
1.6 Methodology

Generally, the design science approach is applied throughout this research. The design science is derived from engineering and the artificial sciences (Simon, 1996). Design science is not based on natural laws, but manmade laws. It tests the effect of laws and provides feedback to the modification of laws. Design science aims to solve problems in the real world as a problem-solving paradigm (Hevner et al., 2004). March and Smith(1995) argue that artefacts in design science are created by constructs,methods, models and instantiations. Design science focuses on solutions, and the analysis is from the actor’s perspective rather than observer (Aken, 2004).

Case study and field study are used to design and evaluate the multi-level framework proposed by this research. The framework is proposed as a developed methodology that could be used effectively both by technology-oriented and management-oriented audiences.

In constructing the multi-level framework, the analysing methods of input-process-output (IPO) model, data flow diagram (DFD) and organisational morphology (OM) are applied respectively. IPO provides the essential structure of input-process-output. DFD is a popular method in modelling IIOs from the information flow perspective while OM concentrates on the function and effect of information. The multi-level framework integrates the advantages of the above methods, and implements them to measure the performance of an IIO in the education industry.

In order to understand and analyse these information flows in marketing activities, the method of modelling is considered to be effective. According to Mortensen (1972), a model is a systematic and abstract form of an object or event. It is a set of patterns that could be applied to other situations. The method of modelling has its own advantages. (1) Identify problems; (2) clarify the complex situations; (3) discover new solutions (Chapanis, 1961;Mortensen, 1972). A good model should outline the structure from both general and particular perspectives. It can reduce the complexity and simplify the situation in an orderly and coherent manner, to help us better understand the object or event, analyse it and then propose new insights and solutions.

Data used in constructing and evaluating the framework is collected by work record, questionnaires and interviews. Primary data was collected and processed in the course of this research. KC1bptR/+UpiV/x1QJyWSnB8dwVxNSUNNEAFXt3FnqCE0aokpDLgqrZhgPigHG0x
