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Biased Technological Progress in China:Evidence from Provincial and Industrial Level

Zhi Luo Haoran Li

Abstract: This paper uses the normalized supply sys-tem method to estimate the provincial technology pro-gress bias from 1979 to 2012 and the industrial technol-ogy progress bias from 1999 to 2007 in China.The re-sult shows that:(1)From 1979 to 1982,the technolo-gy progress is biased toward labor,while it biased to-ward capital after 1983.(2)In east areas of china,the technology progress is more biased toward labor than the central and west area.(3)The technology progress in manufacturing is generally biased toward capital,but there are big differences between industries.In furniture making,paper industry,electronics and com-munication equipment industry,the technology pro-gress is biased to labor.In petroleum and natural gas exploitation industry,the technology progress is neu-tral.And in the other industries,the technology pro-gress is biased to capital.

Key words: Elasticity of factor substitution Biased technology progress Normalized Supply-side System

JEL Classification: O14 E23 y2XPg0Zr4Yf1v/5Bgf6Otc+qP8bZmxjLiFTaTwQIIMHjctjhL1WidGbCXVm/vbHZ
