Study questions
1. Which variety ofEnglish would you say is being used in the introductory quotation from LeeTonouchi?
Key: Hawai’iCreole English or (in Hawai’i) Pidgin
2. What is thedifference between an accent and a dialect?
Key: The term ‘accent’ is used torefer to pronunciation features only; whereas ‘dialect’ covers features ofgrammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.
3. What is onedisadvantage of using NORMS in dialect surveys?
Key: By using ‘non-mobile, older,rural, male speakers’, the dialect description may be more accurate of a periodwell before the time of investigation, and hence not an accurate reflection ofcontemporary usage.
4. What does an isoglossrepresent in a linguistic atlas?
Key: An isogloss represents thelimit of an area in which a particular linguistic feature is found among themajority of speakers.
5. What are the firsttwo stages of language planning in the process of adopting a national language?
Key: The first two stages are‘selection’ (choosing an official language) and ‘codification’ (creatinggrammars and dictionaries).
6. In what specific wayis a creole different from a pidgin?
Key: A creole has native speakers, apidgin has none.
B. Two pioneers of dialectology were Georg Wenkerand Jules Gilliéron. In what ways were their methods different and which methodbecame the model for later dialect studies?
Key: (1) Georg Wenker
① mailed a questionnaire with 38short sentences to 1266 schoolmasters in the Rhine valley, asking them to“translate” them into local dialect
② Extended survey to other partsof Germany over next few years: 44,251 responses in total
③ Data quality very variable:informants were not trained
(2) Jules Gilliéron
① Atlas linguistique de la France
② Used a fieldworker, EdmondEdmont, so phonetic data collected was consistently transcribed
③ Edmont was untrained (so nottainted by theory!)
④ Interviewed just 1 or 2 peoplein each of 639 localities, total 700 (of which only 60 female, age 15-85)