

1 中国考生在用词方面踩过的“坑”

首先来看一下第一个评分项Lexical Resource(LR),也就是词汇丰富度。请同学们看下面这道题:Nowadays, more people buy products online, do you think there are more advantages than disadvantages? (现如今,越来越多的人在网上购物,你认为优点多于缺点吗?)

题干中people这个词代指人们,考生们在写作文时,假如每段出现2次这个单词,全文按4段算,就出现了8次,其实这样的用词在国内英语高考、四六级以及考研英语中都非常常见,但是放进雅思写作里面就会严重降低Lexical Resource(LR)的分数。一个单词重复这么多遍,考官会不会一个一个地数呢?我们来看一下考官评语,在《剑桥雅思官方真题集7》Test 4大作文的评语中考官提到,The high level of repetition (“knowledge and skills” is repeated nine times) also indicates limitations in the range of vocabulary,即高度的重复(“知识和技能”被重复了9遍),同样表明词汇丰富度有限。事实证明,虽然不是所有考官都会这么做,但确实有考官会把考生一个词重复了几遍数出来。


一个单词重复9遍会被放到5分档,那官方有没有规定5分的词汇丰富度的标准?评分标准Lexical Resource(LR)里面的5分档的描述是:Use a limited range of vocabulary, this is minimally adequate for the task.(使用词汇范围有限,只在最低限度上完成了写作任务)。那什么是最低限度呢?如果一个词从头重复到尾重复了9遍,没有进行同义替换,就可以看作最低限度了。

想要避开5分的Lexical Resource(LR),向6分看齐,就要进行同义替换。比如刚刚提到的关于网购的题目,people指的是居民,可以替换成residents或者citizens;同时单一的个体组成的群体也可以指人们,用individuals(individual, n. 个人,个体; adj. 个人的,个别的)替换也可行;人们也就是大众,还可以替换成the public;或者用赋予“身份”的方法进行同义替换,人们去网购,身份就是顾客(customers)、消费者(consumers)、买家(buyers)或者购物者(purchasers)。


residents 居民

citizens 市民

individuals 人们

the public 大众

customers 顾客

consumers 消费者

buyers 买家

purchasers 购买者

如此丰富的词汇量会让考官无法给你5分的评价,在LR这个评分项上能上升到6分档。考官对于6分的Lexical Resource(LR)是这么说的:Use an adequate range of vocabulary for the task(使用足够丰富的词汇完成写作任务)。和5分的评分标准相比,6分的评分标准里面去掉了“limited”以及“this is minimally adequate for the task”,也就是说要想进入6分档,至少需要用同义替换展示出自己的词汇量。


7分的Lexical Resource(LR)词汇丰富度的要求是:Use a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision.(使用范围充足的词汇,用词有一定的灵活性和精准度)。什么叫用词的灵活性呢?我们刚刚把people这一名词进行了替换,作文中还会出现动词、形容词、副词,当一篇文章中的名词、动词、形容词、副词都有同义替换的时候,就达到了灵活性(介词一般为固定搭配,不进行替换)。那如何能在词汇层面得到8分?LR的8分标准的要求是:Use a wide range of a vocabulary fluently and flexibly to convey precise meanings.(流畅、灵活地使用各种词汇以表达精确的含义)。也就是说,到了8分的用词水平,不仅要保证动词、名词、形容词、副词都有同义替换,而且传达的语义要精准,即不仅要懂得单词在纯英文字典中的意思,使用时还要确保其符合语境,比如consumers和customers,一个表示消费者,一个表示顾客,两者其实是有细微不同的。这里就不展开讲了,大部分的雅思考生不需要掌握这类细节。

2 考官“大神”级别的用词原来是这样的


Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products anywhere in the world . Do you think this is a positive or negative development ?


很多同学快速扫一眼范文可能看不出有多少个同义替换,编者用 相同的数字标注了同义替换的单词,一个数字代表一种同义替换, 下面是标注之后的文章:

It is said that countries are becoming similar to each other because of the global spread of the same products , which are now available for purchase almost anywhere. I strongly believe that this modern development is largely detrimental to 1 culture and traditions worldwide .

A country's 1 history, language and ethos (民族精神)are all inextricably(逃不掉的)bound up in its manufactured artefacts (文物,人工制品). If the relentless(无情的,不间断的) advance of international brands into every corner of the world continues , these bland(冷漠的) packages (包裹)might one day completely 2 oust (剥夺取代)the traditional objects (物体)of a nation ,which could be 2 a loss of richness and diversity in the world , as well as the sad 2 disappearance of the manifestations(证明)of a place's character. What would a Japanese tea ceremony(茶道)be without its specially crafted(精心制作的) teapot, or a Fijian (斐济的) kava (卡瓦酒) ritual (仪式)without its bowl(碗)made from a certain type of tree bark(树皮)?

Let us not forget either that 3 traditional products, whether these be medicines, cosmetics, toys, clothes,utensils or food, provide employment for local people . The spread of multinational products can often bring in its wake 4 a loss of jobs , as people turn to buying the new brand, perhaps thinking it more glamorous (迷人的)than the one they are used to. This eventually puts 3 old-school (旧时的) craftspeople (工匠) 4 out of work.

Finally, 5 tourism numbers may also be affected, as 5 travellers become disillusioned(幻想破灭的)with finding every place just the same as the one they 5 visited previously. To see the same products in shops the world over is boring, and does not impel(激励) 5 visitors to open their wallets in the same way that trinkets(小玩意)or souvenirs unique to the particular area do.

Some may argue that all people are entitled(给予权利)to have access to the same products, but I say that local objects suit local conditions best, and that faceless uniformity(无个性的一致) worldwide is an unwelcome and dreary(枯燥的)prospect(前途).



countries —a nation—a place—Japanese—Fijian(斐济的)—the particular area

similar —the same—faceless uniformity(无个性的一致)

people —craftspeople(工匠)

buy —purchase—open their wallets

products —manufactured artefacts(文物,人工制品)—packages(包裹)—objects(物体)—medicines, cosmetics, toys, clothes, utensils or food

anywhere —every corner of the world—every place

in the world —global spread—worldwide—international—in the world—multinational—the world over—worldwide

negative —detrimental

development —advance—continues



countries替换:countries—a nation—a place—Japanese—Fijian(斐济的)—the particular area

country的复数是题干中的原词,首先可以使用单数形式a country替换,但是考官没有这么偷懒,而是用了a nation(一个民族/国家)替换。此外,还可以用一个特定的区域表示国家(虽然“区域”相对范围较小,但是从本题的意思出发,可以把一个区域当作一个国家),所以考官使用了the particular area来表示国家。


上位词和下位词的使用是高级的社会认知的表现,代表了写文章的人有系统的社会文化知识体系。对于中国考生来说,在中文语境中完全能够驾驭这样的知识体系,只要掌握对应的英文单词,就能体现自己健全的英文知识体系以及丰富的词汇量。所以在雅思写作中使用上位词和下位词可以展现自己对于英文单词知识体系的认知,是一种词汇丰富度的体现,符合7分的用词标准:Use a sufficient range of vocabulary.(使用范围充足的词汇。)

similar替换:similar—the same—faceless uniformity(无个性的一致)

similar(相似的)考官替换为the same(相同的),虽然这两个词在意思上有些许区别,但是也可以称为同义词。“相似的”换一种说法就是“无个性的”或者“一致性”,由此考官又替换出了faceless uniformity(无个性的一致)。而且similar是形容词,faceless uniformity是形容词修饰名词的词组,这里还涉及词性替换。分析之后我们不难发现,同义替换不会限于同词性的替换,多种词性甚至词组之间的替换也是词汇多样性的体现,接下来我们还会看到考官所做的其他词性的同义替换。



buy替换:buy—purchase—open their wallets

考官把动词buy(购买)换成了purchase(购买),并且这里使用的是purchase的名词词性(考官范文中purchase前面是介词for,如果使用动词词性的话purchase要加ing,说明这里是名词词性)。词性转换在考官眼里是词汇高度丰富的一种表现。为什么这样说呢?对于一个单词来说,你知道它的常用词性(比如动词),还知道它的名词、形容词和副词形式,给考官的印象就是:你可能是一个背过字典的人,非常优秀,词汇量十分大。所以大家在写作时要有意识地向考官展示词性的多样化。buy还替换成了open their wallets(打开他们的钱包),这种同义替换的方式叫作“具象化思维”,也就是把具体的现象或动作表述出来,好处是能够增加单词的数量,并且语言形象到位。

products替换:products—manufactured artefacts(文物,人工制品)—packages(包裹)—objects(物体)—medicines, cosmetics, toys, clothes, utensils or food

在替换products(商品)的时候,考官用了下位词manufactured artefacts(文物,人工制品),还用了具象化思维packages(包裹),或者叫同位词,就是既不是上位也不是下位的平行转化,包裹就是货物或者商品。objects(物体)可以看作products的同位词,或者上位词,因为物体包括商品这个范畴。后面的一大串medicines, cosmetics(化妆品),toys, clothes, utensils(厨具)or food都是products的下位词。

anywhere替换:anywhere—every corner of the world—every place

anywhere是副词,表示“任何地方”,考官同义替换的时候将其转化成了名词词组:every corner(每一个角落)以及every place(每一个地方),此处转化用到了具象化思维(任何地方具体一点就是每一个地方)、词性转化(副词替换为名词词组)以及同位词的概念(anywhere和 every corner互为同位词)。

in the world替换:in the world—global spread—worldwide—international—in the world—multinational—the world over—worldwide

考官先把in the world这个介词词组换成了名词词组global spread(全球传播),之后是副词worldwide(世界各地),然后是形容词international(国际的),中间变回了原形in the world,接着又是形容词multinational(跨国、多国的),然后是副词短语the world over(全世界),最后换成了形容词worldwide(全世界的)。这一个介词词组,竟然能有名词词组、副词、形容词和副词短语这四种词性的变化,由此可见考官词汇量的庞大,是真正的8分及以上选手。


negative是消极的意思,很多国内考生会用bad替换,稍微有点过于简单,毕竟good 和bad这种词在写学术论文和雅思作文的时候显得过于口语化。当然不是说这两个词不好,只是场合不对。雅思写作是学术性写作,用词要formal(正式的),和正式相对应的是neutral(介于正式和非正式之间),以及informal(不正式的)。比如bad weather(坏天气)在生活化的英文口语表达中完全没有问题,也很适合不正式的场合,但是不适合雅思学术性写作以及其他正式的文体。考官在这篇文章中把negative换成了detrimental(不利的,有害的),符合正式写作的用词习惯。






1. culture and traditions —history, language and ethos

2. oust(剥夺,取代) —a loss of—disappearance

3. traditional —old-school(旧时的)

4. a loss of jobs —out of work

5. tourism numbers —travellers—visited—visitors


culture and traditions—history, language and ethos

在这一组里面,traditions(传统)也可以替换为history(历史)、culture(文化),包括language(语言)和ethos(民族精神)。这一组同义替换出现在开头段的末尾和主体一段的开头,在逻辑上更好地衔接了这两段内容,逻辑部分的内容会在Coherence and Cohesion(连贯性与衔接性)部分详细讲解。

oust(剥夺,取代)—a loss of—disappearance

考官自己使用了一个难词oust(剥夺,取代),之后替换成了名词词组a loss of(损失)以表达“消失”的意思,最后直接使用消失的名词形式disappearance。值得注意的是,这3个词/词组出现在一个句子里面,可见考官用词功底之深。作为中国考生来讲,通过有意识的模仿、练习也可以达到这一效果。



a loss of jobs—out of work

考官用名词词组a loss of jobs(丢掉工作)替换了形容词词组out of work(失业)。这两个词组出现的地方都在主体二段,并且出现在两个连续的句子里。

tourism numbers—travellers—visited—visitors

在主体三段,考官一开始使用的是tourism numbers(游客数量),之后使用了名词travellers(游客),然后又转为动词visited(参观),最后变为visitors(游客),最后两次替换涉及动词visit的名词变形,属于词性转换。这4个词/词组的替换,都出现在主体三段的两句话里。再一次证明,考官一直都在有意识地进行同义替换。所以对于中国考生来说,同义替换是在雅思写作中展示自己词汇量的最快速、便捷的途径。



richness and diversity(丰富和多样性)

provide employment(提供就业)


主体一段中的名词短语richness and diversity(丰富和多样性)是题目中same的反义表达,same意为“相同的”,richness and diversity可以被看作same的反义词,在前面加上a loss of(丢失了),意思就变为“丢失了丰富度和多样性”,从而变为same的同义替换。考官这种使用反义词进行同义替换的方式为大家开辟了新的词汇使用思路。在主体二段里面也有一组反义词组,provide employment(提供就业)就是a loss of jobs(丢失工作)的反义表达,并且是用动词词组对名词词组进行了反义表达,这样的用词非常灵活,完全符合7分及以上的灵活性要求,在词汇丰富度的7分和8分标准里都提到了flexibility这个单词,同学们可以体会一下这篇考官范文里的灵活用词。


3 7分水平的同义替换在8大类话题中的应用




Some people believe famous people' s support towards international aid organizations draws the attention to problems , while others think celebrities make the problems less important . Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Recently celebrities support various NGOs and their causes in different ways . Some people think that famous people cause harm to a certain mission , however, I believe that celebrities' assistance for aid organizations are essential to make the world a better place to live in.

It is undisputed that celebrities can bring more attention to a certain charity or cause . Various celebrities like movie stars, famous singers, and sports stars sponsor certain NGOs, namely NonGovernmental Organizations and stand for noble cause by being their ambassadors or serving on the Board of Trustees . These celebrities in different field use their power, popularity and influenc to inspire their fans and other individuals to raise fund and contribute time to fight against poverty, diseases and fight for equal rights among different races and genders . Celebrities' involvement in philanthropic activities can have ripple effects that will increase people's awareness and get the public more engaged in helping others.

However, celebrities' entanglement with philanthropy is not without criticism . Some question celebrities' motivation behind this by arguing that the well-known people might use this chance to increase their popularity, or do money laundry . In addition, sometimes celebrities' behaviors can have a tremendous negative impact on the organization they are rooting for . For instance, a famous entertainer who supports the rights of women and children might be accused of sexual harassment or even rape .Since his or her personal life is always brought into spotlight, such repulsive or even criminal deed can destroy the organization they support and thus, jeopardize the noble cause .

In conclusion, celebrities' involvement in philanthropy is not without risk. However, a decent celebrity who is aware of the potential impact of his or her conduct will bring benefit rather than harm to a charitable organization .


① 本题题目中的关键词famous people“名人”在全文中替换成了:

★ celebrities(单数形式为celebrity),名人,明星

★ movie stars(电影明星),famous singers(有名的歌手),sports stars(体育明星),这些词是famous people的下位词。这样的好处是不仅向考官展示了自己的社会知识体系,同时还展示了词汇丰富度,是7分词汇评分标准中a range of vocabulary的体现。

★ ambassadors(大使),明星在一些慈善机构担任的角色就是大使,所以ambassadors也是famous people的一种角色,属于famous people的下位词。

★ well-known people(有名的人、家喻户晓的人),属于famous people的同位词。

★ a famous entertainer(有名的艺人),属于famous people的一种,也就是它的下位词。

② 本题题目中的关键词support“支持”在全文中替换成了:

★ assistance(帮助、援助),为support的同位词。

★ serving on the Board of Trustees(在董事会任职),也是提供support的表现,属于support具象化的表达。抽象变具体的思维方式不仅可以展示考生的社会认知体系,还能展示考生的词汇量。

★ use their power, popularity and influence(使用他们的力量、名气以及影响力),这也是support的具象化体现。

★ celebrities' involvement(名人的参与),相当于名人的support。

★ celebrities' entanglement with(名人与……的纠葛),这里偏向于贬义,本段在阐述名人加入慈善活动的坏处,所以用了偏向贬义的表达代替support。

★ his or her conduct(他或她的行为),也就是名人的动作,属于support的同位词。

③ 本题题目中的关键词international aid organizations“国际援助组织”在全文中替换成了:

★ NGOs(non-government organizations的缩写)意为“非政府组织”,题干中的international aid organizations在很多情况下是非政府的组织,所以使用了NGOs替换。

★ philanthropic activities(慈善活动),国际援助组织会组织慈善活动,所以此处是international aid organizations的具体动作,使用了抽象变具体的替换方式。

★ philanthropy(慈善事业),为名词词性,前面的philanthropic为形容词,意为博爱的、仁慈的,这里使用了形容词与名词之间的词性转换,可以展示考生强大的词汇量。

★ a charitable organization一个慈善组织

④ 本题题目中的关键词draws the attention to“引起注意”在全文中替换成了:

★ bring more attention to带来更多的关注

★ inspire their fans and other individuals to raise fund and contribute time to(激励他们的粉丝和其他人筹集资金和贡献时间),这也是引起大众注意之后的一个结果,是具象化思维的体现。

★ have ripple effects(有连锁反应),也是引起大众注意的一个具象化思维,可以体现考生社会认知层面的广阔与词汇的丰富。

★ increase people's awareness(提高人们的意识),是draw the attention to的同位词替换。

★ get the public more engaged让公众更多地参与进来

⑤ 本题题目中的关键词problems“国际援助组织要解决的问题”在全文中替换成了:

★ charity or cause慈善机构或事业

★ poverty, diseases and fight for equal rights among different races and genders(贫穷、疾病、性别平等和种族平等的斗争),这些都属于国际援助组织要解决的问题,把问题具象化了。

⑥ 本题题目中的关键词make the problems less important“让这些问题变得不那么重要”在全文中替换成了:

★ cause harm to a certain mission(对特定的任务造成了损害),也就是让国际援助组织致力于处理的那些问题变得不重要了。

★ is not without criticism(并不是没有批评),这里的“批评”就是指“让国际援助组织致力于处理的那些问题变得不重要了”。

★ increase their popularity, or do money laundry(增加他们的知名度或者洗钱),这就是具体的损害,是抽象变具体的一种叙述方法。

★ a tremendous negative impact(巨大的负面影响),跟第一条中的“cause harm”为词组间的同义替换。

★ might be accused of sexual harassment or even rape(可能会被指控性骚扰甚至强奸),这也是抽象变具体的一种叙述方法,名人们自己出现了这些问题,就会让他们支持的那些国际援助组织受到影响。

★ such repulsive or even criminal deed这种令人厌恶甚至犯罪的行为

★ jeopardize the noble cause(危害崇高的事业),也就是让这些问题变得不重要的同义转述。


⑦ in different ways(在不同的方面),ways表示方面,也可以用fields代替。

⑧ are essential to(对……很重要),essential为important的升级版,也可以用significant、crucial替换。

⑨ it is undisputed that(毫无疑问的是),也可以使用it is clear that(很清晰的是)、it is evident that(很明显的是)放在句首,引出一方论证的观点。

⑩ fight against(和……做斗争),后面可以加pollution(污染)、terrorism(恐怖主义)等消极词汇。

⑪ root for(支持),后面可以跟具体的团体或者组织。

⑫ is aware of sth. 知道、意识到某事


Some people prefer to help or support directly in the local community for people who need it. However, others prefer to give money to the nations or international charities. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. (2015年6月6日)

Some people think that charity organizations should help people in great need wherever they live. However, others think that they should help people in their own country. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (2016年8月20日)

(2)教育类——老师和家长对孩子的影响 (2019年3月23日)

Once children start school, teachers have more influenc than parents on their intellectual and social development . To what extent do you agree or disagree?

With ever-increasing parents' awareness in their children's education and development, they tend to pay more attention to how their kids behave both at home and school . When it comes to the question of whether parents or instructors exert more influence o kids' mental and psychological development , I would say teachers have a bigger influenc on adolescents ' development.

It is true that parents are more attentive to kids' education given their rising living standards . Indeed, with more disposable income , parents are more willing to invest money to hire private tutors for their kids so that they can learn better and have a better academic performance in school. Also, parents tend to influenc kids' values and behaviors directly or indirectly. Parents are kids' first role models , and kids imitate whatever they say or behave .

However, the moment children are enrolled in school, both of their intellectual and social cultivation are more subject to the influence of their teachers. For one thing, teachers spend more time with kids compared with parents who might live hectic lives to make money to pay living expenses, kids' tuition ,so on and so forth. Such a hurried way of life leaves parents less time to keep their kids' company, let alone having impact on their social and mental development . In contrast , teachers spend a significant amount of time with young teenagers both in and out of the classroom. As a consequence, when kids have any problems, whether about their academic affair or emotional well-being , they are more inclined to seek their teachers for help. In this process, teachers play a more important role in shaping kids' social and intellectual development . For another, teachers are better trained and more professional than parents when solving kids' problems. Teachers, on the one hand, know every students' learning trajectory and adjust teaching methods to correspond to individual student's needs. Parents, on the other hand , are less capable of solving kids' academic problems and they are less patient compared with teachers when helping kids to learn .

In conclusion, teachers exert more influence on kids' mental and intellectual development since they devote more time than parents to attending to kids' need and they are more professional and effective in helping young minds .


① 本题题目中的关键词children “孩子”在全文中替换成了:

★ kids孩子

★ adolescents青春期的孩子

★ young teenagers年轻的青少年

★ young minds(稚嫩的心灵),这是比较地道的英文表达。

② 本题题目中的关键词teacher“老师”在全文中替换成了:

★ instructors讲师

★ tutors在本文中翻译为家庭教师,是老师的下位词。

③ 本题题目中的关键词have more influence“有更多的影响”在全文中替换成了:

★ exert more influence on施加更多的影响

★ have a bigger influence有更大的影响

★ tend to influence(往往会影响),题目中的influence为名词词性,而tend to influence中的influence为动词,体现了词性的灵活变化。

★ spend more time with kids(花更多的时间和孩子在一起),这也是一种影响孩子的方式,抽象概念具象化。

④ 本题题目中的关键词parents“父母”在全文中替换成了:

★ role models(楷模),父母可以作为孩子们的楷模。

★ kids imitate whatever they say or behave(孩子们模仿他们的言行),父母作为孩子的楷模影响孩子的言行,是对楷模的具象化表达。

⑤ 本题题目中的关键词intellectual and social development “智力和社交能力发展”在全文中替换成了:

★ behave both at home and school(在家和学校都表现得很好),体现孩子在各个方面的发展。

★ mental and psychological development(心理发展),mental和psychological都可以理解为心理的,体现词汇多样性。

★ have a better academic performance(学术成绩更好),这是孩子某一方面的具体发展。

★ kids' values and behaviors(孩子的价值观和行为),可以作为孩子在“智力和社交能力发展”方面的具象表达,把抽象的概念变具体。

★ intellectual and social cultivation(智力和社交能力的培养),这里cultivation作为同义词代替development。

★ kids' tuition(孩子的学费),可以作为影响孩子智力发展的一个具体因素。

★ having impact on their social and mental development对他们的社交能力和智力发展产生影响

★ their academic affairs or emotional well-being(他们的学术事务或精神健康),学术事务可以作为孩子智力发展的具象表达。

★ shaping kids' social and intellectual development塑造孩子的社交和智力发展

★ learning trajectory(学习轨迹),可以作为孩子智力发展的具象表达。

★ adjust teaching methods(调整教学方法),老师可以通过调整教学方法来促进孩子智力发展。

★ helping kids to learn(帮助孩子学习),是影响孩子智力发展的一个因素。

★ attend to kids' need(关注孩子的需求),need这个词可以理解为孩子比较笼统的需求,为“智力和社交能力发展”的上位词。

⑥ 行文中的关键词ever-increasing parents' awareness “父母意识的增强”在全文中替换成了:

★ pay more attention to(更加关注),后面可以跟社会问题比如教育、环境污染、失业等等。

★ are more attentive to(更加关注),此处attentive为attention的形容词,通过词性变化展示词汇丰富度。

⑦ 行文中的关键词their rising living standards “他们逐渐提高的生活水平”在全文中替换成了:

★ more disposable income更多的可支配收入

★ are more willing to invest money to(更加有意愿在某一个方面投资),此处为“生活水平提高”的具体体现。


⑧ are more subject to易受……的影响,are more inclined to更加倾向做某事

⑨ in contrast(相反的)这个词组可以作为表转折的逻辑关系词,on the other hand一般跟on the one hand 连用,表示相反的情况。

⑩ devote more time to doing sth.(投入更多时间做某事),表达一个人对一件事情的执着。


In some countries, there has been an increase in the number of parents who educate their children themselves at home instead of sending them to school. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? (2016年2月13日)

New parents should attend a parenting course to learn how to bring up their children well. Do you agree or disagree? (2016年5月28日)


New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time . Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages ?

The advance of technologies has brought tremendous changes to the way individuals work, study and live. The way how youngsters spend their leisure time is not immune to the influence of technology.When it comes to the question of whether such influenc on how children spend their leisure time brings more advantages than disadvantages, from my perspective, I think that the drawback it brings outweighs the benefi .

It is quite obvious that technology does bring benefits to kids in various ways. Electronic video games can inspire kids to pursue knowledge in a particular fiel since they have vivid sound and visual effects and they have real historical settings. For example, the game of Story of Three Kingdoms may spark a child's interest in world history, geography, ancient cultures. By playing out certain characters in the game, teenagers will be very mesmerized by these ancient anecdotes and mythologies . Additionally,when playing video games, kids can develop creativity and critical thinking . They need to adopt certain strategies to win the game by designing and exchanging maps or other customized content . Such skills are essential for kids' future cognitive development.

However, without proper guidance from parents, technology could do more harm than good to adolescents who are in their formative years . With the invention of technological gadgets like laptops, smartphones and the popularity of the Internet , kids can have tremendous exposure to negative contents on the World Wide Web like violence and pornography . Academic studies by various institutions have shown that much exposure to violent content on the Internet can lead to aggressive behaviors of kids . Young people do not have the judgment of telling right from wrong , thus students imitate whatever they see online , which would be disastrous for their social advancement. Besides, playing video games can jeopardize kids' health since they are addictive. Spending a lot of sitting in front of the computer playing video games causes backache, neck problems and bad eyesight .

In conclusion, in spite of the benefits brought by technology for kids' cognitive development,technology does more harm to teenagers and adolescents if there is a lack of supervision from parents or teachers.


① 本题题目中的关键词new technology “新技术”在全文中替换成了:

★ advance of technologies技术进步

★ electronic video games(电子视频游戏),此处为“新技术”的具体体现。

★ game of Story of Three Kingdoms (《三国故事》游戏),此处进一步具象化了电子游戏。

★ technological gadgets技术小工具

★ laptops, smartphones and the popularity of the Internet(笔记本电脑、智能手机和互联网的普及),此处为科技工具的具象化体现,展示了考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

② 本题题目中的关键词have changed“改变了”在全文中替换成了:

★ has brought tremendous changes带来了巨大的变化

★ is not immune to the influence of(不能免受影响),此处把动宾形式替换为系表结构,展示了词汇的灵活性。

③ 本题题目中的关键词children“孩子”在全文中替换成了:

★ youngsters青少年

★ kids孩子

★ teenagers青少年

★ adolescents青少年

★ formative years(成长期),处在成长期的人也就是孩子。

★ young people年轻人

★ students学生们

④ 本题题目中的关键词free time“空闲时间”在全文中替换成了:

★ leisure time(闲暇时间),leisure更为高级,体现词汇的复杂性。

⑤ 本题题目中的关键词advantages“好处”在全文中替换成了:

★ such influence这种影响力

★ benefit效益,好处

★ pursue knowledge寻求知识

★ right正确的

⑥ 本题题目中的关键词disadvantages“缺点”在全文中替换成了:

★ drawback坏处

★ harm危害

★ negative contents负面内容

★ violence and pornography(暴力和色情),此处为“缺点”的具体体现,展示了考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

★ violent content(暴力内容),此处为“缺点”的具体体现,是disadvantages的下位词。

★ aggressive behaviors of kids(孩子的攻击性行为),此处也是“缺点”的具体体现,展示了考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

★ wrong错误的

★ disastrous惨重的

★ jeopardize kids' health(危害孩子的健康),此处为“缺点”的具体体现,是disadvantages的下位词。

★ causes backache, neck problems and bad eyesight导致背痛、颈部问题和视力下降

⑦ 行文中的关键词in a particular field“在特定领域”在全文中替换成了:

★ in world history, geography, ancient cultures(在世界历史、地理、古老文化方面),此处为“特定领域”的具体体现,展示了考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

★ ancient anecdotes and mythologies(古代的轶事和神话),此处为历史或者文化的具体体现,展示了考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

⑧ 行文中的关键词creativity“创造力”在全文中替换成了:

★ designing and exchanging maps or other customized content(设计和交换地图或其他定制内容),此处为“创造力”的具体体现,展示了考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

⑨ 行文中的关键词critical thinking“批判性思考”在全文中替换成了:

★ adopt certain strategies(采取某些策略),此处为“批判性思考”的具体体现。

⑩ 行文中的关键词online “线上”在全文中替换成了:

★ the World Wide Web万维网


⑪ be very mesmerized by(非常迷恋),表达对一件事物的执着与喜爱。

⑫ be essential for(是必不可少的),可以作为 it is important/significant to的替代。


People still value artists in the age of advanced science and technology. Why you think this is? Are arts as important as science and technology to people's lives? (2016年7月14日)

Some people think that the technology makes life complex, so we should make life simpler without using the technology. Agree or disagree? (2017年2月18日)


Some people believe that women should play an equal role as men in a country's police force or military force , while others think women are not suitable for these kinds of jobs. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The question of whether females should join the military or police force has caused constant debate.Some argue that females represent the weaker sex and they should not participate in the army or police force , however, from my perspective, I think females can be qualified candidate in the military or police force.

It is undeniable that a female is more physically vulnerable than their male counterparts . Thus, some people argue that women are just not cut out for such dangerous jobs since being in the military or police force, one has to be involved in confrontational situations , and physical strength is essential for someone to be competent at such jobs . However, as long as women can meet the physical demand of military or police force, it is justified and proper for the to be enlisted .

Others might argue getting females involved in the military or police force might make them susceptible to sexual harassment from their male colleagues. Nonetheless, such a drawback can be overcome if the authority puts forward some rules and regulations to protect women from such incidents or crimes . Being at risk of sexual harassment is by no means an excuse to exclude women in the police or military force. In fact, male soldiers and policemen are not immune to sexual harassment.

The truth is that women can improve the efficiency of th combat unit or police force by qualities that often are rarely present in all male-dominated units. Women are creative, empathetic and easy to get along with. When women are given the chance to stand shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts, they can de-escalate potentially violent situations more often than men. For example,women know how to use their interpersonal skills to build trust with criminals in dangerous situations and thus they can dissuade criminals from pursuing violent actions like using their gun or knife to attack.

In conclusion, even though women are more physically weaker than their male counterparts, they can still play important roles in the military or police force.


① 本题题目中的关键词women“女人”在全文中替换成了:

★ females女性

★ weaker sex(较弱的这个性别),使用weaker这个形容词比较级,体现了词汇多样性。

★ physically vulnerable(身体脆弱),使用副词加形容词的搭配体现词汇多样性。

★ physical strength(体力),这里使用了反义词,考生能写出一个词语的反义表达,也是词汇量丰富的体现。

★ physically weaker(身体较弱的),使用副词加形容词搭配体现词汇多样性。

② 本题题目中的关键词play an equal role“发挥同等作用”在全文中替换成了:

★ join(加入),也就是发挥作用。

★ participate in加入

★ can be qualified candidates(可以成为合格的候选人),也就是可以在军队中、政界中发挥作用的意思。

★ be cut out for(是做某事的料),使用动词词组体现了词汇的灵活性。

★ be competent(有能力),这里用形容词词组替换了动词词组,体现考生词汇体系的庞大。

★ meet the physical demand of(满足身体条件需求),也就是和男性一样达标。

★ to be enlisted(被招募),也就是加入军队、政界中。

★ stand shoulder to shoulder with(与……肩并肩),意思是女性和男性在军队、政界中发挥同等作用。

③ 本题题目中的关键词men“男人”在全文中替换成了:

★ male counterparts(男性同僚),这个表达比较高级,表示和自己平等的男性对象。

★ male-dominated(男性占主导地位的),通过用形容词替代简单的名词体现了考生词汇的多样性。

④ 本题题目中的关键词police force or military force“警察部队或者军队”在全文中替换成了:

★ the army or police force军队或者警察部队

★ dangerous jobs(危险的工作),通过描述工作具体的特点代替“警察或者军队”这样的直接表述。

★ confrontational situations(对抗的形势),通过工作具体的特点表达警察或者军队。

★ such jobs这样的工作

★ male soldiers and policemen男兵和男警察

★ combat unit作战部队

★ violent situations(暴力局势),通过描述工作具体的特点代替“警察或者军队”这样的直接表达。

★ dangerous situations危险的形势

⑤ 行文中的关键词sexual harassment“性骚扰”在全文中替换成了:

★ such a drawback(这样的缺点),可以理解为“性骚扰”的上位词。

★ such incidents or crimes(此类事件或罪行),可以理解为“性骚扰”的上位词。

⑥ 行文中的关键词qualities“特质”在全文中替换成了:

★ creative, empathetic and easy to get along with(富有创造力、善解人意以及易于相处),此处细节都是“特质”的具体体现,体现考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

★ interpersonal skills(人际交往能力),也是特质的具体描述,体现考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。


⑦ it is justified and proper for them(对他们来说是合理和适当的),it is+形容词+ for sb. to do sth.是个非常常见以及重要的句型。


In schools and universities, some girls tend to choose arts subjects, while boys choose to study science subjects. What are the reasons? Do you think this trend should be changed?(2011年7月28日教育类)

In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first month after the birth of their baby. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?(2018年10月13日社会生活类)


Although more and more people read news on the Internet , newspapers will remain the most important source of news . To what extent do you agree or disagree?

With the advent of the Internet and technological devices, more and more people have access to news online. From my perspective, newspapers, the traditional way of spreading news stories, fail to be the most primary sources of news.

As is evident, the availability of the Internet and high-tech products like smartphones, tablets and laptop computers make it more convenient for people to read news on the webpage . With a tablet in hand, an individual can read news online whenever and wherever he goes. On the contrary, getting a newspaper is a real hassle. Residents have to stop at a newspaper stand to get it on their way to work or school, which takes lots of valuable time.

Moreover, it is prompt for citizens to get breaking news via media online instead of reading the old-fashioned newspaper. What happened in part of the world can be spread much more quickly through online media outlets to people living in other areas of the world. Moreover, multi-media online provides more vivid coverage of a story with high-fidelity pictures and fil than that of the newspaper.Thus, more and more people use the Internet to gain information since it is more prompt and vivid.

Lastly, it is less likely for people to consume newspapers because of the high cost. This high cost is partly attributed to the rising cost of producing and distributing newspapers. With fewer newspaper subscribers,businesses might not intend to place advertisements in newspapers, making newspaper agencies less profitable. It can be a vicious cycle, through whic newspaper companies would be gradually driven out of business.

In conclusion, more and more customers depend on the Internet for news since it is more convenient, prompt and vivid. Newspapers, on the other hand, will be gradually driven out of business,given the invasion of the Internet and rising operation costs.


① 本题题目中的关键词people“人”在全文中替换成了:

★ an individual(个人),这个词适用性非常广,一般提到人物都可以用individual替换。

★ residents(居民),强调住在一个特定地方的人们。

★ citizens(公民),一个国家的人民。

★ customers(顾客),为people的下位词。

② 本题题目中的关键词on the Internet“网上”在全文中替换成了:

★ online(线上),跟因特网是同义词。

★ on the webpage在网页上

★ multi-media(多媒体),虽然不是互联网的同义词,但是可以指代互联网上的具体内容,可以理解为互联网的具体化内容。

★ high-fidelity pictures and films(高保真图片和影片),这是“网上内容”的具象化表达。

★ use the Internet to使用互联网

③ 本题题目中的关键词the most important“最重要的”在全文中替换成了:

★ the most primary sources最主要的来源

④ 本题题目中的关键词news“新闻”在全文中替换成了:

★ news stories新闻报道

★ what happened in part of the world在世界上某些地方发生的事情

★ gain information(获取信息),这里information替代news。

⑤ 行文中的关键词traditional“传统的”在全文中替换成了:

★ old-fashioned过时的

⑥ 行文中的关键词high-tech products“高科技产品”在全文中替换成了:

★ smartphones, tablets and laptop computers(智能手机、平板电脑和笔记本电脑),这几个词为“高科技产品”的具体化内容。

★ a tablet(平板电脑),也是“高科技产品”的具体化内容。

⑦ 行文中的关键词high cost“高成本”在全文中替换成了:

★ rising cost上升的成本

⑧ 行文中的关键词newspaper agencies“报社”在全文中替换成了:

★ newspaper companies报业公司


Some people believe that newspapers are the best way to learn about news while others believe that the more effective way is through other media. Discuss both and give your own opinions. (2018年3月24日 媒体类)

Giving detailed description of crimes in the newspapers and on the television may have bad consequences, so information of this kind in the media should be restricted. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2017年5月25日 犯罪类)


In some countries , people waste a lot of food which is bought in shops and restaurants.What do you think are the reasons? What can be done to solve this problem ?

Food waste has become a serious problem for communities around the globe as it wastes lots of resources and pollutes the environment. It is high time that the reasons for the problem should be analyzed and solutions to deal with this issue should be provided.

One possible reason for food waste is the masses' growing affluenc . Nowadays, people are getting wealthier . Thus, residents are more willing to eat in restaurants or buy food in shops instead of cooking at home, which leads to food waste. When individuals dine in a restaurant or purchase food in shops, they often order or buy more than they really need. With more money in their pocket , there is no incentive for them to save money by keeping the leftovers .

Another important reason might be that consumers base their action of throwing the leftovers on the date labeled on the package . However, most of the time, the best use or expiration date labeled on the product is not referring to safety but quality . This means that even if people consume food a little after the expiration date , they will not be poisoned though the food might not taste as good .

To cope with this problem, joint efforts from governments and individuals are required. For authorities, they should launch education campaigns to make citizens more aware of the importance of not wasting food. Lectures can be provided on how to preserve food and waste less food to residents in local communities. Leaflets about the tips on how to reduce food wast should be distributed to local community members . For individuals, whether they are chefs, restaurant owners, or just housewives , they should just stop throwing away wholesome food and manage their food inventory carefully .

In conclusion, food waste is an urgent matter that needs to be emphasized and joint efforts from both authorities and citizens are required to solve it.


① 本题题目中的关键词countries “国家”在全文中替换成了:

★ communities around the globe全球范围的社区

② 本题题目中的关键词people“人们”在全文中替换成了:

★ residents(居民),指居住在一个特定地方的人们。

★ consumers消费者

★ individuals(个人),用处非常广泛。

★ citizens(公民),一个国家的公民。

★ local community members当地社区成员

★ chefs, restaurant owners, or just housewives(厨师、餐馆老板,或只是家庭主妇),这里用细节具象地展现了people,体现考生把抽象概念变为具体细节的能力。

③ 本题题目中的关键词waste a lot of food“浪费很多食物”在全文中替换成了:

★ food waste(食物浪费),这里waste为名词,与题目中的动词词性进行了转换。

★ leftovers残羹剩饭

★ throwing away wholesome food扔掉健康卫生的食物

★ manage their food inventory carefully(仔细管理他们的食物库存),此处为浪费食物的反义词。反义词也是考官在写作时会用到的替换手法,考生能写出一个单词的反义表达,也是词汇量丰富的体现。

④ 本题题目中的关键词bought “购买”在全文中替换成了:

★ purchase(采购),比buy更加正式一些。

★ order(订购、下单),也就是购买的意思。

⑤ 本题题目中的关键词solve “解决”在全文中替换成了:

★ deal with处理

★ cope with应对

⑥ 本题题目中的关键词this problem“这个问题”在全文中替换成了:

★ this issue(这个问题),一些棘手的问题都可以用issue表达,比如环境问题、失业问题等。

⑦ 行文中的关键词growing affluence “提高的财富”在全文中替换成了:

★ getting wealthier(越来越富裕),这里用比较级形式进行词汇替换。

⑧ 行文中的关键词eat“吃”在全文中替换成了:

★ consume(消耗),这里consume有“吃吃喝喝”的意思,相应的搭配有 consume lots of food and drinks,体现了考生对词汇的全面掌握。

⑨ 行文中的关键词the date labeled on the package“包装上的日期”在全文中替换成了:

★ the best use or expiration date labeled on the product产品上标明的最佳使用日期或有效期

★ the expiration date有效期

⑩ 行文中的关键词safety“安全”在全文中替换成了:

★ not be poisoned(不会中毒),通过否定的形式替换了词汇,展示了用词的灵活性。


★ taste as good(味道一样好),把名词替换成了动词,展示了用词的灵活性。

行文中的关键词 launch education campaigns“发起教育运动”在全文中替换成了:

★ lectures can be provided on how to preserve food and waste less food to residents in local communities(可以向当地居民提供有关如何保存食物和减少食物浪费的讲座),这里是“发起教育运动”的具象化表达。

★ leaflets about the tips on how to reduce food waste(有关如何减少食物浪费的传单),这也是“发起教育运动”的一个具体方式。

★ joint efforts from both authorities and citizens(政府和民众的共同努力),也属于“发起教育运动”的具象化表达。


In many countries, people like to eat a wide variety of food that can be grown in other areas. As a result, people eat more food produced in other regions than local food. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages? (2018年5月19日 社会类)

In some countries, it is possible for people to have a variety of food imported from all over the world.To what extent do you think its benefits outweigh the drawbacks? (2017年5月13日 社会类)


Many employers think that the social skills are as important as good qualification for employing people . To what extent do you agree or disagree?

When corporations hire new employees , they tend to select candidates based on education background, working experience and other qualification . From my perspective, social skill is as essential as good qualifications.

It is undeniable that qualification plays an important role in selectin competent staff . A professional needs to be specialized and be equipped with knowledge and skill in a certain field so that he or she can assume the responsibility that is required by his or her job . A person is expected to have special education background and relevant working experience to be a perfect candidate for a particular position. For instance, one cannot be a surgeon without rigorous training in medical school and residency in a large hospital , whereas those who have not studied in law school will never enjoy a chance to be a lawyer even though he or she might have superb social skills.

Excellent social skills are as important as good qualifications since they make it possible for employees to cooperate with others in a professional setting. When working in a group, group member depends on

each other to finish a certain project since every member has their own strengths, weaknesses,and they bear different responsibilities. For instance, software engineers need to work closely with product managers , who know well about customers' expectations and set goals for engineers. Only when the engineers communicate thoroughly with product managers can they know what kinds of technical problems they need to solve.

Moreover, employees with great social skills can help to provide a friendly and comfortable working environment . As corporation's organizational structure gets more complex, there will be more conflicts between departments and colleagues . Those with good social skills know the importance of making concessions and being good listeners and communicators . They can reduce the amount of animosity in a company and make the working environment more friendly and relaxing , which in turn can boost the corporation's productivity.

In conclusion, excellent social skills are as significant as a qualification when hiring potential job candidates.


① 本题题目中的关键词employers“雇主”在全文中替换成了:

★ corporations公司

★ corporation's organizational structure公司的组织结构

② 本题题目中的关键词social skills“社交技能”在全文中替换成了:

★ communicate thoroughly(彻底地沟通),是“社交技能”的具体体现,属于social skills的一种,也就是它的下位词。

★ a friendly and comfortable working environment(一个友好、舒适的工作环境),当员工之间有更好的社交技能的时候,工作环境就更友好,属于“社交技能”的同位词转述。

★ make concessions and being good listeners and communicators(作出让步,成为一名优秀的倾听者和传播者),此处的细节是“社交技能”的具体体现,属于“社交技能”的下位词组。

★ reduce the amount of animosity(减少敌意),从反义词的角度来描写,也体现词汇体系的丰富。

★ working environment more friendly and relaxing工作环境更友好,更轻松

③ 本题题目中的关键词as important as“和……一样重要”在全文中替换成了:

★ as essential as和……一样必要

④ 本题题目中的关键词good qualification“良好的资质”在全文中替换成了:

★ education background, working experience and other qualifications(教育背景、工作经验和其他资格),此处细节为“资格”的具体体现,体现考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

★ be specialized and be equipped with knowledge and skill(具备专业知识和技能),也是“良好资质”的同义转述。

★ special education background特殊教育背景

★ relevant working experience相关工作经验

★ rigorous training in medical school and residency in a large hospital(医学院的严格培训和大型医院的住院医师经验),此处细节以医生为例详细描述了良好资质,体现考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

★ study in law school(在法学院学习),此处细节以律师为例,属于“良好资质”的下位词。

⑤ 本题题目中的关键词employ“雇用”在全文中替换成了:

★ hire雇用

★ select选择

★ is required by his or her job(是他或她的工作所必需的),此处为被动语态,体现了词汇多样性。

⑥ 本题题目中的关键词 people“人们”在全文中替换成了:

★ new employees新员工

★ candidates候选人

★ competent staff称职的员工

★ a professional(一位专业人士),此处professional为名词词性,使用单数名词替代复数名词,体现词汇多样性。

★ a person(一个人),使用单数替代复数体现词汇多样性。

★ a perfect candidate(一个完美的候选人),属于“人们”的下位词。

★ a surgeon(一名外科医生),a lawyer(一名律师),都是具体的职业,属于“人们”的下位词。

★ group member小组成员

★ each other(彼此),也就是“人们”。

★ every member(每个成员),使用单数替代复数体现词汇多样性。

★ software engineers(软件工程师),属于“人们”的下位词。

★ product managers(产品经理),属于“人们”的下位词。

★ departments and colleagues(部门和同事),属于“人们”的下位词。


Many people believe that social networking sites (such as Facebook) have had a negative impact on both individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2017年12月14日 媒体类)

Today young people in the workforce are changing their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (2018年6月7日社会类)


Some people think that governments should build more train and subway lines while others believe that building wider roads is more efficient t reduce traffic congesti . Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Rapid urbanization brings lots of tricky issues, one of which is the road congestion problem .Some think it is better to build wider streets , however, I think it is more effective to reduce traffic jams by constructing subways.

It is undeniable that providing wider roads will accommodate more vehicles on the road. It might seem to lots of people that more lanes can lessen traffic issu . However, it could hardly be the case since wider roads will encourage more people to drive instead of taking public transport . With more people choosing to drive, the traffic ja will be worse.

The only solution to ameliorate traffic congestion is not encouraging people to drive but to discourage them from driving private cars and begin to take public transport. Building a comprehensive subway system in the city is more efficient to reduce the traffic leve even though the project might be very costly . As lots of cities around the world are increasingly urbanized , undergrounds prove to be the most efficient ways to move a large number of residents quickly.

People tend to ditch their cars since taking subways are both convenient and cost-effective . With a well-rounded subway system in place, citizens can basically travel anywhere within the city like the airport, shopping malls and major transit hubs . When commuting in subways , people can make good use of their time by writing emails, or reading newspapers along the way. Also, it is significantly cheaper than driving. For instance, in Beijing, a round trip will cost at most 30 RMB , however, if someone commutes to work by car, the gas money and parking fees for a day will be easily over 80 RMB .

In conclusion, building a comprehensive public transportation system is a better way to solve the problem of traffic issues since it encourages people to ditch their cars while wider roads only make it more appealing for people to drive, which will make the problem worse .


① 本题题目中的关键词 build “建造”在全文中替换成了:

★ construct建造

★ provide提供

② 本题题目中的关键词train and subway line“火车和地铁线”在全文中替换成了:

★ taking public transport(乘坐公共交通工具),属于“火车和地铁线”的上位词。

★ a comprehensive subway system(一个综合的地铁系统),属于“火车和地铁线”的同位词。

★ undergrounds 地铁

★ a well-rounded subway system一个全面的地铁系统

★ a comprehensive public transportation system一个综合的公共交通系统

★ ditch their cars(放弃他们的车),等同于乘坐公共交通工具出行。

③ 本题题目中的关键词 wider roads“更宽广的马路”在全文中替换成了:

★ wider streets更宽的街道

★ more lanes(更多车道),是更宽广的马路的体现。

④ 本题题目中的关键词reduce“降低,减少”在全文中替换成了:

★ lessen减少,降低

★ ameliorate(改善),后面可以加一个棘手的问题,比如环境污染、交通拥堵等等。

⑤ 本题题目中的关键词traffic congestion“交通拥堵”在全文中替换成了:

★ road congestion problem道路拥堵问题

★ traffic issue交通问题

★ traffic jam交通阻塞

★ traffic level(交通水平),属于“交通拥堵”的上位词。

★ make the problem worse(使问题变得更糟),属于“交通拥堵”的同位词组。

⑥ 行文中的关键词rapid urbanization“快速城市化”在全文中替换成了:

★ are increasingly urbanized(日益城市化),此处把名词urbanization转化为形容词unbanized来使用,体现词汇的多样性。

⑦ 行文中的关键词 costly“成本高”在全文中替换成了:

★ cost-effective(有成本效益的),使用形容词进行了替换。

★ significantly cheaper(明显更便宜),使用副词加形容词的形式替换,体现词汇的多样性。

★ cost at most 30 RMB(最多花30元人民币),抽象概念具象化的表达。

★ gas money and parking fees(油费和停车费),使用细节罗列体现考生抽象概念具体化的能力,属于“成本高”的下位词。

★ be easily over 80 RMB(轻松超过80元人民币),抽象概念具象化表达,属于“成本高”的同位词组。

⑧ 行文中的关键词 residents“居民”在全文中替换成了:

★ people人

★ citizens公民

⑨ 行文中的关键词take subways“乘地铁”在全文中替换成了:

★ commute in subways通过地铁通勤

⑩ 行文中的关键词anywhere within the city“城市的任何地方”在全文中替换成了:

★ airport, shopping malls and major transit hubs(机场、商场和主要的交通枢纽),属于“城市的任何地方”的下位词。


In some countries, the government has tried to reduce traffic. For instance, they imposed a congestion tax during rush hour. Do you think this development is positive or negative? (2016年1月30日 政府类)

The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Do you agree or disagree? (2017年1月21日 社会类)

(9)政府职能类——确保市民饮食健康 (2017年9月21日)

Some people think that governments should do more to make their citizens eat a healthy diet . Others, however, believe that individuals must take responsibility for their own diet and health .Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, governments around the world exert control in many aspects of people's ways of living , one of which is what people eat . When it comes to the question of whether individuals or authorities should play a bigger role in implementing a healthy diet, I would argue that citizens and governments should have equal responsibility in this regard.

For one thing, decision-makers should spare no effort in regulating the food that people eat since it helps people to maintain a healthy body , thus lowering total medical expenses . Every year governments spend lots of dollars to pay for welfare recipients whose major problems are diabetes or obesity .These kinds of physical problems are mainly attributed to a bad diet. If governments regulate the food that people eat, the situation can get better. The government, for instance, can cut down soda and sugary products offered in restaurants, cinemas, and school cafeterias nationwide . Any institution that fails to comply with this rule would have to pay a large amount of tax to stay in business.

For another, residents should assume equal responsibility to their well-being and health by regulating their diet. Just by placing blame onto governments is ridiculous since it is impossible for governments to regulate each and everyone's diet. In fact, people with a decent education should know the significant impact that foods have on their health and they are ultimately liable for the food and drinks that they consume . With this responsibility in mind, people will buy less junk food like french fries, fried chicken and consume more healthy food like vitamin-rich vegetables .

In conclusion, both the government and citizens should have equal responsibility to make sure citizens have healthy diets. Governments can put forward policies to ensure more healthy food is available to citizens by cutting down unhealthy food . Nonetheless, the responsibility of choosing healthy food should not just be solely levied on governments since it is each person who eventually makes their food consumption choice .


① 本题题目中的关键词government“政府”在全文中替换成了:

★ authorities当局

★ decision-makers决策者

② 本题题目中的关键词do more to“为……做更多”在全文中替换成了:

★ exert control in many aspects(在许多方面施加控制),exert 和do的用法有异曲同工之效。

★ spare no effort(不遗余力),属于“为……做更多”的上位词。

③ 本题题目中的关键词diet“饮食”在全文中替换成了:

★ ways of living生活方式,此处为“饮食”的上位词。

★ what people eat(人们吃什么),属于“饮食”的具象化表达。

★ soda and sugary products(苏打水和含糖产品),此处为健康饮食的反义词,考生能写出一个词语的反义表达,也是词汇量丰富的体现。

★ the food and drinks that they consume他们摄入的食物和饮料

★ vitamin-rich vegetables(富含维生素的蔬菜),此处为“饮食”的具体体现。

★ food consumption choice食物消费选择

④ 本题题目中的关键词individuals“个人”在全文中替换成了:

★ citizens公民

★ recipients(接收人),属于“individuals”的下位词。

★ residents居民

★ people with a decent education(受过良好教育的人),特指一类人,是“个人”的具象化表达。

⑤ 本题题目中的关键词health“健康”在全文中替换成了:

★ a healthy body(健康的身体),名词变为形容词,展示词汇多样性。

★ well-being and health(幸福和健康),使用and平行结构体现词汇多样性。

★ significant impact that foods have on their health 食物对他们健康的重大影响

⑥ 行文中的关键词medical expenses“医疗费用”在全文中替换成了:

★ dollars(美元),作为一种医疗费用的支付方式。

⑦ 行文中的关键词major problems“主要问题”在全文中替换成了:

★ diabetes or obesity(糖尿病或肥胖),列举了具体问题,体现考生抽象概念具体化的能力。

★ physical problems(身体问题),也是具体问题的描述,体现考生抽象概念具体化的能力。

⑧ 行文中的关键词regulate“调节”在全文中替换成了:

★ comply with this rule(遵守这条规则),具体阐述了“调节”的方式。

★ put forward policies to ensure(提出确保政策),属于“调节”的同位词组。

★ cut down unhealthy food(减少不健康的食物),这是具体的“调节”方法,体现考生抽象概念具体化的能力。

⑨ 行文中的关键词any institution“任何机构”在全文中替换成了:

★ restaurants, cinemas, and school cafeterias nationwide(全国的餐馆、电影院和学校食堂),3个细节都是“机构”的具体展开,属于“机构”的下位词。

⑩ 行文中的关键词buy“购买”在全文中替换成了:

★ consume摄入,消费

行文中的关键词junk food“垃圾食品”在全文中替换成了:

★ french fries, fried chicken(炸薯条、炸鸡),两者均为“垃圾食品”的具体例子,属于“垃圾食品”的下位词。

行文中的关键词equal responsibility“同等责任”在全文中替换成了:

★ should not just be solely levied on(不应该只是单独征收),使用被动语态的动词成分替代名词性成分,体现考生词汇的多样性。


Some people think that living in big cities is bad for people's health. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2017年6月3日 社会类)

Some people think that health care should be free for everyone, while others think that they should pay medical costs for themselves. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. (2016年3月19日 社会类)


Young people who commit serious crimes , such as a robbery or a violent attack , should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The question of whether adolescents who commit serious crime should get the same level of punishment as adults is a complex issue. From my perspective, there is no definitive answer to this issue and I think it depends on the severity of the crime committed by the young .

For cases where victims can recover quickly, then young people who caused the harm should not get the same punishment that an adult would receive. Adults are judicious and responsible whereas teenagers in their formative years are more susceptible to influences of others. Juveniles suffer from shortsightedness and they overly focus on immediate rewards like money and stimulation and do not consider too many potential consequences . Such a phenomenon is supported by the fact that the frontal lobe that is responsible for the decision-making process and self-control matures in early adulthood , whereas the emotional brain develops much earlier. Thus, youngsters tend to seek sensational satisfaction and do not have self-discipline .

However, young people should receive the same level of punishment like imprisonment, or even the death penalty if the crimes they committed are heinous . Being young cannot be used as an excuse to justify whatever crime committed by adolescents.

If the young commit serious crimes like rape, manslaughter and the use of deadly weapons , they could get away from severe punishment or just go to a correctional facility , then other youngsters would commit extremely harmful crimes, which would cause instability in the community.

In conclusion, the question of whether adolescents who commit serious crime should get the same level of punishment as adults has to be examined case by case. For crimes where the victim can recover, young offenders should not receive severe punishment as adults. However, if the youngster turned out to a murderer or rapist , he should receive the same level of punishment as adults.


① 本题题目中的关键词 young people“年轻人”在全文中替换成了:

★ adolescents青少年

★ the young(年轻人),注意前面一定要有定冠词the。

★ teenagers青少年

★ juveniles少年

★ in early adulthood在成年早期

★ youngsters青少年

★ being young(年轻),使用形容词替代名词,展示词汇多样性。

★ a murderer or rapist(一个凶手或强奸犯),更加具体地描述相关罪犯,属于下位词。

② 本题题目中的关键词commit serious crimes“犯下严重罪行”在全文中替换成了:

★ cause the harm造成伤害

③ 本题题目中的关键词serious “严重”在全文中替换成了:

★ severity of the crime(犯罪的严重性),使用名词代替形容词,体现词汇多样性和灵活性。

★ heinous(滔天的、十恶不赦的),表示严重性。

★ severe严重的

★ extremely harmful极其严重的

④ 本题题目中的关键词a robbery or a violent attack“一场抢劫或暴力袭击”在全文中替换成了:

★ harm(危害),这里harm作为“抢劫或暴力袭击”的上位词。

★ rape, manslaughter and the use of deadly weapons(强奸、过失杀人和使用致命武器),以上细节都是“暴力袭击”的具体例子,属于它们的下位词。

⑤ 本题题目中的关键词be punished“被惩罚”在全文中替换成了:

★ punishment(惩罚),使用名词代替动词,体现词汇使用的灵活性。

★ imprisonment, or even the death penalty(监禁,甚至死刑),以上细节都是“惩罚”的具体例子,属于“惩罚”的下位词。

★ go to a correctional facility(去惩教所),此处也是“惩罚”的具体例子,为“惩罚”的下位词。

⑥ 本题题目中的关键词in the same way “以同样的方式”在全文中替换成了:

★ same level of同等程度的

★ the same punishment同样的惩罚

⑦ 行文中的关键词judicious and responsible“明智的和负责的”在全文中进行了反义词替换:

★ shortsightedness(短视、目光短浅),此处使用了反义词。

★ overly focus on immediate reward like money and stimulation(过度关注金钱和刺激等即时奖励),以上细节都是目光短浅的具体例子,体现考生抽象概念具体化的能力。

★ do not consider too much potential consequences(不考虑太多的潜在后果),即为不负责任的。

★ seek sensational satisfaction(寻求刺激的满足感),此处为“明智”的反义词,考生能写出一个词语的反义表达,也是词汇量丰富的体现。

⑧ 行文中的关键词have self-discipline“自律”在全文中替换成了:

★ self-control matures in the early adulthood自我控制的能力在成年早期成熟


⑨ be more susceptible to更容易受到影响

⑩ tend to(倾向于),可以替换be more susceptible to。


Giving detailed description of crimes in the newspapers and on the television may have bad consequences, so information of this kind in the media should be restricted. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2017年5月25日 犯罪类)

Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime. Some people believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (2015年9月3日 犯罪类)


Some people think that instead of climate change , people need to find a wa to live with it. Do you agree or disagree?

Climate change is among the most urgent matters that pose a great threat to species and the planet earth that they depend on. Some argue human beings should live with the status quo , however, from my point of view, people should take active initiatives to fight against climate chang .

An average person can raise the argument that the current global warming is just part of the cyclical trend . Cyclical changes in climate are known to the public as people studied ice ages in schools.Moreover, it is true that nonhuman factors might have caused the world-wide climate change. Solar activities, oceanic and volcanic emission of carbon dioxide might follow a certain cycle, which might contribute to the problem of global warming. However, despite the fact that all these claims might be justified, anthropogenic activities cannot be exculpated for the cause of climate change. It is imminent for human beings to take actions to fight against this tren .

For one thing, the government should put forward policies to regulate greenhouse gas emission , which are largely responsible for the current global warming . Authorities should assign emission quotas to factories, and impose fine to factories that discharge an unlimited amount of greenhouse gases . At the same time, favorable policies such as tax breaks will be given to factories that are environmentally friendly. For another, citizens should be aware of the importance of living a low carbon life. Individuals can help to reduce carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions by taking public transports, carpool or even becoming bike commuters to work or school. Also, residents can make the houses more energy efficien through better insulation and start to conserve energy by turning off light and air-conditioner upon leaving the room.

In conclusion, to find out the real cause of climate change is no easy task. However, it does not mean that human race should do nothing to reverse this trend . Instead, both the government and individuals should take initiatives to fight agains global surface temperature rise .


① 本题题目中的关键词climate change“气候变化”在全文中替换成了:

★ the most urgent matters(最紧急的事情),此处为“气候变化”的上位词。

★ current global warming当前的全球变暖

★ global surface temperature rise(全球表面温度上升),巧妙地将climate换成temperature,change换成rise,体现了词汇多样性。

② 本题题目中的关键词people“人们”在全文中替换成了:

★ human beings人类

★ an average person(一个普通人),注意此处average为普通的意思,属于熟词僻义,体现考生对词汇的全面掌握。

★ anthropogenic activities(人类活动),anthropogenic是个比较不常见的词,体现考生词汇的复杂性。

★ citizens(公民),一个国家的人民

★ individuals个人

★ bike commuters(自行车通勤者),此处为“people”的具体化展现。

★ human race人类

③ 本题题目中的关键词find a way“想办法”在全文中替换成了:

★ take active initiatives(采取积极措施),这是一个非常地道的表达,可以表示积极地应对困难。

★ take public transports, carpool(乘坐公共交通工具、拼车);此处通过更加具象化的内容体现了“办法”。

④ 本题题目中的关键词live with it“忍受它”在全文中替换成了:

★ live with the status quo(忍受现状),status quo表示现状,也是一个高级词汇。

★ should do nothing(什么都不做),此处的潜台词为“忍受它”。

⑤ 行文中的关键词fight against climate change“与气候变化作斗争”在全文中替换成了:

★ fight against this trend与这一趋势作斗争

★ reverse this trend(扭转这一趋势),用动词代替动词词组,体现词汇多样性。

★ fight against global surface temperature rise与全球地表温度上升作斗争

⑥ 行文中的关键词cyclical trend“周期性趋势”在全文中替换成了:

★ nonhuman factors非人类因素

★ solar activities, oceanic and volcanic emission of carbon dioxide(太阳活动、海洋和火山二氧化碳的排放),此处的细节都是“周期性趋势”的具体体现。

⑦ 行文中的关键词put forward policies“提出政策”在全文中替换成了:

★ assign emission quotas to,把排放配额分配给……

★ impose fines(罚款),为“提出政策”的下位词,更加具体。

★ favorable policies(有利的政策),是政策的一种,也是下位词。

★ tax breaks(税收减免),同样为“提出政策”的下位词,表示一个具体的策略。

⑧ 行文中的关键词greenhouse gas emission“温室气体排放”在全文中替换成了:

★ discharge an unlimited amount of greenhouse gases排放无限量的温室气体

★ carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emission(二氧化碳和二氧化硫排放量),此处的两种气体都是“温室气体”的具体名词,展示了考生把抽象概念具体化的能力以及相关领域的词汇量。

⑨ 行文中的关键词energy efficient“高效节能”在全文中替换成了:

★ better insulation(更好的保温),把energy efficient这一形容词性短语改为名词性成分,体现了用词的多样性。

★ conserve energy(节约能源),把energy efficient这一形容词性成分改为动宾搭配的短语,体现了用词的多样性。

★ turning off light and air-conditioner(关灯和空调),这都是“高效节能”的具体方法,把抽象概念具体化。


⑩...have caused...,前者造成后者,表示因果关系的时候也可使用下面三种表达:

★ ...contribute to..., 前者导致后者。

★ the cause of...,……的原因。

★ ...are largely responsible for...,前者要为后者负大部分责任。


Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it.Do you agree or disagree? (2016年7月16日 环境类)

More and more people buy and use their own cars. Do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals overweigh the disadvantages for environment? (2016年9月15日 环境类)


The range and quality of food has been improved with the development of technology and scientific advanc . Some people think it is good and others think it is harmful . Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The advancement of technology is rapidly changing the operation of the food industry and the way human beings eat food. When it comes to the question of whether such advance does good or bad to the variety and quality of the food , I would say the advantages outweigh the disadvantages .

It is indisputable that the invention and widespread application of various pesticides might pose danger to people. Pesticides are widely employed in plant growth to prevent and destroy bacteria and insects.The pesticide residue on the foods that people eat can pose a great danger to their health . According to scientific research, the remaining pesticides on food can damage the nervous system, jeopardize the immune system and even cause cancer .

However, the problem can be solved by applying organic farming , which involves natural processes to maintain soil fertility and plant growth and avoids the use of synthetic substance . Consequently, the food produced through organic farming does no harm to people's health.

Furthermore, there are way more benefit brought by modern technology and it helps to improve food quality and increase the variety of food that humans can choose from. For instance, the invention of freezer makes it possible for people to store and preserve foods that spoil easily . Thus, people can still have access to fresh food when the temperature is high. Plus, greenhouse technologies help to increase the varieties of food that are available to people. With the help of greenhouse technology , farmers can change soil content, soil moisture and other important factors to grow plants that they would not otherwise be able to grow like tropical fruits. Thus, people living in cold areas can also have access to tropical fruits that are typically grown in warm areas.

In conclusion, despite the drawbacks brought by modern technology, it helps people to have access to more varieties of food with high quality .


① 本题题目中的关键词range and quality of food “食物的种类和质量”在全文中替换成了:

★ food industry食品业

★ variety and quality of the food(食物的种类和质量),此处用variety替换range,展示词汇的多样性。

★ increase the variety of food增加食物的种类

② 本题题目中的关键词has been improved “有所改善”在全文中替换成了:

★ is rapidly changing(正在迅速变化),使用副词rapidly修饰动词change,体现词汇的多样性。

③ 本题题目中的关键词development of technology“科技发展”在全文中替换成了:

★ scientific advance科学进步

★ the advancement of technology技术发展

★ invention and widespread application of various pesticides(各种农药的发明和广泛应用),此处农药的发明为“科技发展”的具体体现,展现了考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

★ organic farming(有机耕作),此处为“科技发展”的具体体现,属于“科技发展”的下位词。

★ modern technology现代科技

★ freezer(冰箱),此处为“科技发展”的具体体现,展现了考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

★ greenhouse technology(温室技术),此处为“科技发展”的具体体现,属于“科技发展”的下位词。

★ soil content, soil moisture and other important factors(土壤含量、土壤湿度等其他重要因素),此处更加具体化地描述了温室技术,体现考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

④ 本题题目中的关键词good“好的”在全文中替换成了:

★ advantages好处

★ benefits好处

★ food with high quality(高品质的食物),此处为“好的”具体表现,展示了考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

⑤ 本题题目中的关键词harmful“有害的”在全文中替换成了:

★ disadvantages(缺点),使用名词替代形容词,体现词汇变化。

★ danger(危险),使用名词替代形容词,体现词汇变化。

★ pesticide residue农药残余

★ pose a great danger to their health对他们的健康构成极大危害

★ damage the nervous system, jeopardize the immune system and even cause cancer(损害神经系统、危害免疫系统,甚至导致癌症),此处把危害更加具体化,体现考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

★ drawbacks缺点

⑥ 行文中的关键词natural processes“自然过程”在全文中替换成了:

★ avoids the use of synthetic substance(避免使用合成物质),合成物质一般为人工制品,避免使用合成物质也就意味着自然。

⑦ 行文中的关键词plant growth“植物生长”在全文中替换成了:

★ the food produced through organic farming通过有机农业生产的食物

⑧ 行文中的关键词fresh food“新鲜食品”在全文中替换成了:

★ store and preserve foods that spoil easily(储存和保存容易腐烂的食物),注意这里spoil为新鲜食品的反义词,反义词的使用也是考官提倡的,考生能写出一个单词的反义表达,也是词汇量丰富的体现。

⑨ 行文中的关键词tropical“热带的”在全文中替换成了:

★ warm暖和的


In some countries, people waste a lot of food which is bought in shops and restaurants. What do you think are the reasons? What can be done to solve this problem? (2019年1月17日 社会类)

(13)媒体广告类——针对孩子的广告应该禁止 (2016年2月20日)

Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children . Some people think this can have negative effect on children and should be banned . To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Advertisements intend to promote a company's products and services to a large audience and increase sales , and thus reap more profit. However, I think advertisements should never be allowed to target the youngsters .

For one thing, advertisements targeting kids lead to their impulsive buying behavior . Young kids do not understand persuasive intent in advertising so that they are easy targets for commercial persuasion.Business research confirms that advertising does typically persuade young consumers to buy their products . This is particularly true of advertisements for toys because pupils have an insatiable appetite for a wide range of toys like LEGOS, car models and Action Hero figure . Whenever they see interesting toys advertisement, they will urge their parents to buy the products for them. If young teenagers carry this kind of impulsive buying behavior into adulthood, they will not manage their money well and probably be broke.

For another thing, children's exposure to lots of advertisements forms bad eating habits , which will have a negative impact on their health . With the advancement of visual and sound effects ,food and beverage advertisements make young minds easy targets for commercial persuasion. Lots of advertisements are about food and snacks that contain high calories like sugared cereals, candies and different kinds of flavored soda . Generally, these TV commercials are very colorful and vivid , showing the young adolescents are having a good time eating these candies or drinking the flavored sodas. Such advertising of unhealthy food products contributes to poor nutritional habits that may last a lifetime, and thus it is not surprising that modern kids suffer from all kinds of chronic issues like obesity and diabetes .

In all, advertisements target kids should be forbidden as they make children easy target for commercial persuasion, leading to addictive purchasing behavior and unhealthy eating habits .


① 本题题目中的关键词advertising“广告”在全文中替换成了:

★ advertisements广告

★ TV commercials电视广告

② 本题题目中的关键词is aimed at“旨在”在全文中替换成了:

★ intend to打算

★ targeting(针对),使用主动语态代替被动语态,体现词汇多样性。

★ exposure to(接触),使用动词形式代替被动语态,体现词汇多样性。

★ easy target(容易成为攻击目标),使用名词形式代替被动语态,体现词汇多样性。

③ 本题题目中的关键词children“孩子”在全文中替换成了:

★ youngsters青少年

★ kids孩子

★ pupils学生们

★ young teenagers青少年

★ young minds年轻人

★ young adolescents青少年

④ 本题题目中的关键词have negative effects“有负面影响”在全文中替换成了:

★ lead to(导致),把名词性成分替换为动词性词组,展现词汇丰富性。

⑤ 本题题目中的关键词negative effects“负面影响”在全文中替换成了:

★ impulsive buying behavior(冲动的购买行为),这是“负面影响”的具体表现,属于“负面影响”的下位词。

★ bad eating habits(不良的饮食习惯),这是“负面影响”的具体表现,体现考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

★ have a negative impact产生负面影响

★ unhealthy eating habits(不健康的饮食习惯),这也是“负面影响”的具体表现,属于“负面影响”的下位词。

⑥ 本题题目中的关键词should be banned“应该被禁止”在全文中替换成了:

★ should be forbidden应该被禁止

⑦ 行文中的关键词increase sales“提升销量”在全文中替换成了:

★ buy their products(购买他们的产品),也就是“提升销量”的具体体现。

⑧ 行文中的关键词toys“玩具”在全文中替换成了:

★ LEGOS, car models and Action Hero figures(乐高、汽车模型和动作英雄人物公仔),此处细节为“玩具”的具体例子,属于“玩具”的下位词。

⑨ 行文中的关键词health“健康”在全文中替换成了:

★ suffer from all kinds of chronic issues like obesity and diabetes(患有肥胖症和糖尿病等各种慢性病),此处可以理解为“健康”的反义词,进行了“不健康”的相关细节罗列,体现考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

⑩ 行文中的关键词visual and sound effects“视觉和听觉效果”在全文中替换成了:

★ colorful and vivid(色彩鲜艳),使用画面感较强的形容词替代名词,展示词汇的多样性。

行文中的关键词food and snacks that contain high calories“含有高卡路里的食物和零食”在全文中替换成了:

★ sugared cereals, candies and different kinds of flavored sodas(加糖的谷物、糖果和不同种类的苏打水),此处列举了高卡路里的食物,属于下位词的应用。

★ unhealthy food products不健康的食品


A high percentage of advertisements on TV are aimed at children. What are the effects on children?Should advertisements on TV be controlled? (2014年4月24日 广告类)

There are many advertisements directed at children, such as snacks, toys and other goods. Parents argue that children are under pressure. Advertisers claim that the advertisements provide useful information. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (2016年7月9日 广告类)

Today, consumers are facing an increasing amount of advertising from competing campaigns. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisement? What measures can be taken to protect them? (2012年5月10日 媒体类)


Some people think people working in creative arts should be financially supporte by governments . Others think they should fin financial support from other resources . Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Although it is commonly perceived that art purveyors like musicians and painters are an important part of modern society, the question of whether they should get financial sponsorshi from governments or seek endowment elsewhere has caused heated debates. From my perspective, it is better for both taxpayers and the development of art when the governments stay out of the game.

It is true that government subsidy can help lots of artists and musicians who live under the poverty line to live a decent life and focus on their art creation. Most of the art creators do not have regular salary and thus cannot afford basic daily necessities like renting a decent shelter, buying food, and so on . With financial support from the government, they might make some breakthroughs in art creation .

However, governments' endowment to art leads to serious problems . There are more urgent matters than supporting art. Governments' priority should be supporting social welfare programs. Art is by and large appreciated and consumed by rich people. The government's subsidy in art is unfair to those underprivileged who are in more urgent need of basic necessities.

It brings more benefits when musicians and artists seek foundation from other sources like donation from the private sector . Philanthropic donations for artists will relieve governments' financial burde , make it possible for the government to invest money in more critical matters . Also, getting money from the private sector means that artists and musicians do not have to be bound by rigid rules. Thus, they can bring their talents and creativity into full play and the society as a whole can benefit from their artworks and music .

In conclusion, it is more advisable for the government to keep its hands off from sponsoring artists and musicians since taxpayers' money should be spent on more essential matters . Private donations will bring more dynamic to artists and art creation.


① 本题题目中的关键词 people working in creative arts“从事创意工作的人”在全文中替换成了:

★ purveyors like musicians and painters(像音乐家和画家一样的承办者),此处为“从事创意工作人士”的具体例子,属于下位词的具体应用。

★ artists and musicians(艺术家和音乐家),体现考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

★ art creators艺术创作者

② 本题题目中的关键词be financially supported“得到经济上的支持”在全文中替换成了:

★ financial sponsorship(经济赞助),名词性成分代替被动语态,体现词汇多样性。

★ government subsidy(政府补贴),名词性成分代替被动语态,体现词汇多样性。

★ regular salary(正常工资),名词性成分代替被动语态,体现词汇多样性。

★ governments' endowment政府的捐赠

★ governments' priority政府的优先事项

★ seek foundation(寻求基金),动宾搭配代替被动语态,体现词汇多样性。

★ donation捐款

★ philanthropic donations慈善捐款

★ financial burden财务负担

★ invest money in(投入资金),使用动宾搭配替换被动语态,体现词汇多样性。

★ getting money from从……获得钱

★ sponsoring(赞助),属于“得到经济上的支持”的下位词。

③ 本题题目中的关键词governments“政府”在全文中替换成了:

★ taxpayers(纳税人),纳税人缴纳的税金由政府掌管,从这种意义上,“纳税人”可以替换“政府”。

④ 本题题目中的关键词find“找”在全文中替换成了:

★ seek寻求

⑤ 本题题目中的关键词from other resources“来自其他资源”在全文中替换成了:

★ endowment elsewhere其他地方的捐赠

★ from the private sector来自私营部门

⑥ 行文中的关键词live under the poverty line“生活在贫困线下”在全文中替换成了:

★ those underprivileged(那些弱势群体),此处为委婉表达,把动词词性转化为形容词词性。

★ in more urgent need of basic necessities(更迫切需要基本必需品),此处为那些生活在贫困线下的人的特点。

⑦ 行文中的关键词live a decent life“过上体面的生活”在全文中替换成了:

★ afford basic daily necessities负担得起基本日常必需品

★ renting a decent shelter, buying food, and so on(租一个体面住所,购买食物等等),此处为“体面生活”的具体体现。

⑧ 行文中的关键词art creation“艺术创作”在全文中替换成了:

★ talents and creativity才华与创造力

★ artworks and music艺术品和音乐


⑨ 行文中的关键词urgent matters“当务之急”在全文中替换成了:

★ serious problems 严重问题

★ critical matters关键问题

★ essential matters重要问题


Some people argue that the government should support the funds for the arts, while some other people suggest that the money should be used for public health and education. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (2012年5月26日 政府类)

It is important that towns and cities are attractive places, so money should be spent on putting on works of art (like paintings and statues) in public places. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2014年2月13日 政府类)


In some countries there is not enough recycling of waste materials, such as paper, glass and cans . What are the reasons and how to solve these problems ?

Most of people believe that recycling is the ethnically right thing to do. However, in reality, the public might not recycle for various sorts of reasons. This essay intends to analyze the reasons for this trend and provide possible solutions to tackle this issue .

The primary reason why people do not recycle and reuse is storage space and the fact that it brings a whole lot of inconvenience. Lots of residents do not have a spacious kitchen and they do not want to place a recycling bin in the kitchen since it takes up storage space. They simply do not want to witness garbage piling up in their houses . This is especially true for young adults who might just graduate from colleges and cannot afford to buy a big house . Also, recycling can be a big hassle if there is no recycling program in the neighborhood . In this case, the individuals have to drive extra miles to drop off the trash in places with recycling facilities , which obviously requires more effort.

Joint efforts from both governments and individuals are required to deal with this thorny problem . The authority should educate its people on the potential economic and social benefits of recycling.

Policy makers should also put forward relevant policies to encourage people to reuse by providing subsidies and imposing fine to those who do not recycle. Citizens are more likely to respond to this policy. Lastly, authorities are supposed to implement universal recycling programs in each and every community, which will make it more convenient for residents to recycle. If the blue recycle bin is within walking distance , I am quite positive that people will recycle.

In summary, storage space and inconvenience are two major reasons why people are not willing to recycle . To tackle this issue , the government should increase citizens' recycling awareness and issue relevant policies .


① 本题题目中的关键词recycling “回收”在全文中替换成了:

★ recycle(回收),使用动词替代名词,体现词汇的多样性。

★ reuse(重用),使用动词替代名词,体现词汇的多样性。

★ recycling facilities回收设施

★ universal recycling programs通用回收计划

★ blue recycle bin蓝色回收桶

② 本题题目中的关键词waste materials, such as paper, glass and cans “废料,如纸张、玻璃和罐头”在全文中替换成了:

★ garbage(垃圾),是这些例子的上位词。

★ trash(垃圾),是这些例子的上位词。

③ 本题题目中的关键词 solve “解决”在全文中替换成了:

★ provide possible solutions to tackle提供可能的解决方案

★ deal with this thorny problem处理这个棘手的问题

★ tackle this issue解决这个问题

④ 本题题目中的关键词 these problems“这些问题”在全文中替换成了:

★ this issue(这个问题),单数形式替换复数,体现词汇的多样变化。

★ a big hassle一件麻烦事

⑤ 行文中的关键词Most of people“大多数人”在全文中替换成了:

★ the public公众

★ lots of residents很多居民

★ young adults年轻人

★ in the neighborhood(在社区里),该状语实际表示社区里的人无法进行回收。

★ the individuals个人

★ people人们

★ citizens公民

⑥ 行文中的关键词 storage space“存储空间”在全文中替换成了:

★ spacious kitchen宽敞的厨房

★ a recycling bin一个回收箱

★ houses房屋

★ a big house(一个大房子),大房子意味着更多的存储空间。

⑦ 行文中的关键词governments“政府”在全文中替换成了:

★ the authority当局

★ policy makers政策制定者

⑧ 行文中的关键词put forward relevant policies “提出相关政策”在全文中替换成了:

★ implement universal recycling programs(实施通用回收计划),这里的回收计划属于一个具体的政策,体现考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

⑨ 行文中的关键词policies“政策”在全文中替换成了:

★ providing subsidies and imposing fines(提供补贴和罚款),补贴和罚款都是政策具体化的表现,体现考生把抽象概念具体化的能力。

★ issue relevant policies 发布相关政策

⑩ 行文中的关键词more convenient for residents to“居民更方便做……”在全文中替换成了:

★ is within walking distance(在步行距离之内),这里为方便的具体体现。

★ inconvenience(不方便),注意反义词的使用也是考官推崇的,考生能写出一个词语的反义表达,也是词汇量丰富的体现。

行文中的关键词are not willing to recycle“不愿回收”的反义词:

★ increase citizens' recycling awareness(提高公民的回收意识),用反义词改写原本的含义也是词汇丰富性的体现。


Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2015年1月31日 社会类)

The world's natural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water are being consumed at an everincreasing rate. What are the dangers of the situation? What can be done to solve the problem? (2015年8月1日 环境类)


It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about other culture , because people can learn from books, films or the Interne . To what extent do you agree or disagree?

As today's world is becoming more and more globalized , it is important to know and learn other cultures.Some people argue books, films or on the Internet have already provided relevant information about foreign culture , however, I think it is better to traveling internationally to learn about different cultures .

As is obvious, traveling to a certain destination is a more direct way to learn its local culture . Being immersed in a particular country , individuals have first-hand experience about th local culture, history, customs, and ways of living . Stepping into a whole new world in person, one can be exposed to different languages, smells, colors, and sights . This kind of experience could not be paralleled by just watching films or reading travelogue . For instance, one can explore the local cuisines when traveling globally like the pad Thai, Italian pizza, and Chinese dumplings . What else can give the individuals a better idea about the taste of different foods rather than traveling to the place where the food originates ?

Compared with traveling to distinctive places in person, depending on media like books, films or the Internet to gain knowledge about other cultures is less reliable. For one thing, the information one can get from these sources might be fictiona , meaning that it does not reflect people's actual ways of living . Lots of movies or novels exaggerate the plots as well as storylines a little bit just to make them appealing to a large audience. For another, the information one can get from secondary sources are second-hand. The author of a book or the director of a film might analyze and interpret a certain phenomenon differently from the audience. Consequently, the audience might be misled and do not have a real picture of certain cultures.

In conclusion, traveling in person is a better way to learn distinctive culture since it provides first-hand experience that cannot be paralleled by any other means.


① 本题题目中的关键词other places“其他地方”在全文中替换成了:

★ globalized(全球化的),用形容词替换了“other places”的名词性表达。

★ traveling internationally(去不同的国家旅行),这是一个动词+副词的搭配,去不同国家旅游也就意味着去其他地方。

★ a certain destination(某个目的地),用另外一个词destination替代other places,这里还涉及了单复数的替换。

★ a particular country(一个特定的国家),country就是对place的替换。

★ stepping into a whole new world进入一个全新的世界

★ traveling globally(全球旅行),把前面出现的internationally再一次替换成了globally,此处为副词的替换,体现了词汇多样性。

★ to the place where the food originates去到食物的来源地

★ distinctive places(独特的地方),这里的distinctive比different和other用词更为高级。

② 本题题目中的关键词other culture“其他的文化”在全文中替换成了:

★ foreign culture(外国文化),外国文化即为其他文化。

★ different cultures不同的文化

★ local culture当地文化

★ local culture, history, customs, and ways of living(当地文化、历史、习俗和生活方式),历史、习俗和生活方式都是其他文化的具象化表达,属于下位词的应用。

★ different languages, smells, colors, and sights(不同的语言、气味、颜色和景点),再一次体现考生把抽象概念转换为具体细节的能力。

★ local cuisines(当地美食),也是当地文化的一个具体体现。

★ pad Thai, Italian pizza, and Chinese dumplings(泰国炒粉、意大利比萨和中国饺子),此处对当地美食进行了举例,属于下位词的应用,增强画面感。

★ distinctive culture独特的文化

③ 本题题目中的关键词learn from books, films or the Internet “从书籍、电影或者因特网上学习”在全文中替换成了:

★ watching films or reading travelogues(看电影或阅读旅行日志),这里的travelogues可以作为book的一个具体体现,更加贴合“旅行”这个话题。

★ media like books, films or the Internet(如书籍、电影或互联网之类的媒介),这里的media为books, films or the Internet的上位词。

★ movies or novels(电影或小说),小说为书籍的下位词,也是书籍的一个具体化表现。

★ secondary sources(二手资料),还可以通过另外一些媒介了解异域文化。

④ 行文中的关键词Being immersed in“沉浸在”在全文中替换成了:

★ be exposed to(接触到),后面可以加 language, culture等等。

⑤ 行文中的关键词gain knowledge“获得知识”在全文中替换成了:

★ information one can get一个人可以获得的信息

⑥ 行文中的关键词fictional“虚构的,不真实的”在全文中替换成了:

★ it does not reflect people's actual ways of living它并不能反映人们的实际生活方式

★ exaggerate(夸大),说明小说或者电影都有所夸大,和“不真实”意思相同。

★ do not have a real picture(不了解真实的情况),说明小说或者电影都不真实。


⑦ ...cannot be paralleled by...,强调任何事情(后者)都无法跟前者媲美。


Foreign tourist abroad should be charged more than local people when visiting the local historical and cultural tourist attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2011年4月30日 文化旅游类)

During the 20th century, contacts between different parts of the world developed quickly, thanks to air travel and telecommunication. To what extent do you think societies benefit from increased contact and closer relationship with foreigners brought about by international tourism and business? (2014年8月21日科技类)


The government should control the amount of violence in films and televisio in order to decrease the level of violent crime in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

With the development of the entertainment industry, more and more TV programs and films have violent content . While I think controlling the amount of violence in entertainment products can help to decrease criminal activities to a certain extent, more should be done in order to reduce violent crimes .

People cannot deny that too much exposure to violent content in TV programs and movies can be a causal factor for aggressive behaviors , especially for young people. Nowadays, violence is so rampant that people cannot avoid it when they go to a movie or watch TV. Kids who watch violent content are less sensitive to violence and fear of being harmed. Youngsters, in their formative years , cannot tell right from wrong. Thus, they might not tell the difference between the fictional worl and reality , and tend to imitate whatever they see in the movie or TV in real life .

However, it is worth noting that media violence is only one of many factors for later aggressive and violent behaviors . Extremely dangerous behavior never happens when there is only one risk factor present. To illustrate, a mentally healthy person is not going to become a massive shooter just because he or she start watching a lot of violent movies.

Therefore, reducing violent crimes is a complex issue, which requires comprehensive measures. Controlling the amount of violent content in TVs and movies is not sufficient. Joint efforts from parents, educators , and even the government are required. Parents and instructors should be more attentive to their kids' psychological development , making sure they are loved, and their emotional needs are satisfied. The authority should spare no effort to create jobs and provide a better social welfare system for all citizens since the high unemployment rate is a potential factor for people to commit violent crimes.

In conclusion, just by regulating violent content in media is not sufficient and effective to reduce crimes. Comprehensive measures need to be adopted to deal with this tricky issue .


① 本题题目中的关键词government“政府”在全文中替换成了:

★ the authority(权威),关于“政府”的替换还有decision maker,policy maker等。

② 本题题目中的关键词violence“暴力”在全文中替换成了:

★ violent content暴力内容

★ media violence媒体暴力

③ 本题题目中的关键词films and television“电影和电视”在全文中替换成了:

★ TV programs and films电视节目和电影

★ entertainment products娱乐产品

★ the fictional world(虚构的世界),这是一个高级表达,与后面的“reality”相对应。

★ media媒体

④ 本题题目中的关键词 decrease the level of violent crime “降低暴力犯罪水平”在全文中替换成了:

★ reduce violent crimes减少暴力犯罪

★ control the amount of violent content(控制暴力内容的数量),此处control意为控制,是reduce的同义词。

★ regulate violent content(控制暴力内容),regulate也是control的同义词。

★ deal with this tricky issue处理这个棘手的问题

⑤ 本题题目中的关键词 level of violent crime“暴力犯罪水平”在全文中替换成了:

★ too much exposure to violent content(过多接触暴力内容),too much和level在这里都表示程度。

⑥ 行文中的关键词aggressive behaviors“攻击性行为”在全文中替换成了:

★ later aggressive and violent behaviors后来的侵略性和暴力行为

★ extremely dangerous behavior(非常危险的行为),用副词+形容词的形式,体现词性的多样性。

★ massive shooter大规模的射杀犯罪

⑦ 行文中的关键词 Kids“小孩”在全文中替换成了:

★ youngsters, in their formative years在成长岁月里的青少年

⑧ 行文中的关键词reality“真实”在全文中替换成了:

★ in real life(在真实生活中),in real life跟前文中的fictional world形成了对比。

⑨ 行文中的关键词educators“教育者”在全文中替换成了:

★ instructors讲师

⑩ 行文中的关键词mentally healthy“心理健康”在全文中替换成了:

★ psychological development心理发展

★ emotional needs情感需求


Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime. Some people think that more actions can be taken to prevent crimes; while others believe there is little that can be done. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. (2012年11月3日 犯罪类)

Some people think that if a police force carries a gun, it can lead to a higher level of crime in the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2014年6月7日 犯罪类/社会类) XcKHWZzZIWfW1znCEMbrEndvS/WCmAEJTDfMylsfVznrqIW11bmwiRfNd+PFvbxi
