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·成功报名雅思考试后,您可在该场考试报名截止日期前两天登录教育部考试中心雅思考试报名网站 “查看已注册考试” 页面预定口语考试时间。
·大家尽量在预定口试时间 前30分钟 到达考点并签到。口试截止入场时间为预定口试时间 前15分钟 ,一旦超出这个时间就不能进入考场。
·进入考场时,考官会打开门迎接考生。考官在考场门口会问道:“Do you have any electronic devices with you?(你带电子设备了吗?)”很多考生由于过于紧张或词汇量有限,未能很好地理解考官的说话意图,往往会不知所措。 注意: 考生此时只需要简单地回答“No!”就可以了。
·进入考场坐下后,考官还会问及 4个没有采分点的问题 (目的是核对考生信息):
·为了选取适合考生的考试题目,考官还会问道:“Do you work or are you a student?(你是上班族还是学生?)”此时考生可以根据实际情况或是事先准备的材料进行回答。
Answer 1(学生): I am a well-qualified student (who) majors(专业)in...in the...grade(年级).
Answer 2(上班族): I work as a(工作种类)...in (公司名称).../It's a state-owned enterprise(国有企业)/private enterprise(私营企业)/multi-national corporation(跨国公司)/foreign capital enterprise(外资企业)/public institution(政府机关)...I have been working for...years.
此处的回答可以简洁明了,也可以略加拓展。如果考生的回答是学生身份,那么考官在Part 1的问题会集中在兴趣爱好、专业、学科方面;如果考生的回答是上班族,那么可能会被问及时间管理以及其他与工作相关的话题。
考官首先会告知考试要求说明:“Now,I'm going to give you a topic,and I'd like you to talk about it for 1 to 2 minutes.Before you talk,you'll have 1 minute to think about what you're going to say.You can make some notes if you wish.Do you understand?”
“Here's your paper and a pencil for making notes.And here's your topic.(The examiner hands you the cue card at this point).I'd like you to describe...You will have your 1 minute from now.”考官的这句话之后便开始1分钟的考生准备时间,考生可自行准备,在此期间考官和考生不会有对话或交流。
考生在Part 2务必充分利用1分钟的准备时间,在考官提供的纸张或小白板上做好笔记。笔记可以是中文、英文或符号,只要自己能识别即可。做笔记有助于考生在口试过程中进行流畅的表达,避免出现突然间大脑一片空白或是无话可说的尴尬局面。有些考生在做笔记的过程中会不停地看考官,这时考官会说:“If you are ready to talk,you could start now.” 其实1分钟的准备时间是很有限的,建议考生一定不要浪费时间,务必认真地做好准备。
此部分是围绕考生在Part 2给出的回答进入深入的讨论。在此部分考官会问到5~12个问题,具体的问题数量取决于考生对于每个题目的回答充分与否。如Part 2中考到Describe a skill you would like to learn.考生的回答可能是某项运动,也可能是演奏乐器等。对于回答“运动”的考生,考官在Part 3可能会问及是否应该多做运动、运动的好处以及政府是否应该鼓励人们健身等;而对于回答“演奏乐器”的考生,考官在Part 3则可能会问及学生是否应该学习乐器、孩子学习乐器的好处、如何让老年人掌握乐器等。
Part 3的话题一定是围绕Part 2给出的回答来提问的,所以大家不要过于紧张,要抓住考官提问中的关键词。这部分可能会出现复杂词汇或者相对抽象的问题,但Cherry将为大家介绍快速解决问题的具体方法。
雅思口语评分的地域差异性一直是雅思“考圈”的一个传说,官方观点是考官均接受了严苛的培训,并不存在评分标准上的差异。不过根据Cherry亲授学生的实战经验:口语水平在5.5分以下的考生根据以上三大原则选择考点即可;需要冲击6.5 + 分并且确实具备实力的考生在北上广深更有可能考出6.5~8.5分的口语成绩。
·主观打断,没有原因。在这种情况下被考官打断,最后的考分是不会受影响的,因为考官只是想 切换到下一个问题 。此时,考生要稳住自己的情绪,始终保持自信。
在雅思口语考试中,考生经常会被问及是否喜欢某种事物,那么,考生在回答时是否要说出自己的真实想法呢?特别是当考生对提及的对象毫无兴趣时,能不能给出否定的观点呢?能不能对考官说:“I don't like.../I disagree...”呢?
需要明确的是, 给出否定回答是完全没有问题的 。因为口语考试考查的是考生应用口语的能力,而不是让考生“明确回答”自己的个人喜好。真实想法与否定观点都可以呈现,关键是要 给出自己想说的、会说的、容易表达且有助于拿到高分的回答 。
Example 1
Question :Do you like doing outdoor activities?
Answer : Actually not .My interests are manifold,including ballet,reading and going sightseeing,which are good ways of easing off pressure.
Example 2
Question :Do you like to drink tea or coffee?
Answer :Civet Coffee is my first choice,especially black coffee,which makes me refreshed and improves my working efficiency dramatically.You know,coffee makes my day.
Example 2中要求在咖啡与茶中做出选择,或许你本身更喜欢茶,但你掌握的关于咖啡的表达更加多样,这时,你就应该选择准备更为充分的回答,而将自己的真实想法放在次要的位置。此外,你也可以任意更换咖啡种类来丰富自己的答案。例如:Espresso(意式浓缩咖啡)、Black Coffee(黑咖啡)、Café Americano(美式咖啡)、Mocha(摩卡咖啡)、Latte(拿铁)、Cappuccino(卡布奇诺)。
Question :What do you usually have for breakfast?
Answer :I usually have a light breakfast.It's essential to have a healthy diet.Junk food is very fattening.Mostly,scrambled eggs and skim milk(脱脂牛奶) are my first choices which are pretty easy to cook and nutritious.
deep-fried dough sticks/fried dough
twist 油条
Spring chicken童子鸡
sunny side up单面煎(蛋)
over easy两面煎(蛋)
scrambled eggs炒蛋
avocado toast牛油果吐司
peanut butter toast花生酱吐司
Caesar salad恺撒沙拉
mango salad杧果沙拉
·考生根本不认识考官所提问题中的某些单词或短语,因而无法理解考官的问题。此时让考官重复问题也无济于事,考生需要让考官帮忙解释生词的含义或者换一种提问方式。雅思口语考查的是 考生应用语言的能力 ,而不是词汇量。考生不妨采用以下回答来救场:
* Well,I didn't really get it.
* Could you please put it into a simple way?
* Could you please explain it to me?
* Well,my best guess should be...
·Do you like...?
·What types of...do you like?
·What is your favourite...?
·What do you like to do when...?
·Do you enjoy doing...?
表示喜爱:like/enjoy/love/be fond of/be keen on/be a big fan of/find it great to
表示厌恶:dislike/hate/be worried about/be tired of/find it annoying to/can't stand
·I'm quite fond of this singer.
·I really enjoy playing games.
·I can't stand the terrible traffic around my company.
·I love the food in this restaurant from the bottom of my heart.
·Do you think...?
·Do you think people should...?
·Do you think it is necessary to...?
·Will you...or will you...?
·In your opinion,...should...or...should...
·What do you think of...?
·What's your opinion on...?
·What's your attitude toward...?
·How might...?
·Yes,for sure/definitely/absolutely/totally/without a doubt/undoubtedly/of course.
·No,definitely not.
·Well,to some extent/not completely.
·Generally speaking,I think it is...However,I have to say...
·I guess that/I reckon that/I assume that/I think that...
·I'm not quite sure yet...
·I haven't made up my mind yet.
·Of course,we don't know what would happen in the future,but I think that...
·It's just a hypothesis,but people might...
·It might happen/invent/stop/improve/learn/decide to/expect to see...
·It's quite likely that...
·There's no doubt that...
·It would be no surprise if...
·Yes,definitely!We have different festivals on almost a monthly basis.
·Yes,without a doubt!Because of scientific development,the level of life will keep on better.
·Yes,quite frequently,especially with my friends.We often play games.
·No way!Well,at least in China.
·Hardly ever,I don't often go out clubbing,and to be honest,I can't sing or dance.
·I think it depends on what you are learning,for example...
·I think the word “dangerous” is too strong here.But I definitely agree that...
·Yes,it's definitely possible,but also difficult.
·Well,it really depends.I try to play as often as possible.
·Well,some people say that newspapers might disappear in the future.
·To some extent,yes.Some individuals might be shy when they meet new people.
·I am afraid that people might read less in the future,because there are so many other hobbies available nowadays.
·Well,of course we don't know what is going to happen in the future,but it seems very likely that more people will buy stuff on the Internet.
·Why do you want to...?
·Why is it important for people to...?
·How important...?
·The main reason is that...
·The most significant reason might be that...
·That's due to the fact that...
·A number of factors contribute to...
·...for a great variety of reasons...
·There's a combination of factors...
·It's very/extremely/definitely+important/essential/fundamental+because/since...
·On a scale from 1 to 10 with 1 the least important and 10 the most important,I will give them...
·Well,I think the answer is very obvious.It's due to the fact that writing is the basis of all knowledge.
·I choose to study abroad for a multitude of reasons...In addition...
·Well,the most significant reason might be that,nowadays,success means wealth.
·Several factors contribute to the fact that people still...First of all...On top of this...Finally...
·English is extremely important to me,because...
·I think it depends on what...for example...
·Friends play a significant part in my life.
·I think that sport is an essential part of children's daily routines,because...
·Well,I think that clothes can definitely reflect a person's taste since...
·What effects...?
·What impact...?
·What consequences...?
·It will influence/cause/trigger/affect/generate/result in/push people to/have a huge impact on...
·As a result/Therefore/Consequently/In that case...
·Newspapers definitely have a huge impact on society.
·That's a tough question.Well,the weather has a great influence on people's activities.
·Well,leaders usually motivate their staff or teammates;as a result,people can work with more passion,you know,more enthusiasm.
·Well,in theory,money should not have a huge impact on people's happiness.
·Compare...(advantages and disadvantages)
·What are the advantages and disadvantages of...?
·What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of...?
·Say something you like and something you dislike about...
·Are there any advantages or disadvantages about...?
·It's beneficial because...However...There are also disadvantages such as...
·It is beneficial for a variety of reasons...Yet...It also comes with a couple of problems.
·That is beneficial primarily...although...also comes with the disadvantages...
·Also,there's another thing when it comes to...But on the flip side...also comes with its share of disadvantages.
·There are both distinct advantages and disadvantages of...
·The truth of the matter is that both are excellent for certain things while both also have serious limitations.
Q:Please compare the weddings in your country and the ones in the Western countries.
A:Well,it is a hard question for me.I never thought about it before.From my limited experience,there is a similarity(相似性) between the weddings in my country and other countries;it is a celebration party full of happiness and bliss(欢乐).The newly weds always invite their relatives and friends hanging together and guests of the wedding normally bring gifts to the couple.However,the differences are quite obvious.The first difference I can think of is...
·What's the importance of...?
·How important is...?
·How important do you think...is in...?
·What role does...play in...?
·How could...?(Solutions)
·What problems do you think...might be facing now?
·Can you give some suggestions on solving the problems?
·Are there any problems with...?
·And if there are problems what would you suggest to solve the problems?
·I guess the best would be to...
·I guess that requires...
·They should definitely do...and...
·In order to solve this problem,the government should...
·The most effective way to solve this problem might be to...
·A number of actions should be taken...
·In theory...But in practice.../Theoretically...But actually...
·This issue should be taken care of/tackled step by step...
·Initially...Then...And probably most importantly...First...Second...In addition...
·Well,there is no magic,but students should definitely study as much as possible.
·That's a tough question.Well,I guess presidents from different countries should meet as often as possible to discuss economic issues,as well as matters of international relations.
·Well,this issue should be approached step by step.The initial thing that should be done is to make sure that young people in the countryside receive a good education.
在考场上回答问题时不知从何处开始是可怕的,然而,更可怕的是想到了答案却不知道如何用英文表达。因而, 使用实用有效的句型快速组织素材 , 用固定的结构边想边说 是考生有必要训练的能力。
Describe a book you want to read again
You should say:
What it is
What it is about
When you read it for the first time
思路解析: 题目中询问的是想阅读的书,可能一谈到书,大家很快就会想到中国的四大古典名著,但问题来了:这四本书如何用英文表达呢?
《三国演义》 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
《水浒传》 The Story by the Water Margin
《红楼梦》 The Dream of the Red Chamber
《西游记》 Journey to the West
Do you like making friends?
Do you like drinking water?
Do you like looking into the sky?
I'm fascinated by...,which is the best way to release my pressure and help me relax.
I'm fascinated by making friends,which is the best way to release my pressure and help me relax.I could make friends with people who have mutual interests with me from various fields,which can not only expand my social circle but bring joy and happiness to my life.I could share innermost feelings with others.
( 说明: 表格中突显的喜爱原因类的话题均可使用以上提供的经典句型来回答。)
Example 1
Question :What do you like (most) about your hometown?
Answer :I'm fascinated by jogging around the beach in my hometown,which is the best way to release my pressure and help me relax.Sometimes I get up early in the morning and go out for a run in the park near the sea.
Example 2
Question :Do you like to spend time with teenagers?Why or why not?
Answer :I'm fascinated by jogging with teenagers who are my neighbours around the beach on Sundays.It's the best way to release my pressure and help me relax.Sometimes we get up early in the morning and go out for a run in the park near the sea.
Question :What's the city flower in your hometown?
I really have no idea.You know,I am actually not a flower lover.I seldom pay attention to the flowers or trees and these kinds of stuff.
I really have no idea.You know,I am actually not a____(宠物)lover.I seldom pay attention to the____(猫咪)or____(小狗)and these kinds of stuff.
I really have no idea.You know,I am actually not a____(购物狂).I seldom pay attention to the____(时髦的衣服)or____(鞋子)and these kinds of stuff.
I really have no idea.You know,I am actually not a____(电影)lover.I seldom pay attention to the____(电影明星)or____(电影)and these kinds of stuff.
You know,I am actually not a____(旅游)lover.I seldom____(旅游).On one hand,I am____(学习/工作特别忙).On the other hand,I am____(处于赤字中).
shopaholic;stylish clothes;shoes
movie;movie stars;movies
travelling;go sightseeing;tied up with my study (work);in the red
Well,this is kind of a complicated question.The name of the flower just slipped my mind.However,I know it usually blossoms in spring.The colour of the flower is purple and it gives off a kind of unique smell.There's a sea of flowers in summer.
考生虽然没有回答出市花的名称,但是使用了高端而且百搭的回答:Well,this is kind of a complicated question.The name of the flower just slipped my mind.这句话可以有效地为考生赢得思考的时间。考生用slip one's mind代替forget,同时表达中虽然没有出现花朵的名称,但是花的颜色(purple)、气味(unique smell)、状态(a sea of flowers)都描述得非常清楚。
Question :What's your favourite movie?
Answer :Well,this is kind of a complicated question.The name of the movie just slipped my mind.However,I know it is a love story.The leading actor is witty and cute.He loves the girl from the bottom of his heart.Because of this movie,I know what true love is.Just as a famous song goes,“The world may change my whole life through but nothing's gonna change my love for you.” To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.
Example 1
Question :Do you live in a house or flat?
·这是在雅思实战中的高频题目,60%以上的考生会回答:I live in a house.考官会继续追问:Are you sure?考生一般会回答:Sure.There're more than 300 people in the house.很多中国考生会把house理解为“房子”,而对西方人来说house是“别墅”。考生一不小心,就会因文化差异这一雷区而“阵亡”。
· 高分回答: I live in a flat where there's a sea of flowers in summer in the community.也可以补充一些细节让答案更加充分,如:Sometimes,I hang out with my neighbours to enjoy diverse outdoor activities,which is a fantastic way to ease off pressure.或者The place where I live has developed public transportation,for instance,subways,buses and taxis.
Example 2
Question :How do you like fast food?
·再来看一下这个高频真题。很多考生的第一反应是:No!They are garbage food.此刻考官眼前浮现的画面是热爱吃快餐的西方人正在埋头吃垃圾。因为garbage是“扔掉的、不可食用的垃圾”。而垃圾食品的正解是:junk food。此外,很多西方人的生活离不开快餐,如果过多贬低快餐,也可能会让考官反感,所以小伙伴们千万不要犯这种错误。
· 高分回答: Actually,it is a pretty good choice to have fast food,especially for students and nine-to-fivers(上班族),who are tied up with their study and work.