Study questions
1. What is a more commonname for the posterior speech cortex?
Key:Wernicke’s area
2. Is the use of “firedistinguisher” instead of “fire extinguisher” a spoonerism or a malapropism?
Key: It is a malapropism.
3. What is aphasia?
Key: Aphasia is an impairment oflanguage function due to localized brain damage that leads to difficulty in understandingand/or producing linguistic forms.
4. Which type of aphasia is characterized byspeech like this: speech … two times …read … wr … ripe, er, rike, er, write…?
Key:Broca’s aphasia
5. What happens in adichotic listening test?
Key: In a dichotic listening test, aperson sits with a set of earphones on and is given two different soundssimultaneously, one through each earphone, and asked to see what is heard.
6. What is the criticalperiod?
Key: The critical period is when thehuman brain is most ready to receive input and learn a particular language. Itis generally believed to last through childhood until puberty.
B. What is meant by the “bathtub effect” indescriptions of features of speech errors? Do any examples of speech errors in thischapter illustrate this effect?
Key:Examples secant, sextet, sexton (for ‘sextant’); firedistinguisher (for ‘fire extinguisher’); medication (for ‘meditation’);monogamy (for ‘monotony’)