


. Supply the missingparagraph. (20 points)

The following passage isincomplete with one body paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully andwrite the missing paragraph in about 100 words. Make sure that your tone anddiction are in unity with the passage provided.

The Doubt That Haunts

Whenmost people are asked to produce something creative, they freeze. They panic.They choke. They seize up with self-doubt. “Creativity?” they say.“Not me!” Ifyou disbelieve this statement, consider how often you try new things in yourlife. How readily do you try something creative, such as writing, drawing orsinging? Most of us believe we can't create and have believed it for so longthat the belief has become reality. People possess a large capacity forself-doubt about their creative ability in terms of writing, drawing, andmusic.

Writing offers a classic example.About 90 percent of adults believe they cannot write, although nearly all youngchildren believe they can write. Self-doubt seems to creep in as we grow older.I witnessed this last year in a college writing class when the instructor askedthe students if they ever wrote outside of school. One student raised his hand.When the instructor asked how many students thought of themselves as writers,no students—zero out of twenty—raisedhis hand. By contrast, a first grade teacher had asked her students the samequestions and received quite different responses. Did any first graders writeoutside of school? Twenty out of twenty-two hands shot up. Did any firstgraders think of themselves as writers? Twenty-two out of twenty-two hands wentup. Plainly, adults are more self-conscious about their creativity thanchildren are.

Drawing is another creativeability that many adults doubt they have. For instance, at a recent familyparty I suggested we play "Pictionary", which involves drawing cluesfor secret words. "Absolutely not!" my family said. "We can’tdraw." The interesting part, however, is that we played"Pictionary" and had a wonderful time with some very creativedrawings. This experience showed me that people often doubt they can becreative because they haven't tried.

Self-doubt about creativity inareas such as writing, drawing, or music seems nearly universal among adults.It seems probable, however, that almost all adults have the capacity forcreativity in those areas. People all have the potential to be creative andwould be able to express their creative side as long as they try. What keepspeople from being creative? In my opinion, people are afraid of looking inept,so they hesitate to try creative things. If people would learn to do things toplease themselves rather than to please others, maybe their doubts woulddisappear.


Music also provides an example toshow self-doubt about creativity. One day, I felt a little dull for staying inthe dormitory without anything interesting to do. I suggested my roommatesplaying a game with me called “Guessing the names of songs”, however, all ofthem refused my suggestion. Someone said: “Oh, I can’t even carry a tune!”Someone said: “I haven’t heard a lot of songs so I will absolutely lose thegame.” Eventually, they agreed to play with me after my long persuasion and westill enjoyed ourselves. In fact, some of them have beautiful voice but theyare shy to perform. This story told us sometimes we are afraid of being mockedso that we don’t want to have a try.

. Write an outline.(20 points)

Read the following passagecarefully and compose a “topic outline” for it.


The past few decades havewitnessed amazing advancement in technology, especially in the field ofelectronics. Despite the remarkable facilities offered by these advances, theyhave given birth to a new type of hazardous waste, called e-waste. E-waste,containing numerous poisonous wastes, makes hazardous impacts and rendersrecycling problems.

Electronic waste, or e-waste, isany broken or unwanted electronic device or appliance; sometimes, it is alsocalled WEEE—waste from electrical andelectronic equipment. Discarded computers, monitors, televisions, printers,scanners, fax machines, mice, keyboards, CD players, digital cameras,walkie-talkies and cell phones form the major chunk of e-waste.

It has been estimated that around50 million tons of electronic products are discarded annually around the world.Most of the electronic wastes are produced by developed nations, which arelater exported to developing countries for disposal. Since the governmentregulations are absent or are not enforced in these third world countries, theused electronic products are often easily accessible to the general public, whoare exposed to health hazards associated with e-wastes.

The primary concern with e-wastesis the hazardous content they carry. Studies indicate that more than 1000chemicals including PVC plastics and various types of gases are used formanufacturing electronic products and their components. For instance, computermonitors typically contain lead, a heavy metal known for causing brain damageamong children.

Similar to monitors, flat panelTVs contain large amounts of mercury, which is likely to cause cancer. Switchesand batteries contain cadmium (镉)and nickel, which areharmful to humans, animals and plants. Metal housing and joints, often coatedwith chromium corrosion protector (锻铬防护层), cause damage toliver and kidney. Similarly, beryllium (铍)dust generated fromrelays, connectors and motherboards are highly poisonous to humans.

The waste management ofelectronic appliances is complicated, primarily because most of the countriesare not able to recycle more than 20 percent of the e-waste they generate. Theleading reason for this low rate of recycling is the lack of information andinitiative on part of the consumers. In addition, in many parts of the world,tons of electronic waste is discarded in illegal dump sites, where no wastemonitoring system exists.

The extensive variety of thematerials involved in electronic appliances also makes the sorting tedious, therebyrendering the e-waste recycling business less effective. The problem can onlybe resolved by adopting improved recycling solutions and generating publicdrive for e-waste recycling.

E-waste represents one of themost diverse mixtures of the waste categories. Increasing at an alarming rate,e-wastes pose serious health hazards to humans and wild life. Consumerawareness and commitment are necessary for controlling the problem.Technological advances such as clean computers and appliances are also beneficialsince they can address the problem at root.

Topic Outline


I. A brief definition of E-waste

II. Details aboutE-waste

(1) Main sources of E-waste

(2) Harmful chemicals containedin E-wastes

(3)The difficulty of wastemanagement of E-wastes

III. Possible ways tocope with E-waste

. Compose an essay.(60 points)

Nowadays, a lot of freshmen areescorted by their families to the university on the enrollment day. Write a300-word expository essay expressing your views on the phenomenon.


Nowadays, it is a commonphenomenon that most parents will accompany their children to the university onthe enrollment day.

Firstly, this situation is completelyunderstandable. Some are likely to criticize modern parents’ spoiling behaviorto their children, which is totally different from the past. But I want to saythat most of children have stayed in the classroom all day and spent anenormous amount of time on study. They are cut from society and they knowlittle about it. Being faced with an unexpected situation would launch theminto great panic. Parent’s accompaniment provides them with a sense ofsecurity.

Secondly, parents may givechildren an opportunity to let them do things independently. Difficultcircumstances can temper one’s will. This experience will definitely leave adeep impression on them, through which they can get to learn the skills ofcommunicating with others, develop the sense of time arrangement and cultivatethe self-care ability. After a long period of schooling time, maybe childrenare longing for doing something different. It’s time to let them experience anew kind of life. Leaving home faraway and getting to their dream university bythemselves marks the first step to independence.

Thirdly, the duty of parents isto give children advice on principle issues. The world is rife with too muchtemptation but they can’t choose to live for children. Growth requires freedom,temper, guidance, courage and it is a hazardous process. Try to let them faceit all alone but don’t leave them alone. Love and care is the most importantthing to give to children. Your support and love will give your childrencourage to deal with the hard time in life.




longfor 对……渴望

be rifewith  充斥着

hazardous    冒险的

temper one’s will 磨练某人的意志 TpQ22tVQJ+xjjcy9f+K5ELUrEpvsXwJxPz8xEAixLAw8d+IbH17J/uqr6LQkBw72
