Part Ⅰ ListeningComprehension (15 points)
Part Ⅱ ReadingComprehension (40%)
Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followedby some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are fourchoices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and thenmark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Questions 16 to 20 arebased on the following passage:
Sometimes, overa span of many years, a business will continue to grow, generating ever-increasingamounts of cash, repurchasing stock, paying increased dividends, reducing debt.opening new expanding production facilities, moving into new markets, etc.,while at the same tined its stock price remains stagnant (or even falls).
When thishappens, the average and professional investors alike tend to overlook the companybecause they become familiar with the trading range.
Take, forexample, Wal-Mart. Over the past five years, the retailing behemoth has grown
sales by over80%, profits by over 100%, and yet the stock price has fallen as much as 30%during
that timeframe.Clearly, the valuation picture has changed. An investor that read the annualreport
back in 2000 or2001 might have passed on the security, deeming it too expensive based on a metricsuch as the price to earnings ratio. Today, however, the equation is completelydifferent—despite the stock price, Wal-Mart is, in essence, trading at half itsformer price because each share is backed by a larger dividend, twice theearnings power, more stores, and a bigger infrastructure. Home Depot is in muchthe same boat, largely because some Wall Street analysts question how fast twoof the world’s largest companies can continue to grow before their sheer sizeslows them down to the rate of the general economy.
Coca-Cola isanother excellent example of this phenomenon. Ten years ago, in 1996, the stocktraded between a range of $36.10 and $54.30 per share. At the time, it hadreported earnings per share of $1.40 and paid a cash dividend of $0.50 pershare. Corporate per share book value was $2.48. Last year, the stock tradedwithin a range of $40.30 and $45.30 per share; squarely in the middle of thesame area it had been nearly a decade prior! Yet, despite the stagnant stockprice, the 2006 estimates Value Line Investment Survey estimates for earningsper share stand around $2.16 (a rise of 54%), the cash dividend has more thandoubled to $1.20, book value is expected to have grown to $7.40 per share (again of nearly 300%), and the total number of shares outstanding has actuallydecreased from 2.481 billion to an estimated 2.355 billion due to the company’sshare repurchase program.
16. This passage is probably a part of ______.
A. Find HiddenValue in the Market
B. BecomeRicher
C. Get GoodBargains
D. IdentifyGood Companies
17. The italicized word “stagnant” (line 4, Para. 1) can be best paraphrasedas ______.
A. prominent
B. terrible
C. unchanged
D. progressing
18. Wal-Mart is now trading at a much lower price because ______.
A. it hasstored a large quantity of goods
B. it hasbecome financially more powerful
C. it has beeneager to collect money to prevent bankruptcy
D. it is a goodway to compete with other retailing companies
19. All the following are shared by Wal-Mart and Coca-Cola EXCEPT______.
A. The cashdividend has increased
B. The earningpower has become stronger
C. Both businesseshave continued to grow
D. The stockprice has greatly decreased
20. According to the author, one had better ______.
A. buy moreshares when the stock price falls down
B. sell out theshares when the stock price falls down
C. do someresearch on the value of a business when its stock price falls down
D. invest inthe business when its stock price falls down
16. A 文章的主旨是通过沃尔玛和可口可乐的实例告诉读者如何找到市场的潜在价值并正确投资。
17. C 该词前面讲的是企业处于成长上升阶段,while表示的是对比转折,由此可推知这里表示它的股票价格不会上升。再根据后面的or even falls可知,这里表示的是停滞不前。stagnant表示停滞不前。prominent卓越的,显著的。terrible极坏的;可怕的。progressing正在进步中的。
18. B 根据第三段中间部分“each share is backed by a larger dividend, twice the earnings power,more stores, and a bigger infrastructure”可知,因为沃尔玛拥有更强大的经济实力其价格才下降,故选B项。
19. D 文章中提到沃尔玛的股价下降30%,但是可口可乐的股价在1996年是“arange of $36.10 and $54.30 per share”,现在是“a range of $40.30 and $45.30 per share”,由此可知,可口可乐的股价并没有巨大的跌幅,故D项表述错误。
20. C 全文列举了一些企业股价下跌但分红增长的实例,所以股价下跌并不一定要卖出股票,要根据企业整体的经济实力而定。
dividend n. 股份;红利
stagnant adj. 停滞的;迟钝的
behemoth n. 巨兽;庞然大物
repurchase v. 重新购买;买回
timeframe n. 时机;期限
Questions 21 to 25 arebased on the following passage:
Today’s collegestudents are more narcissistic(自恋的) and self-centered than their predecessors, according to acomprehensive new study by five psychologists who worry that the trend could beharmful to personal relationships and American society.
“We need to stopendlessly repeating ‘You’re special’ and having children repeat that back”, saidthe study’s lead author, Professor Jean Twenge of San Diego State University.“Kids are self-centered enough already”. “Unfortunately, narcissism can alsohave very negative consequences for society, including the breakdown of closerelationships with others”, he said. The study asserts that narcissists “are morelikely to have romantic relationships that are short-lived, at risk forinfidelity, lack emotional warmth, and to exhibit game-playing, dishonesty, andover-controlling and violent behaviors”. Twenge, the author of” Generation Me:Why Today’s Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled—and MoreMiserable Than Ever Before”, said narcissists tend to lack empathy, reactaggressively to criticism and favor self-promotion over helping others.
Some analystshave commended today’s young people for increased commitment to volunteer work.But Twenge viewed even this phenomenon skeptically, noting that many highschools require community service and many youths feel pressure to list suchendeavors on college applications.
Campbell saidthe narcissism upsurge seemed so pronounced(非常明显的) that he was unsure if there were obviousremedies. “Permissiveness seems to be a component”, he said. “A potentialantidote would be more authoritative parenting. Less indulgence might be calledfor”.
Yet students,while acknowledging some legitimacy to such findings, don’t necessarily acceptnegative generalizations about their generation.
Hanady Kader, aUniversity of Washington senior, said she worked unpaid last summer helpingresettle refugees and considers many of her peers to be civic-minded. But sheis dismayed by the competitiveness of some students who seem prematurelyfocused on career status. “We’re encouraged a lot to be individuals and go outthere and do what you want, and nobody should stand in your way”, Kader said.“I can see goals and ambitions getting in the way of other things likerelationships”.
Kari Dalane, aUniversity of Vermont sophomore, says most of her contemporaries are politicallyactive and not overly self-centered. “People are worried about themselves—butin the sense of where are they’re going to find a place in the world”, shesaid. “People want to look their best, have a good time, but it doesn’t meanthey’re not concerned about the rest of the world”. Besides, some of theresponses on the narcissism test might not be worrisome, Dalane said. “It wouldbe more depressing if people answered, ‘No, I’m not special’”.
21. According to the passage, a narcissistic person may ______.
A. hatecriticism
B. be dishonestto his/her partner
C. be unwillingto help others
D. All theabove.
22. The italicized word “commended” (line 1, Para. 3) means ______.
A. praised
B. criticized
C. recommended
D. disfavored
23. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Narcissismmay result in bad consequences.
B. Collegestudents are active to participate in volunteer work.
C. Some peopledoubt whether there are remedies to counter the narcissism upsurge.
D. Some collegestudents are overly engaged in self-promotion.
24. It is implied that______.
A. both theresearchers and college students are worried about the trend of narcissism
B. theresearchers and college students disagree on the findings of the study
C. theresearchers and college students disagree on some of the findings of the study
D. collegestudents are pessimistic about their future
25. It is proper to be ______ when you hear someone say “I’mspecial”.
A. objective
B. pessimistic
C. optimistic
D. worried
21. D 第二段第四句中提到“narcissists are more likely to have romantic relationships that are short-lived,at risk for infidelity ... and to exhibit game-playing, dishonesty ...”,并且在第二段最后一句又提到“narcissists tendto ... react aggressively to criticism and favor self-promotion over helpingothers”。因此A、B、C项均可从原文中找到。
22. A 分析专家对年轻人参加志愿活动,应给予夸奖和赞扬,并与下文Twenge所持的怀疑构成对比。
23. C 原文第四段第一句提到the narcissism upsurge seemed so pronounced that he was unsure ifthere were obvious remedies”,下文列举了一些治疗法,由此可知,只是不确定是否有明显的治疗法,而不是没有治疗法。
24. C 第五段明确指出“Yet students, while acknowledging some legitimacy to such findings,don’t necessarily accept negative generalizations about their generation.”由此可推断,研究者和学生只是部分意见不符。
25. C 根据本文最后一句话,It would be more depressing if people answered, “No, I’m not special”,相反,如果有人说“I’m special”就应该是乐观的态度。
predecessor n. 前辈;前任
assertive adj. 断定的;过分自信的
skeptically adv. 怀疑地
antidote n. 解毒剂;矫正方法
contemporary n. 同时代的人
Questions 26 to 30 arebased on the following passage:
The House isexpected to pass a piece of legislation Thursday that seeks to significantly rebalancethe playing field for unions and employers and could possibly reverse decadesof declining membership among private industries.
The EmployeeFree Choice Act would allow a union to be recognized after collecting amajority of vote cards, instead of waiting for the National Labor RelationsBoard to oversee a secret ballot election, which can occur more than 50 daysafter the card vote is completed.
Representativesof business on Capitol Hill oppose the bill. The National Association of Manufacturers,The National Federation of Independent Business, the U.S. Chamber of Commerceand other business groups oppose the shift away from secret ballots saying thechange could threaten the privacy of the workers. “This isn’t about preventingincreased unionization, it’s about protecting rights”, said the NationalAssociation of Manufacturer’s Jason Straczewski, of his organization’sopposition to bill. Straczewski says eliminating the secret-ballot step wouldopen up employees to coercion(强迫;胁迫) from unions.
Samuel of theAFL-CIO contends the real coercion comes from employers. “Workers talking toworkers are equals” while managers talking to workers aren’t”, Samuel said. Hecites the 31,358 cases of illegal employer discrimination acted on by theNational Labor Relations Board in 2005.
Samuel alsopoints out that counter to claims from the business lobby, the secret ballotwould not be eliminated. The change would only take the control of the timingof the election out of the hands of the employers. “On the ground, thedifference between having this legislation and not would be the differencebetween night and day”, said Richard Shaw of the Harris County Central LaborCouncil, who says it would have a tremendous impact on the local level.
The bill hasother provisions(规定,条款) as well. The Employee Free Choice Act would also impose bindingarbitration(仲裁)when a company and a newly formed union cannot agree on a contract after 3months. An agreement worked out under binding compulsory arbitration would bein effect for 2 years, a fact that Straczewski calls, “borderlineunconstitutional”. “I don’t see how it will benefit employees if they’re lockedinto a contract”, said Straczewski.
The bill’sproponents point to the trend of recognized unions tunable to get contractsfrom unwilling employers. The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, theorganization that oversees arbitration, reported that in 2004, 45 percent ofnewly formed unions were denied first contracts by employers. The bill wouldalso strengthen the penalties for companies that illegally coerce or intimidateemployees. As it stands, the law on the books hasn’t changed substantially sincethe National Labor Relations Act was made into law in 1935. The NLBR canenforce no other penalty than reinstating wrongfully fired employees orrecovering lost wages.
26. Which of the following statements best summarizes the main ideaof the passage?
A. House billaims to spur labor union growth.
B. House billaims to counter labor union growth.
C. EmployeeFree Choice Act aims to spur employment.
D. EmployeeFree Choice Act aims to raise employees’ income.
27. According to its opponents, the bill ______.
A. will protectemployees’ rights
B. will benefitworkers by binding contracts
C. will empowerunions too much
D. makes itpossible for employees to yield to coercion from unions
28. The word “it” (line 5, Para. 5) refers to ______.
A. the change
B. thelegislation
C. the AFL-CIO
D. thedifference
29. People support the bill because of the following reasons EXCEPT______.
A. the billwill probably enable unions to have fewer members of private industries.
B. the billwill allow a union to be recognized earlier and have a great effect on thelocal level.
C. bindingarbitration will be imposed to protect employees if a contract can’t be agreedon between a recently established union and a company.
D. the billwill strengthen the punishment for companies which illegally coerce or threatenemployees.
30. It is implied that ______.
A. fewerprivate industries joined Unions in the past
B. workers’coercion often comes from unions
C. the billwill be a win-and-win one for employees and employers
D. punishmentauthorized by the bill will be lighter
26. A 根据第一段中“seeks to significantly rebalance the playing field for unions andemployers”可知,议院法案是为了维护工会的权利,进而刺激工会发展。
27. D 根据第三段最后一句“eliminating the secret-ballot step would open up employees tocoercion from unions”可以推出D项。
28. B 全文都在讨论是否应立法案,而且根据第五段最后一句中提到的Samuel反对的是这项立法案,所以应该选B。
29. A 根据本文最后一段,B、C、D三项包括工会提早被认同、利用仲裁以及惩罚非法威胁工人都有提及。
30. A 根据第一段中最后提到的“decades of declining membership among private industries”可推知,过去几十年加入工会的私有企业少。
ballot n. 选举票;投票
arbitration n. 仲裁;公断
compulsory adj. 必修的;被强制的;义务的
tunable adj. 可调的
reinstate v. 恢复
Questions 31 to 35 arebased on the following passage:
Some AfricanAmericans have had a profound impact on American society, changing many people’sviews on race, history and politics. The following is a sampling of AfricanAmericans who have shaped society and the world with their spirit and theirideals.
Muhammad Ali Cassius Marcellus Claygrew up a devout Baptist in Louisville, Kentucky, learning to fight at age 12after a police officer suggested he learn to defend himself. Six years later, hewas an Olympic boxing champion, going on to win three world heavyweight titles.He became known as much for his swagger (趾高气扬) outside the ring as his movement in it, converting to Islam in1965, changing his name to Muhammad Ali and refusing to join the U.S. Army onreligious grounds. Ali remained popular after his athletic career ended and hedeveloped Parkinson’s disease, even lighting the Olympic torch at the 1996Atlanta Olympics and conveying the peaceful virtues of Islam following theSeptember 11 terrorist attacks.
W.E.B. Du Bois Born William EdwardBurghardt Du Bois in 1868, this Massachusetts native was one of the mostprominent, prolific intellectuals of his time. An academic, activist andhistorian, Du Bois co-founded the National Association for the Advancement ofColored People (NAACP), edited “The Crisis” magazine and wrote 17 books, fourjournals and many other scholarly articles. In perhaps his most famous work,“The Souls of Black Folk”, published in 1903, he predicted “the problem of 20thcentury [would be] the problem of the color-line”.
Martin Luther King Jr. The Rev.Martin Luther King Jr. is considered one of the most powerful and popularleaders of the American civil rights movement. He spearheaded(带头;作先锋)a massive, nonviolentinitiative of marches, sit-ins, boycotts and demonstrations that profoundlyaffected Americans’ attitudes toward race relations. He was awarded the NobelPeace Prize in 1964.
Malcolm X Black leader Malcolm Xspoke out about the concepts of race pride and black nationalism in the early1960s. He denounced the exploitation of black people by whites and developed alarge and dedicated following, which continued even after his death in 1965.Interest in the leader surged again after Spike Lee’s 1992 movie “Malcolm X”was released.
Jackie Robinson In 1947, JackieRobinson broke the color barrier by joining the Brooklyn Dodgers, becoming thefirst black baseball player in the U.S. major leagues. After retirement from baseballin 1957, he remained active in civil rights and youth activities. In 1962, hebecame the first African-American to be inducted into the Baseball Hall ofFame.
31. Which of the following is NOT true about Muhammad Ali?
A. He neverserved in the army.
B. He learnedto fight at an early age.
C. Hispopularity decreased after his retirement from boxing.
D. He lovespeace.
32. The italicized word “prolific” (line 2, Para. 3) is synonymousto ______.
A. smart
B. skilled
C. productive
D. pioneering
33. According to the passage, which of the following statements isNOT true?
A. W.E.B. DuBois was engaged in the cause of promoting the status of colored people.
B. JackieRobinson was denied by U.S. major baseball leagues throughout his life.
C. MartinLuther King Jr. was highly awarded for his contributions to the civil rights movements.
D. Malcolm Xdirectly or indirectly inspired interest in leadership even after his death.
34. What is common among the celebrities mentioned in the passage?
A. Eachachieved enormous success in his/her field and was highly recognized.
B. Each wasdevoted to his/her cause but didn’t win recognition until death.
C. All wereactive and famous in several fields in their lifetime.
D. All lovedpeace and remained active in civil rights activities.
35. Which of the following can be a title of the passage?
A. Life offamous African Americans.
B. Influence offamous African Americans.
C. Politicalpioneers: Icons and intellectuals.
D. Culturalpioneers: Icons and intellectuals.
31. C 根据第二段“Ali remained popular after his athletic career ended”,说明阿里在其退役后仍然很受欢迎。
32. C 这里要表达的是“充足的,大量的”意思,所以与productive最相符。productive多产的。smart聪明的;敏捷的。skilled熟练的。pioneering先驱的,主导的。
33. B 根据最后一段第一句可知,Jackie打破了肤色的界限加入棒球协会,所以B项表述是错误的。
34. A 文中提到的每个名人在其领域都取得了巨大的成就,并得到认可。文中并没有提到他们在多个领域都很成功,也没有提到他们是否热爱和平。
35. A 本文只介绍了一些非洲裔美国名人的生平事迹,在政治和文化方面均有涉及,故C项和D项太过片面。文中并没有着重于他们带来的影响,故排除B项。
prolific adj. 多产的;丰富的
sit-in n. 室内静坐抗议;室内静坐罢工
devout adj. 虔诚的;诚恳的
sampling n. 取样
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary(10%)
Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence thereare four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one that completes thesentence or is nearest in meaning with the underlined word. And then mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with asingle line through the center.
36. The building collapsed because its foundation was not strongenough to ______ the weight of the building.
A. subside
B. idealize
C. initiate
D. sustain
【答案】 D
【解析】 句意:这个建筑物倒塌是因为它的地基不够牢固,不能支撑建筑物的重量。sustain支撑,支持。subside平息;减退。idealize理想化。initiate开始;发动;传授。
37. The actress was very ______ at the insulting question raised, byher opponent at the conference.
B. explicit
C. indignant
D. innovative
【答案】 C
【解析】 句意:当这个女演员的对手在大会上问她这个具有侮辱性的问题时,她非常愤怒。indignant愤怒的;愤慨的。extraterrestrial地球外的;宇宙的。explicit外在的;清楚的。innovative创新的,革新的。
38. It is known to all that children in this region have strong ______to swimming in summer because of the hot weather.
A. inclination
B. exposure
C. flux
D. correlation
【答案】 A
【解析】 句意:众所周知,因为天气炎热,这个地区的所有孩子都有夏天游泳的爱好。inclination倾向;爱好。exposure暴露;揭发。flux涨潮;熔化。correlation相互关系;相关性。
39. The torch was ______ by a famous athlete at the opening of thesport meeting.
A. implemented
B. deceived
C. exemplified
D. ignited
【答案】 D
【解析】 句意:在运动会的开幕式上,一位著名的运动员点燃了火炬。ignite点燃,点火。implement贯彻;执行。deceive欺骗,行骗。exemplify例证,作为例子。
40. These samples have to be ______ in certain kind of chemicalwater in order to protect them.
A. immersed
B. crisped
C. armored
D. arrayed
【答案】 A
【解析】 句意:为保护这些样本,它们必须浸泡在特定化学剂中。immerse沉浸,使陷入。crisp使发脆;使卷曲。armor为……装甲。array部署;排列。
41. Her talk at the seminar clearly ______ from the topic thesupervisor expected in the field of sociology.
A. alternated
B. amplified
C. designated
D. diverged
【答案】 D
【解析】 句意:她在研讨会上的发言明显地与主管人期待的社会学领域的主题有分歧。diverge分叉;分歧;脱离。amplify放大;增强。designate指明;任命。
42. Three years ______ before he returned home from the UnitedStates.
A. denoted
B. destined
C. elapsed
D. enveloped
【答案】 C
【解析】 句意:当他从美国返回家的时候,三年的时光已经流逝了。elapse(时间)过去,消逝。denote指示;表示。destine注定;预定。envelop遮盖;包围。
43. A ______ plan needs to be considered and accepted so as to lowerthe prices in these cities.
A. deliberate
B. disincentive
C. functional
D. fantastic
【答案】 A
【解析】 为了降低这些城市的物价,应该考虑接受一份深思熟虑的计划。deliberate深思熟虑的;故意的。disincentive抑制的。functional功能的。fantastic幻想的;奇异的。
44. Sometimes in drawing and designing, the sign X ______ theunknown number
A. facilitates
B. fascinates
C. denotes
D. jots
【答案】 C
【解析】 句意:有时在绘画和设计上,X符号代表未知数。denote指示;表示。facilitate使容易;推动。fascinate使着迷,使神魂颠倒。jot略记;摘要记录下来。
45. The speaker was very much ______ by rude words and behavior ofthe audience in the hall.
A. jerked
B. incensed
C. laced
D. limped
【答案】 B
【解析】 句意:演讲者被大厅观众粗鲁的言行所激怒。incense激怒。jerk急推;猛拉。lace扎带子,束以花边。limp跛行。
46. The two countries have developed a ______ relation and increaseda great deal in foreign trade.
A. managerial
B. lethal
C. metric
D. cordial
【答案】 D
【解析】 句意:两国发展了密切的关系并大幅增加对外贸易额。cordial亲切的,诚恳的。managerial管理的。lethal致命的。metric米制的,公制的。
47. The doctor’s ______ was that she should go and see thespecialist in this field.
A. constraint
B. counsel
C. coherence
【答案】 B
【解析】 句意:医生的忠告是她应该去看这方面领域的专家。counsel劝告,忠告。constraint约束;强制。coherence一致。consciousness意识,知觉。
48. The United Nation Law of the Sea Conference would soon producean ocean-mining treaty following its ______ declaration in 1970 thatoceans were the heritage of mankind.
A. unanimous
B. abstract
C. autonomous
D. almighty
【答案】 A
【解析】 句意:继1970年的一致声明,即海洋是人类的遗产,联合国海洋法会议不久将出台一条海底采矿公约。unanimous意见一致的,无异议的。abstract抽象的,深奥的。autonomous自治的。almighty全能的。
49. They need to move to new and large apartments. Do you know ofany ______ ones in this area?
A. evacuated
B. empty
C. vacant
D. vacate
【答案】 C
【解析】 句意:他们需要搬到大而新的公寓中。你知道这地区有空出的吗?vacant空着的;空缺的。vacate“腾出;空出”为动词。evacuated排空的;撤退者的。empty空的。
50. The bad and damp weather in the hot area would enable the plantsto get ______ quickly
A. decomposed
B. denounced
C. detached
D. deduced
【答案】 A
【解析】 句意:炎热地区的湿热天气使植物很快腐烂。decomposed已分解的,已腐烂的。denounced公开指责,公然抨击。detached分开的,分离的。deduced推论的;演绎的。
51. The government decided to take a ______ action to strengthen themarket management.
A. diverse
B. durable
C. epidemic
D. drastic
【答案】 D
【解析】 句意:为了加强市场管理,政府决定进行大刀阔斧的改革。drastic激烈的,大刀阔斧式的。diverse多样的;变化多的。durable持久的,耐用的。epidemic流行的;传染的。
52. The local residents were unhappy about the curfew in this regionand decided to ______ it.
A. disgrace
B. disguise
C. defy
D. distress
【答案】 C
【解析】 句意:当地居民对当地的宵禁感到不满并决定反抗。defy不服从,公然反抗。disgrace玷污;使丢脸。disguise假装,伪装。distress使悲痛;使穷困。
53. They admitted that they shared the same ______ on the matter.
A. potentiality
B. sentiment
C. postscript
D. subscription
【答案】 B
【解析】 句意:他们承认在这件事情上他们有相同的感触。sentiment感情,情绪;情操。potentiality潜能;潜力。postscript附言;后记。subscription订金;捐献。
54. We cannot be ______ with him due to his misbehavior at themeeting yesterday.
A. pecked
B. reconciled
C. perturbed
D. presumed
【答案】 B
【解析】 句意:由于他昨天在会上的不礼貌,我们不能与他和解。reconcile使和解,使和谐。peck啄食;扔石头。perturb扰乱,使不安。presume假定,推定。
55. Bad traveling conditions had seriously ______ their progress totheir destination in that region.
A. tugged
B. demolished
C. hampered
D. destroyed
【答案】 C
【解析】 句意:那个地区的交通条件差,严重阻碍了他们到达目的地的进程。hamper妨碍,牵制。tug用力拖;拖拉。demolish毁坏,破坏。destroy毁灭,消灭。
Part Ⅳ Cloze (10%)
Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank thereare four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fitsinto the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Sea rise as aconsequence of global warming would immediately threaten that large fraction ofthe globe living at sea level. Nearly one-third of all human beings live within36 miles of a coastline. Most of the world’s great seaport cities would be (56)_____ New Orleans, Amsterdam, Shanghai, and Cairo. Some countries — MaldivesIslands in the Indian Ocean, islands in the Pacific would be inundated. Heavilypopulated coastal areas such as in Bangladesh and Egypt, (57) _____ largepopulations occupy low-lying areas, would suffer extreme (58) _____ .
Warmer oceanswould spawn stronger hurricanes and typhoons, (59) _____ in coastal flooding,possibly swamping valuable agricultural lands around the world. (60) _____water quality may result as (61) _____ flooding which forces salt water intocoastal irrigation and drinking water supplies, and irreplaceable, natural (62)_____ could be flooded with ocean water, destroying forever many of the (63)_____ plant and animal species living there.
Food suppliesand forests would be (64) _____ affected. Changes in rainfall patterns would-disruptagriculture. Warmer temperatures would (65) _____ grain-growing regions pole-wards.The warming would also increase and change the pest plants, such as weeds andthe insects (66) _____ the crops.
Human healthwould also be affected. Warming could (67) _____ tropical climate bringing withit yellow fever, malaria, and other diseases. Heat stress and heat mortalitycould rise. The harmful (68) _____ of localized urban air pollution would verylikely be more serious in warmer (69) _____ There will be some (70) _____ fromwarming. New sea-lanes will open in the Arctic, longer growing seasons furthernorth will (71) _____ new agricultural lands, and warmer temperature will makesome of today’s colder regions more (72) _____ But these benefits will bein individual areas. The natural systems —both plant and animal — will be lessable than man to cope and (73) _____ Any change of temperature, rainfall,and sea level of the magnitude now (74) _____ will be destructive tonatural systems and living things and hence to man as well.
The list ofpossible consequences of global warming suggests very clearly that we must do everythingwe can now to understand its causes and effects and to take all measurespossible to prevent and adapt to potential and inevitable disruptions (75) _____by global warming.
56. A. ascended
B. assaulted
C. erased
D. endangered
57. A. which
B. where
C. when
D. what
58. A. dislocation.
B. discontent
C. distribution
D. distinction
59. A. rebuking
B. rambling
C. resulting
D. rallying
60. A. Increased
B. Reduced
C. Expanded
D. Saddened
61. A. inland
B. coastal
C. urban
D. suburban
62. A. dry-land
B. mountain
C. wetlands
D. forest
63. A. unique
B. precious
C. interesting
D. exciting
64. A. geologically
B. adversely
C. secretively
D. serially
65. A. shift
B. generate
C. grease
D. fuse
66. A. hiking
B. hugging
C. attacking
D. activating
67. A. endanger
B. accommodate
C. adhere
D. enlarge
68. A. profits
B. values
C. effects
D. interests
69. A. conditions
C. surroundings
D. evolution
70. A. adjustments
B. benefits
C. adoptions
D. profits
71. A. alternate
B. abuse
C. advocate
D. create
72. A. accidental
B. habitable
C. anniversary
D. ambient
73. A. adapt
B. alleviate
C. agitate
D. assert
74. A. ascertained
B. conformed
C. consoled
D. anticipated
75. A. tutored
B. relayed
C. triggered
D. reflected
56. D 海平面上升危及沿海城市。endanger危及。ascend攀登;上升。assault攻击,袭击。erase抹去,擦掉。
57. B 空格部分需要填入关系词,在定语从句中作状语,指代的是前面的地点,因此填入where。
58. A 由于人口大多分布在地势较低的地方,所以海平面上涨会导致人口急剧减少的混乱。dislocation混乱;断层。discontent不满。distribution分配;分发。distinction区别,差别。
59. C 飓风和台风会导致海岸洪灾的发生,result in导致,引起。rebuke指责,谴责。ramble漫步;漫游。rally重整旗鼓;使恢复健康。
60. B 根据后面提到的盐水进入沿海的灌溉系统和饮用水可知,水质量应该下降,所以用reduced。
61. B 本段主要是围绕海平面上升和沿海地区所受的影响。
62. C 在沿海地区的自然地带,有可能被海水淹没的,在选项中只有“湿地”符合。
63. A 这里指在湿地生活的独特的动植物,因此填入unique。
64. B 食物供应和森林将受到不利的影响。adversely不利地。geologically地质学地,地质地。secretively稳秘地,隐匿地。serially连续地。
65. A 变暖的气候将使谷物的种植地带向两极方向移动。shift移动,移位。generate产生,发生。grease涂脂;贿赂。fuse熔合。
66. C 昆虫侵袭庄稼应使用动词attack。hike远足;步行。hug拥抱。activate刺激;使活动。
67. D 气候变暖会使热带气候范围扩大。enlarge扩大,扩展。endanger危及。accommodate供应,供给。adhere粘附,胶着。
68. C 这里指局部化的城市空气污染的有害影响。effect影响。
69. A 在更加温暖的条件下会更加严重。condition条件。accommodation住处,膳宿。surrounding环境。evolution进展;进化。
70. B 后文列举的新的海中航线会在北极圈开辟等影响属于有利的方面,因此选B项。adjustment调整;调节。adoption采用;收养。profit利润;益处。
71. D 在更北部更长的种植季节会创造新的农业耕地。create创造;增加。alternate使交替。abuse滥用;虐待。advocate提倡;鼓吹。
72. B 气候变暖使如今更冷的地方更加适宜居住。habitable可居住的。accidental意外的;附属的。anniversary周年纪念。ambient周围的。
73. A 植物和动物自然系统处理和适应能力比人类差。adapt适应。alleviate使易于忍受;减轻。agitate搅动;煽动。assert断言;声称。
74. D 现在能预见到的和气温、降水和海平面相关的变化都会给自然界体系和自然界生物带来毁灭性打击。anticipate预期。ascertain确定;探知。conform使一致;使顺从。console安慰,慰藉。
75. C 采取一切办法来防止和应对全球变暖所引发的潜在影响和造成的不可避免的破坏作用。triggered触发的。tutor辅导;辅助。relay使接替;传播。reflect反射;反映。
fraction n. 片段;小部分
inundate v. 淹没
spawn v. 产卵;产生
Part Ⅴ Translationfrom English into Chinese.
Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese, and then write it onthe ANSWER SHEET.
Understandingthis transition requires a look at the two-sided connection between energy andhuman well-being. Energy contributes positively to well-being by providing suchconsumer services as heating and lighting as well as serving as a necessaryinput to economic production. But the costs of energy—including not only themoney and other resources devoted to obtaining and exploiting it, but alsoenvironmental and sociopolitical impacts—detract from well-being.
For most ofhuman history, the dominant concerns about energy have centered on the benefitside of the energy-well—being equation. Inadequacy of energy resources or moreoften of the technologies and organizations for harvesting, converting, anddistributing those resources has meant insufficient energy benefits and henceinconvenience, deprivation and constraints on growth. The 1970’s, then, representeda turning point. After decades of constancy or decline in monetary costs—and ofrelegation of environmental and sociopolitical costs to secondary status—energywas seen to be getting costlier in all respects. It began to be probable thatexcessive energy COSTS could pose threats on insufficient supply. It alsobecame possible to think that expanding some forms of energy supply couldcreate costs exceeding the benefits.
本文属于科技文体,翻译时要注重应用文的语气和文风。语序可以不拘泥于原文,比如第二句话的positively,为使整体句子结构通顺,可以将其单独拿出来作为一个分句,译为“从积极的方面来看”。“byproviding such consumer services as heating and lighting as well as serving asa necessary input to economic production”结构比较复杂,就可将其拆分为几个意群,以分句的形式翻译。“and hence inconvenience,deprivation and constraints on growth”这一句,英语可以直接用名词概括其本意,但直译为中文则显得牵强,所以应该变词为句。总体看来,本文翻译手法灵活多样,结构形式符合中文语言习惯,并能将其本意完全表达出来。
two-sided connection双重关系
well-being n. 幸福
sociopolitical adj. 社会政治的
inadequacy n. 不充分
deprivation n. 剥夺
constancy n. 不屈不挠;坚定不移
Part Ⅵ writing(15%)
Directions: You are asked to write in no less than 200 words about the title of Harmful Plagiarism in Academic Field in China, You shouldbase your composition on the outline given in Chinese below. Remember to writeneatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Plagiarism meansexpropriating the exact words or ideas of another author without attribution.It is a serious violation of the ethics of scholarship. By regarding other’sworks as their own, those who plagiarize should be shameful of themselves andtheir works. Since the original authors have paid lots of time and energy intheir works, they deserve the outcome and success of their work. However, iftheir outcome is plagiarized or even stolen by others, they wouldn’t considerit fair and just. While there are people who work hard but can not get whatthey should have, there are also people who don’t work but get other’s fruitsof success. That unfair phenomenon is caused by plagiarism.
All the people,no matter teachers or students, should have the obligation to resist plagiarism.First, self-discipline is the most direct and effective way to resistplagiarism. By advocating the sense of fairness and justice, people would beaware of respecting other’s works. Second, strengthen the punishment ofplagiarism. Once plagiarism is found out, severe punishment should be executedso as to protect the ethics of scholarship. Last but not least, the publishingor academic institution should supervise closely on the publication of works.
As doctoralstudents to be, we should be disciplined in our own academic work, remindingourselves to obey the rules. We should also remind and supervise other peopleand prevent them from plagiarizing. Forming the good disciplined work habits isalso helpful to resist plagiarism. In all, doing research and writing paperswith our own efforts as well as resisting plagiarism is our responsibility.
expropriate v. 没收,剥夺
ethics n. 道德规范
self-discipline n. 自律,自我约束
supervise v. 监督;管理
quotation n. 引用
distinguish between sth and sth分清两种事物