
03 私人模板定制



2.Facilities,streets,gift stores

3.Outdoor activities,animals



考生可以根据自己选择的城市以及喜欢的词汇、句型来定制自己专属的城市相关话题段落。以下Cherry将以内蒙古为范例,让大家看看如何 选用已学过的词汇和句型来定制段落


I'm native to Inner Mongolia,which is a national autonomous(自治的) area located in the north part of China.It is a noted tourist city and a large number of sightseers are flooding to this region to experience various cultures as well as live in yurts(蒙古包),which were made of felt(毛毡).Felt is a kind of material made from wool and mane(马鬃,长毛).It used to be a less developed region since it is distant from the capital.Due to land desertification(沙漠化),the air condition was poor and the productivity of the farmland was pretty low.Luckily,the autonomy policy brought job opportunities and investments.Therefore,dramatic changes have taken place.Right now,there are a large number of tourist attractions,for instance,Nanman Desert,Hulun Buir Plain and Aershan Hot Spring.

Facilities,streets,gift stores(城市设施、街道、礼品店)

Due to dynamic social development,there're rows and rows of skyscrapers and highly developed transportation systems,like subways,buses and high speed rails.There're various public facilities,such as parks,gardens and transportations,which bring a lot of convenience and pleasure to local residents.

The most noted street is named Saihan Avenue,which is a pedestrian street with various kinds of shops selling local snacks and antiques.Both senior citizens and the young generation would like to hang out with their friends and enjoy shopping in the street market.Visitors could purchase souvenirs for their friends as well as themselves in these gift stores.These souvenirs can strengthen their friendship.Meanwhile,they can recall their fantastic memories.

Outdoor activities,animals(户外活动、动物)

In the Ocean Park,sightseers could have a close look at precious marine animals,such as dolphins,jellyfish and clown fish.I could enjoy creative performances given by sea lions and gain the knowledge of protecting these endangered species at the same time.

Yellow River used to be the life force of the local people.Back in those days,women washed their clothes and cleaned rice and vegetables in the river and the men fished with their nets.Now it has gained more contemporary(现代的) elements along with the development of the city.

If visitors are courageous enough to challenge themselves,they could have a try of provocative amusements,like Gyro Drop(自由落体),roller coasters and bumping cars.These activities are very challenging and exciting.


To be honest,I love winter from the bottom of my heart.Winter in my hometown is freezing but comfortable.Heavy snow frequently hits the region.Children are fascinated by snow fighting and making snowmen.Grown-ups are fond of diverse outdoor activities,such as skating and skiing.On snowy days,people are fond of indoor activities,like playing chess and poker.

Hulun Buir Plain is the tourist destination in Inner Mongolia where there is a large collection of plants,such as Suosuo trees and ladanums(岩蔷薇).The ancient poets wrote dozens of poems about ladanums to show the characteristics of the flower.It usually blossoms in spring.The colour of the flower is red,which is the most popular colour for Chinese.Red represents enthusiasm and good luck.There's a sea of flowers in summer.Taking a deep breath after the rain,we can feel the fragrant scent of flowers and grass.It brings good mood to people.It attracts professional photographers and amateurs(业余爱好者) to take fascinating pictures to show the beauty of flowers.That's the reason why crowds of people drop a visit there.


The most exciting festival named Nair is held once a year on the fourth day of the sixth month in the lunar(阴历的) year.It is indeed a festival to celebrate harvest.People could participate in numerous challenging competitions,such as Wrestling Competitions,Horse Riding Competitions and Archery(射箭) Competitions.People could have a try of various flavours of Chinese food as well as Western food,like steak and seafood barbecue.The winner could win free beer and local snacks which are yummy and nutritious.We could enjoy jerky(熏肉条),roasted mutton,vegetables in season as well as fried rice.There're hundreds of thousands of foodies(美食家) there. ItYPQBs9we2zWPrggiOHfoUTO4rWTGdC2YxdCf+8nyh8WgEuqg+MsteF88QCyK0F
