pigs,the butcher is king.OINK…OINK…OINK.”Another was accompanied by a note that asked,“Triggered?”

The law's effect can be felt in another way,too.During the first week of classes this semester,Karla F.C.Holloway,who holds appointments in the Duke University School of Law and the University's Department of English,withdrew her acceptance of an invitation to speak at UT's Institute for Literary and Textual Studies.Earlier in June,Harry Edwards,a distinguished sociologist at the University of California,Berkeley,announced that he was rescinding all association with UT.Professor Edwards was one of the organizers of the 1968 Olympic protests,in whose name UT established in 2014 a lecture forum,the“Dr.Harry Edwards Lecture on Sport and American Culture.”These were only two examples of teachers'refusals to come speak at UT.Some choose not to take positions at UT.

As the coordinator of the Diaspora Talk lecture series,I now must confront a new reality.My task is to bring scholars of black studies across the country to UT.The first scheduled Diaspora Talk speaker for this year was Ruha Benjamin,a faculty member in African-American studies at Princeton University,who specializes in science,medicine,and technology,among other things.Dr.Benjamin penned an insightful letter informing us of her decision not to speak at UT.The letter captures what is disconcerting about campus carry,gun violence,and UT's failure to address this ongoing public-health crisis in a meaningful way.She mentioned her sister-in-law,who was murdered in a mass shooting at her workplace,in Kansas,and her recent dismay at a lockdown at UCLA,where she used to work,after a gunman killed his professor and then himself.She also informed us that,in June,just hours after delivering a lecture at the Colorado Convention Center,she found herself in a building lockdown again,as a gunman entered a nearby office building and committed another murder-suicide.“These tragedies make me extremely concerned about the safety of not only myself,but other faculty,staff,and students,”Benjamin wrote.

Supporters of campus carry emphasize the right of citizens to defend themselves and how this could help avert another mass shooting on campuses.They hypothesize that a scared,poorly trained student or faculty member could navigate a hail of bullets to retaliate against a shooter.For many faculty members,gun violence is less of an abstraction.These realities are part of why we engage one another intellectually.Ultimately,some of us hope to have a positive impact on gun laws,to alter society's understandings of policing,and to examine the underpinnings of tragedies seen in Ferguson,Charleston,and Orlando.

Faculty members have generally opposed campus carry because they suspect that allowing guns in the classroom will hinder our ability to teach about controversial subjects such as state surveillance sexuality ,race and racism,and radical social movements.Many of us entered the profession without knowing that we would have to consider whether a student who is upset about his grade,uncomfortable with a lecture on black queer sexuality,or disagrees with our placing slavery and white supremacy at the center of American history might have a gun holstered on his waist.We chose our profession believing that,while we might encounter resistance to new ideas,we could safely push our students to think more deeply about their inherited beliefs and assumptions.Campus carry undermines this kind of critical debate.I can't help but think that this is what the creators of campus carry wanted.Still,the quest for the freedom to learn must continue.

(Adapted from The New Yorker ,Oct.15,2016)

Ⅰ.Background Information



校园持枪,广义上指的是在美国大学校园内允许携带或持有枪支。美国各州关于校园持枪的规定不甚相同,总体来看共有三类校园持枪的律法,即强制性、制度性以及禁止性。强制性法规规定州内所有公立大学和教育机构须允许校园持枪,某些特殊场所除外,譬如校园安全区域、运动场等。对于持枪方式和特殊场所的界定因州因学校而异,譬如犹他州允许公开持枪(open carry),德州则规定隐蔽持枪(concealed carry)。制度性法规强调由各教育机构自行决定是否允许校园持枪。有自主选择权的教育机构多数选择校园内禁枪,少数除外,譬如位于美国弗吉尼亚州的自由大学(Liberty University)。施行禁止性法规的加利福尼亚州、佛罗里达州等地严禁校内持枪,但各州具体政策略有不同。


Minkah Makalani is an assistant professor in the Department of African and African Diaspora Studies at the University of Texas.He is also an assistant professor of African American and African Diaspora History in the Department of History,Rutgers University.Professor Makalani's areas of research include African Diaspora,intellectual history,theory,social movements,race and racial formation.

Minkah Makalani received his Ph.D.of history in 2004 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.He is the author of the book In the Cause of Freedom Radical Black Internationalism from Harlem to London ,1917—1939(2011),and co-editor of Escape from New York The New Negro Movement Reconsidered (2013).For more information,please visit his personal website on http://liberalarts.utexas.edu/aads/faculty/mm64278.




2016年底,美国昆尼皮亚克大学(Quinnipiac University)公布的民意调查显示,美国民众更倾向于对购枪者进行背景调查,而不希望政府通过严格立法来控枪。与此同时,美国许多州为提高自卫能力,颁布了允许携带枪支进入校园的法令。截至2017年5月,美国已有十个州允许校园持枪,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校所在的德州位列其中。


1.Campus Carry to Begin Monday,Aug.1,University of Texas,Austin


2.If You Want to Carry a Gun on Campus,These States Say Yes


3.10 States Allow Guns on College Campuses and 16 More Are Considering It


4.List of School Shootings in the United States


5.Status of Campus Carry in all States of US


Ⅱ.Proper Names

A Different World A Different World is an American situation comedy that aired for six seasons on NBC from September 24,1987 to July 9,1993.The series originally centered on Denise Huxtable(Lisa Bonet)and the life of students at Hillman College,a fictional historically Black college in Virginia.After Bonet's departure in the first season,the remainder of the series primarily focused more on Southern belle Whitley Gilbert(Jasmine Guy)and math whiz Dwayne Wayne(Kadeem Hardison).

The American Dream :The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States,the set of ideals(democracy,rights,liberty,opportunity and equality)in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success,as well as an upward social mobility for the family and children,achieved through hard work in a society with few barriers.In the definition of the American Dream by James Truslow Adams in 1931,“life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone,with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement,”regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.It is rooted in the Declaration of Independence,which proclaims that“all men are created equal”with the right to“life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

The University of Texas at Austin :德克萨斯州大学奥斯汀分校 The University of Texas at Austin(UT Austin,UT,or Texas)is a public research university and the flagship institution of the University of Texas System.Founded in 1881 as“The University of Texas,”UT Austin now has the nation's eighth-largest single-campus enrollment,with over 50,000 undergraduate and graduate students and over 24,000 faculty and staff.Among university faculty are recipients of the Nobel Prize,Pulitzer Prize,the Emmy Award,the Turing Award,and the National Medal of Science,as well as many other awards.

Senate Bill 11 :Senate Bill 11,also known as“campus carry,”permits handgun license holders to carry their weapons onto the campus and into the general buildings of public universities and colleges in Texas.Passed by the 84th Texas Legislature and signed into law by Gov.Greg Abbott,Senate Bill 11 took effect on Aug.1,2016.

The UT Tower massacre :On August 1,1966,Charles Whitman,a former Marine sharpshooter who was admitted to UT Austin on a scholarship in 1961,took rifles and other weapons to the observation deck atop the Main Building tower at The University of Texas at Austin,then opened fire on persons indiscriminately on the surrounding campus and streets.Over the next 96 minutes he shot and killed fifteen people including one unborn child and injured thirty-one others;another victim died in hospital and the final victim died from the lingering effects of his wounds in 2001,and his death was ruled a homicide.The incident ended when police reached Whitman and shot him.Before goingto the campus Whitman had killed his mother and wife.It has been suggested that his violent impulses,with which he had been struggling for years,were due to a small tumor found in his brain on autopsy.

Duke University :杜克大学 Duke University is an American private research university located in Durham,North Carolina.Founded in 1838,the school moved to Durham in 1892.According to a Forbes study,Duke is ranked 11th among universities that have produced billionaires.

The University of California Berkeley :加州大学伯克利分校 The University of California,Berkeley(also referred to as UC Berkeley,Berkeley,and Cal),is a public research university located in Berkeley,California.Founded in 1868,Berkeley is the oldest of the ten research universities affiliated with the University of California system and is ranked as one of the world's leading research universities and the top public university in the United States.Berkeley faculty,alumni,and researchers include 91 Nobel laureates(including 33 alumni).They have also won 9 Wolf Prizes,13 Fields Medals,23 Turing Awards,45 MacArthur Fellowships,20 Academy Awards,14 Pulitzer Prizes and 117 Olympic gold medals(51 silver and 39 bronze).

1968 Olympic protests :On the morning of 16 October 1968,US athlete Tommie Smith won the 200 meter race with a world-record time of 19.83 seconds,and John Carlos won third place with a time of 20.10 seconds.After the race was completed,the two US athletes received their medals shoeless,but wearing black socks,to represent black poverty.As the American national anthem,“The Star-Spangled Banner,”begins to play,the two black Americans raised their fists in the black power salute.It is a symbol of resistance and defiance.

Princeton University :普林斯顿大学 Founded in 1746,Princeton University is a private Ivy League research university in Princeton,New Jersey,United States.Two US Presidents,12 US Supreme Court Justices(three of whom currently serve on the court) and numerous living billionaires and foreign heads of state are all counted among Princeton's alumni body.

The Ferguson unrest :On August 9,2014,in Ferguson,Missouri,Brown,an 18-year-old black man,was fatally shot by Darren Wilson,28,a white Ferguson police officer,after Brown reportedly robbed a convenience store.The shooting sparked unrest in Ferguson.The“hands up”account was widely circulated within the black community immediately after the shooting and it contributed to the strong protests and outrage about the killing of the unarmed man.Believing accounts that Brown had his hands up in surrender when he was shot,protesters chanted,“Hands up,don't shoot.”

The Charleston church shooting :The Charleston church shooting(also known as the Charleston church massacre)was a mass shooting that took place at a church indowntown Charleston,South Carolina,on the evening of June 17,2015.During a prayer service,nine people were killed by gunman Dylann Roof,a 21-year-old white supremacist.Three other victims survived.The morning after the attack,police arrested Roof in North Carolina.Roof confessed to committing the shooting in hopes of starting a race war.

2016 Orlando nightclub shooting :On June 12,2016,Omar Mateen,a 29-year-old security guard,killed 49 people and wounded 58 others in a terrorist attack/hate crime inside Pulse,a gay nightclub in Orlando,Florida.He was shot and killed by police officers after a three-hour standoff.

Queer :酷儿,(尤指男)同性恋 Queer is an umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities who are not heterosexual.Its original meaning is“strange”or“peculiar.”Beginning in the late 1980s,queer scholars and activists began to reclaim the word to establish community and assert an identity distinct from the gay identity.People who reject traditional gender identities and seek a broader and deliberately ambiguous alternative to the label LGBT may describe themselves as queer.


whiz [wɪz] n .also whizz(BrE),someone who is very fast,intelligent,or skilled in a particular activity快手,高手,能人

vi .(+ adv ./ prep .)to move very quickly,making a high continuous sound 嗖嗖地飞驰;to do sth.very quickly迅速地做完

inconsequential [ɪnˌkɒnsə'kwεnʃəl] adj .not important or worth considering不重要的,微不足道的,琐碎的

league [li:g] n .a group of sports teams or clubs which play each other over a period for a championship(体育运动队的)联合会,联赛;a collection of people,countries,or groups that combine for mutual protection or cooperation 联盟,同盟

prey [preɪ] n .猎物;受骗者,受害者

vi .(~on sb.'s mind;~on/upon sb./sth.)萦绕心头,使耿耿于怀;捕获,欺凌

rink [rɪŋk] n .an enclosed area of ice for skating,ice hockey,or curling溜冰场,室内溜冰场;冰球场 skating rink旱冰场

burgeoning ['bɜ:dʒənɪŋ] adj .growing,expanding,or developing rapidly急速增长的,激增的

activism ['æktəvɪzəm] n .taking direct action to bring about political or social change激进主义,行动主义(主张为社会、政治目的可采取暴力等一切手段);积极,活跃

presume [prɪ'zju:m] vt .假定,假设,推测;意味着;认为,猜想,想象

vi .设想,相信

comply [kəm'plaɪ] vi .(~with sth.)to obey a rule,an order,etc.

sniper ['snaɪpə] n .a person who shoots at sb.from a hidden position狙击手

holster ['həʊlstə] n .a leather case worn on a belt or on a narrow piece of leather under the arm,used for carrying a small gun手枪皮套(挂在腰带或腋下皮带上)

rescind [rɪ'sɪnd] vt .to officially state that a law,contract,decision,etc.is no longer valid;to take back,cancel废除,取消,撤销

diaspora [daɪ'æspərə] n .the Diaspora,the movement of the Jewish people away from ancient Palestine,to settle in other countries大流散(犹太人离开古巴勒斯坦到其他国家定居的迁移);the spreading of people from a national group or culture to other areas(某一民族或文化人群的)大移居

disconcerting [dɪskən'sɜ:tɪŋ] adj .making you feel slightly confused,embarrassed,or unsettled令人困惑的,令人尴尬的,令人不安的

avert [ə'vɜ:t] vt .防止,避免(不快之事);(~your eyes/gaze,etc.)转移目光等

retaliate [rɪ'tælɪeɪt] vi .(~against sb./sth.;~by doing sth./with sth.)to do sth.harmful to sb.because they have harmed you first报复,反击,复仇

underpinning ['ʌndəpɪnɪŋ] n .sth.that serves as a foundation,often used in plural基础材料;the material and construction(such as a foundation)used for support of a structure支撑结构,支撑物

surveillance [sə'veɪl(ə)ns] n .(~of)when the police,army,etc.watch a person or place carefully because they may be connected with criminal activities盯梢,监视;when one country watches the military activities of another country to see what they are planning to do监视,侦察

sexuality [sekʃʊ'ælətɪ] n .the things people do,think,and feel that are related to their sexual desires性征,性欲,性行为

supremacy [s(j)u:'preməsɪ] n .(~over sb./sth.)a position in which you have more power,authority or status than anyone else至高无上,最大权力,最高权威;white supremacy白人至上主义

Ⅳ.Reading Comprehension

Directions:Answer the following questions.

1.What did college mean to the author when he was a boy?

2.What does“This was hardly inconsequential”mean?

3.What examples did the author give to show the prevalence of gun violence in Kansas City?

4.What is law Senate Bill 11?

5.Does the law apply to every university in Texas?

6.In what sense is fate“unexpectedly ironic”according to Paragraph 3?

7.What's the effect of the law according to the essay?

8.What kind of new reality is the author faced with?

9.What justifies campus carry law according to its supporters?

10.What's the general attitude of faculty members of UT towards campus carry?Why?

Ⅴ.Vocabulary Exercises

Directions:Fill in the following blanks with the words given below.Change the forms where necessary.

activism burgeoning comply diaspora surveillance inconsequential league prey whiz presume sexuality retaliate rescind disconcerting avert

1.Manufactures are keen to cash in on the______demand.

2.Voting is_____in its simplest form.

3.She______down the road on her motorbike.

4.United were______champions last season.

5.The suspects were under close______day and night.

6.Elderly people are easy______for dishonest salesmen.

7.Don't waste your time on those______details.

8.Victorian women were rarely allowed to express their______.

9.The manager finally took Jennifer's advice and_____the original plan.

10.Derived from the Greek verb“scatter”,_____has come to refer particularly to historical mass dispersions of an involuntary nature,such as the expulsion of Jews from Judea.

11.Jack has a______habit of offering jobs to people he met at dinner parties.

12.Failure to______with the regulations will result in prosecution.

13.Taylor didn't say when she'd return,but I______that she'll be back for dinner.

14.The army began to______against the civilian population.

15.Bob______his eyes as she undressed.


Directions:Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1.From the life of the math whiz Dwayne Wayne and the Southern belle Whitley Gilbert at Hillman College I realized that,under whatever circumstances,college offered two things:a place where you could debate ideas,and a place with no guns.

2.What adds insult to injury is that the law went into effect on the fiftieth anniversary of the UT Tower massacre,in which a heavily armed sniper took position in the campus's clock tower and shot fourteen people walking on campus,injuring dozens more.

3.Dr.Benjamin penned an insightful letter informing us of her decision not to speak at U.T.The letter captures what is disconcerting about campus carry,gun violence,and UT's failure to address this ongoing public-health crisis in a meaningful way.

4.Ultimately,some of us hope to have a positive impact on gun laws,to alter society's understandings of policing,and to examine the underpinnings of tragedies seen in Ferguson,Charleston,and Orlando.

5.We chose our profession believing that,while we might encounter resistance to new ideas,we could safely push our students to think more deeply about their inherited beliefs and assumptions.

Ⅶ.Questions for Discussion

1.As to the issue of campus carry,which side do you take?Why?

2.The Campus Carry Law having taken effect in Texas,what measures can UT take to attract scholars to work and lecture there?

Ⅷ.Knowledge of English Newspapers &Magazines


英美两国的新闻传媒业均具有广泛的国际影响力。除了不计其数的街头小报,美国国内公开发行的报纸约一千三百类,杂志多达七千种。从发行量上看,美国最具影响力的五大报刊依次是《今日美国》( USA Today )、《纽约时报》( The New York Times )、《华尔街日报》( The Wall Street Journal )、《洛杉矶时报》( Los Angeles Times )以及《纽约邮报》( New York Post ),其中三家刊物将总部设在纽约市。美国杂志种类繁多,数量庞杂,亚洲读者最为熟悉的杂志分别是《读者文摘》( Reader's Digest )、《时代周刊》( TIME )、《人物》( People )以及《国家地理》( National Geographic )。英国报刊虽在数量上不可与美国相提并论,但在全球的影响力却同样不可小觑。英国主要报纸包括《泰晤士报》( Times )、《卫报》( The Guardian )、《金融时报》( The Financial Times )、《每日电讯报》( The Daily Telegraph )和《观察家报》( The Observer ),主要杂志包括《经济学人》( The Economist )和《旁观者》( The Spectator )。这些报刊不仅主导着西方主流国家的政治舆论,也再现和记录着英美两国的风土人情和历史文化。


《今日美国》创办于20世纪80年代初,总部位于美国弗吉尼亚州。该报隶属于成立已逾百年的甘尼特报团(Gannett Company)。作为全美唯一全国发行的彩色版对开日报,《今日美国》曾创下北美报刊史上发行量增速最快的纪录。和多数报刊一样,《今日美国》分国内和国际版,国际版面向全球五十余国发行。不同的是,《今日美国》每周仅出版五天,周五版等同于周末版。该报的一大特色是将纷繁复杂的新闻信息简化为易读易懂的小故事。在美国许多城市,一份《今日美国》通常由四大版块构成,即新闻、金钱、运动和生活。该报的另一特色是开创了五彩斑斓的天气版,即用不同颜色在全国气象地图上标注美国各地气温。此外,《今日美国》的观点栏除去社论,还会刊载一篇与之意见相左的文章,且文章作者通常是相关领域的专家或权威人士。


《纽约时报》是美国严肃刊物的代表,自1851年创办至今,共获得122座普利策新闻奖(Pulitzer Prize),超越了全球任何一家新闻报刊。本着“刊载一切可以刊载的新闻”的原则,《纽约时报》长久以来在美国建立并维系着良好的声誉、权威和公信力。由于该报的传统版面风格高贵且保守,版面上一片灰色,《纽约时报》常被戏称为“灰贵妇”(The Gray Lady)。



《洛杉矶时报》于1881年在美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶创刊,是美国西部发行量最大的报刊,曾极大地推动了加州南部的工业化进展。该报工作日出100多版,周日常在200版以上,20世纪90年代的日发行量曾一度高达100至150万份。2010年10月,《洛杉矶时报》称其日发行量约莫六十万份。该报在全球二十多个国家和地区派有常驻记者。2016年,《洛杉矶时报》因对加州圣贝纳迪诺(San Bernardino)大规模枪杀案的及时报道荣获普利策新闻奖。




《时代周刊》(又译《时代》或《时代杂志》),是一份始于1923年的新闻杂志。现今的《时代》共有四种版本,分别是美国主版、欧洲版、亚洲版和南太平洋版。欧洲版( Time Europe )于伦敦出版,主要报道中东、拉丁美洲和非洲等地的新闻事件。亚洲版( Time Asia )在香港出版。南太平洋版的出版地位于悉尼,负责澳大利亚和新西兰等地的新闻报道。


《泰晤士报》,又名《伦敦时报》,是英国的一家综合型日报,总部位于伦敦,现隶属于默多克(Rupert Murdoch)新闻集团。《泰晤士报》不仅是最先使用“新罗马时代”(Times New Roman)字体的报刊,也是全球第一份以“时代”(Times)为名的报刊。其后成立的《纽约时报》、《印度时报》( The Times of India )等,都是对它的效仿。长期以来,《泰晤士报》一直被视为英国的第一报刊,在英国的政治和国际关系问题上扮演针砭时势的角色。除了占据一半篇幅的新闻版块,该报还有观点版、商业版、法院和社会版、体育版等。此外,《泰晤士报》还会额外发行《泰晤士报2》( Times 2)、星期六增刊(Saturday supplements)以及网刊(Online presence)等。


1843年9月,英国商人、银行家威尔逊(James Wilson)创办了《经济学人》周报。该刊总部位于伦敦,在全球分八个版本发行,每周发行一次。创刊之初,《经济学人》以报纸版式发行,因此,尽管《经济学人》早就采用小开本和光面纸的杂志版式出版,它依然将自己称为“报纸”。


《经济学人》的读者群大多是受过高等教育的人群,一些赫赫有名的企业高层管理人员、决策人员、大学教授等都是《经济学人》的忠实读者。21世纪以来,纸媒日渐式微已是不争的事实。尽管《时代》《新闻周刊》等老牌新闻杂志的发行量均呈现下滑状态,有些杂志甚至一度陷入停滞,《经济学人》在全球的销售量却依然居高不下。据统计,2015年《经济学人》平均每周的发行量超过150万份,其中一半是在美国发行。2012年1月起,《经济学人》开始发行全新中国专栏。 9T8Rbk4Vi4Hku40DYIJ0YRBdIMvoWKlYDba6bsWH/j5ft9xrwuyHKixurqGfiW5s
