
02 官方评分标准解析

2.1 考试数据权威解读:自我定位 快速提升





Part 1

Question :Do you work or study?


I am a student.I studying in university.I am Grade 2.


回答内容简单,句式单一,并且出现了很多语法错误。I am studying为现在进行时,回答中缺少be动词。I am Grade 2中则遗漏了介词in。抛开表达流畅度、语音等因素,较明显的问题是句式简单。考生如果将三句话进行升级整理可以快速提升表达的难度。如:I am a well-qualified college student who is a sophomore.(我是一名素质良好的大二学生。)使用定语从句并运用sophomore(大二学生),表达的难度和准确度就迅速提升了。再如:I am a sophomore at XXX University.


I am a student of Peking University.My major is finance and I am in Grade 2.I am very exciting to study here because I know a lot of talented students from the whole country.Also it's the best university in China,so I am very proud of myself to be a student here.I think I will graduate in 2 years.


能够正确使用状语从句,并准确使用talented这个单词,是加分项。句式总体偏简单。句子中出现了一些表达错误,但不属于低级错误,且不影响句意理解。excited说成了exciting,混淆了动词两种分词形式做形容词时的用法。I know应该说成I have met,未理解meet和know的区别。该回答虽然表述的内容已经较5分答案的词汇、语法难度和准确度有明显的提升,但各部分之间并没有明确的逻辑关系,因此Fluency&Coherence方面得分较低。

7 + 分回答

Ah,I'm currently doing my bachelor's degree in the subject of finance at Peking University,and this is my second year of study.



Part 2

Describe a success your friend has achieved

You should say:

Who your friend is

What the success was

What he or she did

And how you felt about the success


I have a very good friend and his name is Peter.Peter is a doctor and she work very hard at hospital.He give operation to liver and now he's pretty famous in the country.He is very young to do liver operation and become very successful doctor.Many people go to him and they cure after the operation,so they were really thank him.She is now national doctor association,sorry,he is now national doctor association.All those people are 45 or 50 years old and he is only 35.They all liked him because he is an easy going person and I think he is success because he is never proud.Every time we talk to him he just laugh and say she is still learning.





·词汇方面:词汇量有限,存在较多搭配错误以及一些中式表达。如:doctor意为“医生”,而“外科医生”应为surgeon;he give operation to change liver很显然是不知道如何表达“肝移植”;national doctor association是一个非常奇怪的名称,应该是对照中文意思断章取义的;“他很谦虚”并不是never proud;最后一句中的laugh也不合适。


I have a friend called Peter and he is a very successful doctor.He is only about 35 years old,but he is already doing liver surgeries.This is a miracle for a doctor of his age.He got his success not easily,you know,he studied in medical school for 8 years and got his doctor degree.Then he started working for his hospital with his supervisor.At first he couldn't do surgeries himself,so he must assist his supervisor.But he learns very fast so a few years later when he was only 30,he was already the main doctor to do the surgeries.What's more,his teacher ordered him to do liver transplant surgeries,he was very surprised but you know these kinds of surgeries are very important to the patients'lives,so he worked very hard and tried his best.Luckily,he succeeded in the surgeries and saved many lives of people.Now he is a member of the National Association of Organ Transplantation,and he is the youngest member in it.All other people are around their 50s or so.I am very proud of his success in his career and feel happy for his patients because they have met him and were treated so well.He is still working hard on it,so I believe his success will become better and better.





·词汇方面:考生具备一定的词汇量,但较多表达不够地道。例如:he got his success not easily显然应表述为:success didn't come easy;doctor degree表述不准确,“博士学位”应为PhD;try one's best也是不够地道的表达,try本身表示“尽最大努力”,使用do one's best或try即可。better and better虽然表述清晰,但可以使用更高级的表述进行替换。

7 + 分回答

What I'd like to talk about today is a career success marked by my best friend Peter,who's a prominent gastro-surgeon who's specialized in liver transplantation and many other high-end surgeries.Because of his outstanding performance and contribution to the field,he was admitted as a member of the National Organ Transplantation Board,which is the top official panel of their field with all of its members either president or vice-president of top tier hospitals across the country.Even the candidates of this board are at least in the same positions of their hospitals with significant experience in this field.If you make a guess of Peter's age,you'd probably say he must be in his 50s or something,but in fact he is only 35 years old,which is unprecedented in his industry.

Outsiders are surprised to see his success and a great many of his peers are jealous of it.However,success doesn't come easy.Several years ago he was merely a young talented surgeon,and never did anyone expect him to be where he is now.Back in those days,his supervisor was attempting to revive a regional liver transplantation centre at their hospital,but was quite restricted with experienced specialists.With no prior experience at all,he opted to join the team and started from scratch.Only I,his best friend,know how much effort he had put in before he was confident enough to step in the OR and perform this ridiculously complex operation for the first time.

I'd be willing to say that I do admire his success,but it's actually his drive to success alongside his dedication that impressed me the most.Success never comes easy;if we want it,earn it!




Part 3

Question :Do you think hard work is the most important part in achieving success?Why?


Yes,I think so.You know if not work hard,we will never achieve anything.We maybe have many ideas,and we want to do things,but we don't work hard,the things will not come true.


·逻辑方面:考生能直接对问题作答,但答案中并没有针对most important也就是“最重要”这个概念给出任何有效的解释,只是在不断强调要努力工作,才能取得成就,却没有与其他因素进行比较;

·语法方面:该回答中出现了一些基础语法错误,例如if not work hard;句子结构过于简单;

·词汇方面:we maybe have表述错误,应为we may have;使用的词汇过于简单。


Yes,I think so.Working hard is the most important thing to succeed because no matter what do we want to do,what ideas do we have and what plans do we make,we always need to carry out the work and this can only be done through hard work.We may be very creative or smart,but as said by Thomas Edison,genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent hard work.So I fully agree that hard work is the most important part in achieving success.


·逻辑方面:考生能够直接对问题作答,并且能切中“most important”这个要点,但逻辑不够严谨,前后内容存在重复或衔接生硬的问题;

·语法方面:出现了一个常见语病,即no matter what we do,what ideas we have and what plan we make,应该是陈述句而非疑问句,不应该用助动词do。其他部分并无明显语法错误,但句式单一,除简单定语从句外,并没有复杂的语法结构;

·词汇方面:用词较为匮乏,没有体现多样性,但错误不多。回答中的一个严重问题是引用的爱迪生的话。提醒:大家如果不知道准确的引文,一定不要在考试中使用。“天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的汗水”译文应为:Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration.

7 + 分回答

Yeah,absolutely.As I've just mentioned,success never comes easy.Take business success as an example.It normally originates from an innovative idea,followed by systematic planning and highly efficient execution.This innovative idea could come from anyone around us,but it's the difficulties in the later stages that bar the majority of people from realizing their ideas.Both planning and execution require hard work.Not only do we need to invest a great deal of effort and time,but also we need to be determined enough to battle all the challenges and obstacles in the way.Real success only awaits those who work their way through,not those who cheat.


·该回答逻辑清晰,以商业成功为例,列举出了成功所需的步骤,并且对比了提出想法和采取行动的重要性,突出了hard work是取得成功的最重要的因素;


相信大家通过以上回答已经能够清楚地区分不同的得分标准。口语评分是一个综合整体的过程, 口语流利度、语法准确性、词汇丰富度和发音节奏都很重要, 关键问题是如何找好平衡,实现正常交流,或者在考试中取得预期的分数。下面我们就根据这四方面的原则分项说明,各个击破。

2.2 流利度:流利就是说rap?

口语的第一项评分标准就是 流利度 ,而流利度又可以分为三部分:速度、节奏和语调。











Band 5:85-95 w/m

Band 6:108-121 w/m

Band 7:125-140 w/m

Band 8:135-152 w/m


Band 5:4.05 errors/100w

Band 6:3.33 errors/100w

Band 7:1.54 errors/100w

Band 8:0.78 errors/100w

可以看出,如果你想突破5分拿到6分,大体上说,你的重心应该放在 语速 上。因为从5分到6分语速增加了25%左右,这是巨大的飞跃!但是正确率却相差不大。因此为了达到1分钟100个有效词的要求,需要说100*(4+1)/4=125词。换句话说,你要一直不停地使用各种词语去“轰炸”考官,虽然词汇质量欠佳,但能以数量取胜,最终让考官从你的回答中获取部分有效信息,实现交流。

如果你想突破6分拿到7分,语速确实需要提高,但重点需要放在 减少错误 上,因为7分对准确度的要求(Band 7:1.54 errors/100w)较6分(Band 6:3.33 errors/100w)而言大大提高了。因此,大家在保持语速的同时应该关注用词和语法的准确性,避免出现低级的语法错误。

当然,如果你的英语足够流利,那么语速对你来说已经是一种习惯,就无须多加考虑了。不过,口语考试的语速只要达到每分钟90~110词就可以了。此外,有些考生在考场上由于神经紧张,可能语速还会不自觉地加快,导致思路跟不上。因此, 稳住心态、保持语速 是大家计时练习的重点。

那么问题又来了,如何调节语速和保持准确度呢?Cherry发现大部分考生是具备一定词汇基础和语法搭配能力的,那么他们为什么在口语考试中不能做到应对自如呢? 根源在于他们记忆和使用词汇的方法有误。





·抛弃If you abandon a place,thing,or person,you leave the place,thing,or person permanently or for a long time,especially when you should not do so.

·中途放弃If you abandon an activity or piece of work,you stop doing it before it is finished.

·放弃(想法或思想方式) If you abandon an idea or way of thinking,you stop having that idea or thinking in that way.

应用: 大家可以通过例句学会词汇的使用场景以及在日常生活中常用的替换词汇give up等。

The authorities have abandoned any attempt to distribute food in an orderly fashion.当局放弃了任何有序地分发食品的尝试。

Logic had prevailed and he had abandoned the idea.理性占了上风,他放弃了该想法。


·放纵If you say that someone does something with abandon ,you mean that they behave in a wild,uncontrolled way and do not think or care about how they should behave.

应用: 大家可以记住with abandon,并将其运用在日常表达中。

He approached life with reckless abandon —I don't think he himself knew what he was going to do next.他以不计后果的放纵态度对待生活——我想他自己都不知道他接下来要做什么。


Question :Why do some adults take part in dangerous water sports?

Answer :I believe the most important reason is that they find dangerous sports thrilling,so when they go on adventures,they are able to have a blast(冲击) that other people could never possibly imagine.Some dangerous sports like bungee jumping(蹦极) could let people learn not to abandon what they are doing in the face of difficulties.


我们听英语母语人士讲英语会觉得很好听,因为他们会很自然地使用抑扬顿挫的语调。而考生们通常并不以英语为母语,且缺乏使用英语的环境,而通过书本学习通常只能练成较为机械的语音语调,因而像朗读课文一样说英语是很多考生的通病。 特别提醒: 大家需要有意识地练习英美音的发音语调,在理解原理的同时还需要多多跟读例句模仿练习。接下来,Cherry将为大家讲解英美音发音的不同技巧以及范例。



·祈使句:与陈述句基本相同,采用降调。 注意 :please出现在句首时重读,出现在句尾时无须重读。


·一般疑问句:采用升调。 注意: 升调不是指句子的最后一个词使用升调,而是从句子中需要重读的词开始升,一直升到句子的结尾。



提醒 :无论在何种情形下,句子或单词的升降调并非绝对的,应以表达的意思为准。请大家在掌握规律的基础之上,结合语意、语境说出流利悦耳的英语。







Example 1

The nature reserve in Southwest China's Sichuan Province has posted pictures of an all-white-furred panda on Saturday.Different from its black-and-white friends,the all-white panda has red eyes.Animal experts said it might be a mutation aged one to two years old.

Example 2

The annual Cannes Film Festival rolled out its famous red carpet on Tuesday night for an opening ceremony attended by the who's who of the international film industry.Set to run until May 25,the French festival features screenings from around the world.

Example 3

On World Poetry Day,falling on 21 March we recognize the moving spirit of poetry and its transformative effect on culture.The day,founded in 1999 by UNESCO,aims to celebrate poetry's power.Many schools and bookshops around the country celebrate the occasion,with special events being held.

Example 4

KFC has launched a restaurant themed to honour the communist soldier and hero Lei Feng.The restaurant opened Sunday ahead of the soldier's remembrance day on March 5.Cartoon figures of Lei Feng and wall papers with excerpts from his diary are part of the decorations in the restaurant in Changsha.

Example 5

The Internet is losing its collective mind over these adorable new cat paw cups that have been released by Starbucks China.The cups feature double walls so that the inner shape looks like a cat's paw dipping into the cup,as well as a cute cherry blossom design on the outer glass.

2.3 语法:让口语变得更高级的三大原则

口语的精髓在于准确地输出想要表达的意思,高级口语在遣词造句、语法句型、逻辑结构、思维方式等方面都是准确合理的。在这里,Cherry为大家总结了可以让口语显得高级的三大原则: 避免语法错误、复杂语法句型、地道思维习惯


准确是对语句的最基本要求。试想一下:如果你使用了杂乱的语序、意义含糊不清的词汇、缺乏逻辑的结构与语段,即使你一直在侃侃而谈,这也绝对算不上“高级口语”。在雅思口语考试中,考生经常被问及兴趣爱好,例如:Do you like shopping?Do you like doing sports?不少考生在过于紧张的情形下都会回答:I very like it.这是Cherry执教近20年见过的出镜率最高的低级语法错误。大家在书面表达中通常不会出现这种错误,但在口语中却经常按照中文的语序来说英语。而这是非常严重的失分点,因为考官默认这是不应该出现的低级语法错误,进而会判断考生的英语表达能力非常有限。事实上,大家都知道正确的表达:I like it very much.









英语是一种直线性思维语言, 倾向于在第一句给出清晰的答案或者指示,之后再阐述细节和理由 。当然,在直奔主题之前,一般都会给出礼貌且客套的开场白。这与中文思维方式是截然不同的——中国人通常喜欢在礼貌用语之后罗列理由和解释原因,最后再根据推断得出结论。这种逻辑思维差异导致很多考生在回答雅思口语考题时“虽然说了很多,但是无法让考官抓住重点”。因此,大家要学会 首先直接回答问题,然后再逐渐展开具体论述

例如,Part 1中surroundings和community这一话题中的经典问题:How is your neighbourhood?很多考生会回答说:I come back home late and leave for school/work too early;I don't know my neighbours.然后就用期盼的眼光看着考官,觉得可以进入下一个问题了。真相是:高分口语答案应该首先回答How,直接给出与问题最贴近的答案表明自己的观点和看法,然后再给出理由和解释。

2.4 词汇:口语与词汇量正相关?

大家练习口语时总是觉得背诵的词汇越多越好,其实不然。因为即使你会“茴”的几种写法,也不一定能写出好文章。我们不能做孔乙己式的自欺欺人者。在口语练习过程中,更为高效的做法是:牢记优质、地道的词汇,做到随时随地脱口而出,而不是默默背诵十几个同义词但不知道该如何使用。大家一定要掌握两大原则: 使用正确(Accurate);复杂变换(Complex)

2.4.1 使用正确(Accurate)

使用正确 ——经常使用的表达观点的词汇,一定要确保用出来是准确的。

在雅思口语考试中,用词、语法首先要确保的是 准确度 ,然后在准确的基础上再考虑表达的难度。在口语考试中,最常出现的问题就是中式英语表达,甚至很多时候考生在使用这些表达时不觉得有任何问题,然而,此时考官已经默默地扣掉了分数。那么,经常出现的中式英语表达有哪些呢?我们一起来看看吧。


Example 1

Interviewer :What do you usually do on weekends?你通常周末做什么?

Candidate : I am busy with doing something on weekends.周末我通常忙一些事。

正解: I am tied up all day on weekends.用I am busy with something来表示“很忙”,这完全是中式表达。说自己很忙,脱不开身,可以用如下表述:I'm tied up.但更为准确且地道的回答应为: I'm fully occupied with study on weekends,such as having classes,doing assignments and preparing for exams.

Example 2

Interviewer :Do you have an English name?你有英文名字吗?

Candidate I haven't an English name.我没有英文名字。

正解: No,I don't have an English name.不少人讲英语时都会犯这种错误,究其原因是语法功底欠缺。因为句中的have是实义动词,而不是现在完成时中无意义的助动词。所以,否定句中要加助动词。

Example 3

Interviewer :Can you play musical instruments?你会演奏乐器吗?

Candidate I think I can't. 我想我不会。

正解: No,I don't think I can.此处是习惯问题,在语法上称为否定前置,中文说“我想我不会”,而英语则说“我不认为我会”。大家在说类似英文句子的时候,需要多加留心。

Example 4

Interviewer :Do you want to learn how to dance?你想学习如何跳舞吗?

Candidate I don't dance well and I want to learn it in the future.我的舞跳得不好,将来我想学跳舞。

正解: I am not a very good dancer.当表达“不擅长做某事”时,通常用not good at something,例如I'm not good at dancing.大家遇到类似的表达时也要多加注意,遇到“我不擅长烹饪”“我不擅长运动”等常见雅思口语考试话题时要使用正确的表述。

Example 5

Interviewer :If you got a chance to study a foreign language,what would you like to learn?如果有机会学习一门外语,你想学习什么呢?

Candidate :I want to study English because my English is poor .我想学习英语,因为我的英语很糟糕。

正解: I am not 100%fluent,but at least I am improving.有人开玩笑说,中国人最擅长的一句英文是:My English is poor.事实上,我从未遇到一个美国人对我说:My Chinese is poor.无论他们的中文水平如何,他们都会说:It's hard,but I'm getting better.或者说:I'm still working hard on it.当你告诉考官说你的英语poor时,考官很可能会被你“说服”。于是,你只好准备下一场考试了。

Example 6

Interviewer :Do you think doing sports will be beneficial for us to keep fit?你觉得运动是一种保持健康的好方式吗?

Candidate :Absolutely. My body used to be unhealthy. 的确。我的身体过去不是很健康。

正解: I used to be in poor health./I used to be unhealthy.或者用更高阶的表达:I used to be quite fragile because I frequently suffered from bad cold and high fever.(以前我比较虚弱,因为我经常患重感冒和高烧。)

Example 7

Interviewer :What's your favourite kind of transportation?你最喜欢的交通工具是什么?

Candidate :I like taking buses because the price is cheap. 我喜欢坐公交车,因为价钱很便宜。

正解: The price is rather low.描述价格的正确表述是:The price is too high/rather low.注意:price不能用expensive或者cheap修饰。

Example 8

Interviewer :Do you think it's a good idea to keep a pet?你觉得养宠物好吗?

Candidate :Of course!当然!

正解: Sure./Definitely./Absolutely.以英语为母语的人士使用of course的频率要比中国考生低得多,他们只是在回答一些众所周知的问题时才说of course。因为of course隐含的意思是“我当然知道了!难道我是傻子吗?”因此,of course带有挑衅的意味。在交谈时,用sure或certainly会更合适。此外,of course not也含有挑衅的意味。正常情况下语气温和的说法是:Certainly not.或者Actually not.

Example 9

Interviewer :Are there any paintings on your wall?你会在墙上挂一些画吗?

Candidate :Yes.These paintings made me remember my own childhood.是的。这些画让我想起了我的童年。

正解: Yes.Seeing these paintings reminds me of my own childhood.“让某人想起某事”的正确表达是remind sb.of sth.。雅思口语考试中的“是否喜欢拍照、童年游戏、礼物”等话题中经常用到的表达就是“让我想起了我的童年”。大家一定要记住这个正确的表达。

Example 10

Interviewer :Do you like your school?你喜欢你的学校吗?

Candidate :Absolutely.I get a lot of knowledge in the university.是的。我在大学里学到了许多知识。

正解: I learn a lot in the university.或者可以使用高阶表达,如:I accumulate plenty of knowledge and skills in the university,such as communication skills,problem-solving skills and self-learning abilities,which are beneficial for my future job-hunting.(我在大学里积累了大量的知识和技能,比如沟通能力、解决问题能力、自学能力,这些对于我将来找工作非常有好处。)“获得(知识)”也可以用get access to(获得),expand(扩大)等动词来表达。



The price of this dress is very suitable.(F)

The price of this dress is right.(T)

解析: suitable(合适的、相配的)最常见的用法是以否定的形式出现在告示或通知上,如:The following TV programs are not suitable for children.(下列电视节目儿童不宜。)而price与right搭配更合适。


I don't know how to say it in English.(F)

I don't know how you say it in English.(T)

解析: how to say是常见的中式英语表达之一,而非地道的英文表述。大家需要记住正确的表达。类似的句子有:How do you pronounce this word?(请问这个单词怎么读?)


I would like to join a party on weekends.(F)

I would like to go to a party on weekends.(T)

解析: join通常指参加俱乐部或者协会,如:join a health club;join the Communist Party.事实上,常常与party搭配的动词是come或者go,如:go to a wild party;come to a Christmas Party.


I have no experience in teaching.(F)

I don't know much about teaching.(T)

解析: I have no experience in teaching.是中式表达。事实上我们只需要说“那方面我懂得不多”或者“这方面我不在行”就可以了:I am not really an expert in this area.


I like taking a subway since the speed of the subway is fast.(F)

The subway is fast.(T)

解析: “速度快”可以直接用fast表达。或者表述为:The subway goes fast.

2.4.2 复杂变换(Complex)






Question :What do you prefer to do for recreational activities?

5分基础词汇: I like watching TV.I think it's very interesting./I like comedies because they are interesting./I like outdoor activities because they are interesting.

解析: interesting是考生经常使用的表达。interesting本身是非常抽象的表达,不增加细节无法让人理解为何有趣。这也是很多考生觉得自己的回答很好却始终无法突破6分的“元凶”。

6分细节词汇: I enjoy watching TV in my spare time.It can make me feel relaxed.There are many kinds of TV programs,such as talk shows,news shows and soap operas.

解析: 该回答不仅给出了喜欢看电视的理由:make me feel relaxed(让我感到放松),也提到了具体的电视类型:talk shows(谈话类节目),news shows(新闻节目) and soap operas(肥皂剧)。因此,该回答较为充分具体且表达难度有一定的提升。

7 + 分高级词汇: I am fascinated by watching various kinds of TV programs for leisure activities.I frequently entertain myself by watching talk shows,soap operas and TV play series.It is not only a fantastic way to broaden my vision,but also a great way to get to know the latest information.

解析: 该回答中使用了高分表达:be fascinated by(喜欢);various(各种各样的);entertain oneself by(自我消遣)。在列出电视节目种类之后还使用了not only...but also结构提及看电视的好处:broaden my vision(拓宽视野);the latest information(最新的信息)。




Chinese people use trees as chopsticks.

解析: 把树当作筷子?应该是use trees for making chopsticks,由此可见口语中准确使用动词的重要性。

I think environmental protection is essential but not so important.

解析: 逻辑混乱及同义词重复使用。essential和important,环保是至关重要但不是那么重要?

Electricity is one of the greatest invention;without electricity the world would become so dark that a person could not even see a hand in front of his face.

解析: one of后面要加可数名词复数形式,因此应该是one of the greatest inventions。另外,后一分句中缺少至关重要的时间状语at night(在夜间),否则句子有歧义。

I like reading because it is good for your health.

解析: 逻辑混乱。because前后部分没有关联。

As we all know,every advantage has its disadvantage.

解析: 表达混乱。正确表述:Every coin has two sides.(任何事物都有两面性。)

The data is very astonished!

解析: “数据非常吃惊”?混淆了现在分词和过去分词的用法,句中应该用astonishing(令人惊讶的)。

At that time,I was studied in the primary school.

解析: “我那时候在小学里被研究?”你是小白鼠吗?应该是I was studying in the primary school.

Traveling can enlarge our eyesight.

解析: 旅行能够拓宽我们的视力?应该是broaden our horizon(拓宽我们的视野)。

—Are you a student or are you working now?

—Oh,in my opinion,I am a college student.

解析: 为什么要加in my opinion?难道别人不承认你是大学生?大家在考试中一定要注意避免生搬硬套结构词,例如:first of all,above all等。

China is a big country,so we have four seasons.

解析: 小国家就没有一年四季吗?句子表达有歧义,so应改为and。

I study in a computer at home.

解析: 谁会在电脑里学习?应该是I study with a computer at home.

Dancing is an indispensable part of people's lives.

解析: indispensable表示“不可或缺的”,难道不会跳舞的人就无法活下去?句意显然不够严谨。

2.5 发音:英美发音区别在哪里?



2.5.1 Accuracy:准确,正确,明确


准确,首先要求不能出现发音错误 ,例如:assignment的发音是 [əˈsaɪngmənt] 还是[əˈsaɪnmənt] 或者两者均可呢?pressure是读作 [ˈpresə] 还是 [ˈpreʃə] 呢?because是读作[bɪˈkɒz] 还是 [bɪˈkɒrz] 呢?

正解:assignment读作 [əˈsaɪnmənt](“g” 不发音);pressure读作 [ˈpreʃə] (“ss” 发 [ʃ]的音);because读作 [bɪˈkɒz] (并没有 [r] 的音)。







2.5.2 Accent:英美发音任选其一,不能英音美音混用

大家在看英美剧时会发现英音与美音是有较大差异的。在雅思口语考试中,使用英音或美音都是可以的,关键在于 英音美音不能混用 。例如:schedule的英音为 [ˈʃedjuːl],而美音为[ˈskedʒuːl];data的英音为 [ˈdeɪtə] 或 [ˈdaːtə],而美音为 [ˈdeɪtə] 或 [ˈdætə]。


Good morning,class.

A[gʊdˈmɔːnɪŋ] [klɑːs] B[gʊdˈmɔːnɪŋ] [klæs]

C[gʊdˈmɔːrnɪŋ] [klɑːs] D[gʊdˈmɔːrnɪŋ] [klæs]




英式英语与美式英语在拼写方面的差异主要有以下两种: 替换与简化

替换 指英式拼写与美式拼写字母不同但意思相同。例如:“睡衣”的英式拼写为pajamas,美式拼写为pyjamas;“询问”的英式拼写为enquire,美式拼写为inquire。

简化 指某些单词的美式拼写比英式拼写更简单。例如:“颜色”的英式拼写为colour,美式拼写为color(省略了字母u);“冰箱”的英式拼写为refrigerator,美式拼写则直接省略成fridge。





注意: 极少数单词的美式拼写比英式拼写更为复杂。例如:“分期付款”的英式拼写为instalment,美式拼写为installment(双写字母l)。此外,惯用简化词特别是流行缩略词如ad(advertisement的缩略形式)在英式英语中也经常使用。



同词不同义 指的是某些单词在美式英语与英式英语中的含义是不同的,如果不加区分,就很容易让人产生误解。例如:

first floor在英式英语中指的是“二楼”(英式英语中ground floor意为“一楼”),而在美式英语中指的是“一楼”;



同义不同词 是英式英语与美式英语在用词方面的最大区别。表达同一个意思的习惯用词如何选择是我们能否地道使用英美音的关键。例如:“电梯”英式英语用lift,美式英语用elevator;“电影”英式英语用film,美式英语用movie;“邮寄”英式英语用post,美式英语用mail;“简历”英式英语用C.V.(Curriculum Vitae),美式英语用resume。这种差异更体现在称谓上,我们通常说的公司“经理”,英式英语用manager,美式英语用director;“总经理”在英式英语中是managing-director或managing director,而在美式英语中则是chief-executive officer;“总裁”“董事长”在英式英语中用chairman,而在美式英语中则多用president。




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