



本书共分16 个单元, 内容涉及自我介绍、 职业规划、 求职面试、 办公室管理、 商务 会议、 订房订票、 商务就餐、 商务旅行、 访客接待、 公司简介、 产品促销、 贸易展会、 售后服务、 建立贸易关系、 报盘还盘、 商务谈判等实用性很强的与职业相关的主题。 各 单元内容衔接自然、 循序渐进、 重点突出, 适合高职高专各专业学生使用。 每个单元由 三个部分组成。Part Ⅰ Situational Dialogues( 情景对话): 该部分用于课堂教学活动。 学生通过进行模拟真实的英语会话情景, 通过角色扮演(Task 1) 和情景模拟(Task 2) 两项 任务, 实操练习。Part Ⅱ Useful Words,Phrases and Sentences( 常用词汇和句型): 该 部分用于学生学习和记忆一些与各主题相关的常用词汇和常用句型。Part Ⅲ Workplace  Practice( 职场实操): 该部分是本书的最大特色和亮点, 用于学生模拟职场演讲、 练习职 场翻译, 使学生能独立完成或与他人合作完成相关的职场英语练习, 从而掌握职场英语 实际应用技能。


本书由樊文辉担任主编, 负责全书的规划设计、 组织编写、 统稿校对、 联系出版等 工作。 本书编写任务分工如下: 樊文辉(Unit 8 和Unit 9), 肖兴松(Unit 7), 周电红(U-nit 1), 周金梅(Unit 2), 白欢(Unit 3), 阎经娟(Unit 4 和Unit 5), 谭静(Unit 6 和Unit 12), 梁燕媚(Unit 10 和Unit 11), 朱启芸(Unit 13 和Unit 14), 张彦杰(Unit 15 和Unit 16)。

本书为“ 交通运输职业教育科研项目”, 项目编号:2013B19。


2014 年2 月 26QWmYRx4uRo5cQRnEmQmj8imLz86CeK+61O+y/w2a2PR99LHMep1PrKvnmDh5fP

Unit 1


Part Ⅰ
Situational Dialogues

Situational Dialogue 1

Susanis a college freshman Now she is in the classroom She shares a desk with George a boy student Today is the first day of their college life Now they are talking with each other

Susan:Hello.May I introduce myself?I’m a freshman here.My name is Susan.I’m from Henan Province.

George:Oh,hello,Susan.Glad to know you.I’m a freshman,too.My name is George.I’m from Shandong.

Susan:Glad to meet you,George.You are in my class,aren’t you?


Susan:Really?I’ve only been here for a short time.I don’t know many people yet.

George:It’s not easy to meet people in a new place.Would you like to come to the café with me?They have ice cream and many other drinks.You can meet some of the other students in our class there.

Susan:I’d like to,George,but I’ve got to mail these letters.Maybe later.

George:That’s all right.Bye!


Practice 1

Task 1:Listen to the dialogue and role-play it in pairs.
Task 2:Simulated situational conversation.

Suppose you are a college freshman Jim You are meeting a senior schoolmate Mary on the campus and you want to know each other

Situational Dialogue 2

The new employee of ABC Company James Smith wants to make acquaintance with his colleagues from the day he begins his workin the company

James:Good morning,Miss.I’m a new staff member.May I introduce myself to you?My name is James Smith.

Mary:Good morning,Mr.Smith.I’m Mary Wang.Glad to meet you.

James:I’m very glad to meet you,Mary.And I’m here as the electronic assistant engineer.What about you?

Mary:Wow,you’re an electronic engineer.You must be quite knowledgeable.I’m the secretary and what do you usually do in your post?

James:I’m supposed to maintain electronic appliances of the company.

Mary:So,you can fix electronic appliances.

James:Actually,my duty is not to fix electronics but to maintain them.That is to say,to keep the electronics running in good condition and to replace the invalid parts.

Mary:Well,that’s technical work.If I have any problems with my own electronics,can you give me a hand after work?

James:Yes,of course.I’ll be very pleased as long as I can help people.

Mary:Thanks a lot.You’re so generous.May I offer you a coffee during the break and introduce other staff to you?

James:That’s very kind of you.Then let’s meet during the break.

Mary:OK.See you.

James:Goodbye.See you later.

Practice 2

Task 1:Listen to the dialogue and role-play it in pairs.
Task 2:Simulated situational conversation.

Suppose you are Tom Wood the Sales Manager ofABCCompany You take part in a gathering party of an exhibition and you want to make acquaintance with the guests you haven’t met before

Situational Dialogue 3

Susan Tailor a fashion designer attends the meeting of the Garment Industry Association for the first time She wants very much to know others in the meeting hoping to help her career

Susan Tailor:Good morning,Sir.May I introduce myself?I’m Susan Tailor,fashion designer of R & P Garments.

Peter Queen:Good morning,Miss Tailor.Pleased to know you.My name is Peter Queen,the Promotion Manager of National Fashion Company.You’re a designer;you are sure to know what kind of clothes customers want to buy most.

Susan Tailor:Well,fashion designers should always be aware of the fads and trends as well as the customers’desires for clothing.

Peter Queen:You’re so knowledgeable about clothing.I wonder if I can have the pleasure of discussing fashion promotions after the meeting.

Susan Tailor:Sure.It’s my great pleasure.

Peter Queen:Then we’d better exchange business cards.Here is my business card.I hope we can keep in touch after this meeting.

Susan Tailor:Good.Here is mine.

Peter Queen:Shall we go there to meet other guests?

Susan Tailor:That’s a good idea!We can go on discussing later.

Peter Queen:Sure.Meet you later.

Practice 3

Task 1:Listen to the dialogue and role-play it in pairs.
Task 2:Simulated situational conversation.

Suppose you are Amy Liu You are taking part in a business gathering You want to introduce yourself and your company to other guests in the gathering and make acquaintances with them D4bu1kzbXZNI3rUleC3YOaAD1WEdYyKc1QFNZIHCsTpgBrfXRCxDwa9FXupj31Pq

