The following passageis incomplete with one paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and writethe missing paragraph in about 100 words. Make sure that your tone and dictionare in unity with the passage provided.
Enjoying Your Camping Trip
Eachyear, thousands of people choose to spend their vacations camping in the tentin the great outdoors. With proper planning the experience can be gratifying. Even with the bestplanning, however, tent camping can be an extremely frustrating experience dueto uncontrolled factors such as bad weather, wildlife encounters, and equipmentfailures.
Nothing can dampen the excitedanticipation of camping more than a dark, rainy day. After reaching theirdestination, campers must then “set up camp” in the downpour. This includeskeeping the inside of the tent dry and free from mud, getting the sleeping bagssituated properly, and protecting food from the downpour. Wind mixed with raincan result in frigid temperatures, causing any outside activities to bedelayed. Often, tents are blown down by the wind, and campers have to begin thefrustrating task of “setting up camp” in the downpour.
Another problem likely to befaced during a camping trip is run-ins with wildlife, which can range frommildly annoying to dangerous. Minor inconveniences include mosquitoes and ants.The swarming of mosquitoes can literally drive annoyed campers indoors. Ants donot usually attack campers, but keeping them out of the food can be quite aninconvenience. In addition to swarming the food, ants inside a tent can crawlinto sleeping bags and clothing. Although these insects cause minor discomfort,some wildlife encounters are potentially dangerous. There are many poisonoussnakes in the woods. An encounter between an unwary camper and a surprisedsnake can prove to be fatal.
Perhapsthe least serious camping troubles are equipment failures; these troubles oftenplague people camping for the first time. They arrive at the campsite atnight and haphazardly set up their tent. They then settle down for a peacefulnight’s rest. Sometime during the night the campers are awakened by a hugecrash. The tent has fallen down. Sleepily, they proceed to set up the tent in therain. In the morning, everyone emerges from the tent, except for two. Their sleepingbag zippers have been gotten caught. Finally after fifteen minutes of struggling,they free themselves, only to realize another problem. Their sleeping bags havebeen touching the sides of the tent. Since a tent is only waterproof if thesides are not touched, the sleeping bags and clothing are all drenched.
Thesethree types of camping troubles can strike campers almost anywhere. Until somebrilliant scientists invent a weather machine to control bad weather or a kindof wildlife defense equipment, unlucky campers will continue to shake theirfists in frustration. More likely, equipment will continue to malfunction. Evenso, camping continues to be a favorite pastime for people all around the world.If you want camping to be a happy experience for you, learn to laugh at leakytents, bad weather, and bugs, or you will find yourself frustrated and unhappy.
Read the followingpassage carefully and compose a “topic outline” for it.
What Makes anExceptional Leader?
On December 14,1911, Norwegianexplorer Roald Amundsen and his team made history as the first expedition toreach the South Pole. Thirty-five days later, on January 17, 1912, Britishexplorer Robert Falcon Scott reached the South Pole, with five exhausted men.None survived the brutal journey home. Another noted British explorer, SirErnest Shackleton, never reached the South Pole. While failing to achieve thefirst overland crossing of Antarctica, Shackleton succeeded in bringing all 27members of his expedition party safely home, after 634 days of unbelievablehardship. The polar adventures of Shackleton, Scott, and Amundsen providefundamental leadership lessons for any leader—nomatter what race must be run.
Effective leadership requires a clear strategic focus. Withsingle-minded determination, Amundsen set his plans and priorities on winningthe race to the South Pole, for the glory of standing there first. Scott lackedsuch focus. He assembled the best scientific minds and equipment available foran unprecedented research expedition. But he also aimed to claim the “reward of priority” for theBritish Empire. Striving for both goals, Scott failed doubly.
Successful leaders are open tonew ideas. As a Norwegian, Amundsen began with an advantage over his Britishrivals: comfort with skiing. Yet, he continued to refine his skills, importingideas from the Eskimos and developing an integrated set of competencies testscientific minds and equip, and carefully-planned diet, pace, and rest—forpolar travel. Scott and Shackleton, however, were surprisingly resistant to theuse of novel methods. Ultimately, both relied on the slow, exhausting techniqueof man hauling.
Leaders need to draw on the collective wisdom of the team.As a leader, Scott believed it was his unique responsibility to analyze situationsand draw conclusions, His decision were closely held and sometimes revealed atthe last minute. In sharp contrast to Scott, both Amundsen and Shackletonsought ideas and opinion from their men. Through this process, Amundsen andShackleton gave team members a sense of control and value, resulting in greaterownership and commitment.
The best leaders forge strongbonds. Despite their differences in personality, the enthusiastic Shackletonand the understated Amundsen had strikingly similar approaches to leadership.Both were acutely sensitive to the emotions of their men and skilled atmanaging conflict. Both emphasized individual ability above rank or socialstatus. And both participated in everyday expedition life, including simplechores. These behaviors, both practical and symbolic, reinforced the message ofunity. Although Scottp. Both were acutely sensitive to the emotions of their,his detachment, emphasis on hierarchy, and one-sided decision-making stylecreated barriers to team unity and damaged morale.
Flaws aside, Shackleton,Amundsen, and Scott shared qualities—exceptionalperseverance, determination, and courage—that are crucial forany leader. Leadership success is often relative and always personal. Amundsenled his team and landed on the South Pole successfully; Scott and his menreached the South Pole, but none of them survived the journey home; Shackletonfailed in achieving his goal of crossing Antarctica, but he led his team tosafety through extreme hardship. Was Shackleton a success or a failure as aleader? The answer depends on how you measure success.
Topic Outline
Topic Outline:
I. The story of three explorersproviding leadership lessons for all leaders
II. Comparable qualitiesof Amundsen and Shackleton
(1) A clear strategic focus
(2)Open to new ideas
(3)Drawing on the collectivewisdom of the team
(4)Forging strong bonds
III. Common qualitiesshared by the three explorers
In their spare time,some people prefer staying at home enjoying themselves, and some like going outfor fun. Which do you prefer? Write a 300-word expository essay to express your opinion.
How to Spend SpareTime
With the rapid development ofindustry and business, Chinese people are becoming more and more occupied withtheir work and hardly have time to rest and have fun. Accustomed to bangingaway at work day after day, lots of people have no idea as to what to do intheir spare time. As a result, some people have nothing to do but to stay athome.
Some people who prefer to stay athome are coach potatoes who just have strong interest in watching TV or playingcomputer games. To them, home is the most comfortable place in the world. Somemay have been victimized by their daily drudgeries and have lost interest inall outdoor activities. As for these people, they can pick up a lost hobby orstart a new one to refresh and energize themselves. Once they step out of thedoor, they will find the world is still colorful and interesting.
Still others prefer to hang outwith friends in their spare time. Some go out to satisfy their stomachs; someare frequent KTV visitors. Many girls like to go to malls or department storesto search out beautiful clothes and desirable shoes. However, these buying andeating recreations are only part of outdoor activities. There are many otherthings we can do out of the door. Young people can have a short trip withfriends in the surrounding places; families can drive to a nearby lake area tohave a picnic, taking home-made dishes with them; office workers can take anight walk in the park to relax. These entertainments are economic andrefreshing.
As for me, both staying at homeand going out for fun are acceptable. It depends on my mood. If I am rathertired after a whole week of work, I may choose to stay at home for a soundsleep. But if I am full of vigor, I would like to take a short trip to breathemore fresh air, leaving all troubles behind.
be occupied with 忙于
be accustomed to 习惯于
refresh oneself 使自己振奋
refreshing 提神的,使人重新振作的