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The Environmental Effect Research of the Pollution Industry Transfer

Yongbao Ji Jianmin Dou

Abstract: The environmental effects and the changes of the pollution industry in the spatial distribution are the realistic problems that need to be studied in the current regional coordination and sustainable development in China.Based on the existing literature,the heteroge-neity mechanism of the pollution industrial transfer af-fecting the environmental total factor productivity is summarized as growth effect,path effect,environmen-tal effect and human capital effect,and the correspond-ing hypothesis is put forward.Using panel data to car-ry out the regression analysis,the transfer of pollution industry in the out-area has a positive effect on the en-vironmental total factor productivity.The full sample and in-area sample both present an inverted U type showing the relationship between pollution intensity and environmental total factor productivity,at first,the positive effect is greater than negative effect,after the total TFP increased to a certain extent,the nega-tive effect dominated.Then the spatial econometric model has verified the existence of spatial characters of the“beggar thy neighbour”.Finally,previous hypoth-esis were proved using the improved model of the medi-ating effect.

Key words: Pollution industry Spatial distribution Environmental effect Total Factor Productivity

JEL Classification: R11 R13 R50 0Ech51BDQ6JVzaxNwVHLtDS6yfKjDFZUEchaxwuiAvI13NerrWU7e8YQ2hYXqzDx
