
Part B

午间加餐词汇[time: 20 minutes]

nurse [nɜːs]

n. 护士;保育员

谐音记忆: 累死 ,护士工作不容易,都快累死了!

词汇扩充: nursery n. 托儿所; nursing n. 护理

nut [nʌt]

n. 坚果,坚果仁(胡桃、栗子等)

例句精选: The monkey is eating nuts with ease. 这只猴子正从容地吃着坚果。

number [ˈnʌmbə(r)]

n. 数字;号码;数量

词义辨析: a number of 表“许多…”,且谓语动词用复数,如:There are a number of cars. 这儿有许多车。

the number of 表“…的数量”,谓语动词用单数,如:The number of the cars is 100. 车的数量是100。

nutrition [njuˈtrɪʃn]

n. 营养

谐音记忆: 市面上有些营养品,广告吹得神得很,叫“ 牛吹神 [nutrition] ”!

高考再现: Nutrition is necessary for life. [安徽卷]

译文 营养对于生命来说是必需的。

obey [əˈbeɪ]

v. 服从,听从;遵守

反义记忆: disobey v. 不服从,违抗,其中 dis 为常见前缀,表 away apart

用法指点: obey an order 服从命令

obey the law/rules 遵守法律或法规

高考再现: A soldier's duty is to obey orders. [全国卷]

译文 军人的天职是服从命令。

object [ˈɒbdʒɪkt][əbˈdʒekt]

n. 物体;宾语

vi. 反对(某人或某事)

高考考点: object to (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事

词汇扩充: objection n. 反对; objective a. 客观的(反义词: subjective a. 主观的)

例句精选: They objected that the plan was risky. 他们反对说,这项计划是有风险的。

observe [əbˈzɜːv]

v. 观察

熟词生义: 注意 observe 还有“遵守,奉行(习俗、规章)”的意思。

词汇扩充: observation n. 观察;观察力; observer n. 观察者

高考再现: Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still ______ the traditional customs. [湖北卷]

A. perform

B. possess

C. observe

D. support

译文 虽然在国外待了多年,但是许多中国人还是奉行传统的风俗习惯。

obtain [əbˈteɪn]

v. 获得,得到

例句精选: Such information is easily obtained from the Internet. 这类信息从互联网上很容易获得。

obvious [ˈɒbviəs]

a. 显然的

高考再现: It is obvious to the students that they should get well prepared for their future. [天津卷]

译文 很显然,对于学生来说,他们应该为自己的将来做好准备。

occasionally [əˈkeɪʒnəli]

ad. 有时候,偶尔

高考再现: As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only ______. [湖北卷]

A. occasionally

B. anxiously

C. practically

D. urgently

译文 因为他在一个边远地区工作,所以只能偶尔回去看望父母。

occupy [ˈɒkjupaɪ]

v. 占领,占据;使忙碌,使从事

词汇扩充: occupation n. 职业,工作,联想occupy有“使忙碌”之意,“工作”就是忙忙碌碌的!

例句精选: Enemy troops occupied the country. 敌军占领了这个国家。

高考再现: You can imagine how fully occupied I became, raising four boys under the age of 8! [天津卷]

译文 你可以想象我养四个不到八岁的男孩,是多么忙碌啊!

occur [əˈkɜː(r)]

vi. 发生

高考考点: It occurs to sb. that... 某人突然想到…

例句精选: It had never occurred to me that I might be falling in love with her. 我从未想到会爱上她。

October [ɒkˈtəʊbə(r)]

n. 十月

offence [əˈfens]

n. 冒犯;违反;【军】攻击

词根词缀: off + ence [名词后缀]


offend vt. 冒犯

offensive a. 冒犯的

defend vt. 防御

defence n. 防御

defensive a. 防御的

offer [ˈɒfə(r)]

vt. 提供;报价

n. 提供;提议;报价

高考考点: offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb. 主动给某人提供某物

例句精选: Can I offer you something to drink? 要不要来点儿喝的?

高考再现: —Can I help you with it?

—I appreciate your ______, but I can manage it myself.


A. advice

B. question

C. offer

D. idea

译文 ——我来帮你好吗?


officer [ˈɒfɪsə(r)]

n. 军官;公务员;官员;警官

形近记忆: official n. 官员 a. 官方的,政府的

offshore [ˌɒfˈʃɔː(r)]

a. 近海的

oilfield [ˈɔɪlfiːld]

n. 油田

词汇扩充: petrol n. 石油

onion [ˈʌnjən]

n. 洋葱,洋葱头

形近记忆: union n. 联合,合并,联想“ 洋葱头 ”就是一个联合体。

open [ˈəʊpən]

a. 开着的,开口的

vt. 开,打开

高考考点: open up 开启;开创;开辟

词汇扩充: opener n. 启子,开启工具; opening n. 开放;口子

高考再现: I _______ a bank account after I made $1,000 by doing a part-time job during the summer vacation. [天津卷]

A. borrowed

B. opened

C. entered

D. ordered

译文 暑假期间我做兼职赚了1000美元,然后我开了一个银行账户。

opera [ˈɒprə]

n. 歌剧

谐音记忆: 欧普拉 ”,歌剧的名字

用法指点: opera house 歌剧院,艺术剧院

operate [ˈɒpəreɪt]

v. 做手术[on];运转;经营

词中词记忆: opera + te

高考考点: operate on sb. 给某人做手术

词汇扩充: operation n. 手术;操作; operator n. 接线员

例句精选: My younger brother had to be operated on last week. 我弟弟上个星期不得不动了手术。

opinion [əˈpɪnjən]

n. 观点,见解

高考考点: in one's opinion 以某人的观点来看

oppose [əˈpəʊz]

v. 反对;反抗

联想记忆: 联想 op po 正好顺序相反

词汇扩充: opposite a. 对面的;相反的 ad. 在对面 prep. 在…对面 n. 相反;对面

高考考点: just the opposite 恰好相反

be opposed to doing sth. 反对做某事

高考再现: David turned and walked off in the opposite direction.[全国卷]

译文 戴维转身朝相反的方向走去。

opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti]

n. 机会,时机

高考考点: have an opportunity to do sth. 有机会做某事

高考再现: Find out the opportunities and challenges. [江苏卷]

译文 去发现众多机遇和挑战吧。

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