

Paper One

Part Ⅰ Listening

音频教学网址: http://www.100eshu.com/uploads/ebook/758eba430c864644a9926669f009be9e/source/1568890122669.mp3

Section A Listening Comprehension (10%)

Directions: In this sectionof the test, you will hear three talks. After each talk, there are three orfour questions. The talks and questions will be read only once. You must listencarefully and choose the right answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

For example:

Talk One

1. A. Heart attacks.
B. Strokes.
C. Drugaddiction.
D. Cerebralhaemorrhage.

2. A. About 860,000.
B. About 1.5million.
C. About 1/2 ofthe total population.
D. About 2/3 ofthe total population.

3. A. Easy to use.
B. Safe.
C. Economical.
D. Fast acting.


1.D  录音讲到很多医生都在使用一种叫做“streptokinase”的药,这种药剂有时会带来一些问题,甚至会引起“bleeding in the brain”。cerebral haemorrhage的意思是“脑溢血”。

2.B  录音中明确指出“About 1.5million Americans have heart attacks every year”。

3.C  通过录音中的“This new drugis easier and faster to use.”以及“it is much safer”可知选项A,C,D正确,录音并没有提到这种药经济实惠。


Talk One

An important new study reports that doctors now have a newdrug called TPA for heart attacks. It may be better than any other heart drugs.Many doctors have been using a drugcalled streptokinase, which sometimes causes problems to patients. It can evencause bleeding in the brain. Streptokinase can save about 1/3 of the peoplewith heart attack. But TPA will save about 2/3. This means many people. About1.5 million Americans have heart attacks every year.

One reason TPA can help more people is because of time.This new drug is easier and faster to use. It will give doctors more time inhospitals. Then they can study the problem well. People with heart problems canalso keep some TPA at home. When a heart attack starts, they can take some TPAright away. Then they will have time to get to the hospital. This is importantbecause about 860,000 people in the United States die before they get to thehospital.

There is another reason why TPA is good news for peoplewith heart attacks. According to the study, it is much safer. It does not causeother problems like streptokinase. TPA works only on the heart. It does nothave an effect on the blood or cause bleeding.

Doctors plan to do more studies about TPA. They need totest this new drug on many more people with heart attacks. But in a few years,many doctors and hospitals will probably start using this exciting new drug.


1. What problem canstreptokinase cause?

2. According to thetalk, how many Americans have heart attacks every year?

3. Which is notmentioned as an advantage of TPA?

Talk Two

4. A. Students.
B. Teachers.
C. Socialworkers.
D. Doctors.

5. A. They took a long-term course ofsocial sciences.
B. They took aone-day course of psychology.
C. They renderedassistance to the disabled.
D. They exploredthe world of the handicapped.

6. A. To understand the handicapped.
B. To createcompassion for the needed.
C. To sharedifficulties with the poor.
D. To take careof the disabled.

7. A. An insight into the psychology of thedisabled.
B. Moreknowledge about needs and feelings of the handicapped.
C. Respect forthe disabled for their abilities.
D. All of theabove.


4.A  通过录音开头所述可知参与这项活动的是来自香港城市大学的三十名学生。

5.D  根据录音开头讲到的“thirty students…spent a day exploring the world of thehandicapped”可知答案。

6.A  录音讲到这项活动的目的是“to helpthem to understand the problems faced daily by the handicapped”。

7.D  录音最后讲到在这次活动之后,有的学生“becomemore aware of the needs and feelings of the handicapped”,有的学生“appreciate the ability of the handicapped”,很多人“seemed to have gained an insight into the psychology of the physicallyhandicapped”,由此可知A,B,C三种说法都正确。


Talk Two

Sitting in wheelchairs, limping in special shoes andwearing glasses which stop them from seeing properly, thirty students from theCity University of Hong Kong spent a day exploring the world of thehandicapped. They were taking part in a one-day course journey into compassion,to help them to understand the problems faced daily by the handicapped. Studentaffairs officer, Rebecca Chen said it would help create a caring campuscommunity. Ms. Chen was inspired by a magazine article on how doctors andhospital in the United States were able to appreciate the psychology of thepatients better after they themselves were treated as patients. The idea isthat the direct experience of the situation should be the first step tolearning rather than study theory.

Students were sent out in pairs, one handicapped and oneobserver, to complete a list of everyday tasks. This included borrowing booksfrom a library, exchanging money at a bank and buying a ticket at a railwaystation. Social work student, Carina Lin, said she could never have imaginedhow simple task become real challenges for the disabled. “After sharing some oftheir experiences today, I have become much more aware of the needs andfeelings of the handicapped”. Another student said that the experience hastaught her to appreciate the ability of the handicapped. Many on the courseseemed to have gained an insight into the psychology of the physicallyhandicapped. But there was still much work to be done.


4. Who were theparticipants of the program?

5. What did they doaccording to the talk?

6. Why did they takepart in the program?

7. What did the young.people gain in the program?

Talk Three

8. A. The President and the hospital.
B. A visit tothe hospital.
C. PresidentAbraham Lincoln.
D. Lincoln and awounded soldier.

9. A. Writing down a letter for him.
B. Dictating aletter for him.
C. Typing aletter for him.
D. Posting aletter for him.

10. A. The President signed the letter.
B. ThePresident held the soldier’s hand tightly.
C. The youngman went peacefully through to his end.
D. The youngman recognised Lincoln.


8.D  录音主要讲的是林肯总统在医院与一位受伤垂死士兵的故事。

9.A  录音中讲到士兵请求林肯为他给家里写一封信,之后“Apen and paper were provided and the President carefully began writing down”,由此可知选项A正确。

10.C  录音最后讲到“the tall gauntPresident took the boy’s hand in his and spoke warm words of encouragementuntil death came”,由此可知士兵握着林肯的手平静地死去了。


Talk Three

President Abraham Lincoln often visited hospitals to talkwith wounded soldiers during the Civil War. Once doctors pointed out a youngsoldier who was near death and Lincoln went over to his bedside.

“Is there anything I can do for you?” asked the President.

The soldier obviously didn’t recognize Lincoln, and withsome effort, he was able to whisper: “Would you please write a letter to mymother?”

A pen and paper were provided and the President carefullybegan writing down what the young man was able to say:

“My dearest mother, I was badly hurt while I was doing myduty. I’m afraid I’m not going to recover. Don’t grieve too much for me,please. Kiss Mary and John for me. May God bless you and father.”

The soldier was too weak to continue, so Lincoln signed theletter for him and added, “Written for your son by Abraham Lincoln.”

The young man asked to see the note and was astonished whenhe discovered who had written it. “Are you really the President?” he asked.

“Yes, I am,” Lincoln replied quietly. Then he asked ifthere was anything else he could do.

“Would you please hold my hand?” the soldier asked. “Itwill help me to see it through to the end.”

In the hushed room, the tall gaunt President took the boy’shand in his and spoke warm words of encouragement until death came.


8. What is the storyabout?

9. What did thepresident do for the young man?

10. What happened atthe end of the story?

Section B Spot Dictation(10%)

Directions: In thissection of the test, you will hear one passage. The passage will be read threetimes. On your answer sheet, you will read the same passage with 20 wordsmissing. As you listen, read the passage on your ANSWERSHEET and fill in the blanks with the exact words on the tape. Theremight be more than one word in a blank.

When someone asks you to his or her home, it is very clearwho is the guest and who is the host, but invitations to restaurantfor lunch, dinner, coffee, a drink,etc., (1)_____, and the customs vary in different parts of theUnited States.

In many instances it is the inviter who pays, as one wouldexpect, but in some instances each one pays his or her own check: You “(2)_____.” This is often the case with friends in informalsituations, such as “Let’s go get a beer” or “Want a cup of coffee?” In someparts of the country, however, some people like to (3)_____ bytaking them to a restaurant for a dinner instead of having dinner at home. Inthis case, the host expects to pay and the guest may offer to leave the tip,which (4)_____ by the host. If so, just let the matter drop.If the invitation is expressed (5)_____, such as: “Let’s go to a Greenwillow fordinner,” it may be more of a suggestion than an invitation, so you should beprepared to pay (6)_____.

If you want to invite someone for a meal at a restaurant,be explicit: “I’d like to take you to Greenwillow.” Americans should be (7)_____, but they often assume you know the local customs in thematter. Ask a friend’s advice if you are not sure.


1. sometimes present problems

2. go Dutch

3. entertain friends

4. may be declined

5. in fairly casual terms

6. your part of the bill

7. explicit also


When someone asks you to his or her home, it is very clearwho is the guest and who is the host, but invitations to restaurantfor lunch, dinner, coffee, a drink,etc., sometimes present problems, and the customs vary in different parts ofthe United States.

In many instances it is the inviter who pays, as one wouldexpect, but in some instances each one pays his or her own check: You “goDutch.” This is often the case with friends in informal situations, such as“Let’s go get a beer” or “Want a cup of coffee?” In some parts of the country,however, some people like to entertain friends by taking them to a restaurantfor a dinner instead of having dinner at home. In this case, the host expectsto pay and the guest may offer to leave the tip, which may be declined by thehost. If so, just let the matter drop. If the invitation is expressed in fairlycasual terms, such as: “Let’s go to Greenwillow for dinner,” it may be more ofa suggestion than an invitation, so you should be prepared to pay your part ofthe bill.

If you want to invite someone for a meal at a restaurant,be explicit:“I’d like to take you to Greenwillow.” Americansshould be explicit also, but they often assume you know the local customs inthe matter. Ask a friend’s advice if you are not sure.

Part Ⅱ Writing (20%)

Directions: Pleaseread the following article in Chinese carefully, and then write a summary of200 words in English on the ANSWFR SHEET. Makesure that you cover all the major points of the article.












Health Education

In this essay the author discusses the necessity andimportance of health education in future society. Diseases resulting from badlifestyle are imposing more and more threat on people’s health. It leadslogically that health education will be a chief concern in the future medicine.

In some Western countries, overall and multi-level healtheducation has proved cost-effective in preventing and treating almost incurablechronic noninfectious diseases. WHO suggests that future medical work should becentered on people and their health rather than diseases. Meanwhile China alsoprioritized public health education in her strategic policies and call forparticipation of people from all walks of life.

The author also points out that things could be improved inour country’s health education. Firstly, measures should be taken to addressthe problems such as little attention and investment and lack of teachingresources in China’s health education. Secondly, China should carry out healtheducation in more local communities. As for medical workers, the authorsuggests that more attention should be paid to health advice and mental “treatment”.Moreover, all kinds of health service centers, including but not limited tosuicide prevention centers, marital and family service centers, should be setup in local communities.




健康教育health education

生活方式life style

全方位、多层次overall and multi-level

慢性非传染性疾病chronic noninfectious diseases

拯救自杀中心suicide prevention center

婚姻家庭中心marital and family service center

Paper Two

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (15%)

Section A

Directions: In thissection all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A, B,C, and D, are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrasethat best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

1. This environment can also affect aperson’s mental and _____ health.

A. conventional
B. personal
C. physical
D. impersonal

【答案】 B

【解析】 句意:环境能够影响人们的身心健康。physical身体的。conventional惯常的,常规的。personal私人的,个人的。impersonal非个人的;客观的。

2. This is a blanket term that covers a wide range of oralactivities that have an element of _____.

A. sensitivity
B. simplicity
C. creativity
D. possibility

【答案】 C

【解析】 句意:这是一个泛指的术语,涵盖一系列含有创造性元素的口语活动。creativity创造力;创造性。sensitivity体贴;灵敏度;敏感。simplicity简单,简易。possibility可能性。

3. Except for mother’s milk, no drink boasts a more _____ reputationfor youngsters than fruit juice.

A. worthwhile
B. wholesome
C. explicit
D. nutritious

【答案】 B

【解析】 句意:除了母乳,与其他饮品相比,果汁因更有益于青少年的健康而饱受赞誉。wholesome有益健康的。worthwhile值得的。explicit清楚的;直率的。nutritious有营养的。

4. Whichever approach is adopted, each student will require materialand _____ which is at his level.

A. presentation
B. constituent
C. compound
D. allocation

【答案】 D

【解析】 句意:不论采用哪种方法,每位学生都需要与其水平相当的素材和配置。allocation分配,配置。presentation陈述;展示。constituent委托人;成分。compound混合物;化合物。

5. If the cells cannot use sugar, the bodybegins to _____ its own tissues for food.

A. break through
B. break down
C. break out
D. break over

【答案】 B

【解析】 句意:如果细胞无法使用糖分,身体就会将自身的组织分解成养分。break down分解。break through突破;突围。break out爆发;突发。break over溢出。

6. He had always had a good opinion of himself, but after thepublication of his best-selling novel he became unbearably _____.

A. cordial
B. proud
C. conceited
D. exaggerated

【答案】 C

【解析】 句意:他本来就很自以为是,但自从他发表了自己的畅销小说后,他自负得令人难以忍受。conceited自负的,自大的。cordial热忱的;兴奋的。proud自豪的,得意的。exaggerated夸大的,夸张的。

7. The brain centers that process numbersseem to be different for exact and _____ calculations.

A. adequate
B. apparent
C. approximate
D. objective

【答案】 C

【解析】 句意:大脑中负责精确计算和粗略计算的信息处理中枢似乎是不同的。approximate近似的,大约的。adequate适当的;足够的。objective客观的。

8. He felt the pain again when the effectof the drug _____.

A. wore on
B. wore down
C. wore out
D. wore off

【答案】 D

【解析】 句意:药效减弱后他再次感觉到疼痛。wear off磨损;逐渐消逝。wear on缓慢地进行;(时间)慢慢过去。wear down使磨平;消磨(某人)斗志。wear out穿破;使精疲力竭。

9. If you are a member of the League youmust _____ to its rules.

A. approach
B. conform
C. respond
D. abide

【答案】 B

【解析】 句意:如果你是社团的一员,你就必须遵守社团规章。conform to遵守;符合。approach to接近。respond to回应,响应。abide by遵守。

10. He may give the impression of being severe, but he is quite akind person _____.

A. from heart
B. at heart
C. of heart
D. by heart

【答案】 B

【解析】 句意:他可能会给人严厉的印象,但是内心里他是个温和的人。at heart本质上,内心里。by heart熟记,背诵。

11. At the same time, the commercial value of English tuition as a_____ has initiated competition for more effective methods and materials.

A. commodity
B. morality
C. diversity
D. reality

【答案】 A

【解析】 句意:同时,英语补习作为一种商品的商业价值引发了争取更有效的学习方法和材料的竞争。commodity商品。morality道德。diversity多样性。reality现实;实际;真实。

12. An immediate search over 1,000 square miles of sea failed to_____ single piece of wreckage.

A. turn up
B. turn down
C. turn over
D. turn round

【答案】 A

【解析】 句意:在立即进行的对1000平方英里海域的搜索中没有发现一块残骸。turnup找到,发现。turn down拒绝。turn over移交、送交(他人看管,尤指当局);周转。

13. Should they be included in our list of problems requiringspecial techniques and _____?

A. character
B. therapies
C. expertise
D. specification

【答案】 C

【解析】 句意:这些应当列入需要特别技能和专门技术的问题中吗?expertise专家意见;专门技术。character品质,性格。therapy治疗。specification规格;说明书。

14. The method _____ further investigation.

A. merits
B. constitutes
C. accomplishes
D. appeals

【答案】 A

【解析】 句意:这个方法值得进一步研究。merit值得。constitute制定;建立。accomplish完成,达成。appeal呼吁,恳求;上诉。

15. They abolish or closely control the legislature, and quickly_____ freedom of speech, assembly, and the press.

A. suspend
B. supervise
C. sustain
D. suppress

【答案】 D

【解析】 句意:他们废除立法或紧密控制立法,很快就压制了言论,集会以及出版自由。suppress压制,抑制。suspend延缓。supervise监督;管理。sustain维持,持续。

Section B

Directions: Eachof the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are fourother words or phrases beneath each sentence, Choose the word or phrase whichwould best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted forthe underlined part. Mark your answer on the ANSWERSHEET.

16. The pain was severe at the beginning, but it soon ended .

A. passed away
B. died off
C. took away
D. died down

【答案】 D

【解析】 句意:开始时疼痛很剧烈,但是很快就渐渐减弱了。end停止。die down消退,逐渐消失。二者意思相近,可进行替换,故选D。pass away去世。die off相继死去直至死光。take away带走,取走。

17. You cannot burden your memory with too much information.

A. retain
B. load
C. retrieve
D. associate

【答案】 B

【解析】 句意:你不能让你的记忆力负担太多的信息。burden使负担。load使担负;装填。二者意思相近,可进行替换,故选B。retain保持,保留。retrieve找回。associate联系;联合。

18. The insurance company estimates his assets at over threemillion dollars.

A. accessories
B. finances
C. accommodations
D. returns

【答案】 B

【解析】 句意:保险公司估计他的资产超过300万美元。asset资产。finances不可数名词,意为“货币资金”。二者意思相近,可进行替换,故选B。accessory附件,零件。accommodation住处,膳宿。return回报,收益。

19. Experts caution that no matter which method patientschoose, they may need to wear eye glasses again one day—at least for reading.

A. advise
B. conclude
C. warn
D. claim

【答案】 C

【解析】 句意:专家警告不论患者选用了哪种方法,至少为了阅读,有一天他们可能需要再次戴上眼镜。caution警告。warn警告;通知。二者意思相近,可进行替换,故选C。claim要求;主张。

20. We also have courage and determination to build paradiseor at least try.

A. guts
B. desire
C. confidence
D. zeal

【答案】 A

【解析】 句意:我们同样有勇气和决心建造,或至少尝试建造,一座天堂。courage and determination勇气和决心。guts(俚语)勇气;决心,have guts to do sth.有勇气做……。二者意思相近,可进行替换,故选A。

21. The queer woman kept over one hundred cats in her house.

A. odd
B. energetic
C. generous
D. subtle

【答案】 A

【解析】 句意:那个奇怪的女人在房子里养了100多只猫。queer奇怪的,异常的。odd奇数的;古怪的。二者意思相近,可进行替换,故选A。energetic精力充沛的。generous慷慨的,大方的。subtle微妙的;精细的。

22. Peering into the crowd, Luanno saw Robin walking slowlytoward his father, his head tilted to one side.

A. Lookingcasually
B. Lookingclosely
C. Lookingunintentionally
D. Lookingcautiously

【答案】 B

【解析】 句意:Luanno向人群中张望,看到罗宾头倾向一边,慢慢走向他父亲。peer into往……中费力看。closely仔细地;紧密地。casually偶然地;随便地。unintentionally非故意地。cautiously谨慎地。

23. These techniques were applied over the centuries.

A. employed
B. explored
C. manipulated
D. innovated

【答案】 A

【解析】 句意:这些技术应用了几个世纪。apply应用。employ使用,采用。二者意思相近,可进行替换,故选A。explore探险;探索。manipulate操作;操纵。innovate改革;创新。

24. The policemen were assaulted by a shower of stones.

A. astounded
B. attacked
C. retreated
D. scattered

【答案】 B

【解析】 句意:警察遭到一阵乱石袭击。assault攻击;袭击。attack攻击;抨击。二者意思相近,可进行替换,故选B。astound使惊骇。retreat撤退;退却。scatter散开;驱散。

25. He made a career of imitating famous people for nightclub audiences.

A. bringing out
B. taking off
C. making out
D. getting at

【答案】 B

【解析】 句意:他以模仿名人来吸引夜总会的观众为职业。imitate模仿,仿效。take sb. off模仿某人。二者意思相近,可进行替换,故选B。bring out生产;说出。make out理解;辨认出。get at到达某处;够得着某物。

26. The arbitrary decision of the factory owners caused angeramong the workers.

A. orbital
B. optional
C. assertive
D. disappointed

【答案】 C

【解析】 句意:工厂业主武断的决定激起了工人的愤怒。arbitrary武断的;任意的。assertive肯定的;独断的。二者意思相近,可进行替换,故选C。orbital轨道的。optional可选择的,任意的。disappointed失望的。

27. The strong, light-weight bamboo makes an excellent reinforcement for concrete.

A. replacement
B. enforcement
C. substitute
D. strengthening

【答案】 D

【解析】 句意:坚硬,轻巧的竹子极好地加固了混凝土。reinforcement与strengthening都有“加固”的意思。replacement更换;代替者。enforcement执行,实施。substitute代用品;代替者。

28. If a client insists upon being stubborn , lawyers have tosettle claims in court.

A. obstinate
B. indignant
C. obsessive
D. furious

【答案】 A

【解析】 句意:如果客户坚持固执己见,律师必须在法庭上解决索赔问题。stubborn与obstinate都有“固执”的意思,故选A。indignant愤愤不平的;义愤的。obsessive强迫性的;分神的。furious狂怒的。

29. The conclusion seems irresistible : that no wall ofseparation between religious affirmations.

A. inevitable
B. unbelievable
C. reasonable
D. unconquerable

【答案】 D

【解析】 句意:宗教主张之间没有隔离墙,这个结论是难以压制的。irresistible和unconquerable都有“不可抵抗,难以压制”的意思,故选D。inevitable不可避免的。unbelievable难以置信的。reasonable合理的。

30. Babies need to be held and soothed when they aredisturbed or hurt.

A. smoothed
B. calmed
C. touched
D. cared

【答案】 B

【解析】 句意:婴儿受打扰或受伤时需要有人把他们抱起来安抚一下。soothe和calm都有“安慰;使平静”的意思,故选B。smooth使光滑;消除(障碍等)。touch触摸。care照料,关心。

Part Ⅳ Cloze (15%)

Directions: For eachnumbered blank in the following passage there are four choices marked A, B, Cand D listed below. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

Despite growingnumbers of joggers, Canada Fitness Surveys across the country demonstrate thatCanadians are less physically fit than their U.S. or Swedish counterparts. Manypeople were 31_____ that they do not exerciseoften or vigorously enough for optimal benefits. Only about 25 per cent ofCanadian adults paddle 32_____ the recommended level that increases the heartbeat to a target level 33_____ there for at least 15 minutes thrice weekly. Menare more likely to be either “sedentary” or “very active”, while women are 34_____to be “moderately active”.

Common reasons 35_____are no willpower, poor facilities, boredom, fatigue, no partner, sheer lazinessor lack of lime. Experts 36_____ that better use of available time is the answer,with incentives and rewards to help sustain the exercise habit until thebenefits become so 37_____ that activity is automatically scheduled into dailyroutines.

A modestincrease in daily activity 38_____ the sedentary could improve the overallhealth of our population more than increased activity in those alreadydedicated to exercise. Activity in older people helps them 39_____ agile, workand feel better. Many elderly people who remain active have a lower-heart ratethan inactive youngsters. 40_____, one famous marathoner (Clarence Demar), evenafter age 60, was in better shape than 41_____, Currently only 35 per cent ofthe over 42_____ take regular walks. Even a small gain in fitness among theelderly may permit them to replace a restricted lifestyle with 43_____ in whichthey can play golf, dance, cycle and 44_____. The overall 45_____ is clear:physical activity benefits body and mind, and should be encouraged for all,especially those who are now the least active.

31. A. convinced
B. convince
C. convincing
D. who convinced

32. A.on
B. at
C. to
D. in

33. A.to keep it
B. but keeps them
C. and keeps it
D. thus keeping them

34. A.more possible
B. more probable
C. more easily
D. more likely

35. A.for not exercising
B. for exercising
C. for being exercised
D. for doing exercise

36. A. assume
B. counter
C. suggest
D. expect

37. A.self-confident
B. self-existent
C. self-evident
D. self-sufficient

38. A.in
B. to
C. by
D. for

39. A.stay
B. grow
C. come
D. live

40. A.Consequently
B. For example
C. As it is
D. In addition

41. A.most of the people
B. young people
C. many younger people
D. many people

42. A.65th
B. 65
C. 65’s
D. 65s’

43. A.the enriched one
B. other enriched one
C. an enriched one
D. enriched one

44. A.watch TV
B. work
C. drive
D. garden

45. A. way
B. message
C. interest
D. conclusion


31.A  be convinced that确信。

32.B  at…level是固定搭配,意思是“在某种水平上”。

33.C  此处要表达的意思是“将心搏提高到某一水平并保持至少15分钟”。由此可知这里的动词keep与increase并列,这里的it代指的是单数名词“the heart beat”。

34.D  根据句子前面的“are morelikely to”可以推断此处要用“more likely”。

35.A  根据上下文可知这里要表达的意思是“不做锻炼的普遍原因是……”。由此可判断这里要用for not exercising。

36.B  counter反驳。assume假定;设想。suggest建议,提议。expect期待,期望。根据上下文可知这里应当用counter。

37.C  self-evident明显的。self-confident自信的。self-existent独自存在的。self-sufficient自给自足的。根据上下文可以推断这里要表达“直到这些好处变得明显”的意思。

38.C  句中的“the sedentary”是“A modest increase”的发出者,因而要用介词by。

39.A  stay+形容词表示“保持某种状态”。stayagile保持灵敏。

40.B  根据上下文可知这里是根据前面所述道理所得出的结论,因而要用consequently因此。

41.C  这里要填的词应当与“inactiveyoungsters”相对应。

42.C  四个选项中只有the 65’s能够表示“65岁的人”的复数形式。

43.C  这里要填的词应当与前面的“arestricted lifestyle”表达相反的意义,只有C项符合。

44.D  这里要填的词应当与“play golf,dance, cycle”这三个表示运动的词并列,因而要选择garden。

45.B  由于出现在文章末尾这里容易选成D项“conclusion”,但是通过对文章的理解可知这里并不是表示对前文的总结,而是点出“gain”的具体内容,由此可以排除conclusion。

Part Ⅴ Reading Comprehension (30%)

Directions: In thispart of the test there are seven passages. Following each passage there arefour or five questions with four choices. Choose the best answer and mark youranswer on the ANSWER SHEET.

Passage One

People haveworried about smog for many years, and the government has spent billions ofdollars to try to clean up the air of big cities. Now we find that there is no escapefrom unhealthful air. Recent studies have shown that air inside many homes, officebuildings, and schools is full of pollutants: chemicals, bacteria, smoke, and gases.These pollutants are causing a group of unpleasant and dangerous symptoms thatexperts call “sick building syndrome”. A “sick building” might be a small housein a rural area or an enormous office building in an urban center.

A recent studyreached a surprising conclusion: Indoor air pollution is almost always two tofive times worse than outside pollution! This is true even in buildings thatare close to factories that produce chemicals. The solution to this problemwould seem very clear: Open your windows and stay out of modern officebuildings with windows that don’t open.

Unfortunately,the solution might not be so simple, better ventilation—a system for movingfresh air—can cut indoor air pollution to a safe level, but lack of ventilationis seldom the main cause of the problem. Experts have found that buildingscreate their own pollution. Imagine a typical home. The people who live thereburn oil, wood, or gas for cooking and heating. They might smoke cigarettes,pipes, or cigars. They use chemicals for cleaning. They use hundreds ofproducts made of plastic or particle board; these products—such as the shelvesin Oakland High School—give off chemicals that we can’t see but that we dobreathe in. And in many areas, the ground under the building might send adangerous gas called radon into the home. The people in the house are breathingin a “chemical soup”, and medical experts don’t yet know how dangerous this isfor the human body.

46. In the first paragraph the author istrying to draw our attention _____.

A. to theimproved quality of outdoor air
B. to the risksof unhealthy air
C. to thesources of pollutants
D. to indoorpollution

47. From the passage, we know the author’ssolution to the problem of “sick building syndrome” is _____.

A. to buildsmall houses in the rural areas
B. to live inbuildings far from factories
C. to leaveopen the windows of the office where one works
D. to pull downall “sick buildings”

48. The reason why the problem cannot beeradicated is that _____.

A. there islack of ventilation
B. it is causedby buildings themselves
C. it might notbe simple
D. indoor airpollution cannot be improved through ventilation

49. According to the passage, which of thefollowing is true of “sick building syndrome”?

A. All peoplecan be ill when they breathe in indoor air with harmful ingredients.
B. Only oldbuildings can make people sick.
C. Outdoor airpollution is no less than indoor air pollution.
D. Oneshouldn’t stay in the house where some people are seriously sick.

50. Which of the following statements canbe concluded from the passage?

A. Sickbuilding syndrome is a sort of disease that is incurable.
B. There is noair pollution in modern office buildings.
C. Few peoplehave realized the danger and harm of indoor air pollution.
D. Chemicalsshould not be allowed to be produced so as to avoid sick building syndrome.


46.D  第一段主要是要点出室内污染以及其所导致的“sick buildingsyndrome”。

47.C  第二段最后一句指出室内污染的解决方法是“Openyour windows and stay out of modern office buildings with windows that don’topen”。

48.B  第三段第一二句讲到“…lack of ventilation is seldom the main cause of the problem…buildings create their own pollution”,可知缺少通风并不是主要原因,主要原因是建筑本身会产生污染。

49.A  通过第一段最后一句“A “sick building” might be asmall house in a rural area or an enormous office building in an urban center.”可知,各种房子都可能导致室内空气综合症,而并非只有旧房子。由此可排除B项。C项的侧重点不对。文中并没有提及选项D的内容。只有选项A的说法正确。

50.C  根据最后一段最后一句“The people in the house arebreathing in a “chemical soup”, and medical experts don’t yet know howdangerous this is for the human body.”可知,房屋里的人正遭受室内空气的污染,而就连医学专家也尚不清楚其对人体的危害。文中并没有说室内空气综合症为不治之症,A项错误。根据第一段最后一句可知,办公楼里也有空气污染,B项错误。D项文中未提及。故选C项。

Passage Two

The truth maywell be self-evident that all humans are created equal, but one thing our Makerdid not endow us with equally is the speed at which we take in words on theprinted page. This seems not so much a function of brains as of how efficientlythe machinery works. A few of us are industrial vacuum cleaners, able to suckup “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” in a matter of hours. At theother extreme are the lint-pickers, those who must lip-read even DanielleSteel. The rest of us are left to carpet-sweep at the rate of three or fourwords at a glance, and dream of the hours that would be saved if only we werebetter endowed.

Onto this unevenfield charged Evelyn Wood back in the late 1950’s. She was convinced that with a little pushing, all of us, even the lint-pickets, could be transformed into vacuum cleaners. All we had to do was stop saying the words out loud inour heads—“subvocalizing”, she called it—and to stop pausing to reread words asour minds drifted away. The point was to start consuming print in bites insteadof nibble. To do this, Wood wanted us to drag our fingers down the middle ofthe page to act as pacers, to be rabbits for the greyhounds of our eyes. Shepromised that the words wouldn’t blur; the faster we went, the more we wouldtake in.

Did her methodreally work? Multitudes believed it did and flocked to her Evelyn Wood ReadingDynamics Institutes as they spread across the land. Presidents of the UnitedStates packed members of their staffs off to her schools, the better to keepfrom drowning in Presidential memos. Her students devoured George Orwell’s “AnimalFarm” at the rate of 1,400 words a minute.

Wood hadguaranteed that her method worked on all manner of material. Not likely. Sothere had to be a drop of snake oil in the ointment. Still the essence ofWood’s notion was sound.

51. From Paragraph 1, we have learnt that_____.

A. it is nottrue that all humans are created equal
B. the humanbrain functions as a machine
C. the readingspeed actually varies from person to person
D. a vacuumcleaner works a lot more efficiently than a lint-picker

52. In the late 1950’s, Evelyn Wood _____.

A. invented aspecial device with which to help people improve their reading ability
B. helpedpeople pick up their reading speed
C. taughtpeople how to read faster than their minds went
D. instructedpeople to vocalize the words rather than subvocalize them while reading

53. The writer’s description of theworkability of Wood’s method is _____.

A. exaggerative
B. doubtful
C. imaginary
D. factual

54. According to the passage, which of thefollowing is NOT true?

A. It goeswithout saying that the writer is completely in favour of Wood’s view andmethod.
B. The writerdoes not question the essence of Wood’s idea.
C. In thewriter’s opinion, Wood’s method cannot be absolutely practicable on all kindsof materials.
D. The writerwrote this passage critically.


51.C  第一段第一句“all humans are created equal, butone thing our Maker did not endow us with equally is the speed at which we takein words on the printed page”指出,人们生来平等,但是上帝并非平等地给予了每个人同样的阅读文字的速度。这也就是说每个人的阅读速度是不同的。

52.B  第二段第一句指出“Onto this uneven field chargedEvelyn Wood back in the late 1950’s.”,20世纪50年代EvelynWood又回到了这个领域,这也就是说她又开始帮助人们提高阅读速度。

53.D  第三段作者主要论述了伍德的方法是否可行。整段主要包括对几个事实的陈述,因而作者的描述是factual(事实的,实际的)。exaggerative夸张的,夸大的。doubtful可疑的。imaginary想象的,虚构的。

54.A  末段第一句讲到“Wood had guaranteed that hermethod worked on all manner of material.”,伍德保证她的方法适用于各种材料。可是作者认为这不大可能(Not likely)。由此可知选项A的说法是错误的。选项D,从作者最后一段的行文可知,作者对于伍德的想法是给予肯定的,但也提出了些许质疑,可见,作者的态度是严谨的批判,即critically。

Passage Three

OFF THE CHANNELISLANDS, California—Large numbers of giant endangered blue whales have gatheredoffshore attracting dozens of marine biologists who want to know why.

Scientistsaboard six ships from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration andother experts are working on a three-week project this summer to tag and trackthe whales electronically.

Three bluewhales were tagged and followed last week, but scientists have seen many more.

“This is cetaceansoup out here,” said Fred Benko, owner of a private charter boat that shuttlesscientists to and from their research area.

The mammals,some up to 30 metres long, have congregated about 30 kilometres west of theChannel Islands, which are about 40 kilometres southwest of Santa Barbara and120 kilometres northwest of Los Angeles.

Scientists firstnoticed the increase in blue whales in local waters in 1991, and a 1993 studyindicated about 2,000 blue whales along the California coast. Preliminary researchsuggests that the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary contains the mostconcentrated blue whale population in the world.

The USGovernment has listed the animals as endangered since 1966, victims of the overzealouswhaling industry in the first half of the century. Scientists believe thereonce were 400,000 blue whales roaming the world’s oceans, but now only about12,000.

The blue whalesfeed on krill, bright red crustaceans similar to shrimp. But since the ChannelIslands are hardly the only place where krill thrive, researchers wonder whatelse might be drawing the whales to the area.

To tag thewhales, scientists use a crossbow to fire a dart into blubber on the creature’sback. A computer records the depth and length of every dive the whale takes.

“It’s importantfor me that people know that they have a treasure out here,” said sanctuaryManager Ed Cassano. “This is something everybody should be proud of. It’sthe jewel in the crown.”

55. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Blue whalesare going to be extinct.
B. Blue whalesare invaluable.
C. Scientistsobserve blue whales offshore.
D. Blue whalesare killed offshore.

56. Marine biologists want to know _____.

A. why bluewhales are endangered
B. whatendangers blue whales
C. how bluewhales live
D. what causedthe increase in blue whales there

57. What does the last sentence, “It’s thejewel in the crown” mean?

A. The bluewhale is invaluable.
B. Everybodyshould be proud of the crown.
C. The bluewhales are thriving.
D. Californiahas the most concentrated blue whale population in the world.

58. Why are the researchers interested inthe feed of blue whale?

A. Because theywant to investigate the life style of blue whales.
B. Becausekrill only grow in Channel Islands.
C. Because itmay be one of the causes to draw blue whales there.
D. Because theywant to raise blue whales.


55.C  文章第二段点出了本文的主题,即科学家和其他专家正在进行一个为期三周的项目,以电子方式对鲸鱼进行标记和追踪。

56.D  根据第一段可知,数量巨大的濒危蓝鲸聚集在近海,海洋生物学家很想知道这是为什么。

57.D  结合上文可知这句话“王冠上的宝石”主要是要指加州海岸拥有数量众多的珍贵的蓝鲸。

58.C  根据倒数第三段最后“researcherswonder what else might be drawing the whales to the area”可以推断,研究者了解蓝鲸的食物是为了研究究竟是什么把蓝鲸吸引到了这里。

Passage Four

I had never beenin the public ward of a hospital before, and it was my first experience ofdoctors who handle you without speaking to you or, in a human sense, taking anynotice of you. They only put on six glasses in my case, but after doing so theyscarified the blisters and applied the glasses again. Each glass now drew out abouta dessertspoonful of dark-colored blood. I had aches and pains all over. As I laydown again, humiliated, disgusted and frightened by the thing that had beendone to me, I reflected that now at least they would leave me alone. But no,not a bit of it. There was another treatment coming, the mustard poultice,seemingly a matter of routine like the hot bath. Two slatternly nurses hadalready got the poultice ready, and they lashed it round my chest as tight as astrait-jacket while some men who were wandering about the ward in shirt and trousersbegan to collect round my bed with half-sympathetic grins. I learned later thatwatching a patient having a mustard poultice was a favorite pastime in theward. These things are normally applied for a quarter of an hour and certainlythey are funny enough if you don’t happen to be the person inside. For thefirst five minutes the pain is severe, but you believe you can bear it. Duringthe second five minutes this belief evaporates, but the poultice is bucked atthe back and you can’t get it off. This is the period the onlookers enjoy most.During the last five minutes I noted a sort of numbness supervenes. After thepoultice bad been removed a waterproof pillow packed with ice was thrustbeneath my head and I was left alone, I did not sleep, and to the best ofknowledge this was the only night of my life—I mean the only night spent in bed—inwhich I have not slept at all, not even a minute.

59. Which of the following was NOT used inthe treatment of the patient?

A. Glasses.
B. Poultice.
C. A strait-jacket.
D. A waterproofpillow.

60. It can be inferred from the passagethat the writer’s fellow patients _____.

A. weresympathetic
B. were curiousabout the treatment
C. tookpleasure in others’ misfortune
D. showedindifference to the treatment

61. To the author’s disappointment, thepain _____.

A. lasted awhole night
B. gave placeto numbness
C. was worsenedby the pillow
D. was unbearable

62. The patient didn’t sleep at all that nightbecause _____.

A. theice-packed pillow was too cold
B. it was thepatient’s first night in the hospital
C. he felt painall over and had a high fever
D. he had beendisturbed by the day’s treatments


59.C  文章中间部分讲到“they lashedit round my chest as tight as a strait-jacket”,这里的“strait-jacket”是用作比喻,并非真正用于治疗中。

60.C  根据文中的“…while some men…began to collect round my bed with half-sympatheticgrins. I learned later that watching a patient having a mustard poultice was afavorite pastime in the ward.”可知,后来作者发现在病房里,看着病人涂上芥末膏是一种最喜欢的消遣。这也就是说其他病人从作者的不幸中寻找乐趣。

61.D  “For the first five minutes the pain issevere, but you believe you can bear it. During the second five minutes thisbelief evaporates, but the poultice is bucked at the back and you can’t get itoff.”,开始的五分钟作者觉得自己可以忍受痛苦,但是在第二个五分钟的时候,这种信念消失了。这也就是说疼痛变得难以忍受。

62.D  文章最后讲到作者一夜没有睡觉,通过对前文的分析可以推断这是因为白天所受到的对待和折磨使他难以入眠。

Passage Five

It is a naturalmarvel. All of the life of the earth dies, all the time, in the same volume asthe new life that dazzles us each morning, each spring.

In our way, wehuman beings conform as best we can to the rest of nature. The obituary pagestell us of the news that we are dying away, while the birth announcementsinform us of our replacement, but we get no grasp from this of the enormity ofscale. There are 3 billion of us on the earth, and all 3 billion must be dead, ona schedule, within this lifetime. The vast mortality, involving something over50 million of us each year, takes place in relative secrecy. We can only reallyknow of the deaths in our households, or among our friends. These, detached inour minds from all the rest, we take to be unnatural events, anomalies,outrages. We streak of our own dead in low voices; struck down, we say, asthough visible death can only occur for cause, by disease or violence, avoidably.We send off for flowers, grieve, make ceremonies, scatter bones, unaware of therest of the 3 billion on the same schedule. All of that immense mass of fleshand bone and consciousness will disappear by absorption into the earth, withoutrecognition by the transient survivors.

Less than a halfcentury from now, our replacements will have more than doubled the numbers. Itis hard to see how we can continue to keep the secret, with such multitudesdoing the dying. We will have to give up the notion that death is catastrophe,or detestable, or avoidable, or even strange. We will need to learn more aboutthe cycling of life in the rest of the system, and about our connection to the process.Everything that comes alive seems to be in trade for something that dies, cell forcell. There might be some comfort in the recognition of synchrony, in the informationthat we all go down together, in the best of company.

63. “Transient survivors” in Paragraph 2refers to _____.

A. the livingmortal human beings
B. people notyet killed by disease or violence
C. relatives ofthe dead
D. the luckypeople that have escaped death in accidents

64. How do we human beings conform to therest of nature?

A. We reportour deaths and births in the press.
B. We havedeaths and births all the time.
C. We disappearinto the earth without recognition.
D. We willdouble the present population in less than 50 years.

65. Which of the following does the authorthink makes us unaware of the enormity of the scale of death?

A. We only readabout the deaths on the obituary page.
B. We come tothe earth without recognition.
C. We are onlyconscious of the deaths in our relatives and friends.
D. All of theabove.

66. The author advises us to learn aboutthe cycling of life in the rest of the system to _____.

A. betterunderstand the enormity of the scale of death
B. watch therapid population growth
C. see life asdeath
D. accept deathas nothing unusual


63.A  通过对文章的理解可知这里的“transientsurvivors(短暂的幸存者)”指的是与前文提到的死去的人相反的一类人,即还活在世上的人类。

64.B  文章开头讲到自然界中所有的生命都要死去,同时每一刻都又有新生命的降生。第二段第一句指出“In our way, we human beings conform as best we can to the rest ofnature.”,我们人类以自己的方式尽可能地与自然的其余部分保持一致。通过后文可知这种方式就是我们也是在死亡的同时还存在着新生。

65.D  题干中的“the enormity of the scale”首次出现在第二段第二句。A,B,C三个选项的内容在第二段中均有提及。

66.D  “We will need to learn more about thecycling of life in the rest of the system, and about our connection to the process.”,人们需要更多地了解系统其他部分的生命循环,以及我们与这个过程的联系。这就是说人们要接受死亡是一件很正常的事,而并非灾难性的,可憎的,可避免的,或者奇怪的。

Passage Six

People can beaddicted to different things—e.g., alcohol, drugs, certain foods, or eventelevision. People who have such an addiction are compulsive; i.e., they have avery powerful psychological need that they feel they must satisfy. According topsychologists, many people are compulsive spenders; they feel that they mustspend money. This compulsion, like most others, is irrational—impossible toexplain reasonably. For compulsive spenders who buy on credit, charge accountsarc even more exciting than money. In other words, compulsive spenders feelthat with credit, they can do anything. Their pleasure in spending enormousamounts is actually greater than the pleasure that they get from the thingsthey buy.

It is not onlyscientists, of course, who understand the psychology of spending habits, butalso business people. Stores, companies, and advertisers use psychology toincrease business: They consider people’s needs for love, power, or influence,their beliefs and opinions, and so on in their advertising and sales methods.

Psychologistsoften use a method called “behavior therapy” to help individuals solve theirpersonality problems. In the same way, they can help people who feel that theyhave problems with money: They give them “assignments.” If a person buys somethingin every store that he enters, for instance, a therapist might teach himself-discipline in this way: On the first day of his therapy, he must go into astore, stay five minutes, and then leave. On the second day, he should stay forten minutes and try something on. On the third day, he stays for fifteenminutes, asks the salesclerk a question, but does not buy anything. Soon hewill learn that nothing bad will happen to him if he doesn’t buy anything, andhe can solve the problem of his compulsive buying.

67. This passage mainly talks about _____.

A. what peoplecan usually be addicted to
B. how to savemoney
C. thepsychology of spending habits
D. the problemscaused by money

68. Spending habits, which reflectpersonality, _____.

A. areimpossible to be explained reasonably
B. are a formof behavior that people can change
C. can helpbusiness people to increase sales
D. can helpindividuals build self-discipline

69. Which of the following is NOT trueaccording to the passage?

A. Many peoplehave to spend money just because they want to meet their powerful psychologicalneeds.
B. Businesspeople and advertisers can use the psychology of money to increase sales.
C. All peoplespend money for exactly the same reason: they need to buy things.
D. According topsychologists, a person’s spending habits might reflect his or her personality.

70. According to the passage, the author’s attitude towards thepsychologists’ method “behavior therapy” is seemingly _____.

A. optimistic
B. pessimistic
C. ironic
D. indifferent


67.C  第一段第三句点出本文的中心,即讨论购物狂花钱的心理。

68.B  最后一段最后一句讲到“Psychologists often use amethod called “behavior therapy” to help individuals solve their personalityproblems.”,心理学家经常通过一种叫做“行为疗法”的方法帮助购物狂解决自己的问题。这也就是说购物习惯是可以改变的。选项A偷换概念,将第一段中的“this compulsion”改为“spending habits”。

69.C  第一段最后一句讲到“Their pleasure in spendingenormous amounts is actually greater than the pleasure that they get from thethings they buy.”,对于购物狂来说花钱本身的乐趣要比从买的东西中获得的乐趣多得多。这就表明他们花钱并非出于对于所购商品的需要。

70.A  最后一段最后一句提到“Soon he will learn that nothingbad will happen to him if he doesn’t buy anything, and he can solve the problemof his compulsive buying.”,购物狂会逐渐意识到如果他什么也不买,不会有不好的事情发生,然后他就可以解决自己强迫购物的问题。这就暗示作者对于这种疗法是持乐观态度的。

Passage Seven

Physics andchemistry have furnished the techniques for biologists to take the explorationof life to its logical conclusion. This event demands a wider audience. The patternof discovery cannot be predicted, but the tool kit now in the possession of biologistsis so powerful that no known problem seems likely to hold its mysteries for long.By usurping the tools with which living cells manipulate DNA, biologists can cutthe genetic material at chosen points and amplify target segments for furtherstudy. Techniques and software for sequencing the order of chemical units in DNAare now so sophisticated that the full human gene set seems likely to besequenced within the next ten years.

It is only amatter of time before biologists catalogue the 75,000 or so human genes;identify the signals that switch each gene on and off; figure out what sets of activegenes characterize each of the 200 or so major types of human cells, anddetermine how the consortium of interacting cells, and determine how theconsortium of interacting cell types operates as an organism.

Such knowledgehas larger consequences than scientists can deal with alone. Genes do notdetermine everything, but they set the boundaries of an individual’s fullpotential. They probably decree major elements of personality and intelligence.They create a predisposition to various diseases. Knowledge of how the humanmachine is assembled implies the knowledge to repair refine and improve it.

The firstattempts at gene therapy have mostly stumbled, but the technique will surely bemade to work eventually. The idea of correcting defective genes is notparticularly controversial. But a fundamental solution to the creeping burdenof Medicare—equipping every embryo with a birthright package of genes for goodhealth, longevity and aversion to nicotine and violence—would raise knottierissues.

Critics willdoubtlessly warn darkly of dangerous knowledge. But more knowledge is generallybetter than less. Molecular biology, long gathering speed, is about to takeoff. It is almost ready to become a spectator sport, not just a private clubfor academics and biotechnology companies.

71. According to the writer, which of thestatements is true?

A. Themysteries of all living things will be cleared up soon.
B. The secretsof the signals governing human genes are found out.
C. The wayleading to the discovery of mystery of life has almost been paved.
D. Biologywould not have come into being without physics or chemistry.

72. The biological advances mentioned inthe passage _____.

A. will changethe nature of biology
B. will happenas scheduled
C. are what theauthor is expecting in the future
D. are only adream that will never come true

73. Genes may _____.

A. develop onan individual’s potentialities
B. retard anindividual’s intellectual development
C. cause anindividual to be liable to diseases
D. handicap theformation of an individual’s character

74. The author is questioning _____.

A. the idea ofcorrecting defective genes
B. the eventualpossibility of gene therapy
C. the creepingburden of Medicare
D. thebirthright package of genes for every embryo

75. After reading the passage, you may come to the conclusion thatmolecular biology has started speeding toward its ultimate goal: _____.

A. a spectatorsport
B. the conquestof human disease
C. thefundamental solution to gene problems
D. the fullunderstanding of the human machine


71.C  文章第一段第一句讲到“Physics and chemistry havefurnished the techniques for biologists to take the exploration of life to itslogical conclusion.”,物理学和化学为生物学家提供了把对生命的探索引向合乎逻辑的结论的技术。也就是说揭开生命的奥秘的路几乎已经铺好了。

72.C  通过文章前两段中的“furtherstudy”“within the next ten years”“It is only amatter of time before”等说法可以推断文章中讲述的生物学的科技进步是作者对未来的预测。

73.C  第三段倒数第二句讲到“They create a predisposition tovarious diseases.”,基因会使人易患各种疾病。

74.D  倒数第二段最后一句指出“But a fundamental solution tothe creeping burden of Medicare—equipping every embryo with a birthrightpackage of genes for good health, longevity and aversion to nicotine andviolence—would raise knottier issues.”,可知从根本上解决医疗保险负担不断攀升的问题的方法,即让每个胚胎生来就健康、长寿、厌恶尼古丁和暴力,会导致更加棘手的问题。也就是说,作者在质疑这种方法。

75.D  通过对全文的理解可知分子生物学的主要目标是理解人类身体结构的奥秘。

