
01 脑图构建

在雅思口语考试中,地点类话题占有举足轻重的地位,无论是Part 1还是Part 2,家乡、季节、天气、住宿、植物、花朵、交通方式、博物馆、公园等话题都是经常考查的。可以说,掌握了与这些话题相关的口语考试题目,也就拿下了雅思口语考试的半壁江山。 城市相关话题涵盖了雅思口语考试Part 1和Part 2全部话题的60%以上。因此,只要拿下与城市相关的话题,就可以完成大部分雅思口语考试的备考话题


1.What's (the name of) your hometown?

2.Is that a big city or a small place?

3.How long have you been living there?

4.Do you like your hometown?

5.Is there anything you dislike about it?

6.What do you like (most) about your hometown?

7.Do you like living there?

8.Please describe your hometown a little.

9.Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

在备考过程中,由于这些问题都是开放性的,所以考生往往感觉无从下手。如果大家看过Cherry构建的关于城市话题的脑图就不难发现,描述一个城市时,既可以从城市的地理位置(Locations)、城市变迁 (Changes)、城市设施 (Facilities),包括公园、街市、博物馆、手工艺品 (此话题也可以在关于 “礼物” 的话题中描述) 等话题展开论述,也可以从谈论户外活动、某城市有代表性的动物、季节、天气、植物、花朵、特色节日、饮食等角度进行回答。而在这些话题中,很多都是独立的 Part 1 考题,因此我们可以用同一个答案来回答若干个口语话题。比如关于 “家乡” 的话题:

Question : What do you like (most) about your hometown?

Answer :I love the city flower,lilac,from the bottom of my heart.There's a sea of flowers in summer which give off fragrant scent.We could hang out with friends to enjoy diverse outdoor activities since it's the best way to release pressure and make us refreshed.


Question : What's your favourite season?

Answer :I love summer from the bottom of my heart.There's a sea of flowers in summer which give off fragrant scent.We could hang out with friends to enjoy diverse outdoor activities since it's the best way to release pressure and make us refreshed.

下面试试如何将这个回答套用在Part 1的其他高频话题中:

·What's your favourite weather?

·What's the city flower?

·What's your favourite recreational activity?

·What do you usually do on weekends?

·Do you enjoy doing outdoor activities?

·Do you like taking photos?

此处以Do you like taking photos?为例,我们只需要稍微做一些调整,就可以灵活地给出回答了。

Question : Do you like taking photos?

Answer :I love photography from the bottom of my heart.There's a sea of flowers in summer which give off fragrant scent.I could hang out with friends to take photos of fascinating flowers since it's the best way to release pressure and make us refreshed.

Question : Which is your favourite room?

Answer :I love the living room from the bottom of my heart.There's a sea of flowers in the community downstairs in summer which give off fragrant scent.I usually watch movies in the living room since it's the best way to release pressure and make me refreshed.

Question : Do you like paintings?

Answer :I love paintings from the bottom of my heart.There's a sea of flowers in summer which give off fragrant scent.I could draw fascinating flowers since it's the best way to release pressure and make me refreshed.

由此不难看出,很多看似不相关的话题,其实都可以用“百搭”的答案去回答。这样一来,大家就无须准备数百道Part 1的题目答案了,复习压力会大大减少,学习效率则会快速提升。

此外,Cherry的脑图也可以帮助大家快速提升 Part 2 的解题技能。如:

Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home

You should say:

Where it would be

How you would like to go there

What you would do there

And explain why you would like to go there

根据城市相关话题脑图,大家在描述旅行经历的时候,只需要想出一个城市名称即可,然后在2分钟的作答过程中围绕 城市的地理位置、类型、设施、户外活动、季节、天气、特色节日等 对此次旅行经历展开论述。这样一来,就能避免出现仅根据Part 2的提示作答,结果时间未到却无话可说的情形。因此,关于城市相关话题的回答,大家可以稍加调整后灵活地运用到各种口语题目中。 3F6z2guzMOgBYEyug1kFSiF6ChjRTo1tLnlNkXTucWz3AEfEr86RMwfcFvG9Y7+h
