
02 通用模板与高分范例

2.1 高频话题:Locations,types,names,changes


1 (城市名称) is a 2 (特点) city located in the 3 (地理位置)of 4 (国家).It is a 5 (类型)where I have been living there for almost 6 (年限)years.It used to be a 7 (类型)with a small population.However,because of 8 (变迁原因),dramatic changes have taken place during 9 (时间).More 10 (变化) and 10 (变化)are available,which has sped up the development of the city.It is absolutely a place worth visiting.


Chengdu (城市名称)is an ancient (特点) city located in the southwest part (地理位置) of China (国家).It's a world-famous tourist city (类型)where I have been living there for almost 20 (年限)years.It used to be a less developed region (类型) with a small population.However,because of the open policy (变迁原因),dramatic changes have taken place during the past decades (时间).More job opportunities (变化) and investments (变化)are available,which has sped up the development of the city.It is absolutely a place worth visiting.




ancient [ˈeɪnʃnt] adj .古代的

world-famous tourist city 举世闻名的旅游城市

less developed region 欠发达地区

dramatic [drəˈmætɪk] adj .巨大的

decade [ˈdekeɪd] n .十年

job opportunity 就业机会

investment [ɪnˈvestmənt] n .投资


Sitting in the 1 (地理位置)of 2 (国家), 3 (城市名称) is known as a 4 (类型) which attracts countless visitors from all over the globe.I am native to 5 (城市名称)and feel proud of myself since I could experience the 6 (发展)of the city and make up my mind to make a great contribution after graduating from the university.It used to be 7 (问题) due to 8 (问题来源).Luckily,not only the government but also every single citizen has been conscious of the seriousness of 9 (问题). 10 (解决措施) and 10 (解决措施) have been published to get the problem under control.Right now,everyone appreciates this city,as well as the history and culture lying within.It's a fascinating place that you can't miss.


Sitting in the southeast (地理位置) of China (国家), Nanjing (城市名称) is known as a historical city (类型) which attracts countless visitors from all over the globe.I am native to Nanjing (城市名称) and feel proud of myself since I could experience the dynamic development (发展) of the city and make up my mind to make a great contribution after graduating from the university.It used to be a heavily polluted city (问题) due to the emission of exhaust gas (问题来源).Luckily,not only the government but also every single citizen has been conscious of the seriousness of pollution (问题). Regulations (解决措施)and laws (解决措施) have been published to get the problem under control.Right now,everyone appreciates this city,as well as the history and culture lying within.It's a fascinating place that you can't miss.




be native to 来自

dynamic [daɪˈnæmɪk] adj .蓬勃的

emission [iˈmɪʃn] n .排放

exhaustgas 尾气

be conscious of 意识到

regulation [ˌreɡjuˈleɪʃn] n .制度


2.2 高频话题:Facilities,streets,gift stores


Due to the dynamic social development,there're rows and rows of skyscrapers and highly developed transportation systems,like 1 (交通工具), 1 (交通工具) and 1 (交通工具).Right now, 2 (城市名称) is a popular tourist destination that has a whole range of attractions available to its guests,such as 3 (景观), 3 (景观), 3 (景观) and so forth.

If you ever get a chance to visit 4 (城市名称),there're a great number of tourist attractions suitable for visits all year round.If you take a ride down to the end of 5 (步行街),you will reach the commercial area.By the side of the road are lots of souvenir shops.The 6 (礼物) that they sell are very cool,and many of them have the 7 (当地元素) built-in.Whenever I have friends coming here to travel,I take them to these shops,and they all like the stuff very much.There are some popular gift shops on both sides of the road,and many of them offer handicrafts made by local artists.If you'd like some gifts for your friends,they're the best places to visit.


Due to the dynamic social development,there're rows and rows of skyscrapers and highly developed transportation systems,like subways (交通工具), buses (交通工具) and high speed rails (交通工具).Right now, Nanjing (城市名称) is a popular tourist destination that has a whole range of attractions available to its guests,such as Qinhuai River (景观), NanjingPresidential Palace (景观), Confucius Temple (景观) and so forth.

If you ever get a chance to visit Nanjing (城市名称),there're a great number of tourist attractions suitable for visits all year round.If you take a ride down to the end of Nanjing Xinjiekou Pedestrian Street (步行街),you will reach the commercial area.By the side of the road are lots of souvenir shops.The antiques (礼物) that they sell are very cool,and many of them have the historical element (当地元素) built-in.Whenever I have friends coming here to travel,I take them to these shops,and they all like the stuff very much.There are some popular gift shops on both sides of the road,and many of them offer handicrafts made by local artists.If you'd like some gifts for your friends,they're the best places to visit.





skyscraper [ˈskaɪskreɪpə(r)] n .摩天大楼

high speed rail 高铁

tourist destination 旅游目的地

Nanjing Presidential Palace 南京总统府

Confucius Temple 夫子庙

Nanjing Xinjiekou Pedestrian Street 南京新街口步行街

Qinhuai River 秦淮河

souvenir [ˌsuːvəˈniə(r)] n .纪念品

antique [ænˈtiːk] n .古玩

gift shop 礼品店

handicraft [ˈhændɪkrɑːft] n .手工艺品




There are a large number of tourist attractions,for instance, 1 (景观), 1 (景观) and 1 (景观). 1 (景观) is the tourist destination in 2 (城市名称) where there is a large collection of 3 (物品).These 3 (物品) can show our extensive and profound culture.Meanwhile,the primary school students are required to 4 (事件),which is beneficial for kids to enhance their reading skills and writing skills.That's the reason why crowds of young students drop a visit there.The most famous street is named 5 (街道),which is a pedestrian-only road with various kinds of local 6 (特产) and 6 (特产).Both senior citizens and the young generation would like to hang out with their friends and enjoy shopping in the street market.Taking a deep breath after the rain,you can feel the fragrant scent of flowers and grass along the side of the streets,which brings you good mood.Visitors could purchase 7 (纪念品) for their friends as well as themselves.These souvenirs can strengthen their friendship as well as recall their fantastic memories.

The 8 (博物馆名称) is open to the public.In this museum,you could see antiques,including the 9 (展品), 9 (展品) for daily use,and many other exciting things that people used back in the days.By simply looking at the antiques,you could see the history of the culture unfolding right in front of you.


There are a large number of tourist attractions,for instance, Wuhou Temple (景观), Dufu Birthplace (景观) and Chengdu Gallery (景观). Dufu Birthplace (景观)is the tourist destination in Chengdu (城市名称) where there is a large collection of poems (物品).These poems (物品) can show our extensive and profound culture.Meanwhile,the primary school students are required to memorize these masterpieces (事件),which is beneficial for kids to enhance their reading skills and writing skills.That's the reason why crowds of young students drop a visit there.The most famous street is named Kuanzhai Alley (街道),which is a pedestrian-only road with various kinds of local snacks (特产) and antiques (特产).Both senior citizens and the young generation would like to hang out with their friends and enjoy shopping in the street market.Taking a deep breath after the rain,you can feel the fragrant scent of flowers and grass along the side of the streets,which brings you good mood.Visitors could purchas e souvenirs (纪念品) for their friends as well as themselves.These souvenirs can strengthen their friendship as well as recall their fantastic memories.

The Chengdu Museum (博物馆名称) is open to the public.In this museum,you could see antiques,including the artwork (展品), tools (展品) for daily use,and many other exciting things that people used back in the days.By simply looking at the antiques,you could see the history of the culture unfolding right in front of you.





poem [ˈpəʊɪm] n .诗,诗歌

profound [prəˈfaʊnd] adj .巨大的,深远的

memorize [ˈmeməraɪz] v .记住

masterpiece [ˈmɑːstəpiːs] n .杰作

localsnack 当地小吃

strengthen [ˈstreŋθn] v .加强

recall one's fantastic memory 唤起美好的回忆

unfold [ʌnˈfəʊld] v .使展开



2.3 高频话题:Outdoor activities,animals


In 1 (旅游景点),sightseers could have a close look at precious marine animals,such as 2 (海洋动物), 2 (海洋动物) and 2 (海洋动物).Visitors could enjoy creative performances given by them and gain knowledge of protecting these endangered species at the same time.

On sunny days,people are usually in a good mood and enjoy diverse outdoor activities along the beach.Children are fascinated by 3 (户外活动) and 3 (户外活动) with their close friends.Nine-to-fivers usually hang out with friends to enjoy 3 (户外活动).If they are courageous enough,they could have a try of provocative amusements such as 4 (海滨活动) and 4 (海滨活动).Senior citizens could have an enjoyable time since they could 5 (老年人活动) and do outdoor activities like 5 (老年人活动) and 5 (老年人活动).Both the younger generation and senior citizens would selfie the breathtaking natural scenery.Some people even frame their ideal ones and hang them on the walls of the living rooms.


In the Underwater World (旅游景点),sightseers could have a close look at precious marine animals,such as dolphins (海洋动物), sharks (海洋动物)and seals (海洋动物).Visitors could enjoy creative performances given by them and gain knowledge of protecting these endangered species at the same time.

On sunny days,people are usually in a good mood and enjoy diverse outdoor activities along the beach.Children are fascinated by playing hide-and-seek (户外活动) and water fighting (户外活动)with their close friends.Nine-to-fivers usually hang out with friends to enjoy boating(户外活动).If they are courageous enough,they could have a try of provocative amusements such as water scooter (海滨活动) and diving (海滨活动).Senior citizens could have an enjoyable time since they could sing Peking Opera (老年人活动) and do outdoor activities like hiking (老年人活动) and tai chi (老年人活动).Both the younger generation and senior citizens would selfie the breathtaking natural scenery.Some people even frame their ideal ones and hang them on the walls of the living rooms.





precious [ˈpreʃəs] adj .珍贵的

marine animal 海洋动物

dolphin [ˈdɒlfɪn] n .海豚

shark [ʃɑːk] n .鲨鱼

seal [siːl] n .海豹

creative [kriˈeɪtɪv] adj .创造 (性)的

endangered [ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd] v .濒危的

hide-and-seek 捉迷藏

water fighting 打水仗

nine-to-fiver 朝九晚五的上班族

courageous [kəˈreɪdʒəs] adj .无畏的

provocative [prəˈvɒkətɪv] adj .挑衅的

water scooter 水上摩托艇

Peking Opera 京剧

tai chi 太极

selfie [ˈselfi] v .自拍

breathtaking [ˈbreθteɪkɪŋ] adj .激动人心的,惊人的

frame [freɪm] v .给……做框;装裱

ideal [aɪˈdɪəl] adj .理想的,完美的


Whenever tourists visit 1 (地点),they will feel fantastic to lie on the golden beach,hearing the rhythms of the waves lapping over the shore,feeling the soft sand on their feet,breathing the fresh air,while soaking up the wonderful atmosphere and mind-blowing scenery.It's all about getting away from work and experiencing something different.

Looking into the sky,people can't help imagining the clouds in the sky as diverse birds flying high up in the sky,like 2 (鸟名称), 2 (鸟名称), 2 (鸟名称), 2 (鸟名称), 2 (鸟名称), 2 (鸟名称) and 2 (鸟名称). 3 (表演) is the highlight of a day,which attracts local citizens as well as visitors to appreciate creative performances and have a try of exquisite,delicious seafood.It is exciting to visit a distinguished reputable seafood restaurant to watch the amazing making process of gourmet food.They are so different from Chinese traditional ways of cooking.The food culture is so fascinating,and my love for it has almost turned into an obsession.

One popular activity that tropical islands like Sanya offer is 4 (海滨活动).Backed by a wealth of marine life and crystal-clear water,these islands let visitors get up-close views of incredible underwater scenes.Some people like to see big animals like 5 (海洋动物) and 5 (海洋动物),and some like 5 (海洋动物).


Whenever tourists visit Sanya (地点),they will feel fantastic to lie on the golden beach,hearing the rhythms of the waves lapping over the shore,feeling the soft sand on their feet,breathing the fresh air,while soaking up the wonderful atmosphere and mind-blowing scenery.It's all about getting away from work and experiencing something different.

Looking into the sky,people can't help imagining the clouds in the sky as diverse birds flying high up in the sky,like doves (鸟名称), magpies (鸟名称), eagles (鸟名称), peacocks (鸟名称), seagulls (鸟名称), sparrows (鸟名称) and swallows (鸟名称). The bonfire show (表演) is the highlight of a day,which attracts local citizens as well as visitors to appreciate creative performances and have a try of exquisite,delicious seafood.It is exciting to visit a distinguished reputable seafood restaurant to watch the amazing making process of gourmet food.They are so different from Chinese traditional ways of cooking.The food culture is so fascinating,and my love for it has almost turned into an obsession.

One popular activity that tropical islands like Sanya offer is diving (海滨活动).Backed by a wealth of marine life and crystal-clear water,these islands let visitors get up-close views of incredible underwater scenes.Some people like to see big animals like dolphins (海洋动物) and sharks (海洋动物),and some like colourful fishes (海洋动物).






rhythm [ˈrɪðəm] n .节奏

lap [læp] v .舔食

magpie [ˈmægpaɪ] n .喜鹊

peacock [ˈpiːkɒk] n .孔雀

seagull [ˈsiːgʌl] n .海鸥

sparrow [ˈspærəʊ] n .麻雀

swallow [ˈswɒləʊ] n .燕子

obsession [əbˈseʃn] n .入迷


2.4 高频话题:Seasons,weather,plants


1 (地点) is a place with distinct seasons,which adds more excitement to people's life.During the year,people's life would be full of changes and this could be more enjoyable as different ranges of activities are available for different seasons.

Winter in 1 (地点) is 2 (季节特征) and 2 (季节特征).The temperature will drop to 3 (温度) Celsius degree at night.Therefore,people have to wear more 4 (御寒方式) and there're 4 (御寒方式) in every family.The land is covered with 5 (户外特点).You can only see some 5 (户外特点).Children enjoy 6 (户外活动)and 6 (户外活动).Grown-ups are fond of 6 (户外活动) and 6 (户外活动). 7 (冬季特色节日) is held once a year.Sightseers from all parts of the world will come here to see 8 (户外景色).


Harbin (地点) is a place with distinct seasons,which adds more excitement to people's life.During the year,people's life would be full of changes and this could be more enjoyable as different ranges of activities are available for different seasons.

Winter in Harbin (地点) is freezing (季节特征) and dry (季节特征).The temperature will drop to -30 (温度) Celsius degree at night.Therefore,people have to wear more clothes (御寒方式)and there're heaters (御寒方式) in every family.The land is covered with snow (户外特点).You can only see some evergreen trees (户外特点).Children enjoy snow fighting (户外活动) and making snowmen (户外活动).Grown-ups are fond of skating (户外活动)and skiing (户外活动). The snow and Ice Festival (冬季特色节日) is held once a year.Sightseers from all parts of the world will come here to see ice sculptures (户外景色).





Celsius [ˈselsiəs] adj .摄氏的

evergreen tree 常绿树木

skating [ˈskeɪtɪŋ] n .滑冰

skiing [ˈskiːɪŋ] n .滑雪

Snow and Ice Festival 冰雪节

ice sculpture 冰雕


1 (城市名称) is a renowned scenic city mounted in the 2 (方位) of China.It is regarded as one of the world's most breathtaking places. 3 (城市名称) is for sure a destination that you can't afford to miss.

Sightseers enjoy visiting 3 (城市名称) in spring since it is 4 (季节特征) and 4 (季节特征).You can hardly imagine the temperature will seldom go up to 5 (温度) during midday.Sometimes, 6 (异常天气现象) hit the region,which may influence people's routine life.Traffic accidents occur from time to time.Children are fascinated by 7 (户外活动) and 7 (户外活动).Grown-ups are fond of diverse outdoor activities,such as 7 (户外活动) and 7 (户外活动).People could enjoy tropical fruits in season,such as papayas,coconuts and mangoes.As the adage goes,“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”,signifying the importance of fruits and vegetables as a great way to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

Taking a walk down the streets/along the riverbank,you could see 8 (花名) almost everywhere. 8 (花名) is the city flower of 9 (城市名称),which represents 10 (意义).When they blossom,the whole city seems to be filled with the glorious scent that they give out.Besides that,who wouldn't love to see the whole city decorated with beautiful 11 (颜色) blooms?


Xiamen (城市名称) is a renowned scenic city mounted in the southeast (方位) of China.It is regarded as one of the world's most breathtaking places. Xiamen (城市名称) is for sure a destination that you can't afford to miss.

Sightseers enjoy visiting Xiamen (城市名称) in spring since it is humid (季节特征) and comfortable (季节特征).You can hardly imagine the temperature will seldom go up to 30℃ (温度) during midday.Sometimes, typhoons (异常天气现象) hit the region,which may influence people's routine life.Traffic accidents occur from time to time.Children are fascinated by water fighting (户外活动) and hide-and-seek (户外活动).Grown-ups are fond of diverse outdoor activities,such as mountain climbing (户外活动) an d camping (户外活动).People could enjoy tropical fruits in season,such as papayas,coconuts and mangoes.As the adage goes,“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”,signifying the importance of fruits and vegetables as a great way to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

Taking a walk down the streets/along the riverbank,you could see the bougainvillea (花名) almost everywhere. The bougainvillea (花名) is the city flower of Xiamen (城市名称),which represent s friendship (意义).When they blossom,the whole city seems to be filled with the glorious scent that they give out.Besides that,who wouldn't love to see the whole city decorated with beautiful red(颜色) blooms?






scenic [ˈsiːnɪk] adj .风景优美的

humid [ˈhjuːmɪd] adj .温暖潮湿的

seldom [ˈseldəm] adv .很少

midday [ˌmɪdˈdeɪ] n .中午,正午

typhoon [taɪˈfuːn] n .台风

papaya [pəˈpaɪə] n .木瓜

adage [ˈædɪdʒ] n .格言,谚语

bougainvillea [ˌbuːɡənˈvɪliə] n .叶子花,九重葛


2.5 高频话题:Holidays,festivals,food


1 (城市名称) is an international metropolis which lies in the 2 (地理位置) part of China.It is the political and economic centre of China.Tourism has become the mainstay in recent years which appeals to shopaholics.People can buy whatever they like here,from luxuries,such as 3 (奢侈品品牌), 3 (奢侈品品牌)and 3 (奢侈品品牌),to local brands,like 4 (当地品牌).Customers could get friendly service as well as discounts.

The most significant festival is the 5 (节日),which is celebrated on 6 (日期).Both visitors and local citizens would participate in the celebrating events to enjoy local snacks as well as 7 (庆祝活动) along the 8 (庆祝地点).There're some challenging competitions,such as 9 (庆祝活动), 9 (庆祝活动) and 9 (庆祝活动).Winners could not only win prizes,but show their creativity by 9 (庆祝活动)and 9 (庆祝活动).it's absolutely a festival worth celebrating.Most importantly,it's a paradise for gourmet food.People could enjoy local snacks,like 10 (地域美食), 10 (地域美食)and 10 (地域美食).It is exciting to visit a distinguished reputable 11 (餐馆) to watch the amazing making process of gourmet food.


Beijing (城市名称) is an international metropolis which lies in the north (地理位置)part of China.It is the political and economic centre of China.Tourism has become the mainstay in recent years which appeals to shopaholics.People can buy whatever they like here,from luxuries,such as LV (奢侈品品牌), Gucci (奢侈品品牌)and Armani (奢侈品品牌),to local brands,like SOUHAIT (当地品牌).Customers could get friendly service as well as discounts.

The most significant holiday is the National Day (节日),which is celebrated on October the first (日期).Both visitors and local citizens would participate in the celebrating events to enjoy local snacks as well as firework shows (庆祝活动) along the Chang'an Street and other streets (庆祝地点).There're some challenging competitions,such as photography competitions (庆祝活动), eating competitions (庆祝活动)and traditional art form competitions (庆祝活动).Winners could not only win prizes,but show their creativity by making Chinese knots (庆祝活动)and paper-cuts (庆祝活动).It's absolutely a festival worth celebrating.Most importantly,it's a paradise for gourmet food.People could enjoy local snacks,like Beijing Roast duck (地域美食), soybean cakes (地域美食)and Cha Tang (地域美食).It is exciting to visit a distinguished reputable Beijing restaurant (餐馆) to watch the amazing making process of gourmet food.





metropolis [məˈtrɒpəlɪs] n .大都会

shopaholic [ˌʃɒpəˈhɒlɪk] n .购物狂

discount [ˈdɪskaʊnt] n .折扣

firework show 烟花表演

competition [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn] n .比赛

make Chinese knots 制作中国结

paper-cut 剪纸

soybean [ˈsɔɪbiːn] n .大豆


1 (城市名称)is an international metropolis located in the east of China.It's a prosperous city due to the development of 2 (发展原因).There are rows and rows of 3 (建筑) which show the creativity of architects.Because of 4 (发展原因),more 5 (变迁)and 5 (变迁)are available,which sped up the process of globalization. 6 (城市名称) is a melting pot where there are a great number of people with diverse living habits and cultures. 7 (交通方式) has become increasingly popular because it is an eco-friendly form of transportation. 7 (交通方式) is also relatively popular here;there are numerous 8 (交通设施) all over the city dedicated to cyclists,and there is a lot of space for them to ride.Residents are also becoming health-conscious,and they want to take environmentally-friendly transportation.

There are a series of famous attractions receiving millions of tourists from all over the world,such as 9 (景观), 9 (景观) and 9 (景观). 9 (景观) is a fantastic choice for sightseers.Brave teenagers can challenge themselves to try some provocative amusements,like 10 (游乐项目), 10 (游乐项目) as well as 10 (游乐项目).The highlight is 11 (表演) around 8:00 p.m.The show is captivating and creative.

The most significant festival,which is named 12 (节日名称),is held once a year in 13 (时间).Both local and foreign artists would participate in the celebrating events to perform various kinds of shows,such as 14 (表演) and 14 (表演),which bridge the gap between different nations.Meanwhile,they could enjoy local snacks as well as Western food,like 15 (食物), 15 (食物), 15 (食物)and 15 (食物).There're some challenging competitions,such as 16 (比赛), 16 (比赛)and 16 (比赛).Winners could win 17 (奖品) and 17 (奖品)as rewards.


Shanghai (城市名称) is an international metropolis located in the east of China.It's a prosperous city due to the development o f international trade and economy (发展原因).There are rows and rows of skyscrapers (建筑) which show the creativity of architects.Because of the open and reform policy (发展原因),more job opportunities (变迁)and investments (变迁)are available,which sped up the process of globalization .Shanghai (城市名称) is a melting pot where there are a great number of people with diverse living habits and cultures. The subway (交通方式) has become increasingly popular because it is an eco-friendly form of transportation. Cycling (交通方式) is also relatively popular here;there are numerous bike lanes (交通设施) all over the city dedicated to cyclists,and there is a lot of space for them to ride.Residents are also becoming health-conscious,and they want to take environmentally-friendly transportation.

There are a series of famous attractions receiving millions of tourists from all over the world,such as Oriental Pearl TV Tower (景观), Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street (景观) and Shanghai Disneyland (景观) .Disneyland (景观) is a fantastic choice for sightseers.Brave teenagers can challenge themselves to try some provocative amusements,like indoor roller coasters (游乐项目), 4-D films (游乐项目) as well as merry-go-round (游乐项目).The highlight is the firework show (表演) around 8:00 p.m.The show is captivating and creative.

The most significant festival,which is named Strawberry Festival (节日名称),is held once a year in April (时间).Both local and foreign artists would participate in the celebrating events to perform various kinds of shows,such as music (表演) and dancing (表演),which bridge the gap between different nations.Meanwhile,they could enjoy local snacks as well as Western food,like white beer (食物), black beer (食物), steak (食物) and seafood barbecue (食物).There're some challenging competitions,such as singing competitions (比赛), photography competitions (比赛)and eating competitions (比赛).Winners could win honour (奖品)and money (奖品) as rewards.






prosperous [ˈprɒspərəs]n.繁荣的

numerous [ˈnjuːmərəs] adj .众多的

dedicate to 致力于

Oriental Pearl TV Tower 东方明珠电视塔

Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street 南京路步行街

Shanghai Disneyland 上海迪士尼

provocative amusement 娱乐活动

indoor roller coaster 室内过山车

merry-go-round 旋转木马

seafood barbecue 海鲜烧烤 9kqTDMocSVKqH2UHDhGBBZcGA9MDpc+pUFaUQiQoqZgG7ib3BZRLHql7JMxZG4kB
